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Conversion Book Three: 'Til Death

Page 47

by S. C. Stephens

  Halina didn’t like not intimidating people. She released Hot Ben and started to move towards the mixed that irritated her to no end, but Gabriel’s arms slinked around her waist, drawing her tightly leather-wrapped hips back into his. “Let it go, love,” he whispered. Halina melted into his body and did actually let it go.

  Of course the twins darting over to her probably helped. Gabriel released her hips when they attached to her legs. “Grammy Lina!” they both yelled together. Teren, sitting on the other couch with my mother and sister, locked eyes with me, smiling contently at everyone being together again.

  When the kids were nearly comatose from their sugar high, I got up to put them to bed. Teren stood with me, but put his hand over mine as I went to reach for Julian. Scrunching my brows, I looked up at him. He smiled at me softly, then lifted his eyes to Tracey. I followed his line of sight, even more confused. The perky blonde met his eyes, waiting expectantly with a slight furrow in her brow, seeming to not know what he wanted either.

  Looking back at Teren, I watched as he smiled wider at her, tilting his head adorably. “Tracey, would you like to put the kids to bed?”

  Tracey’s eyes widened as her mouth burst into a huge grin. Standing, she nodded. “Yeah, if you don’t mind.” She shrugged while Teren shook his head and helped the sleepy kids stand up. Sneaking a peek at Ben, Tracey murmured, “I love kids.”

  Ben’s eyes widened as that sunk in. Containing a smile, I was sure that a baby was soon to follow their wedding night…about nine months after their wedding night. Maybe sooner, if Tracey had her way. Squatting down to Julian and Nika, she ruffled their hair. “What do you say kiddos, can Auntie Tracey put the birthday boy and girl to bed?”

  They both grinned and nodded and Teren and I gave them warm hugs and kisses. The scent of birthday cake lingered around them and the faintest trace of frosting lined their mouths. It still churned my stomach a little, but not as bad as before. Giving their cheeks dozens of kisses, I reminded Tracey to help them brush well. Hopefully they remembered to keep their teeth up in their tiredness. Well, if not, Halina was right on hand to mentally rewind Tracey if necessary.

  Once the kids were loved on and sent out of the room, Teren twisted to face the people left behind. He smiled at each friend and family member and I sat in his spot by Mom, snuggling into her side as I waited for him to say what was obviously on his mind, something he didn’t seem to want Tracey in on. I figured it was vampiric then, since everyone in the room now knew the family secret.

  Mom wrapped her arm around me as Teren cleared his throat. Running a hand back through his hair, he smiled nervously. “Um, well, I wanted to talk to all of you about something…and now seems as good a time as any.”

  Ashley looked over to me and I shrugged, not knowing where his head was at. Teren smiled over at me, relaxing as he met my gaze. “We’ve been through a lot together, and one thing I’ve learned through all of it…is we work better together. That’s how family works,” he whispered to me and I smiled, remembering my words to him.

  His eyes swept over the rest of the room slowly. “I really don’t think we’d have gotten Julian back if…” he choked up and swallowed, trying again, “if we hadn’t all been on the same page.” Smiling at his parents, then Ben, then Halina and Gabriel, he shook his head. “You were all so amazing. I’m so…grateful…to each of you.”

  His eyes drifted to Mom and Ashley and he sighed, a little sadly. “My family doesn’t stay in one spot for too long…and it’s getting close to the time when we should leave here.” His brow furrowed as he shook his head. “Emma and I have talked about what to do, whether to stay…or go…”

  Mom and Ash both looked at me and I dropped my head. I still didn’t know what to do about that one. I’d sort of forgotten, with everything that had been happening to us lately. I wasn’t sure why Teren was bringing it up now, when the actual move was still a ways away. Maybe he was going to plead his case for us to leave in front of everyone. That wasn’t really his style though.

  “Emma wants to be with her family…I do too, I love you all, but I need my family too.” He sighed softly, “But ultimately the choice isn’t only ours, which is why I’m bringing this up today.” I peeked up at him. He was smiling at me, shaking his head. “This affects everyone, so everyone should get a say.” He looked around the room. “Do you want to stay here in San Francisco…or do you want to leave with my parents to Utah?”

  I blinked as I stared at him. I hadn’t considered giving everyone the option to stay or go. It had just seemed like a decision only for us. I wanted to smile, considering everyone leaving the area together…but I didn’t know what the others would choose. Listening raptly, I looked around the room.

  Everyone looked at everyone else, no one saying anything right away. Teren shrugged. “I guess I’ll go first…I want to go to Utah.” He said that directly at me, his eyes apologetic.

  I nodded at him. I already knew that was how he was leaning. I was about to speak when my sister surprisingly beat me to it. “I want to stay,” she whispered. My eyes watered as I looked across my mother to her. She smiled softly and shook her head. “I know you want me to go, Emma, but my life is here. My work is here. Christian is here. I think he’s going to ask me to marry him and I want to say yes. I want a life here with him. I’m happy…and I want to stay.”

  I swallowed several times, not sure how to feel. She reached across Mom to lay her hand on my knee. “I’ll be fine, Emma.” She raised her half brows at me. “It’s okay for you to let me go.” Smirking she added, “I’m a big girl now. I don’t need my older sister looking out for me anymore.”

  I chuckled, swiping my fingers under my eyes. “I know you are.”

  As I clenched Ashley’s hand, my mother suddenly exclaimed, “Well, I’ve always wanted to see Utah…no better time than now. When are we leaving?”

  I focused my eyes to her, my mouth dropping. I really hadn’t expected her to say that. I’d really expected her to stick by Ashley. Her warm, pudgy face smiled and laughed softly, the lines of happiness around her eyes and mouth deepening as she did. “I want to be where I’m needed most, Emma.” She twisted back to Ashley, patting her thigh. “I love both you girls, and I’m so proud,” she looked back to me, “but out of the two of you, you could still use my help, I think.” Sighing, she added, “And I’m not getting any younger, Emma. I think I could use your help too.”

  Smiling, she looked up at the ceiling, where I could hear Tracey starting to read a bedtime story to my tired kids. “Besides, I can’t be that far away from my grandchildren.” The tears flowing freely now, I held her tight to me. Maybe I wouldn’t have to completely choose after all. Maybe I could leave and keep a part of my family close. I hadn’t considered that before.

  As a light chuckling went around the room, Hot Ben stepped forward. Resting his hand on Teren’s shoulder, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, man. You know I love you guys, but my life is here…with Tracey.” He looked up at the ceiling like my mom had. I could hear the oblivious blonde beauty still reading the twins their favorite story; their yawns more frequent now.

  “I’d love to move with you, Teren, but Tracey wants a life with me…marriage, a big house filled with lots of kids.” He shrugged. “I need to put her first. I need to stop lying to her. I need to give her the life she deserves, a normal one.”

  Teren smiled sadly, clapping his back. “I know.” He nodded his head, his eyes serious. “It’s been an honor knowing you, Ben.”

  Ben smiled, equally as sad. “No, Teren. The honor was mine. You, your family, you’re the most amazing people I’ve ever met and if you need anything, anything, I’m only a phone call away.”

  Teren smiled, tears glistening in his beautiful eyes. “Thank you. You don’t know what that means to me.”

  Ben extended his hand to Teren. “Yeah, actually, I do.” While they nodded at each other, shaking hands in brotherly friendship, I think I started crying harder than when Mom had agreed t
o go with us. Ben was everything to Teren. But it wasn’t like they’d be completely separated. If my sister was staying, then we’d be down all the time visiting. At least, that’s what I hoped.

  Letting go of Teren’s hand, Ben seemed to wonder the same thing. He pointed at Ashley as he looked back at Halina. “Will we get to remember you?” he asked quietly.

  Ashley perked up as she seemed to consider this for the first time. Halina looked between the both of them, then at Teren and I. Tilting her dark head, she nodded in acquiescence. “You have both earned our trust. We will never wipe you, not unless you ask. Your memories will be left intact, you have my word.” She shook her head. “You will be the only ones left behind, that entirely remember us.”

  Ben exhaled and nodded at the pureblood, looking relieved. Teren looked relieved too. He’d sort of bucked the family system when he’d fought for Ben to remember. I was so grateful that Ben had turned out to be the man he was. Teren deserved no less in a friend. Thinking of my friend staying behind, I raised an eyebrow at Halina. “Tracey?” I asked softly.

  Halina frowned at me and slowly shook her head. “I’m sorry, Emma, but no. I’ll let her vaguely remember, but not really. You’ll be a coworker she had once. Teren will be an old acquaintance of Ben’s. She won’t remember much more, even your names will be hazy. Everything specific about you, and us, will be blurred away.” She shrugged, looking genuinely apologetic. “I’m sorry, this is the way it must be.”

  I swallowed several times and tried to be okay with it. Tracey and I had gone through a lot together. Her not remembering any of it was going to…suck, but that’s just the fact of my life now. I was immortal. I was a vampire. Tracey was neither of those things. And she had a chance at a normal, happy life with Ben. I smiled as I looked up at him. They both deserved that.

  Smiling back at me, Ben shrugged. “It’s okay, Emma. I’ll take good care of her.” He nodded his head at Ashley, “Her and Ashley both. I’ll make sure they stay out of trouble.” Ashley smirked at him and a soft laughter went around the room again.

  Nearly as one, every eye shifted to where Gabriel was standing. He smiled at all the attention shifting his way. “You haven’t already guessed my decision?” he asked softly, meeting every eye.

  Halina stepped into his side, grabbing his hand. “You have a nest…I understand.” She swallowed and her lip quivered, his eyes shimmering bright red.

  Tilting his head, he palmed her cheek as he spoke over her shoulder. “Jacen, I’ve already informed Jordan of this, but I want you to know as well, that he’ll be taking over the nest in L.A.” His gaze shifted from Halina’s startled face to Jacen’s startled face. “I’ll be relocating to Utah.”

  I think every mouth dropped open. Everyone’s but mine. I’d been pretty sure Gabriel wouldn’t let Halina go that easily. I’d been hoping anyway. She’d been alone for too long. Him too.

  Jacen adjusted in his seat. “Father? Do you think that’s wise?”

  Gabriel lifted an eyebrow at him and Jacen stared at the floor. Starla stood and walked over to Gabriel, hands on her hips. “Well, I’m going too. You’re not ditching me, Father.”

  Gabriel smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. “I wasn’t going to. The choice is yours, Starla, yours and Jacen’s both. If you wish to stay in L.A., then I will leave Jordan with instructions to give you all the medication you need. But, if you wish to go with me…you may.”

  I frowned at this development but didn’t say anything. Starla’s eyes moistened as she looked between Gabriel and Jacen. She seemed to be choosing between the two men and it seemed to be killing her. The short, blonde male went to stand by his girl, encircling his arms around her. “I’m with you Starla, wherever you want us,” Jacen whispered.

  She swallowed and looked back at Gabriel. “You saved me. You took me in when I had nobody. You cared for me.” A tear dropped to her cheek. “I’m with you, Father.”

  Smiling, Gabriel brought her in for a hug. Halina sighed but kept her arm around Gabriel as well. I sniffled, my emotions still on overdrive. Gabriel kissed Starla’s hair as he closed his eyes for a second. Pulling back from her, he looked between her and Jacen. “I only have one request if you choose to stay by my side. “

  They both immediately said, “Yes, Father?”

  Gabriel frowned and shook his head. “That must stop. I am not your father and you don’t owe me obedience.” Sighing, he shrugged. “Please, call me Gabriel.”

  Jacen shifted his stance but smiled. Looking down he muttered, “Alright…Gabriel.” The way he said it was awkward, like he’d clearly been calling him Father for dozens of years, maybe a hundred or more, and it was completely unnatural to call him anything different.

  Starla snorted and pulled back from his embrace. “No, I won’t call you that.”

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes at her in a way that used to make her lower her head submissively. Making me very proud, she raised her chin defiantly. “My mother is dead. My sister is dead. Even my natural father is dead. You’re my family and I love you.” Rolling her eyes, she snarked, “I’m calling you Father whether you like it or not, so you may as well get used to it.”

  Chuckling, Gabriel shook his head and held her tight. “Alright then.”

  Releasing Starla after a moment, he twisted back to Halina, cupping her cheek again. She shook her head at him. “You’re staying with me?” she asked, seemingly dazed that he would.

  A blood red tear ran over Gabriel’s knuckles and he placed his forehead against hers. “I have been surrounded by people for centuries, Halina, but I have been completely alone until you. I have no wish to go back to a life of loneliness.” He pulled back to stare into her eyes. His green ones deep and soulful, he intently whispered, “I love you…do you love me?”

  Halina swallowed and started to shake her head before she stopped herself and nodded. “Yes, yes I do love you…so much.”

  Gabriel smiled and kissed her softly as another bloody tear rolled over his fingers. “Then we’re agreed,” he murmured against her lips.

  A small sob escaping me brought everyone’s attentions back to me. Darn emotional vampires. Teren laughed lightly at me as I glared at him before laughing myself. Throwing my hands into the air, I shrugged. “Alright, Teren, you win. I want us to go to Utah.”

  Chapter 24

  One Year Later

  I was a nervous, anxious, excited ball of energy. I was pacing back and forth, being careful to not distress my perfectly styled updo or perfectly applied makeup. While my body was maintaining a human pace, my mind was spinning faster than a normal eye would have been able to perceive. In fact, to a regular person’s vision, my brain probably would have seemed to be standing still it was processing so fast. I couldn’t help the restlessness…so much was going on.

  A little more than a year had passed since everyone had made their own choice on whether or not to stay in sunny San Francisco. Once our lives had calmed down from the horrid mess with Malcolm, plans to head out of State took off in earnest.

  Mom put her house on the market as a rental, still savvy of the real estate investment of a second free-and-clear owned home, since she also still owned the adorable Victorian house that I’d lived in for a time. She moved in with Teren and me once her house got rented out. Watching someone else live there was…weird, but with Mom in my home, it was okay. Her home would still have a nostalgic place in my dead heart, but Mom was what mattered, and the warmth that I associated with her old place would follow her to the next place, even if that was her own wing at the new ranch.

  And yes, once she moved in with us, Teren and I started closing our soundproof door again.

  Mom then proceeded to learn all that she could about homeschooling. She and Imogen were going to teach the children everything they would need to know. Until high school, that is. Teren insisted that they be allowed to join society, once their abilities were tightly under rein. High school was when Teren had come out, so to speak, and he’d immensely enjoye
d being around his peers instead of his parents. I wanted to give my kids that too, although, we’d be having firm discussions with them about the birds and the bees and how to be safe with your bodies. I didn’t need them to have all of Teren’s high school experiences.

  Teren and I decided to keep our place by the bay. It would be convenient to have a familiar home to go to when we came out to visit Ashley and Ben, and really, I was just too attached to the place to let it go. Smiling at how much I loved what was technically his home, Teren had warmly told me that we’d keep it forever if I wanted. And I did. I wanted it as our secret getaway spot. People have vacation homes, right?

  A few months after Julian was safe and sound, Hot Ben kidnapped Tracey. Well, okay, technically he swept her away to Mexico, where they eloped. He just didn’t want to wait anymore. I understood. A lot can happen while you’re waiting. Being the romantic that I always knew he could be, Ben didn’t tell her about it either.


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