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1606010387-Love-Lust-and-Deception-Lucas.doc Page 7

by Love, Lust

  By the time she was on the other side of the door, she was shaking. Without Johnny taking her elbow and leading her to the elevator, she wasn’t sure she would have made it. She also didn’t miss the way he politely refused passage to three other men who’d been waiting. She was thankful, though, because with just the two of them on the ride down twenty-eight floors, she felt comfortable enough to fall into the comforting arms of what she feared may be her only friend on earth.

  “Princess, don’t second guess yourself over that ass. And if Darius Kiersen is gay, I’m freakin’ Tinker Bell.”

  She laughed against the soft fabric of his shirt.

  “It doesn’t matter to me whether he’s gay or not. He’s good at what he does, and I really think he’s the right choice.”

  He tipped her chin up. Meeting his eyes, she saw that knowing look in them and nibbled on her lower lip like a guilty child.

  “Princess, did you really think I took the night off last night?”

  Thankfully, the elevator doors opened and, unless the heat she felt in her cheeks was visible, she was saved from answering him.

  * * * *

  Ashley decided as she pushed in the quick dial for Darius’ office that she was simply at a turning point in her life. And God knew it was way past time.

  “Kiersen Representatives.”

  “Mr. Kiersen, please. It’s Mrs. Williams.”

  She paced the thick carpet of the room she’d had dinner with Darius last, and waited anxiously to see if he’d take her call.

  At five years old, her mother had popped a tiara on her head, a stupid frilly dress, and sent her down a runway for the first of many, many times. She never knew her father but had often wondered if he would have been the voice of reason had he been around.

  “Probably not.”

  The next two years were a parade of pageants and auditions and dirty old men who wanted to see her in her underwear, but Myra didn’t give a damn so long as the outcome was what she wanted. By seven, luck struck when she got handed the part of the precocious daughter of a single mom in what became a household staple for most American families for the next eight years.

  “Hi, sweetheart.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. He sounded happy to hear from her and she felt the wings off butterflies brush her stomach.

  “Hi. Not bugging you, am I?”

  “Never. What do you need?”

  It was strange the way she could almost picture him sitting in his office, sunlight streaming through the windows. She saw the little crinkles beside his eyes and the little furrow between his brows when he was thinking. Unconsciously, she let out a sigh.

  “I fired Morey this morning. Well, more or less.”

  “Sweetheart, I could have done that for you. Sent over papers, it’s done all the time.”

  She paced to the full-length windows overlooking the Pacific Ocean and stepped out onto the deck. The sun warmed her skin and she inhaled deeply the salt air.

  “I know, but I felt I owed him.”

  “Did it get nasty?”

  Hell, yeah. She shrugged though, as if he could see her, and then played it off. She wouldn’t want him to know the things Morey had accused him off, and besides, she wasn’t sure if any of what he’d said was true or not yet, outside of the whole gay thing anyway.

  “I handled it.”

  He was quiet for a while. She wondered if he were shuffling paperwork, watering his plants, or simply trying to decide whether to challenge her on her dismissive attitude.

  “Darius, there’s something else, I…well—” She chewed on her lower lip for a minute. Darius was in the fringes of Hollywood with what he did for a living, but she had no idea how well he understood it or knew all that went on.

  “Tell me.”

  She knew then she had all his attention. She practically felt his fingers brush the bangs from her eyes once more.

  “I wanted to see you again, but there’s press here now. Last night, we got away with it because I hardly ever come here, but some neighbor must have ratted me out. I just pray they didn’t know I had a man in here all night.”

  She heard his heavy sigh across the line and for some crazy reason snuggled closer to the phone.

  “Well, I need information from you, Ashley. Karen got preliminary stuff from Johnny yesterday, but I still need forms, numbers for your assistant, your agent. I need copies of the contract you have with Morey and your doctor’s info. Have you made your appointment yet?

  She blinked at the change in conversation. The warm snuggly Darius was just gone and the kind and friendly business Darius was there in full force.

  “Uh, Paige Garrison is my assistant. She’d have all the other information you need. Um, Darius?”

  “What about the appointment, Ashley?”

  She sighed.

  “I haven’t made it yet.” I’m scared.

  “Give me the number you’re at and let me call you right back.”

  She spat the numbers out without realizing she was doing it. After he hung up, she stood staring at the phone. The late afternoon sun reflected off the water, sending blinding rays over the readout, but she wasn’t really seeing the phone, anyway. Her heart hurt.

  Surprisingly much, considering she hadn’t known the man for much more than twenty-four hours, but her heart had foolishly attached itself.

  She wondered if it were simply because he was the first person she’d let her guard down around in years, or if it were more. It had felt like more, but Myra always told her she wouldn’t know her own mind if she saw it for sale at Macy’s.

  Though she’d never been sure exactly what that meant, she figured it couldn’t be good.

  Leaning on the railing, she thought again about all the changes she wanted to make. Duncan was becoming more and more vocal about parts she was being offered. He wanted her to get back into things. She had a stack of invitations—awards shows, charity benefits. She wasn’t interested in any of it.

  She’d been able to push it all off on being distraught over the death of her mother and husband.

  She laughed unexpectedly.

  “If the world only knew.”

  The death of her mother and so-called love of her life was one of the most wonderful things that had ever happened to her.

  The phone rang and startled her right out of her memories.


  “Sweetheart, Johnny’s coming to get you. Pack a bag and don’t ask any questions.”

  Her mind blanked. Bag?

  “And, Ashley, trust me. I’ll take good care of you.”

  She almost started crying at his words. She thought she muttered some kind of coherent agreement and hung up the phone.

  Take care of me?

  She had mixed feelings about that. Myra and Gabriel, and even Morey, brushed off everything they did as taking care of her. She’d die before she’d let someone else take care of her like that again.

  “Princess? You need to get ready. We’ve got to go.”

  She looked over her shoulder at Johnny standing in her living room. She trusted him. He was the one good guy she’d ever known. She looked down at the phone again and thought of Darius.

  Waves of emotion washed over her as she remembered last night and everything he had made her feel. He’d done exactly what he said he would. He’d imprinted himself on her skin so that she could almost still feel him, and more than that…he’d taken care of her.

  Her gaze met, Johnny’s. “Give me five minutes.”

  * * * *

  “I hope everything is to your liking, Mrs. Williams.”

  Ashley gave the manager her practiced smile—the one that had been photographed by everyone in creation. At least it seemed that way some days.

  “It’s lovely as usual, Jake. Thank you.”

  Ashley shook his hand and as Paige let him out of the suite, Ashley looked around. It was the same suite she always used here. In fact, if she weren’t mistaken, it was the same suite she had spent her
wedding night in. She shuddered. Better not to think of that fiasco. She heard the door’s soft click and before she could say a single word, Paige had her by the hand, dragging her into the bedroom.

  “C’mon, we don’t have long.”

  “What…” She didn’t have a chance to finish as Paige started unraveling the ties on the light sweater she wore. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t dressed and undressed in front of Paige a million times, but this seemed a little awkward. She started to mention that very thing when, with a quick zip, Paige stepped out of her own flowery sundress.

  “What are you doing?”

  Paige grinned, spun Ashley around, and unzipped her skirt, letting it puddle to the floor faster than she could catch it.


  “Come on, honey, just switch clothes with me. I don’t have time to explain it and you’ll have all your answers in a minute, anyway. Here.”

  She handed Ashley the large brimmed sunhat she’d been wearing. When she’d come out to the car and found Paige already in the backseat, it had seemed a little odd for her to be wearing a hat, but Ashley had simply assumed she was going through a phase. Paige had been Ashley’s assistant for five years, one of the few employees she’d been allowed to hire for herself, but it had been in the past two years that the women finally became close friends.

  She trusted Paige, so with a shrug, she switched clothes with her.

  She still balanced the large hat on her head when Paige dragged her once more through the suite until they reached the door. She held out a key card and smiled at her in such a way that Ashley wondered if she maybe needed some time off. When she hugged her, she immediately decided she could take a few days over the weekend.

  “Right across the hall. Don’t worry about a thing. Me and Johnny have everything under control and…” her smile got even wider. “Have fun.” She actually gushed.

  In all the time she’d known Paige, she never knew her to gush. Paige was a few years older than Ashley and a bit on the bookish side, but that’s what made her a great assistant. Right now, however, Ashley thought maybe she needed more of a social life. She caught Johnny’s eye as he stood in his ‘on guard’ position by the large windows. He winked at her.

  Obviously, they were all in on it together and she could only hope this meant Darius was across the hall, but the covert ops thing was a little on the Twilight Zone side for her. She gave them both a crooked smile, touched the wide brim of the hat, and darted across the hall, putting the key card in. It worked right away and she let herself inside.

  The curtains were drawn, but even in the dim lighting, she could see that the suite mirrored the one across the hall. The aroma of food had her mouth watering.

  “I thought it was probably my turn to provide for you. ’Fraid I didn’t cook though, didn’t even order to be honest.” He shrugged, and his naughty little boy grin melted her heart. “But from this point on tonight, everything will be done by me personally.”

  His delicious promise made her vivid imagination take flight. He moved closer to her, his hand at the small of her back as he grazed her cheek with a quick brush of his lips. The scent of his cologne brought back a flood of memories from last night and she felt herself growing wet instantly.

  Her breathing was already irregular just from his nearness and she was having a terrible time controlling the urge to wrap her arms and legs around his body, begging him to just take her right this minute.

  He took her hand, brushed her cheek with his fingers, and ducked to catch her gaze under the hat. “You hungry, Ashley?”

  His wicked tone told her he meant far more than food and, as she nodded, she in turn meant a whole lot more than food.

  He led her by the hand to the table and held out her seat for her. She sat, pulled off the silly hat, dropping it to the floor, and inhaled the wonderful aromas as Darius pulled the metal covers off the plates.

  “When I spoke with Paige earlier, she said she’d handle the dinner order. I assume she did well?”

  Grilled salmon, asparagus and a green salad. She smiled. “Perfect.” Then she frowned. “She didn’t stick you with the same thing, did she?”

  Darius took his seat beside her, dropped the napkin into his lap, and pulled back his cover to expose the same meal, with the addition of new potatoes in a creamy sauce. Her mouth watered.

  Darius chuckled. “You want a taste, sweetheart?”

  She blinked and looked up guiltily at him. “No.”

  He smirked and stabbed a few of the potatoes with his fork, then held the fork up to her mouth. “I get the whole ‘Hollywood thin’ thing, sweetheart, but are you due on the set in the morning?”

  Her mouth continued to water at the temptation in front of her. Her gaze met his, almost seeking his approval. Did he really think it would be okay if she ate them?

  “Sweetheart.” His voice was so gentle; it touched her heart in a strange way. “It’s like with the implants, it’s your body, your choices. Whoever’s speaking in your head right now…tell them to shut up.”

  How did he know that?

  She blinked, looked again at the potatoes, then once more at Darius. She felt completely ridiculous. She was a grown woman cowering in the face of a few potatoes. What the hell was that about? Before she drove herself beyond the brink of madness, she closed her mouth over the offering and savored every flavor and texture, eyes closed so she could really experience the whole thing.

  She couldn’t remember if she’d ever had potatoes before, but assumed she must have because every time they were around, she felt them call her.

  “Thank you.”

  “No. Thank you.” His voice sounded strained, tight. She opened her eyes to find the most devilish look on his face. “Sweetheart, that experience was hotter than porn.” He stabbed a few more potatoes and held them out to her. “Here, have more. Although I may come in my pants with one more round of that, but I’m willing to risk it.”

  The look in his eyes made her breathless, she took the offered food, and couldn’t help the low moan that snuck out.

  “You’re a very passionate woman, Ashley. I have to say, I like that about you.”

  She smiled, feeling shy and happy, and not quite certain about what might happen next. She didn’t have long to wait to find out. Darius slipped his fingers through the loose strands of hair that hung down her back, circled the back of her neck, and pulled her toward him until their lips met.

  His kiss was soft, seductive. As his tongue slowly searched the seam of her lips, she gladly separated them for him and welcomed his tongue in her mouth. She sucked gently on it, listening to him moan as she did. His free arm slid around her waist, tugging her entire body closer until she finally found herself moving onto his lap.

  She straddled him, her pussy brushing his hard cock. She hated the layers of clothes that kept them apart.

  “I want you, Darius. Please. Now.”

  She felt needy. But in a strange way, Darius made her feel safe about acting needy. Maybe that wouldn’t make sense to anybody else, but she’d spent her entire life afraid of needing anyone too much. Rejection and loneliness was all she’d ever found before when she needed something or someone.

  “I’ll take care of you, sweetheart.”

  She felt tears well in her eyes because she believed him. He stood from the chair, her body cradled against his. She wrapped her legs around his hips, never breaking the kiss. She allowed her mind to forget who she was, where she was, what tomorrow held, all in favor of right this minute.

  Her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples hard, an aching for his touch, his kiss. He kicked open the door to the bedroom and laid her carefully on the bed, but Ashley wasn’t ready for him to let her go. She clung to him like he was her very salvation, kissing him with everything she had.

  He pressed her body into the mattress with his own. She felt his hard cock press against her thigh, and moved her hand to hold it. He quickly obliged her, unzipping his pants and sliding her hand ins
ide. He groaned into her mouth when she circled him with her fingers, but it wasn’t enough.

  She pushed him aside, left him laying on the bed as she gave him a sexy smile while she pulled his pants completely off. She straddled his legs, took his length back between her fingers. She played and teased, until she couldn’t stand it anymore and took all of him deep into her mouth. They groaned in unison.

  She worked a slow sensual rhythm, mixing her whole mouth with just her tongue and sometimes her hand. She felt his thighs tense beneath her as he writhed to her ministrations and soon she tasted his salty pre-cum. She sucked harder, desperation leading her on. Desperate to bring this man some of the pleasure he’d brought her, desperate to keep their connection, to continue feeling the bond between them.

  By the time she felt him pulling on her body, wordlessly maneuvering her so her pussy hung over his face, she’d already grown so wet that when his hand reached under her dress to find her soaked panties, a quick brush of his fingers had her practically coming from his light touch.

  His hands braced her hips astride his head while his mouth worked her clit through her panties, his actions only making her more feverish. She sucked harder on his cock, and within moments, his hot seed shot into her mouth. She swallowed all of it like a woman dying of thirst. The second he recovered, he had her on her back, panties torn in half. He began to eat her as if he’d die if she refused him.

  His tongue made her crazy. He licked, pushed inside her, nipped at her clit with his teeth. She cried out, shoved her fist against her mouth, and practically writhed right off the bed. He ate her…no, devoured her like he’d never known another woman. He made her crazy, and when her own climax came, she nearly passed out from it.

  In the aftermath of the tumult, both were breathless. Darius climbed back up on the bed and pulled Ashley close. It wasn’t close enough. She wanted inside him. She wanted to be part of him.

  A deeply intense fear burst into life in that moment. She knew when he left her, that he’d be taking a piece of her with him—a vital piece.

  He enfolded her in his arms and pressed a long kiss to the top of her head. Soon, his rhythmic breathing told her he’d fallen asleep. She decided to join him and let sleep take her to a place where Darius was hers forever.


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