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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 11

by Sara Crest

  Yeah, a little longer…

  Chapter Twenty


  I just wanted him to come back, it was late and I was getting worried. All I could think about was him walking around alone calling my name, not even realizing that I was back at the apartment. We needed to figure out what we were going to do about us, I couldn’t think of any middle ground where we could stay together. For us to stay together one of us would have to give and be unhappy, and that wasn’t the kind of foundation we could build our relationship on.

  The door opened and Jack stumbled inside, I rushed over to help him stay on his feet, practically catching him from falling over.

  “You’re drunk!” I said as soon as the smell of alcohol hit my nostrils. “I ran out all alone and you went to go drink?”

  “Oh please like you want anything to even do with me!” Jack cried out pushing me away and stumbling onto the floor. “Just let me live my life you were going to leave me for someone better anyway what’s the fucking point?! Like you’re gonna want to give up a comfy life just to be with a man like me.”

  I tried to help him back up to his feet but he kept pushing me away. “Jack that’s not true, I don’t want to leave you I want to be with you but I can’t live with knowing that I’m standing in the way of your dream and I can’t go back to being involved with organized crime.”

  “Then I guess I gotta make them disorganized” Jack slurred out, using the couch to get back up to his feet before trying to get to his room.

  “Come on Jack be serious. I want to have a real conversation about us, about our future. You’re the first man I’ve ever given myself to and I want you to be the only man I ever give myself to.”

  “You want a conversation about us? Ok here’s us in a nutshell; I thought I could be with you and have my freedom at the same time but that’s not gonna fucking happen. You’ve been locked away in that fucking creepy ass apartment your dad built and you have your own hopes and dreams, dreams that are gonna get in the way of what I want just like how my dreams are gonna get in the way of what you want.”

  He collapsed onto his bed, I was surprised he even made it that far. I stood there in silence, watching him as he stared at the ceiling like he was trying to burn a hole through it.

  “We’ll… we’ll just talk about this in the morning ok” I said trying to fight back tears. I hated that he was right, but there had to be some way. There just had to be! I wanted to be with him, I felt connected to him, I gave myself to him because I thought what we had was real and now it was all falling apart so fast it wasn’t fucking fair!

  I looked at him as he drifted in and out of sleep, I couldn’t imagine how he was even awake when he was drunk, tired, and dealing with the hits he took yesterday night.

  “How did you even get home? You couldn’t have walked all the way back.”

  “What the hell do you care? I’m here ain’t I?”

  “I was just wondering Jack, just because all of this is going on doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”

  He sighed “if you gotta know some guy at the bar helped me back. Guy nearly my height, almost bald with a beard that makes him look like he’s got a sheep on his face, I think he said he met you last night but I dunno I wasn’t listening.”

  The guy from last night? The one that pulled me away from the crowd?

  I walked over to the window to see the guy standing on the sidewalk next to the apartment building, talking on the phone. He was standing under a streetlight and if I squinted really hard I could just barely make out his face.

  “Guy gives me the fucking heebie jeebies when he talks, but he kept buying me beer so I dealt with him. Ruined my buzz though” Jack said half asleep.

  “Where the hell do I recognize you from?” I said to myself. Was he on a biker show I had seen online? Did he just look like someone I met before? Maybe he just kinda looked like Chuck, rest his soul.

  “Do you think he almost looks like one of your old Iron Horses brothers?” I asked Jack. No response. I turned to see him out cold, guess everything got to him.

  I walked over and gave him a kiss on the lips, I didn’t know how long I would have before I wouldn’t be able to do that again. Despite all of his faults I had still fallen for him, and he said that he loved me, things weren’t supposed to be like this. I saw that he had something crumpled up in his palm, I opened his hand up to see what looked like a photo. I took it and uncrumpled it to see that it was a picture of me, it was a photo dad had taken of me back when he wanted me to date the son of that Don in Miami. He probably sent a copy to the don so that he could see if I was a good fit for his son. I don’t know where Jack got it from but my heart practically melted when I realized that he must have been carrying it around with him.

  I picked up a pen that was resting on his nightstand, touching it to my tongue to make sure it would write. I set the photo down on the nightstand and scribbled the first message I could think of and ended it with a heart.

  I folded it neatly and put it in his pocket, no matter what happened to us at least he would always have something to remember me by. I sighed after I slipped it in his pocket, I didn’t like how it felt that I was letting him go by doing what I just did. I didn’t want to feel this way, I didn’t like the gut feeling I had about everything that was going on.

  I turned away from Jack, trying to set my mind on something else as I wandered around the room.

  The bearded man’s face kept popping into my head and no matter what I did I couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew him. I haven’t even met that many people in my life this shouldn’t even be happening. A chill went up my spine as I realized something, if I really did know recognize him then the only way I would actually know him would be through my dad.

  “Now calm down, for all I know he might just look like someone I know.”

  I tried to calm myself down, trying to ignore the intrusive thought popping into my head. “There’s no way I know him, no possible way…”

  I laid down next to Jack and tried to fall asleep but I just couldn’t shake the feeling I had. I tossed and turned but no matter what I just couldn’t get his face out of my mind.

  After god knows how long I got fed up and decided to go for a night walk. I looked through Jack’s clothes drawer and threw on a hoodie that I could use to hide my face so that nobody would notice me.

  I headed out of the apartment and walked down the stairs outside. I wasn’t really sure where to walk to so I just decided to walk to the coffee shop where I got the food earlier, seemed like it would be far enough for me to clear my head.

  “Wish I had my phone, then I’d be able to listen to music” I said to myself. Although if I had it I would probably be getting nonstop calls from my dad, wonder how many messages he’s left on there. I walked the completely empty streets, I was overheating in this hoodie when I didn’t even need it to hide from anyone, nobody was even around.

  I reached the coffee shop faster than I expected, time flies when you’re stuck deep in your own head.

  “Might as well head back I guess…”

  I looked down both the streets almost as if I was expecting someone to just show up and solve my problems for me. I guess when you have your whole life planned out for you and suddenly you’re able to make decisions for yourself it’s hard to make the switch. As I turned around I looked in the alleyway of the store to see a man injecting himself with a syringe. I slowly backed away so that he wouldn’t notice me and started heading back to Jack’s apartment.

  “It’s a shame how many people that shitty drug is affecting.”

  That was when it hit me.

  It hit me like a ton of bricks and a wave of fear washed over me.

  I started sprinting back to Jack’s as fast as I could, my heart was beating so fast I could practically hear it in my ears.

  The man at the bar, I did know him. He used to be one of my bodyguards, he was the one that got addicted to heroin and pulled the gun out on my other
guards. I didn’t recognize him because of how different he looked with his beard, I didn’t even think he was alive. My dad must have spared his life and he came out here and made a life for himself. The way that he looked at me back at the bar, he knew exactly who I was, he recognized me.

  Oh god oh god oh god. What if he knows about me running away, what if he’s trying to collect a reward out on me, why else would he suck up to Jack for a whole day? We’ve been in the same spot for 24 hours now my dad is probably almost here!

  I burst into the apartment building and ran up the stairs to Jack’s. I ran into his room and practically jumped on him, shaking him as hard as I could to get him to snap out of his drunken stupor.

  “Jack come on we have to leave now!”

  He was drifting in and out of consciousness but I couldn’t get him fully awake.

  “Jack please! My dad is on his way I just know he is!”

  I got off of him and ran to the kitchen, filling a glass with ice cold water before running back into his room and throwing it on his face. To my dismay it did absolutely nothing.

  I began to sob, I couldn’t believe we were going to get caught, I couldn’t believe I had to go back to that life. No. No I couldn’t let them take me.

  I grabbed Jack’s keys from out of his pocket and ran outside only to remember that he had never brought the bike back from the bar.

  What was I even thinking, even if I remembered how to get to the bar, even if I knew how to ride a motorcycle when I didn’t even know how to ride a bike or drive a car, I couldn’t just leave Jack behind. He got me this far I couldn't just leave him knocked out on his bed.

  I did the only thing I could think of, I went back to his apartment and I began to bar the door with any furniture that wasn’t nailed down.

  I looked through his kitchen drawers and found a butcher’s knife and some tape, I held the knife firmly in my right hand and then began taping my grip completely shut so that no matter what I couldn’t let it go. I wasn’t going to let them take me, Jack fought for my freedom and now it was my chance to fight.

  I sat there in the corner for hours, drifting in and out of sleep waiting for something that I didn’t even know was going to happen or not.

  Then I heard it.

  The sound of tires screeching into the parking lot.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  What was happening?

  I kept hearing some loud screaming and banging on the door.

  Fucking neighbors my hangover is killing me can’t they argue at some other time? Fuck a hangover, I’m still a little drunk...

  I felt a hard hit on my face, jarring me awake harder than I’ve ever been woken up in my life.

  “Tie the fucker!” I heard a familiar voice scream out.

  Through it all I could make out the sound of Viktoria screaming. I opened my eyes but my vision was hazy, I saw two men holding down Viktoria, wrestling a knife out of her hand before binding her hands together.

  I heard the sound of duct tape being being pulled off of its roll and I felt my legs being tied together.

  I finally started to really realize what was going on as my vision came back to me. I saw Axel and someone I didn’t recognize trying to hold me down and tie my legs together.

  I swung at Axel, hitting him square in the jaw and knocking him off of me and onto the floor. The other guy was able to quickly begin tying my hands together as I struggled to free my legs from the duct tape.

  I looked over to see Mike and Ron gagging Viktoria so she couldn’t scream as Axel and the new guy dragged me off of the bed and began kicking me hard in the gut before putting a piece of duct tape over my mouth.

  “Mother FUCKER, you think we wouldn’t find you two?” Axel said as he put another layer of tape over my mouth to make sure it wouldn’t come free.

  Mike picked up Viktoria and carried her as she desperately tried to kick herself free from him. “Will you just hold still you fucking bitch!” Mike yelled out.

  I failed.

  I promised to protect her and I failed.

  How did they find us? How could I let this happen? I love her and I failed her, she doesn’t even have a chance to be off on her own now.

  I screamed through the duct tape and struggled against my restraints but it was no use.

  Ron and Axel picked me up and carried me out of my apartment and down the stairs. I thrashed against them with all the strength I had but it was too late, there was nothing I could do.

  They brought me outside and I saw a black muscle car crudely parked right outside the entrance. The new guy ran up and opened the trunk and they threw me inside. Axel came and punched me a few times in the gut before Ron came and intervened. “Relax, Petrov wants to deal with him anyway.”

  I saw them bring Viktoria over to the other side of the car and shove her inside before slamming the trunk shut on me.

  “FFFFuuuucckk!!” I was able to scream through the tape on my mouth, it came out so muffled I doubt they could even tell what I said.

  They started up the car and sped out of the parking lot. I rubbed my face against the interior of the trunk to try and get to duct tape to come off but it was no use.

  I let this happen.

  I fucked up.

  This was all my fucking fault and we were both going to pay for it.

  * * *

  Being the back of the trunk during that drive was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. All I could think about was how I let her down. How even if we had split up at least I could have saved her from her dad.

  I failed her.

  Being stuck in the trunk with the summer heat was getting to me as well and I would have given anything for a glass of water. By my count we were nearing Chicago so it wasn’t like I had much time left anyway.

  I started to hear cars passing us on the highway, we were getting closer and closer to the city, the only thing I could do now was wait and see what they would do to me.


  I started to recognize where we were, we had just reached the outskirts of the city and from the look of it we were headed towards where my dad had kept some storage facilities. It all started to make sense now, why he never wanted me to come inside whenever he took me to one of his properties, it was where he took his victims.

  I had given up struggling against our captors a few hours ago, even if I did get away from them there was no way that I would be able to make it without help.

  I tried to hold back my tears thinking about what they’d do to Jack, what my father would have in store for him. We had failed, we barely even got anywhere and we failed. We failed at running away, we failed at giving each other prolonged happiness, and we failed at making something from our opportunity to be together. Maybe this was always going to happen, maybe we were naive to think that my father wouldn’t eventually find us even if we did stick together. If we slipped up that easily who was to say we wouldn’t have slipped up after we reached out west?

  It didn’t matter now, Jack didn’t even want me and in the end he was going to die for it. He was going to die all because he risked his life and threw aside his real dreams all just to give me a chance at a somewhat normal life.

  We pulled into an area filled with old and rundown warehouses, similar to the place where Jack and I had hid from the men who had tried to kill me.

  They stopped the car and got out, pulling me out by my arms as I tried my best to escape and maybe even make a break for it. It was no use.

  They opened the trunk and pulled Jack out, cutting his feet loose so that he could walk. He immediately used his newly freed legs to knee Ron as hard as he could in the stomach, it looked like he was about to attack the man restraining me with just his legs but Mike quickly tackled Jack to the ground.

  “Alright take the gag off of her” Ron said recovering from the hard blow he took to the stomach. ”I don’t want Petrov thinking we treated her rough.”

  “If it were up to me we’d get a
little more out of her” Axel said eyeing me up and down while grabbing his crotch.

  “Fuck you!” I heard Jack scream through the duct tape on his mouth, it was muffled but he certainly got his point across. I couldn’t believe it, even though he didn’t want me anymore he still tried his hardest to defend me.

  Ron kicked him hard in the gut as he thrashed on the ground trying to free himself. “Axel if you say shit like that you’re gonna get us killed.”

  “I’m just saying after chasing these fuckers for days and having to deal with Petrov it’d be nice to get a little something out of it.”

  “Axel just shut the fuck up, chances are her dad’s already inside waiting for us. If he hears you we’re all dead” Mike said angrily.

  “Yeah yeah, whatever.”

  They lifted Jack to his feet and started pushing him towards the warehouse as Mike and their new guy started to carefully pull the duct tape off of my mouth.

  “Don’t make us regret taking this off” the new guy said to me. “If you misbehave your boyfriend is gonna get it a whole lot worse.”

  I wanted to call out to Jack, I wanted to talk to him but I was afraid that they would stay true to their word and hurt him.

  The led me inside the warehouse, I saw my father and a few of his men standing there waiting and I immediately became nauseous.

  Our glances met and he looked at me with absolute disgust, even when he had gotten angry at me he never looked at me like that before. I couldn’t imagine what he would do if he found out I had given myself willingly to Jack, for Jack’s own safety I’d have to keep it to myself.

  “Here they are Mr. Petrov” Axel said as Mike handed me over to one of my dad’s men.

  My father walked up to me and grabbed me by my face, squeezing my cheeks together hard with his hand as he stared angrily into my eyes.

  “I gave you everything and you repay me by running off with this low life? Did I really raise a daughter that would fall for a man like that?”


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