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Ice (Elite Forces #1)

Page 5

by Hilary Storm

  “Any questions?” No one says anything, he’s covered everything. He’s meticulous in his detail, like he’s lived this exact scenario his entire life. He’s done his homework and with that, I can’t help but feel completely confident and proud to be a part of this mission.

  “Alright then, I need JJ and Captain Elliott to stay behind. Everyone else is free to sleep like fucking babies before all hell breaks loose tomorrow.” JJ looks at me with curiosity and concern. I’ve been forced to stay after every single team briefing we’ve had, so I’m not the least bit worried about what he'll throw my way. My only concern is how I’ll respond to it if he tries to consume me yet again.

  “I want you here, JJ, and Elliott... you'll take the back. Stand right here once we drop you on the roof.” He points to the rooftop of the large house inside the compound.

  “We’ll drop ropes before we land and you’ll have to move fast. Our element of surprise is what will give us the advantage. If I’m waiting on you to get your asses off that rope so I can drop the rest of us, it will change the outcome of this mission. Every second counts. Can you handle this?” He looks at JJ first, then at me. Without hesitation, we both accept our assignment. Going into this with a man watching my back on that roof is exactly what we need to do.

  “Thank you, JJ. You’re dismissed.” He didn’t dismiss me. I stand with strength and will myself to be stronger than I have the past two times we’ve met like this. Knowing this will most likely be my last encounter with him alone, I wait for him to lead the direction this is going to go.

  “Tomorrow will be intense.”

  “Yes, it will, Sir.”

  “It’s an important mission and we can’t fuck this up.”

  “I have no intentions of fucking anything up, Sir.” He walks closer to me, putting his intensity into my personal space, making me feel him again. He’s so fucking powerful that he radiates dominance just standing near me.

  “You’re going to spend the night with me.” Excuse me? Has he lost his mind? There is no way in hell I’m taking a chance of getting caught. And I most assuredly do not need any more distractions. This man has already squirmed his way under my skin by taking complete control of my existence out here. He will not consume me like this. Not before this mission.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Do you have somewhere else you’d rather stay?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Then why not?”

  “Because I want to stay focused and prepare for the mission.”

  “That’s exactly what you shouldn’t do. If you worry about it, you’ll start second-guessing everything. There’s no way to plan for a mission like this overnight. This is what you’ve trained for years to do.” He has a point, but I’m not staying the night with him. He needs to know that I’m not at his fucking beck and call.

  He moves closer and begins to touch me, not acknowledging the ‘no’ that leaves as a whisper from my mouth.

  My body betrays me like it does every time I’m around him. It has to stop, and yet my skin comes alive again with his touch and my heart begins to beat rapidly with anticipation of his next move. I know he’ll undo me. He’ll have me begging in seconds if he continues. Knowing I have no choice, I turn and begin to walk away from him. My entire body is screaming at my stupid mind that has decided to regain logic and deny him what he wants. What I want, which is everything I should stay away from. How can one man be so condescending and make me crave him all at once? He’s so sure of himself.

  Its dark out, the only light is the moon shining on everything, lighting it all up enough to see him when I turn around. He's following me back to my tent. I know him well enough to know he’ll come right in. He doesn't have boundaries, he's proven that time and again.

  I make a detour and walk him back to the structure he stays in. Turning to face him once I get there, I watch his face as he gets closer. It's almost primal. He’s angry that I walked away, but I can't help him with his issues.

  “Good night, Commander.” I say it with finality. With every intention that those are my final words to him, but he acts like he doesn't even hear me.

  His steps get faster as he nears me, with him not stopping until he's crashed into me. His hands are on my face, pulling my lips toward his in an urgency I've never felt before. I don't pull back. Hell, I don't have time to process that I need to. He invades me.

  His arms move around my body, pulling me closer to him. He wraps me up in his arms and walks us both until we’re inside the walls of headquarters.

  My hands finally move to his back, and I slide my fingers over the ripples of muscle. He's fierce in his kiss, and I kiss him back just as hard. We explore each other’s mouths with a magnitude so forceful I feel my body begin to melt, blending with the desert heat. We're ferocious, our mouths parted and tongues tangling. For the love of god, this man can kiss as well as he can fuck. He’s a master at everything.

  What the fuck is it about this man that makes me forget everything I've planned? It's like it is all rushed out of my head the second he causes chaos with his unpredictable intensity. How can I plan my reactions towards him when I have no idea what to expect from him at any moment?

  He pulls my hair out of the tight elastic containing it, pulling me from his lips when he does. We breathe heavily together, while his eyes move across my lips before looking into my eyes.

  “Don't fucking walk away from me.” His voice is deep, moving straight through my body and into my core as he continues. “You waste my fucking time and yours walking away from what will goddamn happen.”

  He sits me on what feels like a stack of wooden boxes and quickly moves to pull off my shirt. Exposing my breasts with both hands, he moves close, licking and biting in the most perfect way. I'm not fighting him off. He feels too fucking good for that. He knows how to handle me, and I've never had someone treat me like this before. It may be fucked up, but it turns me on to a level so far beyond any man before him. There's something about knowing you're actually with a man that would be a challenge to you in a battle. Battling for control and the need to outdo each other would become a vital focus. A woman needs a man just like a strong man needs a woman. Kaleb and I could go at each other all damn day. The truth is, I’ve lost against him every single time. He’s slowly breaking my walls down and for the life of me, I can’t understand how he manages to do it every time.

  He pushes me until I'm lying flat on my back, my legs still dangling off the side. His hands move fast to remove my boots and pants just before he spreads my legs and moves in.

  His tongue is tight as he swirls it around, making me feel him all the way to the center of my body. He grabs my ass and lifts me closer to his face, making it almost impossible for me to stay quiet as his beard scrapes across my upper thigh. His nibble on my clit is my breaking point.

  I try to squirm out of his hands, but he relentlessly holds me in place, devouring my orgasm in its entirety. His beard gives an added friction, and I find myself grinding my hips into his face before it's over. Shit. He’s overpowering and his intensity begins to eat me alive.

  I'm sensitive to his touch as I come down from the full body spasm he causes.

  “See what you fucking walked away from.” He unzips his pants and enters me quickly, filling me completely on the first thrust. My pussy is still throbbing, and I can feel every inch of him as he moves in and out of me. His thrusts are quick and firm, but not consistent. He's pausing between each thrust, making me think and messing with my mind.

  “Look at you. You want to control this. You want me to go faster.” He thrusts harder and faster, then stops just when I start to feel good again.

  “Or slower.” He keeps a steady pace, allowing me to get worked up before he goes back to the inconsistent thrusts.

  “You can't stand the fact that I have you in a position of no control.” I think about what he’s saying. He's right to a point, but he needs to realize that I can still manage. Let’s see how he likes t

  I slide my hand over my clit and begin to make circular movements, throwing myself forward toward another orgasm and not caring what he does. His dick is doing its job, fulfilling the need I have to feel the fullness. The rest can be done easily on my part. But I know firsthand his long, strong fingers feel better than my own.

  He grabs my wrists with both hands, puts them into one grip, then reaches for the belt on the pants at his knees. I’m panting and anger surges through me. I hate that I can't scream at him and tell him exactly how I feel. Hell, do I even know how I feel?

  He doesn’t give me time to address my emotional turmoil. The thrill of his orders rings loud and clear in the deepness and in the way he speaks.

  “Stand up.”

  I slide off the boxes, and he wraps my wrists together behind my back. He pushes my head down until I'm bent facedown against the box, then slides back into me, thrusting hard. How I’m staying quiet is beyond me. The way he glides in and out of me, hitting every nerve, makes me want to yell for more and beg to be fucked harder.

  My legs and breasts feel the wood with each slam, and it isn't until he grabs my shoulder with one arm and my hair with the other that I notice what I'm lying on. The light from the moon hits it just right, so I can see what I'm smashed up against.

  “What the fuck? These are explosives, Kaleb,” I say quietly, knowing my eyes are wide.

  “I know. How does it feel to be so fucking hot that I'd slam my dick into you on a case of explosives?" His words are powerful, but this shit scares the hell out of me. My insides freeze. Any chance of orgasm flows from my body, leaving me terrified. He slows his movements like he feels my change.

  “We can do this one of two ways. You can agree to stay the night with me, or we can continue fucking right here.”

  He pulls his cock out and moves it to my ass, rubbing the tip over the entrance. My body defies me, and I actually spread my legs a little wider, giving him the go-ahead. The mission is tomorrow, and I know this is the last time I’ll ever be with this man. I should be the one demanding everything. I’d give everything to really be able to examine his glorious cock and watch him lose control for once under my command.

  I may be weak in this moment, allowing him to fuck me like this, but I’m not spending the damn night with him. No way. He continues to prime my ass with the slickness of his cock and the moisture from my pussy. I close my eyes, feeling his fingers glide between my legs, sweeping upward and stretching my ass cheeks when he slides a finger inside. My eyes snap open when the tip of his cock pushes in slowly. His dick is still wet from fucking me, and that helps him slide into my entrance.

  My pussy is aching for him to return, but the more he pushes himself in, the more I feel an incredible orgasm resurface. I forget about the explosives and focus on how he makes me feel. I begin to burn with the progress he makes, slowly filling me each time. It takes a few jerky movements from his hips and complete stillness from my ass before he gets in enough to actually start moving. I feel exquisitely full. Oh god. Why do we have to be here? I want to yell at him to fuck me hard because right now, I need to come.

  I swear he reads my mind. His movements hit rapidly. He maintains consistency when he thrusts harder, making me crazy. My skin explodes with an indescribable sensation, and I fall quickly onto the edge of an orgasm. This is my first time for this. I've never allowed another man near my ass, but god, does this feel like hell moving straight through heaven.

  “Tell me I'm the first.” He thrusts forward slowly, drawing my eyes back to the box below me. This speed I can handle. No sudden movements and we’ll be fine, but fuck if it isn't insane trying to do this on explosives.

  “Yes.” I close my eyes and take the burn he’s causing over every single inch of my body.

  “Yes, what?” He speaks to me in a deep growl as he practically begs for my response. I know what he wants to hear

  “Yes, Sir.”



  She’s fucking sexy as fuck. How will I let her go once this mission is over? She's perfect for me. I love the challenge of showing her she likes to submit to me and me alone.

  She’d be the perfect one to show my true desires to. I can show her so much pleasure through my touch and make her feel what she's never felt before. Jade would never submit to me though. Not how I want her to. She’ll test me. Piss me off and have me slapping this beautiful sweet ass that’s staring me right in the face. I’d give up on trying to derive a plan to have her on her knees at my command if she agreed to take this further with me once we leave here.

  I'll have to make sure this isn't the last time I'm with her. Things will be so much different when we’re out of this fucking desert and home where we can learn more about each other. I want to have her in my bed, so I can show her how good I can make her feel and worship this sinful body that tempts every man who looks at her. God, I want her.

  She's moaning as I fuck her slowly in the ass. It's tight, so tight that I'm only about halfway in. I love that I'm her first in this.

  I drive forward a few more times before I feel her orgasm. The change causes me to dive right into my own release. She's so tiny, and I love that I can just pick her ass up and fuck her anywhere. It's a convenience that won't be lost on me if ever given the chance back in the States.

  I let my eyes explore her beautiful back and ass. “Why is your back scratched all to hell?”

  I step back and watch as she carefully stands away from the boxes, her eyes watching them like they're a ticking time bomb.

  “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “This wasn't me. If you remember, I wanted to fuck you in my cot while you stayed the night with me.”

  “I'm not staying with you, Kaleb.”

  “You will one day, and what the fuck happened to your back?” And goddamn it. She’s stubborn as fuck. She will stay with me. I will make damn sure of it.

  “You're so sure of yourself.” I don't respond, but I am. I always get what I want, because I'm not afraid to put in the work to get it. “You happened to my back.”

  I try to comprehend what she’s saying as she continues. “You fucked me up against that wall.” It finally registers, and I begin to feel guilty for the markings all over her shoulders.

  “Shit. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “So you liked it?” The thought of her enjoying something like that pulls my mind to a very dirty place. A place I’d love to explore with her.

  I button my pants and hand her top to her, watching her as she tries to fix everything I just messed up. She has no idea how sexy this fucked look is on her.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she dismisses me before she walks out of the small shit hole I'm staying in. She fucking dismisses me. I question my damn sanity, allowing her to walk away from me. Tucking my head to my chin, I let out a laugh. I’m out of my fucking mind if I think she’s going to break easily. Fuck. It’s the other way around. She’s going to be the one to break me.

  I lift my head, wishing she would walk back in and stay here, letting me hold her all night. I may like control and rough, raw, gritty sex, but I’m not an asshole when it comes to the wants of a woman. Especially one like her. Her exterior shows complete hardness, but I know inside she’s vulnerable. She has to hide that though; hell, we all do when we enter a place like this.

  This is no place for the weak, and she sure as fuck is strong. But my beautiful Jade is soft, I can see it in her eyes and in the way she looks at me. She needs me to hold her and to tell her things that only a man would tell a woman he cares about. I’ll tell her, it’s breaking down those heavy walls she has up about me that will be the hard part.

  She thinks all I want is to fuck her. She couldn't be more wrong. I’m way ahead of her in the caring department. I’ve never wanted to have a woman so bad in my life. Not until I laid my eyes on her, and I sure as fuck never wanted a woman to own me like she quickly has. When we're out of here and back on the soi
l of the free, I plan to show her that’s exactly what we can be.

  We can be free. Free to explore whatever is happening between us. Because, whether Captain Jade Elliott will admit it or not, there is definitely more to us than just sex.

  “Good morning, Sir.” Major Roberts walks into my office.

  “Morning, Major.” I gesture with my hand for him to take a seat in one of the chairs opposite of me.

  “The chopper will be here at 02:00, Sir. They want us in and out and back by 06:00.” Son of a bitch. I move quickly from my chair and grab the papers out of his hand. Scanning them over at first, I see everything seems to be in order. Then I take the time to read every word carefully. “This is it. Let’s go through one more briefing with the team and make sure everyone is on the same page here.” Roberts stands, spins on his boots to leave, and I sink back onto my desk when he’s out of sight.

  The adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. The anticipation of killing this fucker who thinks he can take out innocent women and children in his own damn country fuels me. Killing American soldiers and retaliating against our Army. I’m here to kill and to honor my fellow Americans. To first and foremost protect my country. My team and I will succeed in this mission, and the world will be a much safer place because of it.

  “Motherfucker.” I take off my sweat-soaked shirt, tossing the bitch in the corner of my office. Training was easy. Everyone knows what their responsibility is, right down to the two-man medical team. Aim and shoot anyone who stands in our way of killing the man we came here to kill.

  What’s really got my ass riled up is her. Jade. She wouldn’t look at me all goddamn day. Nothing, not even when I addressed each one of them individually, making them all repeat what is expected of them and for two of them to stay together at all times.

  I stared her down when I spoke to her. Telling her if she has the shot if we draw him out, she better fucking take it. She addressed me appropriately in front of her teammates with her answer, but fuck me. I need to see her up close when she talks to me. I need to taste her lips on mine one more time before we go. “Fuck.” I grab a clean shirt, pulling it over my head as I walk out the door.


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