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Out of Reach

Page 19

by Jocelyn Stover

  Gripped by a sudden claustrophobia I jump back a step, then another, only to have my escape cut short when I run into the wall. I panic, worried the impact will start a chain reaction that rains evil down upon us. Strong arms embrace and confine me, which only increases my anxiety and my struggles.

  "You're safe," a velvety voice whispers, but I continue to wiggle, desperate to free myself and flee this place. Kade's arms never let go, supporting me through my fight or flight response until enough adrenaline has been metabolized and eliminated from my system for my brain and higher reasoning to take over. What I'd originally mistaken for the wall was Kade's chest. I hadn't really run into anything and not a single sphere had been disturbed.

  "I'm alright," I tell Kade. His posture relaxes, releasing me to me own devices once more. A shocked Z stands ten feet away, not sure what to do. "Did I wet myself?" I ask him sarcastically, knowing Z will appreciate the poorly timed humor as much as I will right about now.

  "Fuck, you scared the shit out of me, woman," he says, visibly relaxing.

  "This place is overwhelming," I reply.

  "Come on, let's go explore the boring places," Kade announces, leading us back through the hobbit sized passage from which we came.

  True to his word Kade's portion of the tour was boring, unless you appreciate stalagmites and stalactites. Then I'm sure it was fascinating, but I'm not that girl. The highlight for me was the discovery of our sleeping arrangements for the next two nights. Individual caves. The dormitory, as the guys call it, is a fair sized tunnel with small cubbies cut into sides at about ten foot intervals. Each miniscule cave has a stone bunk and carved shelves for storing personal items. A curtain rod and heavy drape stretch across the doorway of each room, providing both privacy and a way to keep the heat in at night.

  They do not in any way, shape, or form block out sound, something I learned the hard way when Z announced we were going to be neighbors and began trying to communicate with me via Morse code through the wall. The ensuing pillow fight, which I won I might add, shut him up nicely.

  Unrolling the sleeping bag and pillow Kade had procured for me I take a minute to stash my overnight bag and the few essentials I've brought on a shelf. The place is quite cozy I suppose, if you like camping, which I don't. Still I marvel at the Wanderers abilities and the power it must have taken to work even this small wonder into solid stone. I run the heavy material of my door through my fingers and then sit on the bed, too amped up to sleep.

  Twice I think about leaving to find someone to talk to, but I hesitate at the last second. The guys are exhausted and have earned a much needed respite; besides where would I go and whom would I seek out? Rubbing my stiff neck I try to unwind.

  "Knock, knock,” Kade's voice pulls me from my musings. Drawing the drape aside I find him standing shirtless in a pair of black warm-up pants outside my door. "I thought you might like some water to brush your teeth, and I wanted to be sure you remembered where the bathroom was."

  "Thank you, and I'll never forget the bathroom," I tell him. In fact, after experiencing the stone outhouse, complete with a bottomless pit for waste disposal, I think I'll be holding it for the foreseeable future. Chuckling, he hands me the water bottle and turns to go.

  "Kade," I implore.

  "Yes," the rich timbre of his voice is thick and inviting.

  "Never mind," I sidestep any conversation, defensively putting a wall up between us as I draw the curtain closed.

  "Good night, Gwen," he breathes.

  Turning down my lantern I shudder before climbing into bed and forcing myself to sleep, effectively putting an end to the day.

  With so little light it’s impossible to tell what time it is when I wake. I could have been asleep for eight hours or two, who knows. Stumbling out of my cubby, I lightly tread over to Zafir's hole for an answer.

  “Z,” I whisper as loud as I dare, not wanting the sound to echo and wake the others. Cold and impatient I try again. “Z!” Exasperated I peek around his door only to discover no one’s inside.

  Well, that answers that, I reason and hot foot it back to my cave to clean up. I make efficient use of the last of my water to brush my teeth, wash my face, and hydrate my body, which seems perpetually thirsty in this place. Donning clean clothes I pull my hair up and out of the way before trekking around to look for the others. I make slow progress on purpose, not wanting to trip in the low lighting. I follow the sound of the generators until I reach the main cave.

  Breakfast is in full swing when I arrive. Several of the guys are cooking bacon and brewing what smells like coffee over a large camp fire. Although I don’t see Kade I assume everyone must be up and meander over taking a seat next to Basal. Scooting over to share his rock he offers me coffee and a plate of food, which I gratefully accept. I begin eating voraciously. Wrapping my fingers around my mug I sit back when I finish eating, soaking in the warmth from the fire, stuffed. Bass notices my empty plate.

  “Wow, that was fast.”

  “What? I was hungry,” I say shrugging my shoulders. Z’s booming laughter cuts through the cavern from where he’s grilling by the flames.

  “You didn’t even stop to chew,” he teases me, the noise from his outburst capturing the attention of several of the others.

  “Says the guy who can’t even spell ‘etiquette,’” I blurt out, not really caring what anyone else might think. Since he’s naturally full of himself my sarcasm just bounces off and we continue to trade insults for several minutes. Not putting up with Z's shit wins me a few fans and soon our circle expands to four. A battle over the best comeback quickly ensues with Z bearing the brunt of the attacks. Genuinely laughing for the first time in many days I embrace the easy-going camaraderie that’s begun to sprout between the Wanderers and myself.

  "If her mind’s as sharp as her tongue, the Sylph don't stand a chance," says Makeen.

  "Think fast!" Rashid shouts, lobbing a can at me. An instant before the thing smacks me in the face a hand flashes out of nowhere snatching it from the air.

  "Gwen isn't as connected to her power as the previous Nephilim who've helped us," Kade interjects, glaring at Rashid a second before tossing the can back to him. Rashid just stares, dumbstruck; nobody says a thing. The cave becomes as silent as a tomb and I'm left wondering just what it is I should've done.

  "I think now’s a good time to remedy that," Adil announces coming into view from the mouth of the cave. Cocking my head to the side I cast an inquisitive look at Kade, questioning just what this means for me.

  "Gwen, it’s time for you to learn just what you can do," Adil tells me as he strides right up to our group. Two parts excited, one part nervous I nod along.

  “Okay,” I say with a confidence I don’t totally feel.

  “I’m sure Kade has told you the types of things your ancestors were capable of. Today we need you to connect with that part of yourself,” Adil informs me.

  This guy knows I’ve only used my powers twice, right? I think to myself. And neither time I knew I was doing it.

  Standing up I dust my hands off on my jeans. “Great, let’s get started.”

  “Follow me,” says Adil. A small group of us traipse along behind him as he disappears into a side passage. A few minutes later we spill out into the cavern Z and I visited yesterday.

  “These are the Sylph we’ve collected over the generations,” Adil’s voice echoes around the vast space. “The resealing will take place here tomorrow.” The room with its frightening beauty still makes me feel small and insignificant, but I harden my resolve, adopting an air of cool indifference. I have a job to do. Adil ushers us on to another cave, which is completely empty except for a portable generator, flood lights, and a few chairs.

  “Gwen, this is Hashim,” says Adil, introducing me to the quiet stoic Wanderer I hadn’t even realized until now was a part of our group. Eyeballing this stranger warily, I shake my head.

  “Can’t Z help me?” I ask knowing he’s a lot more my style with his quic
k wit and foul language than the man of few words standing before me.

  Chuckling Kade steps forward and explains, “No, this sort of thing calls for finesse, a quality Zafir most certainly does not possess.” Grinning sheepishly Zafir meets my gaze and we have one of those nonverbal exchanges that speak volumes. His gunmetal grey eyes admit that, yeah, this ain't his specialty. In the end I’m forced to admit Kade's right and don’t force the issue any further.

  "Now that it's settled, Gwen, the rest of us will get out of your hair. We've still a lot of work to do," Adil reminds everyone.

  Drawing me aside, Kade gently holds my arms, ducking his head to whisper, "I won't be far and Hal has agreed to stay and assist Hashim. They have a knack for this sort of thing."

  "Thank you," I mouth silently, grateful someone I’m comfortable with will be staying to help me. Nodding Kade strides after the others without a backwards glance. Sighing I turn to face Hashim, who's taken a seat in one of the chairs.

  "Let's get this over with,” I tell him, flopping down in the seat across from him. If my brash behavior offends him, Hashim hides it well; in fact he doesn’t say anything at all. He leaves Hal in charge of my verbal instruction.

  "While most Nephilm possess a wide array of talents, there’s always a dominant one or two," he explains. "Since telekinesis is the only trait we know you have for sure, we'll gear today’s exercises to hone in on that."

  "Let’s do it," I tell them.

  "Alright, close your eyes."

  Time seems to stand still here in this underground lair. I have absolutely no idea how long I've been at this, but I'm about ready to throw the ball at Hashim for a change. After walking me through several mental exercises a lot like the crap they push in yoga classes, the dastardly duo started lobbing objects at me. Mostly rubber balls but Zafir managed to sneak a pebble into the mix when he delivered our lunch.

  I never saw it coming and the stupid little rock hit me smack in the side of the head when Hashim wasn't looking. The relaxation mumbo jumbo I failed to embrace was supposed to help relax my mental shields and bring a clarity of mind and body that would help me locate and access my powers.

  After what feels like a millennium of practice, that special little spot in my brain continues to elude me and I'm past the point of being able to relax and, as Hal puts it, let my mind and spirit become one. Grunting I throw a ball at the wall as hard as I can.

  "I can't do this!" I scream at my annoyingly patient instructors.

  "Slow your breathing Gwen, you need to remain calm, focused," Hashim tells me for the hundredth time.

  "It's not working," I lash out. Of the two times I've used my powers, the first I don't remember and the second I had my eyes closed. Sitting down in the middle of the floor, I pull my knees to my chest, dejected. How am I supposed to help these guys? Kade sneaks up on me, having retrieved the stray dodgeball I'd lobbed down one of the many tunnels. He kneels down in front of me, refusing to be ignored.

  "What?" I blurt out.

  "When the time comes you'll rise to the occasion like you always do," he soothes. If his pandering is supposed to make me feel better then he's forgotten who he's talking to -- I'm all about results.

  Arrgh, why the FUCK can't I make this work?! I want to scream at him, but my pride won't allow it. Jumping up off the floor I take off in the direction of my room, cave, cubby, whatever the hell they call it, desperate for space.

  "Don't worry, she's just having a redhead moment," I hear Kade explaining as I jet down the connecting passage.

  A redhead moment, I snort, isn't that the understatement of the century. Tumbling into my room I yank the drape closed, which just doesn't provide the same amount of satisfaction as slamming a door. Childishly I wad up a shirt and throw it against the wall, stomping around the small space, searching for a physical outlet for my frustrations. Finding nothing and suddenly exhausted I fling myself onto the bunk, pull my blanket over my head, and shut out the world, dreading tomorrow.

  Chapter 34

  "Gwen." Kade's voice pulls me from my slumber.

  "What time is it?" I ask.

  "Seven o’clock in the morning."

  “Already?" It feels like I just closed my eyes. Rolling over I peek up to find my friend watching over me, his gorgeous eyes more luminous than usual in the limited light.

  "Do your eyes glow in the dark?" The personal question just kind of slips out.

  "A little," he answers, a grin spreading across his face. "Ready to get started?" I smother my face with the pillow to delay answering.

  "Yeah, that’s what I thought." Kade laughs. Sliding out from under the pillow I sit up.

  "I don't get it."

  "Get what?" Kade asks, sitting down next to me on the bunk.

  "How to use my power,” I admit, deflated.

  "Ah," he replies finally on the same page. "It may take years to hone your known talent and a lifetime to discover everything else you can do.”

  “Great," I interrupt. Glaring at me, exasperated, he continues.

  "You have no idea how utterly amazing you are, do you? Right now your powers may control you, but I promise when this is over we'll spend as long as it takes for you to discover how to own them."

  Standing up and stepping away from him I smooth my wrinkled clothes and retie my ponytail. "Okay, let's go." Embracing his never-ending faith in me I slide my hand in his and we walk together to breakfast, a team.

  The whisperings and side-long glances begin the minute we enter the main cave, and I know the others are just as worried about my lack of control as I am. Clinging to Kade’s trust I stand tall, refusing to give in to the “what ifs” registering in the Wanderers stares all around me. Oblivious to the tension, or so full of himself there just isn’t room for anything else, Zafir bounds over to hug me.

  “Today’s the big day! You did remember to pack something nice for the after party right? ‘Cause I’m not taking you lookin’ like that,” he waves his finger around indicating my less than polished appearance. Socking him in the arm I smile.

  “Enough, Z.” Adil’s voice resonates as he, Hal, and Basal join us. Bass hands me a cup of coffee.

  “Extra sugar,” he whispers as Adil continues.

  “The original sealing was done at midday and traditionally we have rewoven the enchantment at the same time, which gives us a little over four hours to wait.”

  “Okay, how does it work, who casts it, and what do I do?” I ask all business.

  “The spell will take all of us,” Adil explains. “Gwen, you're essentially the catalyst. Your powers and angel blood provide the initial push to force the Sylph into their spheres, allowing the rest of us to complete the spell, sealing them away for another five hundred years."

  "What do you mean push?" I ask. Adil scratches the back of his head and stares at his feet at a loss for words. That’s when I realize he still doubts my ability to do this.

  "It's no different than what you did back in the lab," Kade explains stepping closer to me.

  "Okay, piece of cake," I affirm confidently. Having my own reservations is one thing but I'll be damned if I'll let these guys know it. Failure is not an option. Gwen Cohen gets the job done, end of story. Seemingly appeased by my bravado, Adil goes on to explain that when it begins the Wanderers will form a circle of protection around me. As the Wanderers rework the old spell, the stronger Sylph may emerge from their spheres and attempt to dissuade us from completing our task. As long as I remain within the circle I cannot be harmed, though the Sylph may try to seduce me into helping them escape.

  Pulling Kade aside when the meeting is over I whisper, "I had my eyes closed that time in the lab, so I don't know how I did what I did." Shrugging he takes my chin in his hand and smiles.

  "We both know you work best under pressure. Don't fret. It'll work just like last time."

  Rolling my eyes as he walks away I head back to my bunk, no longer hungry.

  "You ready for this girlie?" Zafir's gravely voice cuts
through the fabric of my door.

  "It's time?" I ask rhetorically. Of course it’s time, and Z has come to fetch me. Adjusting my ponytail I draw back my curtain and find not just Z but a pack of guys outside. Bass, Hal, and off to one side like a wall-flower, Kade. Affixing my game face, I nod once, solemnly, and take off down the hallway like I'm running things and this is my show.

  The brawny contingent of men follows close on my heels. Thanks to a fantastic memory I find the treasure trove (as I’ve named it) without having to stop for directions. If these four men are the only ones here who actually believe in me then I still count myself extremely blessed. Refusing to let them down I step into the trove, ready for battle and with something to prove.

  Striding into the central open space I pause, allowing the Wanderers to orient themselves around me. I watch as one by one they fall into place forming a loose circle around me. Good, I think to myself, they've afforded me enough space to walk around so I don't get claustrophobic but not so much that I could slip past one of them accidentally. Staring at the floor I wait—for what I'm not sure, but I remain still, my racing heart the only sign of just how nervous I really am.

  Stirrings of power, like butterflies in my stomach, move though me. The angel blood sings within my veins, desperate to join the sudden chorus of heavenly voices all around me. Captivated by the beautiful song I lift my head only to find the Wanderers are silent, most standing with their eyes closed, concentrating.

  Am I the only one who can hear it, the piercing melody, the chanting?

  I feel powerful, as if some dormant part of me has been drawn out, forced to life by the Wanderers. I meet Kade's eyes, which burn with intensity over the shared experience. They answer my unspoken question: Yes, this is power, this is what your power feels like.

  Delighting in the revelation I smile, stretching my arms wide towards the sky. The smile fades as quickly as it began when flameless fire begins to descend from the ceiling, vaporizing the instant it hits the ground. Clouds of every color swirl up around me, blocking the Wanderers from view. Trapped in a foggy cocoon I try to keep my breathing slow and steady like Hashim taught me, remaining as calm as I can. Both Hal and Hashim agreed that remaining calm was the surest way to reach the hidden synapses of my mind within which my powers reside.


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