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Mona's Honeymoon Fantasy (Delta of Venus Inc.)

Page 6

by Vincent, Verena

  Again, he surprised her.

  “Sweetheart,” he said softly, tucking his chin down so he was whispering directly into her ear. “I’m sorry. I was just teasing you.” He removed both his hands from her lower body and soothingly caressed her upper back with one while pressing her tightly to him with the other. He held her for several long moments as she clung to his neck. “Are you ok?”

  She nodded but didn’t loosen her grip. Oh, this was just so humiliating. Now he was going to think she was some kind of hysterical clinger. If she lived through this experience without alienating him it would be a miracle. Just another reason why she was experimenting with a stranger rather than an actual prospective boyfriend. Imagine the awkwardness if this had happened with a man she met through work or a neighbour or a guy from her gym. She’d have to see him all the time and relive this utter fiasco.

  He smoothed back her hair and spoke contritely. “Listen. I fucked up. Not every woman likes to be dominated and I got carried away. I didn’t mean to be a douchebag. Ok?”

  Wait? He thought he’d been at fault? Him? She lifted her head and gave him a surprised look. “Are you saying you were kidding? You wouldn’t actually have stopped?”

  He chuckled and smoothed his thumb over her flushed cheek. “No. Of course not. I couldn’t stop now if I wanted to. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still sporting the hard-on from hell. This blanket is starting to look like a damn pup-tent. Boy scouts will be able to camp under here with us if this gets any worse.”

  She took a steadying breath and loosened her hold on his neck by a few degrees. “I’m pretty sure child protection services would frown on that,” she said with a tentative smile.

  He laughed and leaned down to press a very sweet kiss to her forehead. “Good point. No boy scouts allowed under here. Just you and me.”

  She bit her lip and looked up at him warily. “So you like to dominate women? Does that mean you, what? Use whips and chains and stuff? Make them your sex slaves? Have a red sex dungeon next to the pantry in your apartment?” She studied him for a moment. Yes, she could definitely see him wielding various erotic torture devices. The thought should have disgusted her. She was a confident, outspoken woman now, after all. Being submissive was no longer part of her emotional make-up. So why did the idea of being at his mercy sound so…enticing?

  He rolled his eyes. “That damn book. No. I do not have a sex dungeon in my house. I just like to call the shots. Push my partner to let go of some of her inhibitions. I’m into pleasure. Not pain.” He shrugged. “I would never hurt a woman. Not even if she wanted it that way. I don’t have it in me.”

  Mona watched him closely. He was so big and intimidating-looking. Everything about him indicated it would be risky to antagonize him. He was clearly capable of dolling out some physical punishment if required. His innate toughness was obvious in the hulking muscles of his physique and his overall dangerous demeanor and yet she knew he was telling the truth. He was unexpectedly sweet for a guy who looked like he wrestled alligators in his spare time.

  “I’m glad. Because I really don’t think I’m ready for that whole scene. Is that too boring for you?” She asked softly.

  “Umm…we’re fooling around with about forty people within moaning distance. That’s exhibitionism, which is hardly boring,” he replied as he palmed her buttocks. He’d been softly stroking her back for the last several minutes, trying to calm her, but evidently he couldn’t keep his hands off her bottom. His strokes had been gradually getting longer and more purposeful until he was finally able to fill his hands with her soft cheeks. She loved the fact that he fondled and caressed that part of her like it was the most natural thing in the world. His touch was possessive and firm, like he was marking her flesh with his big, hard hands.

  “I like that,” she said shyly as she bit her lip and closed her eyes. She may not be able to talk dirty, but she could try and express herself more clearly. Maybe that would be enough for him. She sincerely hoped so because she’d nearly lost her mind when he’d threatened to stop earlier. She was so close to fulfilling her goal for this trip. Stopping at that point would have been disastrous.

  His hands went still. “This? You like me totally mauling your very fine ass like this?” He gave her bottom a playful squeeze.

  She giggled. “Well, yes. I guess I do. Though when you put it like that I’m not so sure.”

  “Can’t help it. Your ass is amazing. So round and firm. And your skin. My God. It’s like silk.” He feathered his fingertips over the full curve while nuzzling the side of her neck.

  “Thank you,” she said, flattered and delighted at his praise. Gooseflesh broke out over her entire body as his lips closed over her ear lobe and tugged gently. “Do that again,” she sighed, turning her head slightly to give him better access. “Please,” she added as an afterthought. She didn’t want to sound too bossy. After all, he did like to call the shots.

  Her breath caught as he bit down and then sucked her lobe between his lips. He flicked it with his tongue and then tugged, harder this time. The sensation drove her wild and she felt her nipples pebbling against his chest and a flood of moisture flood her core in reaction to his talented mouth. Who knew ears were such an erogenous zone?

  “So polite,” he whispered into her ear. “I like that. And your ears are delicious. Makes me wonder if your pussy would taste even better.”

  Mona startled at his words. “You want to do that? Here?” She squeaked, pulling back to look at his rugged face.

  He chuckled at her shocked expression. “We would probably have to relocate for that. Flight Attendants might notice if I disappeared under the blanket.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Good point.” She nearly sighed in relief. Though she was curious about oral sex, she really didn’t think she could remain in control if he put his lips anywhere near her inner thighs. She was having enough trouble keeping her composure and his lips were nowhere near her danger zone. Surely she would be screaming and moaning like a porn star if he attempted to perform such an intimate act on her.

  “Why don’t you go first? I’ll try to wrestle my dick back into my pants before I attempt to walk down that long aisle. Would prefer not to expose myself along the way,” he said with a devilish grin. “Speaking of which…” He smoothed her blouse down her back until her breasts and stomach were covered again. Reaching down he gave her buttocks a regretful pat before deftly straightening her skirt under the blanket.

  Mona hesitated. “Um. Do you need a hand getting yourself decent?” She asked awkwardly. What was the etiquette in a situation like this exactly?

  Sam chuckled and raised an eyebrow at her. “Pretty sure your help would only make it harder. Pun intended. But thanks. Now. Are you ready?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes. I think I am.” She began easing off his big, warm body. Her hand accidentally brushed his straining erection and he winced in reaction.

  She yanked her hand back like it was on fire. “Oh. I’m so sorry. Your penis must hate me. I keep injuring it.”

  “Trust me. My dick likes you just fine. In fact, he’s a really big fan. That’s kind of the problem.” He effortlessly rolled her off of him and then helped her to her feet. Standing before him she was surprised to find that her legs felt weak. She tried to take a step into the aisle but nearly stumbled on her spiky heels so he held her in front of him by her hips and grinned up at her. “Take it easy now. Just think about the fact that I’m going to demonstrate exactly how much my dick likes you in about five minutes.”

  She took a couple of deep breaths and used his impossibly broad shoulder to brace herself.


  She nodded.

  “Ok. Now if you’re sure you want to go ahead with this, you should lean down and give me a kiss. Then I want you to march those dead-sexy legs down to the head. When you get there, lock the door behind you and count to 100. By the time you reach 99 I’ll be outside. Unlock the door and I’ll be between your legs about seven seconds l
ater. Are you ready for this?”

  She gulped. Was she? She looked down at his upturned face. He was still smiling but he was also clearly on edge. The expression on his face was hungry and even a tad desperate as he waited for her response. Was it possible that he was unsure of himself? This incredibly sexy, talented, funny man could not actually be concerned that she would change her mind and not follow through on their plan to join the Mile High Club together, could he? Looking into his startling blue eyes, she saw desire there, but she also saw vulnerability. He really was afraid she’d reject him. Now that was a ridiculous concept. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t want him?

  For some reason, that glimpse of insecurity boosted her own confidence. He wasn’t as masterful as he seemed. He had his own doubts, just like her. Whatever happened in the next few minutes, she would remember this moment. It would give her the strength to continue when her confidence lagged and her anxiety over finally losing her virginity overcame her. At least she hoped it would.

  Leaning down, she cupped his cheek and pressed her lips against his beautiful closed mouth. His lips were soft and gentle as he returned her kiss, but the electricity that flared between them at that tender touch nearly made her sink back in her seat in reaction.

  Pulling away she stared down at him. His hair was mussed and the blanket had slipped to the floor, exposing his lower torso and a truly impressive erection. She glanced down at his lap and gave him a saucy look. “Hurry up. If you’re not there by the time I reach 99, I’m starting without you.” With a wink, she turned and walked on shaky legs down the aisle, adding a little swagger to her step as her legs steadied beneath her.

  There, now that was how a sexy, confident woman acted, Mona thought to herself as she approached the alcove where the two lavatories were located. The flight attendants were all busy, so no one noticed her slip into the unoccupied stall on the left. Closing and locking the door behind her she glanced around the tiny room and felt her short-lived confidence deflate like a child’s balloon.

  She’d been in airplane bathrooms before but couldn’t recall them being so brightly lit. Honestly, that fluorescent bulb was emitting an unnatural amount of blinding light. It was like high noon on a Florida beach in here. And the mirror seemed disproportionately huge for the small space.

  She looked at her reflection and was shocked at her appearance. Every single physical flaw she possessed seemed highlighted. For a moment she thought seriously about abandoning this crazy plan. There was absolutely nowhere to hide her cellulite or her stretch-marks in this little torture chamber. What had she been thinking? Agreeing to have sex in such an unforgiving environment was madness. Even if he had found her attractive before she was certain he would change his opinion in a hurry once he saw her forty-year old body under this unflattering glare.

  Closing her eyes for a moment she concentrated on controlling her hypercritical thoughts. When she opened them again she tried to see herself from a stranger’s perspective instead of her own skewed viewpoint. To her surprise, she looked pretty good when she didn’t focus on her flaws. Dishevelled and untidy, but also oddly attractive in a slutty sort of way.

  For one thing her nipples were straining against the fabric of her wrinkled blouse like she was smuggling pomegranates in her unfastened bra. And her hair. Oh my God. Her dark hair looked like she’d been caught in a windstorm. It stood up in strange corkscrews on one side and was flattened to her head on the other. There were even dark circles of mascara under her eyes, giving her the raccoonish look of a truly wrecked party girl with the mother of all hangovers. In other words, she looked like a complete wanton.

  For some reason that image made her smile. She’d never looked like a wild woman before. There was something liberating in knowing that she couldn’t really look much worse. Besides, there was nothing she could do about her appearance now. He was coming to join her in seconds. Quickly, she wiped the mascara away, turned her back on her reflection and began counting.

  Chapter Four

  Mona didn’t even reach seventy before Sam was there, tapping softly at the restroom door. She hesitated. This was it. There was no turning back now. The next several minutes would change her irrevocably. She was losing her virginity to a stranger in a public washroom. Not exactly the romantic scene she’d always dreamed of, but at least it was real.

  She released the locking mechanism and he was there, pushing his way into the tiny space and locking the door behind him. They grinned at each other like co-conspirators for several long moments and then he wrapped her in his huge arms and spun them until she was trapped between the wall and his big, hard body.

  “Last chance to back out. You still want to do this, right?” He asked as he lowered his head until his lips were just a breath away from hers.

  “This is exactly what I want,” she said, and was shocked to find that the words rang true. This was exactly what she wanted: a sexy, funny, man who genuinely desired her. What more could she ask for? He should have been her fantasy all along.

  “Me too. You have no idea how much,” he whispered and kissed her, really kissed her for the very first time. His lips weren’t gentle as he took her mouth with heated urgency. His tongue immediately sought entrance and thrust past her lips like it belonged there. He was rough and more than a little demanding. And she loved it. Though she wasn’t really sure how to reciprocate. She probably couldn’t just sit there with her lips gaping open while he thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, could she? No. She needed to do something.

  Experimentally, she licked at the tip of his invading tongue. He groaned and returned the gesture. Soon their tongues and lips were moving against each other in a sensual dance. Mona was surprised and delighted at how very easy and natural it felt to be kissing this man.

  Needing to get closer to him, Mona wrapped her arms around his neck. Within moments she felt cool air on her stomach as Sam pushed her blouse up until her chest was exposed. Her bra still hung from her shoulders, framing her pale flesh in cream and black satin.

  Sam stopped kissing her and looked down to admire her full, round breasts. “Look how pretty and pink you are for me.” Reaching down he cupped one breast with his large palm and then tweaked the erect nipple with his thumb and forefinger. Mona gasped as that small touch ignited a current of excitement between her legs.

  Placing one strong forearm under her bottom he lifted her easily until her breasts were level with his mouth. Lowering his head, he gently licked at one rosy tip before sucking it deeply into his mouth.

  Mona clutched his head to her chest. She couldn’t help it. She wanted that delightful tugging at her breast to continue. She gasped and threw her head back as he actually used his teeth on her tender flesh, nibbling at the distended nipple and then licking at the small bite-mark he left behind.

  “Too rough?” He asked, transferring his attention to the other side, he licked and sucked and nibbled at that breast too.

  She shook her head until her dark curls flew around her head. “No. It feels good. So good. Don’t stop.”

  He did stop. At least long enough to deposit her bottom on the tiny counter and remove his own shirt. He took a moment to tuck his t-shirt under her butt to cushion it from the hard ledge and then he was pressing her hands against the mirror on either side of her hips.

  “Don’t move these. If you do then I stop playing,” he said, his voice surprisingly stern with warning. When she nodded her assent he pulled back and she finally got a good look at his phenomenal body. He grinned cockily as her eyes widened at the sight of his incredibly toned arms and powerful shoulders. Oh good Lord, was that a tribal tattoo snaking up his arm? Tattoos and pierced nipples – she was so far out of her league. The man was truly beautiful with just the right amount of dark golden hair sprinkled on his chest. She longed to touch all that spectacular male skin again but was half-afraid he really would stop if she tried, so she left her arms at her sides.

  His bulging biceps flexed as he lowered his hands to
her thighs. Slowly, he placed his palms on the inside of her knees and gently eased them apart a few inches. He slid one hand beneath her skirt and trailed it all the way up to her drenched panties. He cupped her there for a moment and then slipped his fingers inside the waistband.

  She nearly cried out as he very purposefully and expertly tore the satin panties from her body with one sharp tug. Playfully, he spun them around on one finger for a moment and then tucked them into the front pocket of his jeans. “You don’t mind if I keep this little souvenir, do you?” He asked, raising one eyebrow at her in challenge.

  She shook her head once and was rewarded with a chaste kiss to her left nipple. She desperately wanted so much more than that brief touch but she found that she was enjoying being at his mercy. She could hide her inexperience by acting submissive. It was perfect. All she had to do was sit back and take orders and he would take care of everything. If she didn’t die from frustration first.

  Biting her lip, she watched as he smoothed her skirt up her thighs until her bottom half was completely exposed to his heated gaze.

  “Now that is just gorgeous,” he said, brushing his thumb up the centre of her folds. “We don’t really have time for half the things I want to do to you, but I would definitely spend the rest of my life regretting it if I didn’t taste you, just once.” Sinking to his knees in front of her, Sam kissed his way up her thighs until his mouth was hovering right over her most sensitive flesh. She tried not to squirm with impatience as his hot breath caressed her damp curls. When she thought she couldn’t stand it another moment he pushed her thighs far enough apart to accommodate his wide shoulders and then lifted her legs until her stiletto-clad feet were dangling down his strong, bare back.


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