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All is Lost (All Series, Book 2)

Page 4

by Marie Wathen

  Their short conversation over the bartender grins as he pulls away from her, turning toward the stocked shelf behind him. Taking a bottle of Bacardi off the bottom, he jerks his chin upward beckoning her. A magnificent smile bursts across her face as she climbs onto the barstool and then on top of the bar. She twists around and sits as the bartender steps up on a short ladder behind her.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” He yells toward the raucous crowd, who completely ignores him. “Hey!” He screams louder and after a few eardrum piercing whistles, the volume lowers drastically.

  “We have a special treat for one lucky S.O.B tonight. This dear gents’, is the treat!” He indicates placing a hand on the beauty. She begins giggling while shaking her head slowly and my mouth waters as I watch the blush rushing up her long neck.

  “It is body shot time!”

  The crowd booms out their appreciation with yells and more whistles. I am also instantly intrigued by her show.

  “And the lucky bastard is…” He says, scanning the crushed crowd of men at her feet.

  Arms shoot up to the ceiling as nearly every man in the bar begs her to pick him. She lifts a hand in front of her, fingers outstretched toward the crowd. Moving it from left to right and then back again she stops, her hand hovering midair and then she points directly at me.

  Hell yes she did!

  As cool as I am, I smoothly ease off my chair, angle my way through the tight bunch of jealous men and stand directly in front of her. Dropping her head down, she stares excitedly into my eyes. Seductively, I take her hand in mine, kiss it and assist her with lying back. Reaching with her free hand, she pulls her hair up allowing it to fan out before placing her head down. Never breaking eye contact with me, she turns her head and begins chewing on a long painted fingernail. I raise the hand I’m holding, rescue the one she’s mutilating with her teeth, and then extend both above her head.

  “Relax, you’ll enjoy this,” I reassure her, slowly lifting the hem of her top to just under the edge of her breast, allowing my hand to graze it. Yeah, I am an ace at body shots.

  Seeing her sexy stomach, and a sparkling bellybutton ring, my body temperature raises instantly, like switching on a stove to the “goddamn that’s hot” setting. I lick my lips as the bartender begins pouring the clear liquid into the enticing, tiny indention above her skirt. A quiver in her stomach breaks me out of my trance and I glance back at her face for confirmation that she wants this. Her hooded eyes and slow nod spurs me to proceed.

  I place my tongue just under the area containing the spirits, warming with her body temperature. Her abs tightens as I encircle her bellybutton provocatively, and then retrace the path with feather light kisses. Hearing her quick intake of air, I smile against her hot skin. Encouraged by her passionate reaction to my drawn out flirting, I lap up the spicy liquid before running my tongue all the way down to the top of her skirt. She squeals at the sensation and digs both hands into my hair. Jerking my head up, she tugs me toward her mouth.

  Growling appreciatively she pants, “Ohgod, I need you to kiss me now.”

  Gripping the back of her neck possessively, I slide my thumb on her pulse point. Pressing lightly, I hold her in place for a long moment and my cravings surge with delayed gratification. Touching her this way, I instantly feel an increase to her pounding rhythm.

  Pausing with my lips grazing against hers, I breathe across them, “Unless you tell me to stop now, I am going to kiss you hard. Once I start I won’t stop until morning.”

  Panting raggedly, her bewitching eyes dilate with heat and she moans, “Don’t stop.”

  Chapter Three


  Rhys drops a folder on his desk and turns to me, “Marcus, do you know Attacus?” He nods toward the large tan man sitting on the edge of his desk currently reading a file.

  Attacus Sloane the fifth is a member of the Stealth team. Everyone calls him Tac except Rhys and he only does it to piss off Tac. The two of them could be related because they are both large men with Mediterranean looks, including dark hair and olive skin tone. However, Tac appears to work out more. I'm sure that his job plays a major role in that fact. Tac is a man tracker–a very accomplished man tracker. Only twenty five years old, he is the youngest member of the Stealth team and uses the job as a police academy instructor for his cover. He was offered positions at homeland security, the secret service and the ATF. Instead of those jobs he chose Stealth. Stealth works as a counter-terrorism unit, very similar to the U.S. Navy Seals. However, the difference is Stealth is a ghost. You have to know someone directly inside the cloak-and-dagger team to find them, let alone get their assistance. Lucky for us, Rhys is our direct hook up.

  “Yeah, Tac was one of my instructors at the academy in Birmingham.” I remind him while I offer my hand, greeting Tac. He grips it, nods and then releases.

  “Right. Shit I can't remember a damn thing anymore.” Rhys rubs his temple and laughs. “Not to mention it has been a hellova twenty four hours. Too damn much drinking, dancing and running for our lives last night. I sure as hell didn't get as lucky as you though, huh Marcus?” He winks at me like he knows all of my secrets. “Green feet didn't share my bed last night.” I shake my head haphazardly, refusing to respond.

  “How's it going Marcus?” Tac asks kindly ignoring Rhys too.

  “It's fucked up Tac.” I snap completely frustrated. “You think you might find these bastards so we can get back to work? I hate that all of this shit now involves my family.” Honestly, it isn’t my family that I'm only worried about. I must protect Breesan. “Sorry man it's just…”

  "It's fucked up. Yeah, I get it," he says cutting me off as he drops the file on Rhys' desk. “Well man, I just reviewed the investigators preliminary and skimmed through the photographs from the crime scene. I’m going by the house after we're done here, but I would like to know if y'all have anything else to add.” He scans the faces of my team.

  “Marcus,” Sam starts and something about her cautious tone sets off warning signals. I jerk my head around, finding concern in her eyes as she says, “There's a lot of shit about this whole situation that is not adding up, little brother. Unfortunately it appears to circle around Breesan Maxwell.”

  Feeling my heart hammering as my anxiety skyrockets, I ask, “What are you saying,” Pausing a beat, I scan their faces before adding, “The night of Morgan's welcome home party there was a possibility that she was a target to be injured. Was she also the intended target in last night’s shooting spree?” They remain silent, but their stoic expressions give me my answers. They aren’t personally invested in Breesan, like I am or my heart is, so they can remain indifferent, but I can’t.

  “Fuck,” I growl loud, scrubbing my hands through my hair.

  “We'll get to the bottom of this Marcus.” Kole says, joining our conversation after ending his phone call. “We just need to keep it on the down low. There is no exception. In order for us to help her, we must do it all off the record. The DTF administrators are pissed off knowing that we were involved in the shoot out and I’ve promised full disclosure. The police department wants written statements from you and Breesan. But first I want to review them.” He nods at Rhys as he continues. “Homicide isn't our department and this is not our case. However, because Breesan aligns with our case we can justify it, sort of. But not until there's something concrete tying Dr Asshole to this shit. So we will stay under the radar while protecting her and hopefully without jeopardizing the Ryske investigation.”

  “That's why Attacus came in this morning,” Rhys says. “No one knows he is here. That of course always works to his mission’s advantage, but now it's imperative that HQ doesn't think our mission and your part in the operation are compromised. During the ongoing police investigation he’ll link up with Raithe avoiding the investigators completely.”

  “Right,” I say.

  “Marcus, we knew about you and Breesan before last night.” Rhys says locking eyes with me and I stare suspiciously. “Wheth
er you choose to admit anything is your business, but we've seen it coming for a while. Julia may have too, therefore blowing your cover. If there is a correlation between the shooting and your discovery in this mission then the powers that be will shut us down.”

  Dammit, that could be it. Julia could have figured out I was working undercover, which is why Breesan mentioned Julia saying that I was falling for her. Could it be that I'm the reason Breesan’s life is in jeopardy? Is my involvement with this taskforce the reason Tristan is lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life? Guilt washes over me in waves and I agonize over what to say in response to Rhys’ claims.

  “It's my fault.” Growling low, I stand and stalk toward the doorway. Reaching up I grab the handle, yank it open and mumble, “I need to get to Breesan.”

  “We're not done here, Marcus. Sit down.” Rhys demands.

  He did not just order me. Turning around swiftly, I rush back, lean over his desk with my hands supporting me and yell, “This meeting is bullshit Rhys! You could have handled all this without me being here. You know what? You all can talk this through until you are blue in the face for all I care. But I’m leaving now.” Still yelling, I pound a fist down on the desk, giving it several angry whacks before I point a finger at my chest. “Protecting Breesan is my damn responsibility. Don’t you get it? She is in danger because of me.”

  My body trembles visibly with anger. My hand hurts like a motherfucker, but I don't care about any of it. I must go find Breesan now. Feeling cold, delicate hands slide up my arm and around my back I flinch away, but realize almost immediately that Sam isn’t relenting as she continues pulling me against her. Sighing softly, the guilt begins consuming me. I didn't mean to pull her, or anyone else in our family, into this bullshit with Dr. A, when I fell for Breesan.

  “Hey.” Sam says, “We understand how you may be feeling right now, but getting pissed and snapping at Rhys isn't helping anything. We're in this together Marcus. Understand?” She soothes, slowly releasing her hold on me.

  How can I trust anybody with Breesan? From the moment I claimed her lips, I subsequently claimed her as mine, and therefore she is my responsibility. Swallowing back the bad taste in my mouth from letting her out of my sight, I fight the panic threatening to possess me and reluctantly sit back down. I can feel the tension rolling off me as I flip my glare at each of them.

  Reining in my temper, I say, “Breesan is at the hospital. Raithe is there, but…if those bastards are brave enough to pull off this shit at my grandfather's private residence then what will stop them from getting to her at the fucking hospital?”

  “We think they had prior access at the Walker estate,” Rhys says. “Either they were working for your grandfather last night or they were invited guests.”

  I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees and drop my head in my hands. Someone I could be familiar with came in unnoticed and shot up the place? Running all of the faces from last night through my mind, I no longer hear the conversation.

  “Marcus,” Sam says, gaining my attention. I raise my eyes to see her sympathetic smile.”Does she know they were shooting at her?”

  I stare at Sam with uncertainty. Breesan blacked out while we were discussing all the options that could have been the reason behind the shooting. I don't think she overheard us. After everything that we shared this morning, that was the one thing I couldn't tell her. Not until I knew for certain. It crushes me to think about how she will react when I tell her that with all the evidence we have, she was the one that was supposed to be shot.

  “Hell no,” Averting my eyes to the floor, I shake my head. “I couldn't tell her something that we aren't sure about. If she thinks that she is the reason for Tristan being injured she will freak out and I needed confirmation before I break her heart like that.” I look up into Sam’s face, “You don't know what living with Julia did to her. I won't let her take the blame, Sam.”

  “I understand,” she replies.

  Even through Breesan passed out last night, I don’t think it is because she is fragile. However, I do believe that she will shut me and everyone else out if she believes someone is in danger, just by association. Even though neither of us confessed love, we are committed and our relationship is fragile as hell. I can’t lose her.

  “Can you tell me what we do know?” I ask.

  “The preliminary report indicates there were two shooters,” Tac responds. “But I think there was an additional person on the inside. Shooter one, the guy on the roof, left a gift behind. We have his DNA from where he fell and was impaled by the trimmed hedge. I've got a friend in the Birmingham lab that owes me a favor and I'll take a sample up to him today. It shouldn't be more than a couple of days before we get the results. That's if the douche bag has been in the system before.” He smiles and adds, “Also, the investigators found a wireless surveillance ear-piece lying against the edge of the house where the second shooter was standing. This is the piece of the puzzle that makes me think there was another person on the inside. The ear piece is receiver only.” I narrow my eyes waiting for his explanation. “Most likely the person inside was acting like the eyes for the shooters. That's important because the department is going to treat this case as a hit.”

  Just hearing the words spoken out loud causes my stomach to drop as panic threatens to consume me. Feeling ill, my mouth dries as my heart rate spikes and if I was standing I might have fallen to my knees.

  Tac checks the time on his watch before continuing, “I'm going to need every bit of documentation I can get on the girl. I requested a background check on her and her parents before I left Birmingham this morning. I need access to high school transcripts, details of summer jobs, and anything that will give me clues about her and her connections. Most importantly, I want to know why someone would want a nineteen year old girl dead on her birthday.”

  Motherfucker! Again I am reminded that yesterday was Breesan’s birthday.

  “Yeah,” I sigh, “Breesan found some things that Julia has stored in their attic. I brought a couple boxes back with me. There are over thirty boxes up there, and it all looks like journals. Maybe there's something in them of significance.”

  “Looks like our little angel will be a busy girl.” Rhys says smiling at Sam.

  “Oh you think so?” Sam glowers at him and he laughs. “Well it's a good thing I don't have other shit to do.”

  “You don't. Since Dr. A's yacht launched early this morning, you are free to do as I instruct.” he orders quirking an eyebrow up at her, then turns to me, “You too, Marcus.”

  “What about me?”

  “Your security job with Julia has ended. She left with Dr. A.”

  I nod, happy with the thought of Julia and Dr. A being out of the picture because it means Breesan is safe, temporarily. Wait. Breesan doesn't know Julia is gone either. Why would Julia take off during a shooting that has the potential of being a hit on Breesan's life; and why wouldn't she at least leave a note telling Breesan that she was leaving this morning? Warning sirens blare deep within my mind at these questions, and shit begins to fall into place. If she was behind the orders to kill Breesan, leaving behind trip details for a dead girl would be pointless.

  “That's all we have for you now,” Rhys nods toward Tac. “Attacus, do you have anything to add?”

  “No, I think I'm good. I’ve got a private call to make and I need to use the post office land line.” Confused, I raise an eyebrow and Tac catches my expression. “It's the only secure phone line on this entire island. No one is monitoring it. I don't need anyone knowing shit about where I am, but I do have to check in.” Tac tells us.

  Sam jumps from her seat and walks toward the door. “I'm heading to the hospital Tac. You can follow me, if you can keep up.” She challenges him with a wicked smile as she grabs her gear.

  Rhys’ face drops and a heated look grows in his eyes. Sam doesn't even glance his way when she says bye to the room. The smile plastered across Tac’s face hints that he is up for her ch

  “I'll be right behind you, Honey,” he announces, rushing to gathering his files. “Talk soon Rhys.”

  Grinding his teeth, Rhys says, “Yeah.”

  Pausing in the doorway, Tac pins me with a serious look, “Marcus, I'll get them. No worries okay?” His words shoot panic through my veins. A need to get to Breesan is stout and demanding.

  Standing, I tell Rhys’ and Kole, “I'll see ya later too.”

  “Wait one second, Marcus,” Kole says.

  Remaining in the doorway poised and ready to bolt, I turn around and give him the respect he deserves. The moment I am given my freedom I'm out of here. I can’t deal with anymore damn delays.

  “Let's go over a few things before you head out,” Kole says and I nod. “First, with Julia gone we're expecting you to assist Sam with locating her and Dr. A once again.”

  “I half expected to be alone on digging through all of the shit in the attic, but I'll be more than happy to share with my sister.”

  “Okay good, and the other thing,” Kole says, “When Julia left Sam noticed that there was another woman on the yacht with them. Do you know any women that Julia may associate with or have issues with?” He peers sideways at me. “Sam said they spoke shitty to each other, but when Dr. A was consoling Julia the other woman seem to get really pissed off.”

  Frowning, I shrug, “Except for a few board members at the castle, I haven't seen Julia around any women in the weeks that I worked with her or while watching Breesan. Do we have a description? Was she with Julia or Dr. A?”


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