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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

Page 6

by Vella Day

“Who said anything about romance?”

  Jackson was stalling for time. He should be stripping her naked. “I’ll find one.”

  Hurrying into the kitchen, she found a small candle, lit it, and carried it into the living room, feeling like a priest readying for a sacrifice. She set it on the coffee table. “Better?”

  “I’ll let you be the judge.” He scooped her up and deposited her on the sofa.

  There wasn’t room for the two of them to stretch out, but Selena didn’t want to act like a know-it-all and tell him. Only after he knelt in front of her, did she understand what he was about to do. He tugged off one boot and she let out a sigh of relief. After he removed her sock, he repeated with her other foot then rubbed each sole with his strong fingers.

  Did he know a foot massage was the fastest way to her heart? Sinking fast into heavenly bliss, she hadn’t meant for the groan to escape, but her body was beginning to tingle from the wonderful pleasure.

  “I see you like this.”

  She didn’t want him to know just how much. “I’ve been on my feet all day.”

  He grinned and his dimples almost made her swoon. No man should be that good looking.

  “Uh-huh.” After ten more minutes, Selena’s muscles weakened. “Would you like my hands on other parts of your body?” he asked, his words full of promise.

  Decisions, decisions.

  Her cheetah spit out her answer. “Only if I can return the favor.”

  “How about if we both close our eyes and undress each other?”

  She loved his win-win attitude. Selena reached out and let him pull her to her feet. “You won’t cheat?”

  His grin spread across his face. “I might peak a little, but I’ll try to control myself.”

  For some reason, she found that funny and snorted a laugh. Jackson just shook his head then shut his eyes. She did, too, and her sense of smell heightened and her nipples hardened. “Can you take off your shoes?”

  “Can do,” he said.

  His boots thumped on the floor and his heat signature intensified once more as he stepped closer. Without a shirt, he was left with two pieces of clothing, which meant she’d have him naked in no time.

  When she tried to undo the zipper on his pants, however, he swatted away her hands. Immediately, she opened her eyes but found his closed, so she shut hers again. “Why can’t I undo your pants?”

  “Because I need to take off your top, and if you’re working on me, I won’t be able to concentrate.”

  That was a cop out—no pun intended. He didn’t need to concentrate. He feared shifting again.

  Wanting to return to her seduction sooner rather than later, she undid the top button of her uniform, but he clasped her wrists and leaned closer. “Let me,” he whispered.


  The fabric rubbing against the button had barely made any noise. While she couldn’t see his smile, she bet he was grinning in victory.

  As he worked on undoing her blouse, his lips hovered over her neck, and his warm breath created chaos all around her heart. The second his lips brushed her skin, tingles shot out in every direction.

  Don’t shift. Don’t shift.

  Selena hadn’t realized how hard it was to keep from ravishing him. Going slow ignited her inner beast as much as when they attacked each other furiously. Man, she was a mess. Between the soft kisses and his fingers easing open her shirt, her pulse was frantically racing. As much as she wanted to undo his fly and grab his cock, she sensed he wanted to be the one to decide how fast or slow to go.

  Her mom was right. Selena didn’t do compromise well, but this time, she’d make an exception and do what worked best for both of them.

  “Your scent is becoming part of me.” He whispered it so softly that she almost had to strain to hear, despite her animal abilities.

  Without thinking, she inhaled, and he, too, became part of her, and as much as she wanted to block his heady aroma, she couldn’t. When he eased open her shirt, cool air rushed up her belly and sparks flew. Jackson leaned back, slipped his hands under her bra, and pushed it on top of her breasts.

  Holy shifters. His callused palms scraped across the tips and turned them even harder. Arching her back for more contact, she clasped his bulging biceps. There was nothing about this man that was less than extraordinary.

  “I’m holding on by a thread,” he said.

  “I’ll sew you back up if you fall.”

  He laughed then devoured her mouth. When her tongue probed his heat, she bucked up against him, searching for more. She slid her hands to his back, dragged her nails down to his waist then broke the kiss. “I need you naked and in me. Now.”

  She hadn’t meant to send out that demand, but the animal in her was overpowering.

  He growled, but she didn’t dare open her eyes. As if both beasts had been let out of their cages, she tore open his pants and slid the slacks and briefs down his legs. Without asking, he lifted each leg and kicked the material off to the side. His eyes might be open, but she didn’t want to look at him. Seeing his face full of lust would only make her break sooner.

  Faster than a cheetah could run, he divested her of her clothes, including her bra and panties.

  “I need you, cat woman.”

  She gave in and opened her eyes then peered deeply into his that were flecked with swirls of green and gold. His mouth was slightly parted and his breathing quick. Just as she was about to bend over and suck on his cock, he dipped his head and captured one nipple then the other, pulling each taut. Pleasure streaked straight to her core and she almost forgot about returning the favor.

  “Yes!” No amount of willpower could stop her from thrilling to his touch.

  “I can’t wait any longer. Ride me,” he panted.

  Jackson lifted her up, forcing her to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist for support. His huge dick pressed against her needy core, and she nearly came right there.

  When he dragged his lips across her neck, she debated telling him not to bite her, but her raging hormones were begging for the union.

  “Hold on,” he said as he slid a hand between them and moved his cock into position under her weeping hole.

  Her inner walls contracted as she sank down on him. Whoa. Stretched wide, she had to hold her breath until her body could accommodate his girth. She leaned over, opened her mouth, and clamped her teeth on his shoulder but didn’t break the skin.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “As good as I can be with your big, throbbing cock inside me.”

  He chuckled then eased out. When he drove back in, his cock filled her to the hilt. Stars swam in her eyes as her teeth sharpened and her nails elongated. It was as if he’d plugged her into an electric socket and hot pulses shocked her body. Passion consumed her. Desire nearly strangled her.

  She pressed her feet onto his thighs, lifted up, and then dropped back down, encompassing all of him. When she tilted her head, their lips met, and he sucked on her bottom lip. She wasn’t certain if it was the sensual way he drew her in or how his cock was transforming her, but she almost came.

  His nails dug into her back, and the ache shot straight through her. Every cell in her body was filled with his essence and her desires soared higher. He moved again, his thick shaft continuing to blaze a scorching path into her and taking her close to her climax while his grunts and moans surrounded her, cocooning her in a feeling of safety.

  When he dragged her chin toward him and kissed her, all sanity fled. She wanted him. Needed him. And had to have him. Hanging on tight, she rode him hard, as shards of bliss charged through her.

  Jackson plunged in once more and held her close. As his hot cum filled her, her climax swooped in, taking her to a new realm where the image of them running across a field filled her mind. As she was swept up in her tumultuous orgasm, her vision blurred.

  Minutes passed, and as Selena’s energy seeped out of her, she collapsed her head onto his shoulder.

  “I t
hink we need to sit,” he said, acting as if the hot sex had done him in, too.

  With his arms stilled wrapped around her, he walked her into the kitchen and set her on the cold counter. He retrieved a cloth from the drawer and wet it. When he dragged it across her opening, her swollen folds reacted to his mere touch. This sensitivity to him had to stop.

  If she didn’t do something constructive, she’d ravish him again. “Don’t forget I need to fix your buttons.”

  Jackson grinned, and when he slipped her off the counter and pressed his chest against her, all domestic chores evaporated from her brain—again. He leaned over and nibbled on her lip, reigniting her passions.

  She gently pushed back. “We can’t keep doing this.”

  “Do what?”

  He knew what she meant. “This. Sex. All the time.” Jackson laughed, but she’d been serious. He didn’t seem to understand. “We have jobs to do and we can’t be making love every night.”

  He dragged a finger down her cheek, stimulating her insides once more. “I see nothing wrong with two mates being together several times a day. We’re basically animals and have a need to scratch.”

  Was that all it was? Pure animal instinct?

  Selena tried to squash the disappointment but failed.

  What was she supposed to do now that he’d succeeded in getting under her skin?

  Chapter Eight

  Selena was having a hard time concentrating at work, as she kept thinking back to last night and how amazing the sex had been. She wanted to believe her thrill level was all about having satisfied the animal inside her, but lying to herself wasn’t her style. A part of her had enjoyed Jackson’s antics. Not many men would have been willing to close their eyes when making love.

  “Hey,” Danielle said, pulling up a chair. “You look lost in thought.”

  Selena refocused. “I’m good. What can I do for you?”

  Her friend smiled. “Nothing. I’m on break. Where’s Jackson?”

  Once more Selena glanced over to his empty desk. “Don’t know.”

  “I thought you two were partners.”

  The word partner had always had such a negative connotation to her, but now she liked the idea of being with someone—that is, until they left or disappointed her. “We are.”

  Danielle shrugged. “So how did it go last night?”

  Selena jerked. “What do you mean? We caught the kids who robbed the liquor store.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I meant afterwards. I saw you two go out to dinner. When you returned, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him.”

  The damned woman was too perceptive. It must be the wolf in her. “It was wonderful if you must know.”

  She grinned and clapped. “Did you mate?”

  What was up with the need to fully commit? “That’s none of your business,” she said with as much cheer as she could muster.

  Waving a hand, her friend leaned forward. “He didn’t bite you yet?”

  Selena had given him the opportunity, but he hadn’t even scraped his teeth across her neck. “No. I think he’s waiting for me to ask him.”

  Whoa. I don’t want him to bite me, right?

  She never waffled when it came to men. Damn mate stuff.

  Danielle pushed back her chair and stood. “I only ask because I don’t want to see you hurt, honey.”

  She didn’t either, which was why she was so cautious. Had she not had a dad who walked out on her, or a series of men who seemed to find an excuse to leave her, she would have committed to Jackson Kenner three months ago.

  Her cell rang and for a second she hoped it was Jackson letting her know where he was. Given Cord wasn’t in the station either, perhaps they were together. She checked the caller ID.

  “Hey, Mom.” Worry slid through her. Her mother never called her at the station.

  “Selena?” She had to strain to hear her.

  Pinpricks of worry skittered across her body. “What’s wrong?”

  “I fell, and I can’t move.” From the heavy panting she was in pain.

  Shit, shit, shit. “Did you call 911?” If she had, Danielle would have told her.


  Hopefully, her injury wasn’t that serious. A thousand questions bombarded her, but her mom didn’t seem reliable right now. “I’ll be right there.”

  Because Selena never left work for personal reasons, she didn’t think the Chief would have an issue with it. At the moment, Hidden Hills seemed to be calm.

  After speaking with her boss, who said to take as much time as she needed, she rushed over to her mother’s. Her mom’s bad leg made it difficult for her walk and balance, and falling had always been a huge worry. While Selena had been saving for years for her mom’s operation, she doubted she’d ever have enough.

  When she arrived at the apartment complex, she parked and raced inside. Using the spare key, she let herself in. Seeing her mother sprawled on the floor nearly made her shift from fear.

  “Mom?” She rushed over to her.

  “Selena?” Sweat beaded on her forehead and her breaths were coming out too fast.

  If she thought her mom could have handled the pain, she would have suggested she shift, as she might be able to heal better. Right after the car wreck, she’d been unconscious. The ambulance had arrived and rushed her to the hospital where they kept her drugged up while they worked on her. Her mom always claimed that the medication had messed with her shifting ability.

  Selena ripped out her phone and dialed 911. A dispatcher other than Danielle answered and Selena gave her the information. While she waited for the paramedics, she grabbed a pillow from the sofa and placed it under her mother’s head.

  “What happened?”

  “I fell and hurt my leg.”

  “Don’t move. I’ve called for help.” Damn. She should have asked Danielle to contact the Emergency Services right away, but they would have arrived before her and had to break down the door.

  Since her mom was wearing jeans, it was impossible to see if the bone had broken the skin.

  “It hurts so bad. I wanted to shift, but I couldn’t concentrate.”

  “That’s okay. They’ll fix you up right away.” Even though Jackson couldn’t have done anything, it would have been nice to have him here to distract her mom.

  Call him.

  No, she didn’t want to bother him. It didn’t matter that she wanted him there.

  The sirens broke her train of thought and she rushed to open the door. Seconds later, the paramedics arrived. Watching the pain on her mom’s face as they checked her out then placed her on the gurney, tore at her.

  “Don’t worry,” one of the men said. “We’ll take good care of her.”

  The fact her mother fell in the first place bothered her more. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  As much as she wanted to turn on her sirens, even if she arrived at the hospital quickly, it would be hours before the orthopedist checked out her mom.

  When Selena reached her mom’s room, a nurse was with her, cutting off her pants. Darn. Selena should have thought to pick up extra clothes though she could always return for some if they released her tonight.


  Selena couldn’t stand seeing her mom suffer. “Can’t you give her a sedative?”

  “We need the doctor to see her first. Let me find him.”

  Fortunately, Selena didn’t have to wait long. A tall woman, by the name of Dr. Janice Divine, barreled in a few minutes later. “Someone took a fall?”

  While she acted as if her mom was either a kid or senile, at least she sounded cheerful. She faced Selena. “Are you related to Mrs. Niles?”

  “I’m her daughter.”

  The doctor smiled and returned her attention back to Mom. A few seconds later, Dr. Divine motioned Selena aside. “I’m afraid it’s a compound fracture and we’ll need to operate.

  Her heart sank. While her mom had insurance, it wouldn’t be enough to cover the cost of the surgery, but she’d find
a way to pay. “I understand.”

  A loud voice sounded in the hallway, and her body exploded with need. Jackson was near. Had the dispatcher called him?

  A moment later, he rushed in and hugged her. “I just heard. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  Her confused brain wasn’t making sense of much. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought you could use the support.”

  She wanted to ask him if he thought she wasn’t capable of taking care of her mother by herself, but then she backed down. He’d done nothing to show her he wasn’t just trying to be nice. “Thank you.”

  Actually, having him here did lower her anxiety.

  The doctor had been waiting patiently. “There’s one other thing. Your mom’s leg is terribly deformed and she’ll need to have it straightened. While I’m setting the bone, I can place a rod in her lower and upper leg to realign it.”

  It was what she’d dreamed of. “Won’t that be expensive?”

  Dr. Divine nodded. “Yes.”

  As they discussed her insurance plan, Selena realized that even if she worked for fifty more years, she’d never be able to pay back that much money.

  “Go ahead and do the operation,” Jackson said. “I’ll pay for.”

  Selena grabbed his arm. “You can’t do that.”

  “Why not? I’ve saved some money—and we are mates.”

  Heat raced up her face. She didn’t want the whole town to know. “It’s my mother. I’m responsible for her.”

  “I want to do this,” he said with more conviction than she thought possible.

  Dr. Divine placed a hand on her arm. “You’ll have to decide quickly. I need to take your mother into surgery now.”

  She wanted what was best for her mom. Perhaps if she had the operation, she’d be able to work again and help with the payment plan. “Then go ahead.”

  “Don’t worry. Your mom will be fine.”

  As the nurse wheeled her mother out, Selena grasped her mom’s hand. “I’ll see you when you’re out of surgery.”

  “I like him.” No sooner had she said the words than her eyes closed and she passed out, probably from the pain.

  Selena prayed she hadn’t made a mistake in accepting Jackson’s generosity—or at least some of it. She would pay him back eventually. Her biggest fear was that he’d expect her to be with him because of this debt, and she wanted to be the one to decide if he was the right man for her.


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