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The Consumed

Page 16

by Kyle J Cisco


  An orange glow illuminated the six faces surrounding the fire. Its flames low, yet wisps of flame still danced above the make shift pit of rocks. Casting the shadows of those who sat around it onto the walls of the pass. The silence was oppressive, and the air smelt of sweat and blood. The heads of several hung in despair as thoughts of the dead threatened to consume those present around the fire.

  Virgil, stood his balance still uneasy. The rustling of his movement broke the ominous silence that hung over the camp since their escape from the Spire.

  "Hargoth, I owe you my life," he said. "I am sorry for the lose of your son."

  "Aye, tanks." Hargoth replied.

  "What will you, and your men do now?" Evon asked.

  "I would have them stand, and fight beside the Heir of Dvorak," said Hargoth, as he rose to his feet as well.

  Virgil, extended his hand in response to Hargoth's move. Hargoth grasped Virgil's forearm.

  "I can not let the death of my son go unpunished. I seek revenge on those who march with the monster that took his life." Hargoth said, as he embraced Virgil in an embrace as if he were kin with the man.

  "To war then," said Brandon, as he unsheathed his sword and held it over the fire. The rest of those sitting stood and did the same. Five swords and a hammer sat crossed above the flame. As all oaths of laoyalty had for centuries.

  "To war!" All six cried in unison.

  The cheer now reverberating through the entire camp. The chorus of thousands of voices echoing throughout the shadow pass. As they all took their seat once more, Virgil looked at the faces that surrounded him. Each bore looks of pain though the types of pain were of diffrent circumstance that orgin the same.

  "Aye to war," said Hargoth, as he stoked the fire. Which in turn revitalized the flames within the small pit.

  Those who sat around the fire fell back into silence after the call to war had been made. Some of thier heads rusumed starring at the ground, others looked at the fire. Virgil gazed into the rekindled flames, as the wisps of flame danced within the makeshift pit. Laura your sacrafice will not be forgotten you have not died in vien...

  Tears welled up in his eye threatening to overtake his emotions. He stood without warning the abrupt motion drew the attention of the others around the fire. Virgil ignored them, and walked away. As he looked over the camp. Injured men with wrapped bandages smeared with blood, the look of defeat was rampant in the camp. The familiar scene replaying over and over again.

  Fires littered the inner area of the camp. Foot steps from above gave Virgil a sense of comfort as the rangers guarded the winding passage ways above that surrounded the camp from above. A voice from behind him snapped him out of the daze.

  "You, and I have suffered greatly for the choices we have made," Hargoth began. "My son was a great warrior, but he let ambition and his skill blind him to his weaknesses."

  "Your son, did what any man would do for a woman, and you should be proud of that. He seemed a good m-."

  "I do not question what lay in his heart, Chaplain Virgil," Hargoth said, as his foot kicked a rock on the ground, his eyes avoiding contact with Virgil's. "He was the last hope for my people. I am getting to old to lead them, he was-"

  Tears ran down the man's face. Virgil stepped closer to man, laying his hand upin the grief stricken fathers shoulder. "There are many things in this life that only the Mother can explain. To search for meaning in these events can only bring on more suffering."

  Virgil took a knee in front of the older man.

  "I vow to keep your men safe, and harbor them within the Order's protection. You, and I will find and kill Vraxes." He rose to his feet, extending his hand once more. "We, are to be battle brothers from this day forth. I will deliver your people back to the homeland they left so long ago."

  Hargoth looked Virgil up, and down. Virgil starred into the man's eyes with a conviction that could not be broken. Hargoth took the embrace once more.

  "There was a legend I heard while I was a boy," Hargoth began. "It was told that after the fall of Scrimbor and the cease of hostilities during the first War of Darkness. That a royal guard of Scimbor, returned to shadow lands. This man saved our people taught us how to fight, how to counter act the magic wielded by those who served the Dark One."

  Hargoth moved to the wall of the pass leaning upon a rock, and contunied.

  "This guards name was, Jerric the liberator. He brought hope to the people he saved, and waged a brutal gueruilla campaign against those sevants of the dark." He cleared his throat as he choked back more tears then continued. "Largoth, was brought up in that image. Now my people have lost hop-"

  "There will always be hope while there is a will to fight the evils in the world. Those who fight still believe in something, do they not? Your people need a strong leader. Hargoth, you must be this leader. Stand with me as we fight for the survival of mankind, let us bring hope to the world together," Virgil said.

  Hargoth stood in contemplation for a moment, as Virgil glanced toward the fire where he saw it had cleared except for Natasha, who still sat with her head pointed groundwards. The older chieftan, cleared his throat. Virgil turned back to the man.

  "I have accepted your offer and I will not dissapoint, the Order. Let us rid the world of such evil onve and for all," Hargoth said, as he snapped upright in a flash, and began to head off through the interior of the camp. "Virgil?"

  "Yes, chieftan Hargoth."

  "Your character out weigh your years. You are going to do great things for the Order in your time."

  "Thank you, Chieftan. Let us prepare for the march ahead. Gether your men."

  "Aye, Chaplain."

  The man dissapeared into the growing fog within the pass. He tunred his attention back to fire, where Natasha still sat.

  "May I join you?" he asked, before sitting with her after recieving a nod of permission. "Let me help y-"

  "You, had feelings for her didnt you?" she asked.

  "Yes, I cared for, Laura as I did every member of this Order. She was my battle Sister and the only one who could futher my training."

  Tears ran like small streams that poured over from too much rain. The droplets of salted tears pockmarked the ground at her feet as another drop threatened to escape from the tip of her nose.

  "Is that how you see me as well?"

  "You know I do not. Natasha, I love you, and nothing can come inbetween that love. Do not hate the dead for something that was no-"

  "She would not have sacrificed her life if she did not-" she halfsaid. "You, didnt know of her feelings for you?"

  "No I am blinded by the feelings I have for another." He said, as he inched closer and put his around her.

  She responded in kind, by placing her head upon his shoulder. He reached down and brought her chin up, to look into her magnificent blue eyes. Then with a passion he'd not felt since their escape from the Forest of Death, he planted a loving kiss on her lips. The two remained locked in the loving embrace for several moments.

  Virgil could feel the warmth of her skin upon his. The sensation felt so real. It had been what he missed while being in the dungeon. He pulled back, from the kiss. Her hand flew up to back of his neck, and pulled him back in as she gave another kiss.

  "You, are the light that guides my life, Natasha," he said, as he laid back with caution resting his head upon the log to his back. Her head came to rest upon his chest. "All will be avenged in time. For those we have lost we owe it to them to make their deaths meaningful..."

  A single crow squaked as it flew above the encampment. The Sporadic glow of seperate fires marking the area of the inner camp. The crow sqauked once more before soaring over the edge of the walls of the pass. Virgil glanced at the crow before it flew out of view. The black wings flapped with furiosity, as it rose from the canyon. Be free, my winged friend...


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