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Young Bride, Hotwife

Page 5

by Laran Mithras

He shook his head. "Wearing a look of shock is going to attract attention."

  Dave smirked. "Why couldn't she have sat next to me? You're selfish."

  CT grumbled. "Get your own young woman." But his tone was playful. He leaned to her. "Stroke it."

  "Won't someone see?"

  "Not unless they crouch down."

  She removed her hand. "The pizza guy is coming."

  "Put your hand back."


  CT's eyes grew sharp. "Do it. And make sure you look at him." He felt her hand grab him.

  The pizza guy was at the table.

  Dave wore all sorts of lopsided grins and winks that blinked and flittered across his face.

  CT gave him a suffering look. He felt Sammie's hand trembling on his shaft, but begin stroking. He glanced at her and saw her looking at the totally oblivious pizza dude.

  Then pizza dude was gone.

  He said, "See? Easy. You can stop now."

  Dave grunted. "She can come over here and practice that on me."

  "Shush, you." But the idea suddenly fired a desire in him. The thought of taking pics to send to B.B. made his pulse race. See how he likes seeing his daughter touching more than one cock. Fuck yeah. "When we get back to your place."

  Sammie sounded surprised. "Whuh?"

  Dave's eyebrows lifted, then relaxed. "Yeah?"

  CT nodded. "It'll be good for her."

  She leaned her head, looking fully at CT. "You want me to what?"

  He said, "Eat your pizza." The excitement at the prospect of sending that pic to B.B. had his blood boiling and barreling through his veins. He tried to stuff his thickening cock back into his slacks. Fuck. What will old B.B. do? More threats? Or will this kind of thing make him back off? Or get worse? He had no immediate answers, but he was willing to try anything at this point – his life could not be much more destroyed than it was. His music store had made him a very comfortable living – now it was all gone. The anger returned, and with it the determination to stick it back to B.B.


  CT couldn't wait. As soon as they were in the door of Dave's home, he said to Sammie, "Go get in your nightshirt."

  Her voice was small and pliant. "Okay."

  Dave's grin was his only input.

  With her out of the living room, he said quickly to his friend, "Listen, I'm going to send her father these pics. Show him how I've debauched his daughter—"

  Dave's look was skeptical. "You think that's wise?"

  "He destroyed my career." He had. Dozens of clients, a very successful business, and a reputation built over two decades all gone. Just because his daughter couldn't reach the level of pianist.

  "He might get worse."

  CT shook his head. "How much worse can he get? Maybe this will shut him up."

  A slight lift and drop of eyebrows was his friend's only response.

  Sammie came out seconds later, wearing her nightshirt. She wore a small smile and flipped up her hem quickly. Her shaved pussy flashed into and out of view.

  CT approved. Good girl. We'll turn you into a sex-beast in no time. None of this blossoming sexually at forty nonsense – we're going to do it now. "Sit next to Dave."

  Dave looked around and settled down onto the loveseat.

  CT waved his hand at Dave. "Wait. Strip down.

  His friend gave him a sly look. "You aren't going to beat off while I do, are you?"

  Sammie said, "What's 'beat off'?"

  Dave made a stroking motion.

  She clapped a hand to her mouth. "Oh, bating."

  CT said, "Yeah, same thing. Beat off. Beat the meat. Old terms."

  She giggled.

  Dave stripped and sat down.

  CT pointed to her, indicating to sit.

  Sammie shivered a little. "You sure? This, like, feels weird."

  He nodded once. "Getting rid of your weird feelings is critical to your growth."

  She glanced down at Dave's cock as she sat on his right. "It looks kind of sad, today."

  He chuckled. "I don't know, I'm sure it will wake up."

  CT had his phone out. "Touch it."

  She looked at him with uncertainty.

  "Use the tip of your finger."

  She did, hesitantly, but then fast.

  "See? Nothing happened. You didn't die."

  She giggled, still sounding somewhat uncertain.

  "Touch it again, but a little longer. Feel his skin through your fingertip." He felt his cock begin to swell. This was new to him - this physical excitement at telling his young wife to do these things. But he found the sensations invigorating and thrilling.

  She touched her finger to Dave's helmet. Her mouth hung slightly open – her tongue visible and reddish-pink.

  CT smiled. "See? Nothing new. Grip it; pretend it's mine if you have to." His own cock hardened painfully in his slacks – even before Dave's had hardened. He watched her gently grip his friend's cock. He took a picture.

  Dave was smiling at her. "Stroking it would be good for you."

  CT wanted to laugh, but held it in. He wasn't amused at her naiveté, but at his friend's boldness. He stepped close and began unzipping.

  Sammie looked up at him with searching eyes filled with question.

  "I'm going to have you hold us both."

  She snickered. "Sounds perverted."

  "It's just skin." He worked his cock out and pointed. "Go ahead."

  She giggled. "Do I pretend Dave's is yours and yours is Dave's? How does this work?" Her hand grabbed his cock.

  CT smiled happily. "No, you just enjoy the feel of what's in your two hands."

  She tried to stroke both, but was largely uncoordinated in the effort.

  He took a picture anyway. "Now kiss the side of my shaft."

  She clamped her mouth shut, looking serious, and did so.

  He took a picture of it. "Now kiss his."

  She pursed her lips, looking amused. "How did I know that was coming?"

  CT nodded. "Go ahead; I want you to see there's no difference."

  "Am I supposed to give him a blowjob or something to prove I'm not a little girl?"

  CT's cock swelled in her hand and flexed. That would make a great revenge pic. "No, just kiss it."

  She did.

  He took a picture. Fucking fantastic – her wedding ring is clear on his dick. Eat that, B.B. "Okay, just jack him until you feel comfortable."

  "I don't know…"

  "You're all right, do it."

  She moved her hand while Dave settled back, thrusting up his hips and erection.

  CT's cock flexed repeatedly in her unmoving hand as she stroked his friend. An odd sensation slithered through him – an unseen connection felt within him that indicated something linking him to her and to his friend all at once.

  Dave sighed happily. "This is the life."

  CT chuckled. "Shut up."

  His friend saluted him dismissively. "Hey…"


  "Can I touch?" His eyes shifted over to Sammie.

  CT frowned, thinking. Might make another great pic. His cock flexed again. "Sure. Sammie, sit back. Let Dave do the same for you."

  Her eyes went large. "Are you kidding? Let him touch me?"

  "Of course; it's only fair."


  CT gave her his serious look. "Like, really." He removed his shaft from her hand. "Sit back."

  She glanced back and forth, but sat back slowly.

  Dave reached over and slid his fingers down over her clit.

  Sammie's mouth dropped open in shock and feigned outrage, but she said nothing.

  CT took a picture as his cock flexed over and over at the sight of his friend's fingers rubbing Sammie's pussy.

  She was trembling, her pulse racing, and her eyelids slid down closed.

  Dave began dipping his fingers in and out of her hole.

  Her hand was not moving on his cock – just gripping it. Her thighs began jerking.

  CT said,
"How does that feel, Sammie?"

  Her panting became audible. "Uh…"

  "Does it feel good?"

  "Is it supposed to?"

  Dave chuckled.

  CT said, "Yes, it's supposed to feel great."

  She gasped, her body shaking harder. Her voice quivered and came in gasps. "Then it's working."

  Dave's grin broadened.

  Sammie moaned low and shifted down, widening her legs.

  CT's breath came shallow and fast. Fuck, this is hot. He took another picture. "Do his fingers feel good?"

  A short burst of laughter coincided with the opening of her eyes. "Like, yes." But her eyes lost focus and glazed over. Her hips undulated on the loveseat and Dave's fingers began pressing in deeper. She moaned again and whispered, "Oh, fuck…"

  CT smiled proudly. "Let go. Enjoy the sensations. Wrap yourself in the—"

  Sammie cried out. "Oh, fuck!" Her hips came up fully off the seat and her thighs trembled. Her mouth was wrenched open in a look of fearful tension. Then her body jerked hard and she fell back down onto the loveseat, her knees and legs coming up and quivering. She cried out, convulsing in a violent orgasm.

  CT's cock flexed and oozed pre-cum.

  Dave was grinning, jamming three fingers in and out of her hole.

  Sammie began making high moaning sounds after the initial burst. Finally, she flopped on the loveseat and pushed Dave's hand away. "Oh my gosh, enough…"

  He chuckled.

  CT's mind seemed sharp and clouded all at the same time. He needed to be in her - now. He grabbed her hand. "I think that's enough for tonight. Let's go."

  His friend winked at him with a knowing look.

  But he didn't want to think about Dave. Careful not to dwell on his friend's fingers causing his young wife to orgasm, he led her to the bedroom and took her roughly on the bed.

  He worked his cock hard and fast, concentrating on the juicy feel of her tight pussy.

  Sammie's mouth hung open, her eyes blissfully closed and her head limp on the pillow. She moved without resistance to his thrusts.

  CT had never felt so alive with raw lust and need. Erupting within him was a physical and emotional high of satisfaction and appreciation. He had never experienced the like – this was totally new. Euphoria overtook him and he drove his hungry cock into her almost mechanically - maniacally – bursting with a feeling that was transcendent.

  He huffed like a tornado and realized he wasn't trying to hide his sounds.

  Sammie was moaning breathily underneath him, legs spread out, arms and head limp as he pounded her pussy.

  His orgasm was a perfect, pulsing explosion of light, pleasure, and relief. Each burst sent tingles along every cell in his body. He cried out, sending his sperm gushing into Sammie's pussy.

  He collapsed on her damp form, panting and finally feeling the heavy thudding of his heart. Laughter bubbled up out of him. Fuck, I don't need to die doing this…

  As the minutes passed and his breathing and heartbeat returned to normal, he wondered at what had made this particular coupling so special. Was it the fingering? Her hand on his friend's dick? Her orgasm on his fingers? Doubts and an uneasy feeling crept through his core. Have I gone too far?


  CT spent a few days thinking. In between piano lessons, he viewed two more emails from B.B. More threats. Promises to find him.

  He finally sent back an email with the picture of Sammie's hand on his dick while she leaned over and kissed Dave's helmet – the one where her wedding ring was visible. He typed a message with it:

  Hey, jerk. This is how much fun I'm having with your daughter.

  Once sent, he felt the twisting worm of tension release some pressure. It was fun, actually. What am I obsessing over? His cock began to harden. Even sitting at his laptop and thinking about what the three of them had done was making him hard. He glanced at the bedroom door.

  Sammie was in the bathroom taking a shower. There would be no repeat of what happened for the next several days; she was having her womanly cycle. The anxiety at wanting to do more and not being able to made him grit his teeth.

  Dave thought the passage of three days meant he had gone too far. A quick whisper of her condition was all it took to mollify him.

  ~ ~ ~

  Sammie showered, feeling the clawing cramps arcing through her insides. But they weren't prominent on her mind – she had grown used to them, despite the discomfort.

  What worried her more were her husband's feelings towards her. After the one night when she had cum on Dave's fingers, everything seemed to turn cold. Is he mad at me? He wanted me to grow up. Was I not supposed to cum? I just want to learn and be what he wants me to be. I want to be his grown-up wife.

  She brushed out her hair with sharper moves motivated by the persistent cramps. Should I ask him? Apologize? What would a grown-up do? No, I am a grown-up; I'm eighteen. I'm an adult. So what would a mature adult woman do? Eat a pint of ice cream and pout? Get implants? Dye their hair? Take up yoghurt and fuck their instructor? No, wait; yoghurt is food.

  She left the bathroom to go about her daily routine of laundry and cleaning.

  CT had stopped going out to "pound the pavement" as her husband called it – said he'd covered all the music stores and now it was a matter of waiting. He had said he'd check all the places next month to see if his business cards needed to be refreshed.

  Dave kept looking at her with confusion, but this day he seemed less confused.

  What's with him? Did he think my pussy was yucky? Does he think I'm a dork because I had an orgasm? Or was my orgasm so obviously noobish?

  She clamped her hands down on her husband's shoulders later as he sat searching the net for music positions. She clutched a little too hard: the cramps were at their worst today. "What's going on, anyway?"

  "Hmm? I'm looking to see if there's an opening for—"

  "No, I mean between us. Did you get a new girlfriend or something?"

  He cleared his throat and said dryly, "No, we're still going steady."

  She coughed, aggravated. "That's not what I meant. I mean, after a couple nights ago when it was all hot, you suddenly turned cold. Was I not supposed to cum or something?"

  He turned fully in his chair. His look was thoughtful and considerate, but he didn't answer for some time. His eyes moved in that way that told her he was sorting through his thoughts.

  She didn't have the patience – not today of all days. "Well?"

  His smile was calming. "You did fine."

  "Fine? Like…huh? What?"

  He nodded once, certainty saturating his eyes. "You did great. I'm looking forward to more."

  Relief flooded her and she felt the tension leave her shoulders she hadn't realized was there. "More?"

  "Yes, I think you're coming along nicely."

  Her husband's words reassured her and settled her nerves, if not the pains in her abdomen. She felt off-balance at the unexpected direction of his answer. "Oh…"

  He smiled. "I'm serious. You're maturing very well and I'm pleased with your progress."

  She said with a little more certainty, "Oh. So I'm doing all right?"

  "Yes, and you'll do even better. I have confidence in you."

  That made her smile.

  ~ ~ ~

  CT listened to the tick of the metronome and the notes being played as his student worked through March by Daniel Gottlob Turk.

  His mind, however sharp in comparing cadence and tempo, was drifting over the possibilities of later. Sammie was done with her cycle and clean for the last two days. His cock thickened in his slacks, but it wasn't for the homely girl in front of him.

  He leaned forward and checked the girl's wrists to make sure they were level.

  Thoughts of furthering his young wife's maturity was what swam along with the notes of March. Sure now of his desire to see her orgasm again, even on Dave's fingers, his cock hardened fully.

  Good thing I'm behind Lisa. He sighed with antici

  ~ ~ ~

  Sammie had worn her skirt for two days. No one had said anything. Is something wrong? Am I supposed to keep flashing Dave or not? Not sure of the answer, she didn't try. She had gone back to wearing panties. Is my training over? Am I a mature adult now?

  In truth, she felt far more confident of herself despite the seeming chill of the last couple days. Her sexuality grew in her like a comforting presence, reminding her of her newfound ability to make men putty. At the same time, the lack of apparent interest recently had her on edge; she felt aggravated and unfulfilled.

  She resolved to ask CT when he got home if anything was the matter.

  She didn't get a chance.

  Her husband almost stormed into the house, an expression intent as any she had seen and his eyes were on her. His tone was accusatory. "Are you wearing panties?"

  Panicked that he seemed to be expecting her to still not be wearing them, she said, "I am…"

  He frowned. "I thought we ruled no panties with the skirts."

  Sammie was confused. "Oh… You don't want me to put them on?"

  His eyebrows drew down in his thinking-look. "No. Where's Dave?"

  "In his shop—"

  "Go flash him. Whisper in his ear that you want him to join us in the living room."

  She trembled, excited and scared – wondering what was making CT seem so agitated and at the same time thrilled that her husband was going to continue to teach her. "Okay, I can do that."

  His single nod was followed by a monotone, "Good."

  She walked on unsteady legs to the patio door and pushed it open. She took a deep breath and stepped in.

  Dave glanced and locked eyes with her. He smiled in a friendly way. "Hey, there."

  She swallowed and pursed her lips, steeling herself with courage. She came up next to him and lifted her skirt slowly. "Miss this?"

  His grin broadened. "Oh, yeah. But I liked it better when you weren't wearing underwear."

  She leaned close and whispered, "Come to the living room."

  He swiveled on his stool. "CT's home?"

  She nodded.

  The smile showed teeth in genuine delight.

  For some reason, his anticipation made her feel very comfortable. Things are working perfectly. My husband was right to teach me all along. This is fun. She followed Dave into the house.


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