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Stepbrother HOT! (The Stepbrother Romance Series - Book #3)

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by Adams, Claire

  I didn’t bother looking in before I opened the door. I was so sure that Jaxon was off somewhere, making himself scarce, that it didn’t occur to me to even expect to see him in my lonely wanderings. But there he was, sitting at the edge of the pool, wearing swim trunks and a tee shirt, his feet in the water just as I’d planned to be. He looked up at the sound of the door closing behind me with a thunk and by the look on his face I could tell that he had expected it to be anyone but me—he was still angry, sullen-looking, scowling up at whoever had interrupted him until he realized who it was. “Mia,” he said, the angry look going away in a flash. “Hey.”

  “Yeah,” I said. He already knew I was there. I knew I should go away, maybe try out the home theatre that Jaxon had showed me on the stupid tour Bob talked him into giving me, but I couldn’t help myself. “I should’ve figured I’d run into you here.” I smiled slightly. I hadn’t wanted to run into Jaxon, but I couldn’t stop myself now.

  “Well, don’t let me ruin your good time,” Jaxon said with a faint smile. He gestured to the edge of the pool next to him. “Let’s be miserable together.” I laughed in spite of myself. I walked around the pool, taking my time; I shouldn’t go for it. I should just go back to my room. But in spite of the fact that I’d told Mom to leave me alone, I was lonely. I wanted someone to talk to.

  “So last night was interesting,” I said, sinking down onto the ground. I pulled the legs of my pajamas up to my knees and plunged my feet into the water, kicking them slightly. I would have rather gone for a swim, by myself—but I didn’t have my bathing suit on, and anyway I wasn’t alone.

  “Yeah.” Jaxon blushed slightly. “So now you know just what a great Dad I have.” I shrugged. “And what a colossal fuckup I am.”

  “Hell, it was bound to come out sooner or later,” I said. “Besides, you’re not the same guy you used to be. If you were you wouldn’t have just gone to Juvy.”

  “That’s not really as comforting as you think.” Jaxon looked at me and laughed. “Every time something like this happens—every time he starts drinking and wants to impress someone, it goes the same way. He tells everyone what an awful person I was, we yell at each other, and one of us leaves.”

  “Have you ever—I mean, I don’t want to give you unwanted advice or anything—but I guess…have you tried talking to him about it when you’re not fighting?”

  “It’s impossible.” Jaxon shrugged. “We never really talk about anything serious. Dad just mostly ignores me whenever we’re alone together. He calls me when I’m at school a couple of times a week, but once we’re actually together it’s like he can’t be bothered to deal with me.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.” I sighed. “Mom…she’s good, you know? She’s done what she can. We only had each other for a long time.” I shrugged. “I don’t think anything is ever going to be the same between us though. I mean she looks at me like I’ve ruined her entire life. I guess kind of I have.”

  “She seemed really excited when I met her. I guess her and Dad are in love.” Jaxon kicked his legs out, lifting his feet out of the water and plunging them back in. “We’ve gone and fucked up their little honeymoon pretty well, haven’t we?” I laughed in spite of how miserable I felt.

  “We sure did.” I felt my heart starting to beat a little bit faster, just from being so close to Jaxon. “What the hell are we going to do about this?” I looked at him. Jaxon groaned.

  “I don’t know. I guess we can hope that your mom and my dad break up.”

  I snorted. “That’s a great thing to hope for—that they’re both as miserable as we are.” I licked my lips and looked down at my feet in the water. They looked so much paler than usual. “I know it’s stupid that they got married so soon, and you’re probably not really in the mood to want good things for your dad, but at least he’s kind of happy.”

  “He was kind of happy. I gotta admit your mom’s pretty hot—for someone her age.” I laughed.

  “You don’t have to say it like that; I’m not going to accuse you of wanting to bang your stepmom.” Jaxon laughed out loud.

  “Oh god, no. I wouldn’t want to bang her. Be a great way to get back at Dad, but she isn’t really my type.”

  “Are you at least okay? I mean…Bob said some terrible things last night. You both did, but…god, some of the things he said.” I shook my head. I had been so appalled. My mind rang with all of the horrible things that Bob had called his son, the things he’d nearly shouted at Jaxon. How could any father who loved his son say things like that?

  “Yeah, I’m all right. I flagged one of the snow patrol guys and caught a lift home, went to my room. I spent an hour breaking shit, and then another hour cleaning everything up.” I snorted; I could just picture it. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Soon as Dad’s in a better mood he’ll buy me whatever I want.”

  “Seems like a good deal; he calls you the worst things this side of evil, then gets you a bunch of shit to make up.”

  “It works,” Jaxon said with a shrug. “It’s not great, but it’s how it is.” We both fell silent for a long time, looking at the water, looking at our feet.

  “Oh God,” I said, the realization hitting me. “Oh God, Jaxon, you realize we’re going to have to be together for Christmas break, too.” Jaxon groaned.

  “Oh of course. Fuck.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “And both our parents are going to be watching us like hawks. Waiting to catch us in the act again.”

  “Good job telling Bob,” I said, making a face. “Before we’d have just had Mom keeping us apart.” I gave him a playful shove. Jaxon grabbed my hand.

  “Hey. It was kind of worth it. I mean, I’m glad I got to tell him. He’d have found out eventually.”

  “Probably.” I sighed. “God, Jax. What are we going to do about this stupid mess?” Jaxon sank backward, resting on his elbows and staring up at the ceiling as he sighed.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I thought that we could just stop seeing each other; and obviously that’s what Dad and your mom both want. But I thought I could just ignore you, once we found out—and that obviously didn’t work.”

  “You know, you could have told me then the reason why you were avoiding me.”

  “I felt weird about it,” Jaxon admitted. “I probably should have told you, but god—how do you even tell someone that? ‘Hey, Mia, so guess what? We’re brother and sister now. No more hot sex.”

  I had to laugh. “Because you know, it worked out so well for us to decide ‘no more hot sex’ when we both knew.”

  “Right?” Jaxon groaned again.

  “I guess we should just try harder. I could…I could stop going to the frat house.” Except that all my friends were there. If I did that, I’d basically have to start my entire social life from scratch. And of course the guys would want to know why I stopped hanging out; what would I tell them?

  “Nah. You shouldn’t have to do that. Anyway everyone would just ask questions.”

  “Like they’re not going to ask anything when they find out we’re siblings now?” Jaxon shrugged.

  “It’s too fucking weird. I mean—our parents have basically screwed up both our lives with this. And now we have to be good and not be interested in each other just because they decided to get married on a whim.”

  “And they’re both going to be hounding us for the rest of our lives about it, you know. Mom’s never going to forget walking in on us.”

  “Dad’s never going to let me live it down, either.” We both sighed.

  “We’re going around and around in circles. This isn’t helping anything.” I shook my head.

  “I know,” Jaxon said. “It’s impossible. We both want each other, but we can’t do anything about it.”

  “So we’re back to hoping Mom and Bob break up and get divorced. Either their lives are ruined or our lives are screwed up. There’s no solution. Fuck.”

  We both sat in silence again for a long time. I knew I should leave; we weren’t getting anywhere talking about
it, and the longer I sat next to Jaxon the more I remembered how attracted to him I was. It was incredibly stupid to spend time with him alone. It was even stupider to let myself think of how hot he was, how incredibly awesome the sex had been. I blushed as I remembered waking up after dreaming about him, laying in my bed and getting myself off thinking about the times we’d had sex before. I couldn’t do that to myself anymore. I’d have to just move on as best as I could, find some other guy to have sex with, get Jaxon off of my mind. We’d both have to move on. It wasn’t like we had any real choice in the situation. Wishing both of our parents would just get tired of each other was stupid; it was mean. Mom was happier with Bob than I’d seen her in years—how could I wish for everything to end for her?

  I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even really notice that Jaxon was still right there next to me, only inches away. I bit my lip, thinking of him touching me, kissing me, his fingers rubbing me. I was getting turned on and we hadn’t even done anything. I shook my head. I should just get up and go back to my room, tell Jaxon that we had to move on. I told myself I should think about someone other than myself for once.

  Chapter Nine

  After the long silence, I nearly startled into the pool when Jaxon finally spoke again. “Mia, if we kept seeing each other—would it be worth it to you?” I grabbed the edge of the pool to steady myself, taking a deep breath to slow down the pounding of my heart. I shook my head—not to answer him, but to try and clear it.

  When I turned to look at Jaxon, I nearly started again; he was even closer than before, his face only a few inches away from mine, his lips right where I could kiss them. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even think. Instead of answering him, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. Jaxon’s arms wrapped around me tightly, crushing my body against his, and as he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue past my lips, I felt my heart beating faster. Jaxon’s hands started to move over my body, touching me everywhere, tickling me as he slid them up along my waist to my ribs, up to my breasts. I moaned against his lips, pressing my body against his, twisting and writhing against him already. How could I have possibly tried to deny how attracted I was to him?

  Jaxon pulled me down as he sunk onto the floor, holding me against him. I felt his cock straining at the front of his swim trunks as we began to writhe together, our hands wandering all over the place. I forgot everything else in the world—I forgot about Mom and Bob, I forgot about everyone working in the house, I forgot even where I was. Jaxon broke away from my lips to kiss along the column of my throat, grazing my sensitive skin with his teeth, nibbling sharply at the pulse spot under my jaw before he moved back up to my mouth, kissing me as if he wanted to eat me whole.

  We rolled around on the floor, almost tumbling into the pool as we got hotter and heavier; I slipped my hands under Jaxon’s shirt, running them over his chest, feeling how hard his heart was beating, how hot he was to the touch. He reached under my tee shirt and cupped my breasts, giving them a squeeze, teasing my nipples until they hardened into little nubs. I moaned against his mouth, rocking my hips against his, getting hotter and wetter by the moment. “We’re going to fall into the pool,” Jaxon murmured, panting against my lips. I laughed.

  “Let’s go somewhere else then.” Jaxon sat up and pulled me with him; he looked around the pool area for a moment, and then he was leading me by the hand, across the floor, to the lounge chairs along the wall. He pushed me down onto one and then straddled me, pressing me onto my back as he started kissing me again. I moaned out, barely able to control myself as his hands slipped up underneath my tee shirt, brushing against my skin. He teased my nipples with his fingertips until they were so hard they ached, twisting and rolling them while I writhed underneath him.

  My hands wandered all over Jaxon’s body, feeling the hard, muscled planes of his back and shoulders, the heat of his chest. Jaxon broke away from my lips again and started kissing my neck, sending tingling jolts of pleasure through my body, making me wetter and wetter. My pussy started to tighten, my hips moving of their own will, pushing down to get better contact with the hard ridge of his cock. I was panting, gasping for breath, hot and cold flashes of sensation shooting through my body. I couldn’t deny how much I wanted him no matter how I tried—and I wanted him more than ever.

  Jaxon reached down to the hem of my shirt, tugging it up over my abdomen, past my breasts. He pulled back just long enough to get it over my head and then Jaxon buried his face in the hollow of my neck, kissing and nipping. I bit my bottom lip, stifling the moans that worked up from my chest while he trailed his mouth downward. He dragged his lips along my collarbones, nibbling with his teeth, and then finally made his way to my breasts. I cried out when he kissed the tops of my breasts, moaning against my skin and finding one of my nipples by touch. Jaxon sucked and licked, sending white-hot jolts of sensation straight from my breast to my pussy. He switched from one breast to the other, teasing each of my nipples in turn, until I was twisting and writhing underneath him, grabbing at his head and shoulders from need. “Fuck—God, Jaxon—more!” I tried to keep my voice low, but I couldn’t help myself as he slipped his hand underneath the waistband of my pajama pants.

  Jaxon slid his fingers along the wet folds of my labia, stroking me with a teasing, feather-light touch that made me hungrier and hungrier, ready to beg him to stop or to do more. When I opened my mouth to beg him, he pressed his fingers against me harder, rubbing my inner labia, working his way up to my clit. I moaned out again as he began to stroke my clit, rubbing up and down, back and forth, in tight little circles that sent tingles of sensation throughout my body. I gasped, my legs spreading wider in instinct, my whole body on fire. “God, I forgot how hot you are, how wet you get,” Jaxon murmured against my skin. He slipped his fingers lower once more, sliding one inside of me while his thumb worked my clit, rubbing me constantly.

  He brought his lips back up to mine, kissing me hungrily while he began to thrust his fingers in and out, plunging them deeper and deeper inside of me. “God…yes… please,” I bit my bottom lip until it started to hurt, knowing in the back of my mind that I had to at least try to stay quiet. Jaxon rocked his hips against me, and I could feel how hard his cock was through the fabric of his swim trunks. I reached down and tugged at the bottom of his shirt, pulling it along his back, up over his head. I pushed my hips down to meet his touch, little whimpering moans leaving my throat, pushing past my lips as I got more and more turned on.

  Jaxon brought me to the edge of orgasm and backed off, teasing me relentlessly, making me so turned on that I couldn’t even think of anything else in the world. I felt my fluids gushing around his fingers as he pushed them deep inside of me, rubbing against my inner walls. He found my g-spot, sending a shiver of pleasure through my body; I cried out, my back arching up off of the lounge chair, my hips pushing down into his hand. “Yes, Mia,” Jaxon whispered. “Yes, god—you’re so hot and wet, so tight.” He kept rubbing up against my pleasure center until I couldn’t hold back anymore, my whole body twisting and arching, my hips pushing down to meet his thrusting fingers, his rubbing thumb against my clit. I cried out, coiling my arms around his shoulders, clinging to him as if for life itself.

  Jaxon kept working me as I came, his fingers twisting inside of me, his thumb rubbing my clit, sending tingles of sensation through me over and over again. He slowed down as my spasms started to fade, holding himself up on top of me as I panted and shivered. “God, Jaxon,” I said, blinking slowly. “That was so good. So good.” Jaxon chuckled lowly.

  “As good as the first time?” He asked me, kissing me lightly on the lips.

  “Better.” I was a million miles away, my brain hazed over with pleasure. I could still feel his cock pressing against me. “In fact,” I said, struggling to catch my breath, “I owe you one.” I gathered up my strength and pushed Jaxon up, off of me, tumbling him onto the lounge chair and straddling him at the knees. Jaxon looked up at me, his bright eyes darkening as he took in the sight of m
y half-naked body. He reached up and cupped my breasts, squeezing them, teasing my nipples until they hardened once more.

  “Don’t let me stop you,” he said. I laughed and kissed a trail from his lips downward, nibbling at his throat, licking and nipping down the length of his chest. I unlaced his swim trunks and pulled the Velcro apart, hooking my fingers in the waistband and tugging them down over his hips. Jaxon’s cock sprung up from the confines of his shorts, hard as a rock, almost throbbing. A shiny drop of precum shone at the tip, and I licked my lips at the sight of it. I continued my path down along Jaxon’s abdomen, glancing up at his face as I reached his hips. I smiled—I’d heard Jaxon talking in the frat house about how much he loved it when a girl went down on him.

  I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and then kissed the tip, sliding it just past my lips, barely in my mouth. I flicked my tongue against the head, tasting the sharp-salty flavor as his precum coated my tongue. “Fuck, Mia,” Jaxon said with a groan, his hips arching up to meet my mouth. I held him down with my weight as best as I could, slowly working my lips down along the length of his cock, sucking and licking. I was almost as turned on as he was, my body heating up; I loved the feeling of his smooth, almost velvety skin between my lips, the taste of him on my tongue. I moaned as I sucked harder, moving my head up and down slowly, flickering my tongue along the sensitive underside, against the tip. I heard him groaning; Jaxon’s fingers slipped into my hair, tightening against my scalp, as his hips began to rock in time to my movements.

  I picked up my pace gradually, working the base of Jaxon’s cock with my fingers while I used my lips and tongue against the length of him, sucking just a little harder at the tip. I moaned again and again with him in my mouth, feeling him getting more and more turned on, feeling his cock starting to twitch between my lips. Jaxon was moaning, murmuring praise—words tumbling out of his mouth without any meaning at all, without any thought. I wanted to make him come; I’d never really liked going down on a guy too much, but somehow with Jaxon I loved it. I felt myself getting more and more turned on at the thought of him coming into my mouth. I wanted to get him off. I wanted to give him the same pleasure he had given me.


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