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Longfellow Series: Books 1-4 (4-Book Bundle) (Erotic Romance - Vampire Romance)

Page 7

by Hart, Melissa F.

  The jewel provided images, but no sound. Even so, Sophia and Logan were able to ascertain that Mark was offering to walk the girl home, but she was foolishly refusing his offer.

  “As soon as she goes off alone, Peter will guide Clyde and Michelle to attack her!” Logan said knowingly. “I’ve got to get there in time to save that girl!”

  “Be careful!” Sophia said, but it was too late; Logan was already gone. She clutched the jewel tightly in her shaking hands, terrified for the man she loved and the fate of the friends she held so dear. She prayed desperately that Logan could find a way to bring Michelle and Clyde back to the castle safely and stop Peter from luring them to follow in his dark ways.

  Helplessly, Sophia stared into the jewel to see their fate. She watched as Mark and the blonde girl came to an intersection in the road where they parted ways. The blonde girl took the street heading to the north toward a well-lit collection of apartment buildings. Mark waved a friendly farewell to her, and then headed down an alley heading west. It was a dark and narrow pathway that ran behind some local shops that would all be closed this time of night. Mark often used the alley as a shortcut from the bar to his dorm room.

  Sophia gasped with horror as the image in the jewel did not follow the blonde girl, but stayed focused on Mark as he unwittingly walked deeper into the dark alleyway with no way to escape.

  “Peter is going to attack Mark!” Sophia cried out into the empty room, but there was no one there to hear her and no way for her to alert Logan. She realized that if she were going to prevent another one of her friends from being turned into a vampire at Peter’s hands, she was going to have to do it herself.

  Frantically, she pulled open all the drawers to Logan’s desk, looking for the rare and special object he had shown her in confidence one night, after they had made love. It was a necklace that had belonged to his mother. The necklace was fitted with many beautiful and rare jewels, but one was missing.

  “Why is that facet empty? What happened to the jewel that belongs there?” Sophia had asked him.

  “It isn’t missing; my father removed it long ago and told me to keep it in a separate box for safety reasons,” Logan had said.

  “Oooh, how mysterious and intriguing!” Sophia’s eyes had lit up. She loved history and hearing stories of Logan’s ancient family. “How could a jewel be dangerous?”

  Logan had reached into his desk and pulled out a small box that contained the jewel she now held in her hand. That’s when he first explained to her about the jewel’s magical powers.

  “It is called the Eye of Longfellow. If any vampire in the Longfellow family line is about to harm a human being, the jewel sees them and allows anyone who gazes into it to see them as well. It’s how my father is able to ensure that we never use our abilities for evil.”

  “That sounds like it prevents danger, not that it causes it. Why would your father remove such a helpful jewel from your mother’s necklace?” Sophia had asked.

  “The necklace changes the power of the jewel. If someone clasps the necklace around their neck while an image appears in the jewel, the wearer will be instantly transported to the location being shown. You can see what terrible danger someone could be placed in to suddenly be transported to the scene of a vampire attack. When my mother was killed during such an incident, my father was grief-stricken. He ordered me to separate the jewel from the necklace forever, in hopes that no one else would ever be killed in such a way.”

  Tears had sprung to Logan’s eyes at the memory and Sophia had been surprised to feel moisture on her own cheeks, and discovered that she had wept in sympathy for him. She had held him close and they had made love again, but the memory of what he had told her stuck with her every day since.

  Now, she needed that necklace! Placing this jewel within the empty facet of the necklace and clasping it around her neck would instantly transport her to the alleyway where Mark now stood, completely unaware that he was about to be attacked by vampires. It was the only way she could save him.

  Sophia’s hands flew through the contents of each drawer, desperately searching. Her heart was pounding, as every second brought Mark closer to his demise. Suddenly, her hands closed upon the object she desired. There it was! The necklace that had belonged to Logan’s mother! With trembling hands, she secured the Eye of Longfellow into the empty facet. It clicked into place perfectly. She grabbed some weapons of silver and wood from Logan’s shelf and gripped them firmly in one hand. Then, with her other hand, she struggled to clasp the necklace around her neck. It was hopeless!

  Feeling frustrated, Sophia set down her weapons so she could use both hands to work the clasp of the delicate necklace. It worked! Suddenly, the clasp clicked closed around her neck and the world around her began to swirl. She was being transported to the alleyway at the exact moment that Peter, Michelle, and Clyde were descending upon Mark.

  Chapter Three

  “Sophia! Where did you come from?” Mark cried out in happy surprise. He had thought the alleyway was empty, until suddenly Sophia Marshall appeared seemingly out of nowhere. She was just as beautiful as she had been the day he’d first fallen in love with her. Her auburn hair hung to her shoulders in soft waves and her blue eyes sparkled with intensity as she searched the alley, as if looking for something.

  Inexplicably, she darted over to a pile of crates and started breaking them apart by stomping on them with her feet. She yanked at the broken boards with her hands until several of them came free and tossed two of them Mark and kept two for herself, holding one in each hand like a pair of small swords.

  “Take these and look out!” she shouted as she did so. Mark took the broken boards and looked at her with a puzzled expression. He’d known Sophia since childhood, and he’d never seen her acting so crazy.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, utterly baffled.

  “The vampires are coming!” Sophia answered with a terrified tremor in her voice. “They’ll be here any second. The only way to kill them is to impale them through the heart with a wooden stake or piece of silver. These crate boards will have to do.”

  Mark could not believe such an incredulous statement. He scoffed at her and threw the wood onto the ground, refusing to fall for her silly joke. Just then, three figures descended into the alleyway. Two of them he recognized, but just barely, for they looked so different from the people he used to know.

  “Clyde. Is that really you?” Mark asked, in shock. As the figure stepped closer he saw that it really was his best friend Clyde Mason, but his skin was now deathly white, his eyes blood-red, and his teeth had become vicious-looking fangs. Next to Clyde stood his girlfriend Michelle Greene, looking just as menacing and evil. Mark realized that his friends must being playing some kind of prank on him, and he laughed good-naturedly at the joke. “Okay, Michelle, it’s too late for Halloween and too early for April Fool’s day. What’s with the costumes?”

  Clyde and Michelle laughed along with him, but it was a dark and evil sound. They stepped toward him as they did so, slowly closing in on him so he would not be able to escape. Within moments, they would be close enough to bite him and drain his blood.

  Trembling with adrenaline and fear, Sophia rushed to stand between them and Mark, holding her two pieces of wood likes daggers. “Stay away from him! We were all friends once. Think back and remember who you really are. Remember your friendship and the goodness within your hearts. Resist the temptation to fall to the dark ways of being a vampire. You can do it just like Logan did! Resist the temptation for blood! I believe in you!”

  Clyde took a step back and blinked. Dim memories were overpowering his deep thirst for blood, and he shook his head with confusion. He looked at Michelle, but her eyes glinted with desire, and he knew she had not been touched by Sophia’s words as he had.

  The third vampire, Peter Longfellow, saw doubt flickering in the eyes of his young apprentice. He glared at Sophia and said coldly, “You will pay for interfering. I’ll make certain that your blood i
s drained if it’s the last thing I do!” Then he turned to Clyde and Michelle and shouted angrily at them, “Don’t listen to her! Her blood is fresh! Kill her!”

  Michelle lunged at Sophia, knocking the weapons from her hands, and the two young women rolled on the ground, wrestling for the upper hand. Clyde backed away from the fight, not knowing what he should do.

  Mark gasped in horror and searched the ground frantically for the pieces of broken crate he had foolishly cast away. He found one and grasped it firmly in both hands, looking for the opportunity to impale Michelle in the back as she rolled on the ground with Sophia. He knew that if he were to plunge forward with the weapon too soon he might just as easily wound Sophia as Michelle and it was a risk he just couldn’t take.

  Michelle possessed a supernatural strength that Sophia did not and quickly gained the upper hand, pinning Sophia beneath her. She opened her mouth wide, baring her fangs, but was interrupted before she could take a bite.

  “Wait!” Peter commanded sharply. He grabbed Clyde roughly and shoved him to where the women lay grappling and said, “He must make the first bite, if he is to truly become one of us! Bite her, Clyde, and all the strength, power, and immortality you desire will be yours!”

  “Do it!” Michelle hissed, holding Sophia down while she yanked back on her head to keep her neck exposed. “It’s the only way we can be together! Bite her!”

  Clyde moved slowly toward them. He didn’t want to bite Sophia, but the pressure from Michelle combined with his own intense thirst began to overpower him. Clyde opened his mouth, bared his fangs, and prepared to join Michelle as a vampire.

  Mark watched as the horrifying scene took place before him. He was paralyzed with fear, still clutching the piece of broken wood. Should he plunge his weapon into Michelle or Clyde? Either choice he made seemed hopeless, for Sophia would then be bitten by the remaining vampire.

  Suddenly the weapon was ripped from his hand and Mark stared in shock at a new vampire who now stood before him. It was Logan Longfellow! With deft speed and dexterity, Logan broke the piece of wood in half, making two small daggers. He flung them both simultaneously, sending them whizzing through the air just inches in front of Michelle and Clyde’s faces, causing the vampires to stagger backward in fear, crawling away from their victim.

  “You missed,” Peter Longfellow sneered at Logan.

  Sophia’s heart soared at the appearance of the man she loved. She fumbled to her feet and guided Mark to stand against the wall, where he would be safest. Michelle and Clyde ran to stand beside Peter to form an intimidating barrier that blocked the alley.

  “I didn’t miss. I wasn’t aiming to kill them, just get their attention,” Logan said, widening his stance and preparing for battle.

  Peter scoffed. “That’s always been your problem; you were always too weak to make the kill. It’s why I have thrived while you have barely eked by.”

  “It’s not weakness to show compassion and mercy to humans,” Logan insisted. “You’re right though, I should have been willing to stop you a long time ago, and I failed to do so. I’m ready to mend that mistake right now.”

  Logan suddenly produced two silver spikes from his boot and held them out, prepared to battle his evil cousin to the death. Peter saw the flash of silver and with incredible speed reached out, grabbed Clyde and flung the young vampire at Logan like a weapon.

  Logan was unprepared for the action and could not withdraw his weapons in time. Sophia covered her eyes and screamed in horror as her good friend was skewered upon Logan’s weapon. Michelle cried out in terror as Clyde collapsed into Logan’s arms.

  “Farewell, cousin. The next time we meet, I will kill your little girlfriend and then I’ll kill you!” Peter yelled. He grabbed Michelle and the two of them disappeared.

  Chapter Four

  “Clyde! No! Please don’t die!” Sophia sobbed.

  Logan laid Clyde down on the ground and examined his wounds. With a sigh of relief, he said, “The silver spikes did not pierce his heart. He will not die, but these injuries are serious. He will need time to heal. Help me take him back to the castle.”

  Sophia helped Logan lift Clyde in such a way as to keep his body lying flat, so as not to aggravate his injuries. Sophia looked back at Mark, who still huddled against the wall in the alley. Smiling with reassurance, she called, “Come on, Mark. Help us carry him to Longfellow Castle.”

  Mark shook his head and held out his hands in a warning gesture. “He’s an evil vampire, Sophia! Come with me! We’ve got to get as far away from him as we can. Let him have Clyde; he’s already too far gone anyway, but you and I can escape.”

  Sophia tried to explain to Mark all that had happened, but he wouldn’t listen. His mind was too full of fear. Quickly, his fear began to turn into anger and then hatred. He refused to listen to anything Sophia said to him.

  “Lies! He’s been lying to you, and you’re foolish enough to believe him! There are not good vampires and bad ones! All vampires are evil! I’m getting out of here, and I want you to come with me! If you’re not with me, you’re against me and all humankind! Come with me now, Sophia! I’m going to warn everybody that Logan is a vampire, and we’re going to stop him! If you insist on staying with him, we’ll just have to stop you too! ”

  Sophia responded by taking hold of Logan’s hand. It was all the answer Mark needed. He knew he had lost the girl he loved to the vampires, and she was dead to him now.

  Mark grabbed a piece of wood from the broken crate and began swinging it like a baseball bat as he backed out of the alley and away from the couple holding Clyde between them. As soon as he reached the street, Mark took off running as fast as his legs would carry him.

  Sophia turned to Logan with worried eyes. “I’d better go after him. I know I can make him understand.”

  Logan shook his head and said gently, “Let him go. It’s more important that we help Clyde right now.”

  They carried Clyde back to Longfellow Castle and laid him down on the large sofa in the sitting room. The next few hours were difficult as Clyde alternated between losing consciousness and thrashing in pain as his wounds healed themselves. Logan made him a special potion to help him sleep and eventually Clyde fell into a deep, restorative slumber.

  “Will he be all right?” Sophia asked with concern.

  Logan nodded. “Yes. He’s lucky; he just needs to sleep. You’re lucky you’re not injured yourself. How could you go out there alone like that? Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in? Now Peter wants nothing more than to kill you just to make me suffer.”

  There was no mistaking the anger and fear in Logan’s voice as he glared at her.

  Sophia took him into her arms and embraced him. “I know. I’m sorry. I just wanted to help you protect the others.”

  “The best way you can help me is to stay here, where I know you’re safe. I can’t concentrate on saving others if I’m worried about losing you. It’s lucky I found you in time. If Peter ever gets his way, I don’t think I could survive losing you.”

  “You’ll never lose me, I promise,” Sophia vowed.

  They kissed passionately then, with all the love they felt for each other in their hearts. Sophia started to strip away her clothes, but Logan stopped her by gently putting his hand over hers. “Let me do that.”

  Sophia nodded her consent, and Logan slowly undressed her. He started by removing the necklace from around her throat. He set it on the bureau by the bed and then kissed her bare throat with sensual movements of his lips. Then he began slowly removing her clothes, button by button, exposing her delicate flesh inch by inch and pleasuring her with his lips as he did so. He licked, kissed, suckled, fondled and massaged every part of her, making love to her with his mouth and hands until her entire body tingled with pleasure.

  “I want you inside me,” she moaned as she wrapped her thighs around his head, while his tongue danced on her most sensitive folds. Although the world of sex was still new to her, she instinctivel
y knew that what she and Logan were sharing was something special.

  “Not yet,” he said, wanting to extend her pleasure as long as possible. As a nearly immortal being, he had learned to take his time with things and wanted to make this moment last.

  He entered her with his fingers then, massaging her in just the right way until she orgasmed against his hand. As the throes of her climax were ebbing, he entered her with his organ. He moved slowly at first, drawing out her pleasure, then faster and harder until he brought her to orgasm a second time. The intensity of her gyrations as she flailed on the bed nearly caused Logan to climax himself, but somehow he managed to hold back. Then, as Sophia’s second climax was coming to an end, he massaged her most sensitive place of all with his fingers while he thrust deeply within her with his manhood and brought her to a third climax that was even more powerful than the first two.

  Sophia gasped and clutched at him as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body, unable to even cry out anymore from the incredible intensity of it. At last, Logan could not hold back any longer and he let himself lose. He thrust deeply and powerfully into her and felt the delirious pleasure of his own climax joining simultaneously with hers.

  When at last they had both finished, they fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. Utterly exhausted and satisfied, they slept more deeply than either of them had in a long time; so deep that when the jeweled necklace they had cast on the bureau began to glow, neither of them noticed.

  Chapter Five

  When Logan and Sophia awoke, they were pleased to find Clyde had fully recovered from his wounds.


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