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Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga)

Page 6

by Fuller, Karen

  She didn’t think this was the least bit funny. Just the sound of his voice made her ache for him. He was right, she would be begging…she was almost to that point now. She had to get away, now, because if he touched her again she would be a goner.

  She averted her eyes and stepped around him, figuring that maybe if she ignored him he would give up. She rubbed her hands briskly over her chilled arms. “Can we go now? This place is kinda creeping me out.”

  Desiree glanced at Drake, then at Mica, unsure how to respond. “Sure, kiddo, I guess.” She looked to Drake and shrugged.

  Drake flipped out his cell phone, bringing up the speed dial. “Sean, bring the Hummer to the mausoleums.” He paused. “Yes, we have the women.” He paused again. “I know the sun is up.... Idiot,” he growled under his breath. “Go into my chamber and get three amulets, and bring two others with you.” Drake looked at his phone, cursing under his breath. “Tell me again why I put up with you? Take one of the amulets for yourself, then give one to Jacob and the other to Jonah. They’re my best trackers.... Because Justin Hargrove got away…you know what? Just send Jacob and Jonah, give the other amulet to Tracy. You stay at the warehouse.... Because if I see you right now, I’ll rip your fucking throat out.” Mica laughed out loud and Drake glared back. “We need the Hummer, now!” he yelled into the phone.

  Sherry started when he snapped the phone shut. Mica was still laughing, but she was leery about standing too close to an angry vampire. Skirting the smashed coffin, she sat down next to Desiree on the bench.

  Mica stood and clapped his friend on the back. “Trouble in paradise?”

  Drake bared his teeth when he growled, dropping his fangs. Still grinning, Mica took a step back.

  “You’re walking on thin ice,” was Drake’s reply.


  Sherry sat in the back seat of the Hummer next to Drake. Another vampire, Tracy, one of Drake’s trackers, was behind the wheel. They were headed toward her house.

  “I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me ride home with Desiree and Mica,” Sherry said again for the fifth time.

  Drake refused to answer after the second time.

  Sherry sighed heavily. “I need to go pick up my car.”

  “I’ll have your car delivered. For now you’re not leaving my sight.”

  “This is ridiculous.”

  “Hargrove is on the loose. Normally a mere human wouldn’t cause me much concern. We’d track him down and eliminate the threat. However, if he’s anything like his father, then he’s a crafty little bastard. Desiree had to turn his father into a rat and cage him to stop him. I’ll not leave you unprotected.”

  Sherry crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “I don’t see what this has to do with me. He wasn’t after me. He was after Desiree. Go bug her.”

  “She has Mica to protect her. I’m concerned about you. You know he’s a witch hunter, love. He knows you’re a witch, and he’ll be after you too.”

  She looked out the side glass. “Fine…whatever.”

  He laughed softly. “You are stubborn.”

  She turned her head and glared, taking exception to his laughter. “Get used to it. I’m just getting started. You’ll want to be rid of me soon enough.”

  “Somehow I doubt that. I’ve been around for over three hundred years. After a while things get a little mundane. So far you’ve been quite entertaining. Not only are you beautiful, but you possess a fiery spirit. Being in your company will prove to be anything but boring.”

  Arrogant bastard, I’d love to wipe that cocky grin off his face, she thought as she rolled her eyes at his statement. “That’s wonderful; I amuse you, glad to hear it.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “Whatever do I do for an encore?”

  His grin broadened as his eyes emanated an unnatural glow. “I can think of a few—” The scowl she gave him stopped him in mid-sentence. The car coming to a stop in front of her house allowed him the reprieve to change the subject. “We’re here.”

  A smile touched her lips as she breathed a sigh of relief. “Great. I just want to go into the house, take a bubble bath, then go to bed and forget this day ever happened.”

  She grabbed the door handle and shot out of the car.


  A bubble bath and bed, hummm, that sounds intriguing, he thought. He only paused a moment to appreciate the twitch in her hips as she rushed toward the front door. Her short skirt left little to the imagination.

  His cock hardened in anticipation, the ache intensifying with each delicate step. He couldn’t remember ever being this obsessed with a human before. All he could think about was burying himself deep within her and hearing her scream out his name as her body quaked and milked him with her own orgasm. His cock twitched and strained against the zipper with that thought. “I’ll have you yet,” he said under his breath.


  “Take the Hummer back to the warehouse. I’m staying here. I’ll call when I’m ready for you to pick us up.”

  Tracy turned in the seat. “Us, sire?”

  Drake spoke as he slid out of the SUV. “Yes, she’ll be staying with us. It’s no longer safe for her here.”

  Tracy grinned, exposing his fangs. “The witch is not going to like that one bit.”

  Drake leaned into the Hummer slightly before closing the door. “I’m counting on it.” He heard Tracy’s laughter as the door closed.


  As soon as Desiree placed her purse on the end table Mica swept her off her feet and sat down on the couch with her in his lap. “I want to hear no more arguments about a body guard. Hargrove could have killed you and your friend today, and if we hadn’t bonded it would have taken me a lot longer to find you. As it is you need healing, again.” He smiled. “It seems that the last time I rescued you from a Hargrove your face was in the same condition.” He raised an eyebrow. “Are they naturally abusive men or….”

  She smiled sheepishly. “I guess I don’t know when to shut up.” She furrowed her brow. “What do you mean ‘need healing again,’ as if you had healed me? I healed on my own last time, thank you very much,” she said in irritation, then his smile grew. “Are you implying that you could have healed me?”

  “I—hmmm—I sense that to tell the truth will irritate you. However, you did heal immediately after we bonded.”

  Did I? she thought, searching her memories. Her eyes widened. I did. “How did you do that?”

  “You drank from me when we bonded. My blood has healing properties.”

  “If you could have healed me all along, then why didn’t you offer to heal me sooner?”

  “At the time I didn’t think you would be too cooperative with me opening a vein and telling you to drink. Also, there was the issue that I was supposed to deliver you to Drake and leave. Giving you my blood would have given us a connection. I would have always been able to feel you.”

  “Would that have been so bad?”

  “To walk around with a perpetual hard on for a woman I couldn’t have? What do you think?”

  She laughed. “Um, knowing you, I believe that you probably would have killed someone or challenged Drake for me.”

  “I believe I did that last night.” Mica said, and the smile fell from Desiree’s face as she remembered the events. Drake had refused to let her leave with Mica, and they nearly fought. She had threatened to throw a fireball at Drake. They were very fortunate that he found humor in the situation. “Lucky for us that Drake didn’t have us both put to death for treason.”

  Desiree shuddered. “Drake is dangerous. Mica, I’m worried about Sherry.”

  Mica sighed. “I don’t think he’ll harm her. I haven’t seen Drake show this kind of an attraction to a woman since his wife died.”

  “I thought you said that when mates bond, if something happened to either of them the other would die.” Mica nodded. “If that’s the case, then why isn’t Drake dead now?”

  “I said wife, not mate. He was married to her when he was still human.
She died in childbirth along with the babe.”

  “Women have babies every day; it’s generally no big deal. What happened?”

  “This was a little over three hundred years ago. Many women didn’t survive childbirth back then. The child was breech, and she bled to death. Drake blamed himself.” Mica frowned as he thought back. “Come to think of it, there are many things about Sherry that resemble Cara. Her hair color is about the same, and her eyes. Yes, her eyes resemble Cara’s.”

  “Sherry is not Cara.”

  “I know, and I know Drake knows that too. It just might explain his sudden interest in your friend.”


  Is it even still the same day? Sherry wondered as she dug through her purse looking for her house keys. So much had changed in the course of a few hours. She was physically and emotionally exhausted. Her attempts at resisting Drake were wearing her out. Her mind was at constant war with her hormones, her body betraying her at every turn. Just concentrate on getting inside, she thought. He’ll grow bored waiting in the car and will eventually give up. Desiree’s right. I got a little too close to the flame and I’m gonna get burned if I’m not careful. Where are those keys, dammit? She pushed her wallet aside and her fingers grazed the key ring. Yes.

  As she pulled the keys free, Drake plucked them from her fingers.

  She frowned, reaching for the keys. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing? I thought you were still in the car.”

  He jingled them just out of her reach, flashing a smile. “I’m opening the door. I can’t protect you from the car.”

  As if to reinforce his words, the Hummer pulled away from the curb and rounded the corner, disappearing from sight. She was now alone with Drake, and that scared the hell out of her. With as much resolve as she could muster she looked him squarely in the eyes. “I’m not inviting you inside. Vampires can’t come into a person’s home unless they’re invited.” At least she hoped they couldn’t.

  He turned the key in the lock, pushed open the door, and crossed the threshold. “That’s a myth, love.” He continued down the hall, checking every corner.

  She stomped her foot in frustration, then chased after him. “Stop, Drake, I didn’t invite you into my home. Where do you think you’re going?” She ran up behind him. “You are not king in my home. This is my castle, not yours.” She reached out, grabbing his arm to stop him. She knew what she said was childish, but there was no way she wanted him traipsing about her home like he owned it.

  He paused briefly, chucking her under the chin. “I am king everywhere, and as such I do not need your permission.” Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. “And as to where I am going, I’m making sure the place is secure.” He turned and continued toward her bedroom.

  She stood rooted to her spot, dumbfounded. She watched him walk right into her bedroom like he owned the place. Her mind raced frantically. What am I gonna do? He’s gotta go, but how? She managed to get her feet to move then stood in her doorway, watching him investigate everything. Think, think, think…. She turned her head and spotted her jewelry box. She smiled triumphantly as she marched toward her dresser.

  Drake caught her movement and stopped to watch her. She knew he was still watching her as she turned her back to him. She could feel it like a physical caress. Grabbing the box, she rummaged through the jewelry, laughing softly to herself. Her fingers plucked the gold cross and chain from the clutter. Yes, this should do it. Placing the chain around her neck she turned around and thrust her chest forward, smiling broadly. “See how well you handle this, sire.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Hmmm, an offer.” His voice was low and sexy. Her eyes rounded, and his smile broadened at her reaction. He ran his finger over the cross, then let his fingers drop to caress her breast. Her nipples pebbled. “Not quite begging, but—”

  “Oh, shit….” She tried to take a step back but was already wedged against the dresser, so she placed her palms against his chest to push him away. She had thought she was clever putting on the cross, but the instant she had uttered the words she saw her mistake. “I, uh, that’s not what I meant.”

  “Your lovely lips speak words of denial….” Pulling her to him he brushed his lips lightly over hers. Her arms relaxed and her body melted into his. He cupped her butt cheeks and pulled her up against his hard erection. “But your body betrays you. It knows what you want….” Placing feather soft kisses down her neck, he hovered over the vein pulsing at the base. Her pulse quickened beneath his tongue as he ran it over the sweet spot, drawing it into his mouth but not biting. “What you need….” He slid his hand beneath her skirt; his fingers inched beneath the elastic of her panties to caress her butt. “What you crave.”

  Sherry couldn’t think. Her body was in a fervor. The fiery caresses and soft-spoken words ignited a sudden craving to be his. Need churned in the pit of her belly, settling in her core, cream soaking her panties. These new sensations took over and pushed the voice in her head screaming dangerous into the background.

  He knew the instant she let down her guard and slipped his finger between her soft folds, pumping in and out of her. She rocked her hips, soaking his hand with her juices. “Oh, God,” she moaned. “What’s happening to me?”

  “You are discovering what it means to be a woman, love.” He added a finger, stretching her, plunging deeper as her inner walls pulsated. “You are so tight.”

  She writhed over his fingers, her breath coming out in short pants. “I’ve never—”

  “Let yourself go, love. Just feel.”

  Just feel? She didn’t know what to feel. Every nerve ending in her body was hypersensitive. The sensations were building to an almost unbearable level, but she didn’t want it to stop, not ever. “Please…I need….”

  He laughed softly, withdrew his fingers, then took a small step back.

  Sherry’s eyes flew open in confusion and sexual frustration, her body aching for his touch. “Why did you stop? I thought….” She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself self-consciously. “You’re laughing at me—why?”

  “I just wanted to prove a point.”

  A point? Her breathing was slowly coming under her control again as her body cooled a bit, allowing her to think. “Obviously I miss your point, because I don’t understand.”

  “My point was that I told you that you would beg me to.”

  And I begged, ran through her head. Sudden anger and embarrassment washed over her. “Why you arrogant son-of-a-bitch!” In a flash, her hand snaked up to slap the smug look from his face, but his reflexes were faster, catching her wrist in midair. She tried to yank her hand back as she yelled, “Let me go!”

  “No, we’re going to finish this.”

  “The hell we will.” She balled up her fist on the other hand and took a swing and him. He dodged that blow too and pinned both hands over her head. She squealed in frustration, then narrowed her eyes, panting with her struggles. “Just wait until I get loose.”

  His smile broadened. “A little hellcat—mmm, I love your spirit. You’ll make an excellent warrior—and lover.”

  “Lover!” she spat. “Fuck you! I wouldn’t sleep with you now if you were the last man on earth.”

  Undaunted, he pulled her sweater up over her head and past her hands before she even realized he had loosened his grip. He cupped her breast, running his thumb across her nipple peeking through the lace, then rolled the marbled bud between his fingers. “The thought of sleeping hadn’t crossed my mind.”

  She stomped her foot and tried to pull her hands free. “Stop that.”

  He smirked, ignoring her command as his nimble fingers popped the front clasp, and her heavy breasts swung free of the lacy fabric. His eyes now focused on her exposed skin, and against her will the rosy peaks puckered under his gaze. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve desired to taste you from the moment I laid eyes on you.” He pulled her to him, pressing her body against his hard erection. Then he nuzzled her neck, inhaling her scent. “Ambrosia—y
our scent is intoxicating. It’s an alluring mixture of your arousal and….” He rubbed his cheek against hers, inhaling again. “And—innocence…a virgin.”

  Her heart hammered in her chest. He knows. She renewed her struggles, now suddenly afraid. She didn’t fear the loss of her innocence, it was the fear of losing herself. Her body was no longer her own. It now craved his touch. She wanted more and hated herself for it.

  “Please…don’t,” she said, but her resolve sounded weak even to her own ears. Unable to move, she watched with morbid fascination as he knelt down, lowered his head, and drew the aching peak between his lips and suckled. She threw back her head and licked her lips as sharp waves of pleasure spread throughout her body, leaving her writhing beneath his skilled mouth.

  Sherry was so wrapped up in feeling that she didn’t notice when he had let go of her arms. She was now holding on to the back of his head, cupping her breast with the other hand and feeding it to him. She felt him run his hands down her hips and smoothly slide her skirt and panties down her legs. She shivered as his lips now traveled across her abs, and the sharp pangs of need throbbed to new heights. Entwining her fingers in his hair, she moaned. “Please…don’t…stop.”

  He looked up into her eyes, staring intensely. His were dark and smoldering, then he grinned and stood.

  Her mouth dropped open. No not again, then she panicked. She frowned, shaking her head frantically. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  He chuckled, sweeping her off her feet and crushing her against his chest as he walked toward the bed. “No matter how tempting it is to pin that luscious body of yours up against that wall, bury my cock deep within your liquid heat, and have my fill, I’m not that selfish.”

  Sherry’s frown intensified as she squirmed in his arms to get away. “Put me down and stop toying with me.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose and tightened his grip. “I’m not toying with you.”

  “Drake, so help me….” She huffed out a long breath of exasperation. “Just put me down so that I can go take a cold shower and get dressed.” She looked away to avoid his eyes and lowered her voice. “I think I’ve suffered enough humiliation for one day. I’d like to forget about you and this day ever happening.”


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