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Page 22

by Lynn Crandall

  Michelle’s soft touch on his arm soothed the sizzling anger seething just beneath his skin. He might have been wrong in his conclusions about his father.

  “We realized we could never part from Carter. His connections infiltrated all aspects of living in Laurelwood. Doctors, politicians, police administors, judges. We discussed moving out of town but we knew he’d find us. As long as I stayed involved in some capacity, you and your mother would be safe. So yes, I’ve contributed to the development of horrific crimes, but all the while I was trying to do things that undermined Carter’s endeavors.”

  Tears blurred Casey’s vision, but he brushed them away. His mind had no memories of Carter’s interaction in his family’s early life. He did remember his mother’s pregnancy and subsequent loss of the child, but he’d never had reason to question it as anything other than a sad but normal event. “So now it’s over? Carter’s dead and you’re free.”

  “We haven’t had time yet to wrap our brains around this development, his death. There is a lot to consider.” His mother dabbed her eyes, then folded her hands.

  “And what about The Nexus Group?” Casey’s brain whirled. There were still many questions.

  His parents exchanged glances. “You’ve got to understand that we know very little about the inner workings of The Nexus Group. It’s a very dangerous organization. Please don’t make attempts to investigate it.”

  “You’re afraid of the group. But you’re a member?”

  “Yes, I’m a member. It’s not something I’m proud of or ever wanted. I made some bad choices. And yes, we’re afraid what the group might to do to us and you if we attempted to separate or report their activities to the authorities, who are probably connected to the group.”

  Casey rubbed his fingers across his mouth, contemplating. “I want to believe you. I do. But why didn’t you come to me, after I grew up, and tell me about the terrible fix you’re in? I’m a PI, for god’s sake. I could have helped. But no, you chose to keep your secret from me. I can’t help but suspect there is more to what’s happened than what you’ve just told me.”

  “I understand. But I hope in time you’ll be able to accept what I’ve said and forgive me for what I’ve done. I truly have been trying to keep you safe, son.”

  Casey pulled Michelle to her feet. She stood close beside him and the warmth of her closeness reminded him he was beginning a new life with new ways. “Dad, Mom, I love you. If what you’ve said is true, I can understand your actions. But finding out the way I did, second hand and not from you, really rocked my beliefs about you. I need time.”

  Sorrow pulled at their faces, but Casey could not simply act as though all was well.

  “Okay, son. Thank you for hearing me out. I respect your need for space, but I hope to see you again soon.” His father wrapped an arm around his mother, as Casey led Michelle away. Away from his father, his mother, from the home of his childhood, away from all the corruption.

  Casey walked with Michelle to his car and drove away, pain gripping every muscle in his body. That heartsick pain he couldn’t get away from.

  He heaved a deep sigh. “I’ve held my father in high esteem. I feel lost now.”

  “You were right to listen and to take time to consider everything.” Michelle gave him a sad smile. “It could be true. And maybe the baby didn’t die. It could be Kennedy. Why didn’t you say something?”

  “We don’t know for sure if Carter was telling the truth. I’m not going to build up their hope and take it away if I find out Kennedy is not family.” Casey fisted his hands. “I feel so conflicted. My dad should have known better than to get involved with Carter. But if it’s true, they’ve suffered so much.”

  “The William Carter effect. It’s horrific and almost never fails in its intent.”

  “It really hurts.” His body sagged into the car seat.

  “The sorrow you’re struggling against will sink you, if you let it.” Michelle plucked at one of his dreads. “Giving it enough space to expand to its fullest height and breadth and then some more is the only way through to the side where you’ll find peace.”

  “You sound as though you know a thing or two about deep pain.” He didn’t smile at her, but inside he felt the smile in his heart that was Michelle blooming.

  “You’re such a good man, Casey. I’m sorry your father has failed you.” She caressed his leg and let silence lie between them.

  He believed her words, but he couldn’t let loose the depth of his loss of beliefs until other matters were resolved. “I called a meeting this morning of my colony. I’d like you to be there, if you’re willing.” He kept his eyes on the road and waited.

  “Of course. I’ve been smack dab in the middle of all that’s been going on in the last few weeks. Is that what the meeting is going to be about?”

  “Yes. I’d hoped you would be a part of it.” He pulled into his driveway and up to his garage. The others were already inside. He could see they’d made themselves at home in the family room. He wished this gathering were purely social. Last night had been intense and they deserved some down time. However, it wasn’t going to happen this afternoon.

  In the kitchen, Casey pulled a bottle of water out for himself and passed one to Michelle. They took seats in the circle of chairs and couches in the family room. Casey rolled his shoulders, shifting his morning’s confrontation to the back of his mind.

  He thanked everyone for their work last night, then continued. “Lara, what do you have to report about the cats? Any troubles with their health?”

  “Blood tests show some have a predisposition to respond to the type of drug Carter filled them with. So those with that predisposition exhibit symptoms. Fortunately, we got them out of his project before the enhancements created deformities. Some who don’t have the same genetic predisposition have degrees of organ damage. I’m giving them B12 injections to help them get through withdrawals.”

  “Will they need observation for a while?” Michelle sat on the edge of her seat.

  “Yes. Nothing is contagious. They don’t have any diseases other than the typical ones homeless cats get.” Lara exchanged a pointed look with Casey.

  “I know, Lara. We have to work with Kennedy, gently. We can’t just abandon her nor can we interrogate her. We have to wait to find out her story.”

  Lara nodded. “Yes, we have to go slowly. She went into shock yesterday and she’s recuperating at my house. That’s why Asher isn’t here. He’s keeping an eye on her.” She looked out through the expansive windows for a few seconds. “Booker did an exam on her yesterday. She’s healthy, but we need more testing.”

  “That’s right. I did just a basic checkup.” Booker tapped his fingers on the arm of the couch. “We have no idea at this point what she’s been through.”

  “We’re going to have to do a DNA test on her to determine family connection. I need that. I’m sure she will, too,” Casey said.

  “It makes sense,” popped up Booker. “We don’t know anything about her. And we surely wouldn’t take Carter’s words at face value. We can do a sibling test.”

  “Dr. Booker,” quipped Tizzy, using his official title, “how accurate is the sibling DNA test?”

  “Typically the test identifies a number of genetic matches between true siblings. For siblings who carry inherited genes not commonly found in the general population, accuracy is better than ninety-nine percent.” Booker turned toward Casey. “We wouldn’t need your father’s cooperation.”

  “She can stay with me as long as she needs to, but we need a long-term plan, once we know more.” Lara pursed her lips. “We could take turns hosting her if that’s a better short term solution. We’ve got to think of what’s best for her and the group. We don’t have any reason to trust her yet.”

  Asia nodded. “Yes, we have no concrete proof of her loyalty or state of mind. But I don’t feel that means we automatically distrust her.”

  “That is how we operate and it has kept us safe,” Conrad pointed out.

  “We seem to have opened our lives to Michelle and her friends without much concern about possible damage.” Tizzy tilted her head and arched her brows. The room got suddenly very quiet.

  “Different. Casey and I both already knew them. Don’t make this about moggy versus pure, Tizzy.” Lara shook her head and flashed Tizzy a disgusted look.

  “I’m grateful for the trust you’ve put in me.” Michelle’s expression and deep blue eyes shined gratitude. “I imagine you relied on your instincts, something you all seem to be skilled at. When you have gathered the information you need about Kennedy, you’ll do so again.”

  “Good point, Michelle.” Asia smiled at Michelle, then aimed it at Casey.

  “The news is calling Carter’s death an accident and Walker is taking the blame for it.” Casey glanced down at the floor, trying to control his emotions. A leader of a colony of were-cats does not cry in front of the members, even over the death of another of his kind. Michelle put her hand on his leg and rubbed lightly. “I’ll talk with Jackson and probably Sterling and Lacey and take care of Walker. He was involved in the study but he kind of redeemed himself last night.”

  He glanced around the room and each head nodded in agreement.

  “I’ll work with Pretid to manage any bad press, just so you know that I’m taking care of that end of the Carter mess.” Casey paused, sizing up the feel of the room. “Okay, we’ve discussed all business. I have one more thing to bring up.” He turned his smile to Michelle. “This next agenda item falls under the heading of good news.”

  “Why are you so smiley?” Michelle asked. She poked him in his arm. “Spill.”

  “Our resident banker, Conrad, and me, our lawyer, have this to present to you.” He stood and pulled Michelle to her feet. She looked up at him, her eyes perplexed. He handed her an envelope. “Open it.” He couldn’t mask the happiness in voice.

  Michelle’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. The papers in her hands slipped to the floor. “My deed to my house. How did you do that?” Her eyes scanned from Casey to Conrad and back to Casey. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly.

  “So, I guess you two are together,” quipped Tizzy, a wide smile stretched across her face.

  Casey absorbed her joy and peace, so grateful he could get her house back in her hands.

  “Hey, do I get a kiss, too?” Conrad sulked. “I did a lot of the work. Turns out Carter’s influence doesn’t hold up for a judge who’s not dirty. I found one of those. The whole mortgage grab and alleged problems with the title search stood on very shaky ground. Without the crooked banker and judge, the whole thing collapsed, as all illegal things should.”

  “Thank you, Conrad. Thank you, Casey. Thank you everyone for helping me stand against William Carter. My life will never be the same.”

  Tears drifted down her cheeks and Casey brushed them away. “Yeah, we make a good team, all of us. You deserve nothing less, sweetheart.”

  “Aww … aren’t they so cute,” Tizzy teased. She failed to duck in time to miss the pillow Casey threw at her face.

  Chapter Nineteen

  After the meeting ended and everyone went their separate ways, Casey still had four more people to talk to. Michelle offered to go with him. She sensed exhaustion was taking him over and she wanted to be there for him.

  He called Jackson to ask if he and Michelle could stop by. Luckily, since it was Saturday, Ben and Sterling were at Jackson’s house, too.

  Walking into Jackson’s house, Michelle expected to feel a heavy sense of sorrow. It was barely perceptible. Instead, serenity welcomed them in.

  “Hi Casey, Michelle. Come on in. It’s too chilly to sit in the yard.” Lacey motioned them to the couch in the living room. “Jackson will be right here. He’s on the phone with his brother.”

  Ben and Sterling walked in from the kitchen. “You caught us.” Sterling licked chocolate frosting off her fingers. “Delicious. Brownies with chocolate icing. Yum.”

  Michelle listened as Casey chatted about the weather and wrestled with Tyler, Lacey’s son, and Joshua, Ben and Sterling’s son. The young boys, Tyler eight and Joshua a bit over one, giggled and tried to best Casey.

  The homey setting and the truly loving people seemed to lighten Casey’s heart. Michelle smiled to herself, gearing up for a serious talk.

  When Jackson walked into the room, Lacey sent her son to play in his room with Joshua.

  “Hey, everyone. Sorry about that phone call. Lots of business to take care of with Dad’s estate. It’s going to be a challenge because there is so much secrecy and protection.” He gave a lopsided smile. “It will all work out.”

  “I’m truly sorry for your loss, Jackson.” Michelle’s heart dipped.

  “Thank you, Michelle.” He turned direct, dark brown eyes on her. “I’m sorry for the terrible things my father did to you. I wish I could erase it from ever happening.” Jackson turned to walk to a desk across the room and pulled out an envelope. He handed it to her. “You’ve shared your wishes with your friends and the Cats Alive board for a dream cat rescue facility. From what you’ve told me, it sounds wonderful. In that envelope is my father’s contribution to your new facility.”

  Michelle’s hands trembled as she opened the envelope. The check written for $250,000 struck her heart so hard she stopped breathing. “Jackson, I can’t take this.”

  Jackson leaned in close to whisper. “Please. It’s the least I can do to pay retribution for my father’s terrible acts against you.”

  “Thank you.” For as long as she’d known Jackson, she’d understood how sincere his wishes were to make things right after his father’s destruction. “But what’s important to me now is that you have support. Your father’s death was shockingly brutal and unexpected. A terrible ordeal for you.”

  “My relationship with my father has always been difficult. When I became aware of who he really was and what he did, our relationship fell apart. I gave him every chance to make different choices and he made his choice. He continued in his illegal ways, rather than clean up his life and be a part of my family. His choices made me sad. Still do. But his death is just the final step in closing our relationship.” Jackson rubbed his head and breathed deeply.

  “Are the funeral arrangements made?” Casey asked.

  “Yes. A private family gathering. I don’t want any of the thugs from his company showing up. He’s being cremated, so I’ll have to decide what to do with his ashes.”

  Lacey put a hand to his shoulder. “But not today.”

  Casey nodded. “There are no words to fit the occasion.” He drew in a deep breath. “But there are other things to discuss. Don’t worry about cleaning up the Pretid study. I’ll be able to distance the company and its device from Carter Enterprises. The device will have to start up another study, but it’s a good product. There won’t be any further problems.”

  “Unless The Nexus Group gets its hand into things.” Jackson frowned.

  “Well, there is that possibility. We know so little about them.” Casey rolled his shoulders, clearing his head, Michelle suspected.

  “Ben, Lacey, and I dropped by the research facility early this morning. Doors wide open, everything cleaned out.” Sterling tapped her foot on the carpet. “They wasted no time to clean up and clear out.”

  “The police didn’t find anything. The whole place was wiped clean,” Ben added.

  “So we just wait and watch?” Lacey asked, her expression troubled.

  “We live our lives, waiting and watching, yes.” Casey’s fingers tapped a slow beat on the couch. “Everything has changed, though. You four know about us, the were-lynxes. We all have had our rugs pulled out from under us in some way. It will take some time to adjust to the changes we’ve faced.”

  “Right.” Michelle grabbed Casey’s hand. “I wouldn’t want to go back to not knowing the things I’ve learned. The bad was very hard, but it brought me into a new awareness and a better life.”

I agree,” Lacey said, smiling. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

  “What goes around comes around, and in our case, what has come around has brought new friends.” Sterling clapped her hand on her knee. “Casey, can you and Michelle stay for dinner?”

  Michelle looked up into Casey’s glistening eyes and saw an assurance she’d become accustomed to and a sense of adventure, side by side.

  “Thanks, but I’ve got a little more business to attend to tonight.”

  While the women said their goodbyes at the front door, Jackson walked Ben and Casey outside. From inside, Michelle overheard the conversation. It set her heart singing.

  “Casey, just thanks. You’re a good friend. Always have been. And thank you, Ben.”

  Casey wouldn’t say anything, but Michelle saw what he saw, the glisten of a tear on Jackson’s cheek. He clapped him on the back. “You, too. You too, friend.”

  Behind the wheel, heading toward Michelle’s house, Casey kept quiet. She suspected thoughts churned inside his head, defying being put to rest. So much had happened and so much had been hard. She wondered if they could weather it.

  When he pulled into her drive, he turned off the ignition and directed eyes full of questions at her. “Could we just talk here for a bit?”

  “Of course. You don’t want me to come inside?”

  He dropped his head against the car seat and stared out the window. The evening was young, but the fall nighttime grew dark early as the season progressed. She tried to imagine all the sounds and scents Casey could pick up with his keen, lynx senses.

  “Your world must be so amazing.” She didn’t turn to look at him, but put her hand out to touch his arm.

  “It is. Growing up, that was not emphasized at all. Only the danger of living in a world of humans and the need to avoid connections. That’s why I’ve remained reserved with people. It was pounded into me as my duty to keep a distance.”


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