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Double Deep Dark Desires

Page 8

by Olivia Harp

Mills leaned forward on the backseat, “we’re going to Henrietta’s. Her clothes are much better quality.”

  “Henrietta’s? You mean—”

  “Henrietta Del Valle.”

  “What, are you nuts? I just need to buy some jeans.”

  “Come on, Jena, let us spoil you a little.”

  “But Henrietta is—”

  “One of the world’s top fashion designers? Has her own TV show? Every piece is made right here in America?”

  “I was going to say too expensive.”

  “What, you think we can’t afford it?” Said Beast, staring at her with a smile on his lips.

  “Well, no, I mean—”

  “Don’t worry about that, we’re not low level grunts.”

  “I didn’t say that!”

  “We can be refined, too, you know?”


  That’s the first time she said his name like that. It made both Beast and him look at her.

  “I know you have money all right? You bought a freaking mansion in the suburbs, I’m not stupid. But I don’t want you to think I’m interested in that.”

  “Who said you were?”

  That shut her up.

  Yes, no one said she was, but still, it was embarrassing to let them buy her stuff.

  “You’re with us because it’s the best for you right now,” Mills said, “you would have run away if it wasn’t, right?”

  She didn’t reply. Was he right? Was she staying with them because of that? What would happen if the circumstances were different? Would she leave them? Would they be “just friends?”

  Or worse… fuck buddies?

  That’s not too bad, really, if you think about it.

  “Well, yes, of course,” she replied, and silence filled the cabin.

  Mills nodded, Beast didn’t say anything, just stared at the road.

  “I would have done it the day we met.”

  A glance, that’s all Beast did. Mills nodded softly.

  “Now, I don’t know.”

  Silence again. She didn’t know how long it lasted. It could have been a second that felt like hours, it could have been more.

  “I know how you feel,” said Beast, placing his hand on her leg.

  Mills smiled. The situation was weird enough already, but it works for all of us. Why start questioning it?

  “Don’t worry,” Mills said, “you’re the best.”

  That made her smile. Beast made a turn and there it was, to their right. Henrietta’s. The small, minimalistic building, it looked more like an art studio than a fashion store.

  “I never thought I would be buying clothes from here,” she confessed as she stepped out of the car, crossing the street.

  “That’s because you put all your money in your business,” Mills said, opening the door for her.

  “Yeah, a failed business.”

  “Still, it takes a lot of courage,” Beast said.

  “Welcome to Henrietta’s,” a young, Asian girl said, dressed perfectly in a magenta skirt, black top and a white, bulky jacket, she could have been a model if she wanted to, but here, she was a greeter.

  Suddenly, Jena felt supremely aware of herself. Dressed as if she just got out of bed, with a loose sweater and pants combo, coupled with semi-casual shoes that stood out the wrong way.

  “Hi,” she whispered back at the girl, and Mills took her hand.

  “Come on,” he said, and took her into the store.

  * * *

  The second floor was full of all kinds of women’s clothes, from casual outfits to full on business suits. The guys just said “pick anything you want.”

  The first pair of jeans she saw were $349, making her stop and look back at her men.

  “No,” Beast said, “don’t look at the price.”

  “I just—”

  “We hardly ever get to spend money, Jena,” Mills said, “we don’t have these… joys in our lives. It’s not just you that’s having a good time. Go ahead, get anything you want.”

  “Pants, dresses, shoes, purses,” Beast said, “all of it, don’t worry about the money, we sure don’t.”

  She grabbed a pair of pants, then another one. Picked up three t-shirts and that was it, that’s all she needed, she only needed to try them on.

  “Jena,” Mills said, staring at her, “we’re not leaving unless you spend at least five thousand dollars.

  “Ten,” Beast said.

  “But guys—”

  “But nothing,” said Beast, “choose anything you want, now, that’s an order.”

  His eyes filled with intensity. She knew they weren’t kidding, they wanted her to spend at least that much. They’re crazy.

  Their smiles said everything. Doing this made them happy. Not that she didn’t fantasize about having lots of money to spend on clothes, of course she wanted to do it, just not using another people’s money.

  “Jena,” Beast said, his eyes bright and blue and radiating happiness.


  “Go on!”

  She laughed, shrugged, and began picking up new clothes.

  “You guys are the worst,” she said.

  “We know,” Mills replied, smiling.

  * * *

  Two hours later, she had everything she had ever dreamed of, shoes, skirts, pants, dresses, jackets, perfume… everything. There was a girl helping her find her size, but most of the evening she’d been trying everything on her own.

  The guys sat on a small, comfortable-looking sofa, looking into the changing room.

  She put on a cute, fifties style red dress and walked outside, to them. She loved, loved, loved the v-neck and swing skirt.

  “What do you think?”

  They stared in awed silence.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Fuck,” Mills whispered. Beast leaned forward, his elbows sitting on his knees, hypnotized by her.

  “Come on guys,” she said, looking at herself in the mirror, “it doesn’t look that good.”

  “Stunning,” Mills said.

  There was complete silence now. A few minutes ago they were talking to each other, happily waiting for her to finish shopping.

  Right now, they articulate a single word. She looked at the store. There were just a few people around, most of them gorgeous, thin, perfect looking women.

  No one was paying attention to them. Stop thinking about it, Jena.

  But the idea had already settled in her mind. She would tease them until they couldn’t hold it anymore.

  Jena giggled and fixed her eyes on the boys.

  “So?” She said, “Red, or black?”

  She made a swift three-sixty and the skirt flew a bit higher than it should, letting them get a glimpse of her thighs.

  Both of them tensed up, almost as if in shock. Their muscles went hard, their faces red.

  “Guys?” She said feigning innocence.

  “Black,” said Beast

  “Red,” Mills said.

  She smiled, “I guess I’ll have to get both, right?”

  They were going crazy, she could tell even from ten feet away.

  She held the skirt and pulled it slowly up.

  “I think it’s a little bit long, though,” she said, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she could almost see them tremble.

  “Now,” a woman said, nearby, “get me a pair of shoes to go with this, plain colors only.”

  Jena released her dress instantly, before a middle-aged woman came walking from behind the changing rooms, a young professional by her side.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And Randy,” she said, “please don’t fuck up this time, I don’t want to waste much time here.”

  She stared at Jena, eyed her head to toe and went past her into the changing rooms.

  Randy stood outside, taking his time to pick what his boss asked. A nerdy kid with big glasses, he looked comfortable in his own style.

  You could tell
he was new at this, smiling foolishly at his boss.

  He sighed deeply and walked away.

  A cellphone rang from inside the changing rooms, the woman took the call.

  “Theresa here, yes…”

  She talked loudly. Like, very very loudly. Everyone heard she was the head of PR in a big law firm.

  “I don’t give two shits about what you want to say, Freddie, I’m the boss, I know better. Now do your work exactly as I told you to do it. Don’t get creative!”

  Jena sighed. Everything was going so well.

  “I don’t think it’s that long,” Mills said.


  “You said it was too long, no, I don’t think so.”

  Oh damn. The whole mood was destroyed by the loud lawyer in the changing room behind. Her teasing was an abject failure.

  “Thank you,” she said, defeated.

  The phone rang, another call for Theresa. Damn it, this was getting annoying. The woman wasn’t in a good mood, apparently, taking thinly veiled shots at the people she worked with.

  “You’ll have to model it for us,” Beast said.

  “What?” She replied, trying to ignore the background noise.

  “You know, to see if it’s too short, or not. You know I’m a jealous guy, don’t want anyone else looking at you.”

  “Oh, really, Mister…”

  It dawned on her that she still didn’t know his real name, only his nickname.

  “Wait. Beast, you still haven’t—”

  Beast knew what she was going to ask.

  “Model it for me. For us.”

  “Beast! I’m not going to do that, it’s embarrassing!”

  “Model it, for us,” he said with a deeper, calmer voice. It was like an order, the way he spoke made every hair in her body bristle. It was a command she couldn’t refuse.

  Mills looked at her in silence, his eyes never left her. He was waiting for her to do it.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Two big mirrors stood tall by either side of the changing rooms entrance.

  Shivers ran through her body. She hadn’t done this in front of other people.

  The last time I did was with Natalie, back on junior High?

  She was still a kid, back then. Now, a couple of gangsters wanted her to model this sexy outfit for them. It’s my fault, I teased them first.

  Mills leaned back, resting his arms on the back of the couch. Beast kept looking at her, his position unchanged, focusing entirely on her.

  She leaned on one leg, stupidly, but it made her laugh. Then she walked to them, acting like a super-model, but definitely looking much sillier, stopping a feet away from the boys, looking at invisible cameras, letting them take their photographs, then walked back to the changing room’s entrance.

  She was almost laughing now, yeah, it was super fun. She turned to see them, their eyes were still locked on her, unable to look away.

  She made a last turn and stood there at the changing room’s entrance just like they did on runways—

  “I found this, boss—”

  Jena stopped but it was too late. Randy watched her do half of her half-turn, Theresa was already staring at her from her changing room, her eyes a combination of pity and disgust she knew she would not be able to shake off easily.

  Her body stiffened, her face went red, how embarrassing!. She wanted the Earth to swallow her right now. A second ago she felt like the sexiest woman alive, now she felt like a loser.

  Randy smiled and looked down. He was too young, no older than twenty, and instantly knew what she was doing.

  “Hi,” he said, “I’m just…”

  He had some clothes on his hands, and moved past her toward his boss.

  “Thank you.”

  Goosebumps. A cold shiver in her body. Who was she trying to kid? She wasn’t sexy, or pretty, or thin and hot. She was just Jena.

  “Hey,” Beast said, still sitting on the couch, “you’re still not done, right?”

  Mills smiled, “no, she’s not. That was just a warm-up.”

  Jena smiled, at least they liked her.

  “Did you see that?” She heard Theresa say, “oh my God, what the hell is wrong with people?”

  Her voice was a whisper but she made sure everyone could hear her. She was that kind of a person.

  It was on purpose and Jena knew it. But she couldn’t stop feeling like crap. She looked inside the changing rooms briefly, without even wanting to, and saw Randy looking at her.

  He pressed his lips, embarrassed.

  “That’s it, guys, show’s over,” she said with a wink, pretending she was absolutely okay.

  The guys went from absolutely tense and ready to deflated.

  “Oh, come on!” Mills said, “we were just getting started!”

  Randy walked past her again, “excuse me,” and headed into the clothing racks, trying to find whatever crap Theresa wanted this time.

  She turned back to her men and suddenly she knew they knew.

  “No,” Beast said.

  “No what?”

  “I’m not letting you stop because of what that bitch said.”

  “Hey! Be respectful.”

  “I am being respectful. It’s just who she is.”

  Jena held back her giggling, looking at the floor.

  “Come on, Jena,” Mills said, “one last turn.”

  Jena’s eyes went wide. She was suddenly aware of everyone at the store. There weren’t many people but she could see almost all of them from where she stood.

  How could she say no to her men?

  She mustered an ounce of courage and placed her foot across her other one, and suddenly locked eyes with Randy, who passed from a clothing rack to another. They saw each other for half a second but it was long enough to feel totally embarrassed again.

  “I can’t,” she whispered and turned back and rushed into her changing room as fast as she could.

  She tried to close the door behind her but the door got stuck with something on the ground.

  “Damn it,” she whispered, still red with embarrassment, angry at herself. Why did she do that? The guys wanted her and she could only think about what other people thought about her. She was an idiot.

  She looked back to see what was stopping the door and found a boot. She raised her eyes and Beast was there.

  He’d followed her into the changers without making a sound.


  He walked inside and placed his hand over her mouth, to shut her up, nodding. Mills walked in behind him.

  “What are you doing?” She whispered thinly, suppressing a smile.

  “I told you we were just getting started,” Beast replied so quietly she could barely hear him.

  She laughed, then covered her mouth.

  The room was small for the three of them. The guys were too big, and the noise they were making was so loud she had to raise her hands.

  “Okay, okay!” She murmured, “let’s keep it quiet!”

  The phone rang on the changing room next to theirs, and Theresa picked it up.


  They could hear her moving, removing clothes as she spoke.

  “No, I don’t care if he’s worked for us for forty years, if he has to go, he has to go.”

  That woman was a monster.

  Beast mouthed “B-I-T-C-H,” and she laughed, only to cover her mouth against Mills’ chest.

  His arms surrounded her and all of the embarrassment and self-consciousness faded like it had never been there. She was a different person when she was with them. A better one.

  Beast caressed her neck and arm with the back of his index finger, goosebumps broke out on her skin.

  His hands went lower and lower, to her ass and upper thighs. This is what they wanted. This is what she deserved, for teasing them like she did.

  Beast pulled her dress up just a bit and his body went completely stiff.

  “You’re not wearing—”

!” She said immediately, “no, I’m not, I told you back at the house.”

  The men looked at each other. She stood between them, Mills on her front, Beast on her back, and could actually feel their cocks get hard against her body.

  It wasn’t like they just pressed against her. No, she was sandwiched between them, feeling their steel hard muscles on her skin.

  “Go on,” Theresa said on the other room, “no. I don’t mind.”

  Jena giggled and turned to Beast, who still held her skirt in his hands, moving against his manhood, grinding her body onto him. She could feel his struggle, he wanted to rip her clothes apart and take her, but held back back.

  He pulled her waist to him and kept grinding his shaft on her ass.

  Mills just pulled her hair and turned her to him, then, without waiting, kissed her.

  It was a frenzied kiss. This is what she’d done. She wore a cute little dress, modeled for them and now the two of them were going mad with desire.

  She let out a moan, soft and quiet, she couldn’t yell in here. I don’t want anyone calling the cops.

  Mills pushed her against the wall, his hand on her throat. Their reflection in the mirror was enough to make her go wild.

  Beast looked at her with wildness in his eyes.

  “Take it off” he whispered. Jena bit her lip and nodded, unzipping the back of her dress slowly, the fabric going lose on her torso.

  It was much more than Beast could take.

  He ripped it off.

  “Beast!” She whispered in shock, “this is an $800 dollar dress!”

  Mills pressed his hand a bit tighter on her neck, and she knew it didn’t matter. They would pay for it, and a dozen more if they wanted to.

  Her breasts were exposed. The thought of being naked here with the men she lo—

  The men who drive me crazy.

  She’d fantasized about this before, but never thought about turning her fantasy into a reality. She was so freaking wet.

  The erection in their pants was so hard she could see the outline of their shafts going down to their thighs, their boxer briefs barely holding them back.

  “Randy, what the hell? This is garbage, go back and get me—”

  The woman next door, the one that looked at her in disgust, pretending to be better than her, suddenly seemed so small.

  A terribly important person who couldn’t be happy with what she had, and had to put everyone else down to feel better about herself.


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