All is Lost (All Series, Book 2)

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All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Page 18

by Marie Wathen

  A soft rumble releases from my chest at her aggressiveness, heating me up and making me want to do bad things to her in this bed. I smile looking into her intense eyes that also have passion blooming.

  In a smoky voice she asks, “What would have happened if you went to jail?” She continues running her hand through my hair.

  “That would have really set Barret's ass off. Looking back I'm glad for Granddad's sake that I didn't do anything stupid.” Granddad wouldn’t have held it against me, and that is why I didn’t want to embarrass him. “During this time Morgan sensed the rift between me and our parents, and of course being a true ass-kiss, he turned against me. I was dubbed the outcast.” I feel my jaw twitching as I think about how shitty he became without knowing the truth. “I believe that if Morgan knew what happened between us he would most likely support Sam, but it's not my place to tell their secret. If I was going to tell anyone it would be her. I seriously pray she never hears the truth. Keeping the truth from Sam rips my heart out daily. Initially, I debated it relentlessly, running through every possible outcome. Spent many restless nights agonizing over telling her the truth, but in the end I decided that I couldn't stand the thought of watching her heart break. I guess it's selfish of me, but I love her too much to tell her that the reason he treats her differently is because she's not his child.” I pause, judging Breesan’s reaction. She stays silent, brushing her hand through my messy hair.

  “She rarely has contact with him,” I add. “And when she does, he avoids her at all cost. God he makes me sick.” Growling, I raise up sitting on the edge of the bed.

  I mentally cuss my parents and myself for keeping their secret. How can a man treat someone, who he claimed to love, the way he did my sister simply because he found out that she wasn’t his?

  Scrubbing a trembling hand over my face I walk into the bathroom, leaving Breesan lying on the bed, completely stunned. What the hell could she be thinking about me after hearing all that shit? Catching a glimpse of her sitting up and leaning against the headrest as I shut the door behind me. A sickening pain tightens in my chest, threatening to choke the oxygen from my body. Grasping the vanity, I ride the wave of nausea that hits hard and deep in my belly. I press my fist against it, holding off the forceful desire to vomit. Sliding against the counter top I stagger to the shower, turn on the water and thrust my head under the sprayer not waiting for it to warm.

  I stay submerged allowing myself time to get control over my unusual reaction. I never actually took time back then to absorb the life-altering news. Holding it in all these years and finally having someone I trust as much as Breesan to share it with fucking overwhelms me and I’m just about to break.

  Hearing a light knock on the other side of the bathroom door, I shut off the water and grab a towel from the shelf, rigorously soaking up some of the water before opening the door.

  I pause slowly lifting my gaze up taking in all of her. Seeing her curvy body partially covered in my clothes sends a thrill through me, redirecting my thoughts away from my father’s bullshit. Now, the massive tightening in my chest is because of her. Shifting nervously on her petite legs, she reveals the dark gray boxers, playing peek-a-boo under the edge of a white extra-large tee-shirt, hitting just below her full hips. I make a mental note to purchase some small shirts for future sleepwear as my eyes continue to travel up the rest of her body. Seeing the swell of her ample breast through the thin material makes my mouth water instantly because I know that she isn’t wearing a bra.

  Breesan’s face reveals a touch of sympathy or perhaps understanding, but it's her eyes that take me to a place that is more beautiful than anything in creation. It isn’t sadness or pity, there's hope and longing for wholeness unlike anything she has ever known. Never before have I seen a look so abundant with belief and loyalty, uniquely for me. Realization of what I see in the depths of the gray tinted portholes to her secret-self jolts my heart

  Mygod she loves me.

  Silently she expresses a love for me that overshadows everything I have known from any other. Breesan has no idea the power she holds over me and I desperately want to declare it all to her. I open and close my mouth several times, unsuccessfully. Before I can utter a word she approaches, pushes me against the vanity and in one swift motion she leaps into my arms, wrapping her tiny body around mine. Clearing my throat, I bite back strong emotions threatening to expose how damn desperate I am for her to love me. Shifts of fault lines could not have more of an effect on the earth than this perfect woman has on my heart. She is the remedy to my brokenness. Shushing me she tells me that it's okay.

  A shield of protection shelters us from destruction and together no one will break our fortress. I exist whole now that she is mine and vow that I will be all she ever needs.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Hysterically laughing out loud, I stare bewildered by the person staring back at me in the bathroom mirror. I absolutely do not recognize her. It's more than the long, electric blue wig pulled into pigtails, and the gobs of heavy makeup disguising my appearance. The black corset with the black and red plaid micro-mini skirt, and the ripped fishnet pantyhose with the thigh-high black platform boots aren’t my style either, but those aren’t the differences I notice. Something internally has changed in me and the fearful young woman I was has been replaced with a courageous determination to save the people I love. Obviously I’m different. Otherwise there is no way in hell I would dress like a dark ho. Right now though, I will do anything, dress anyway, and be anyone it takes to get Anna and Waverly back.

  “Okay Beatrice, let's go blow Marcus' mind.” Giggling again, thinking about what will happen when I open the bathroom door where he waits patiently on the other side, I anxiously pull up the low-cut corset barely covering my breasts, then smooth my trembling hands over it and release a loud huff.

  Opening the door slightly, I poke my head out and call his name. Spinning around, Marcus faces me and my mouth drops nearly to the damn floor when I see that he is also clad in Goth attire. Ohgod, what is he trying to do to me? Wearing a slashed Twisted Sister concert tee-shirt, black leather pants and his standard black combat boots with his dark locks gelled and spiking out in all directions combined with heavy eyeliner accenting the deep jade in his striking eyes, he is unequivocally the best looking man, ever.

  Damn, I was not expecting that. Stepping around the partially open door I watch his burning eyes appreciatively travel the length of me from my hair downward. Frozen in place, except for one hand rubbing the back of his neck aggressively, Marcus’ eyes flare with savage heat. I gather my resolve and continue toward him, stopping merely inches away. His eyes drop from mine down to my cleavage. I become mesmerized watching his jaw clenching and his throat work hard at swallowing down his desire.

  Biting back a moan, I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth trying to focus on my breathing. Marcus is so beautiful and the desire to be his completely possesses my body and mind. Without realizing it, my hand rises up on its own accord to lie over his hard chest. Hooded eyes lift to mine and I gasp at the intensity radiating out, causing me to have difficulty swallowing now. Raising his hand to mine, he covers it and guides it up and around the back of his neck. I grip him tightly feeling a burning sensation with the contact. His other hand slides down to my hip where his fingers dig in and he draws me closer.

  A deep growl from his chest signifies that he is struggling to speak and boy can I relate. Staring intensely at each other, we are well aware of the effect our new looks are having on the other. I desperately want him to kiss me, and from the look in his eyes his needs match mine.

  “Come here,” Marcus commands, dipping his mouth down and covering mine.

  Sliding his sweet lips roughly over mine, his tongue taunts my bottom lip with several slow licks. He tastes sweet and warm. Needing more, I part my lips and my tongue darts out tempting him to open. He growls then draws me viscously against him, wrapping his arm around me and I melt into his hot emb
race. This kiss is powerful and his assault on my lips is relentless. I can feel how desperately he wants to devour me, and I want it too. Sleeping with him every night is like a two sided blade; it hurts without him beside me, and it is maddening that we are waiting to have sex.

  Knowing that our need is reaching an unsafe level, I am the one who pulls away. However, Marcus only allows my lips to separate from his, our bodies remain fiercely connected.

  “There's no way in hell I can let you leave this bedroom, much less this house dressed this way.” His breath pants harshly across my face. “You are fucking irresistible, and I will have to kill some poor bastard for just looking at you.” Marcus’ words turn into a low growl, his eyes burning wildly stare deeply and seriously into mine.

  Hoping to break the intensity, I say. “Mm, I think you would be overreacting just a tiny bit. Besides, no one will notice me when there are a dozen beautiful women working at Toxic for them to gawk at.”

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” He slides his thumb over my cheek. “A man would have to be blind to not notice you. As a matter of fact,” He smirks. “I am going to send up a little prayer that every man at the club tonight is blind.” He pauses, “I have a better idea, why don't we just stay here and prevent several ass-whoopings or possibly a murder.” Pressing me tighter against him, he touches his forehead to mine. The sizzling contact between us evokes a sigh from me. “You don't want me going to prison for life, do you?” He asks teasingly, moving his thumb to stroke over my lips.

  I am blazing with desire from his touch, but luckily, his witty words and tone lighten the mood. My laugh ultimately breaks our deep need. Stepping out of his possessive grip, I drop my hands over my nervous stomach. I haven't eaten tonight for fear of becoming sick. He begged me to eat earlier, even offering some of his food, but I was already too far on the edge, and just looking at it sent a wave of nausea through me. I know Marcus worries about me. It touches my heart, but until after I get to the club and find the guys who abducted my friends I won't be able to put a crumb in my mouth.

  I turn away from him and stare at my reflection on the large mirror hanging on the wall. “I've never dressed this way in my life.” I whisper. “You know I don’t have a choice. I must do this for them.”

  What wouldn't I do to have Anna and Waverly back home? I'll step out of my comfort zone and take on a new persona. I'll chase down bad guys and show them that messing with my friends was a terrible decision. There are no limits as to what I will do to get them back and protect all that I love.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I watch as a diversity of emotions play along his features while staring at me. The most dominate displayed; Marcus is completely in love with me. I found the truth lying in the depths of his eyes earlier this morning after he shared a dark family secret. I could tell that he'd never shared something so personal with anyone. He trusts me wholly, and that means more to me than anything he could ever do to prove his love for me.

  When I went to him and crawled into his strong protective arms I felt it in his touch. What we exchanged was more profound than a simple hug; I was restoring something that Marcus lost a long time ago. However strong all of that is, it's nothing compared to his words. Although he's never said those three words to me, he has said things that confirm the depth of his feelings.

  Any other person would demand that you prove that you love them with actions. The whole, “prove that you love me” thing it doesn’t work for me. Gifted with a very special ability of reading expression and body language, I can tell when someone lies. Marcus lied to me the night we met, but I missed it because at the time my betraying body was so turned on from dancing with him all night that I didn't even realize it was happening. Lust was controlling my brain - or at least I thought it was lust at the time - so I didn't notice his anxiety and tell-tale signs. That night I was convinced that lust was the only thing between us, but now I know that couldn't be farther from the truth.

  The lie he told me was that he doesn't do girlfriends; he only just has sex, lots of sex, with random women. Since then he has confessed that he lied in an attempt to protect me by keeping me at a safe distance to protect. Looking back, I should have known that he was lying, especially since the whole time I was shamelessly ogling him.

  No longer confused from the desires between us, I know one thing for certain; I care far more for him than what he can physically offer me. Although his touch is magical and restores me it's more about how he handles me with care and adoration unlike anything I am acquainted with. Now that I've had a taste of Marcus loving me, I know I can't go back. I want his love. With all the hell that I’m currently going through, Marcus is all that I have left and I will fight fiercely for us. I’m falling hard for him.

  Deep laughter breaks me out of reflecting. I glance up seeing his devilish smirk.

  “Damn,” He says, walking up behind me and pressing his warm chest against my back. He draws one of my blue pigtails around, letting it drape over my back and then places both hands on my hips. He leans down and places a sweet kiss on my shoulder. “They wouldn't recognize you if they saw you dressed this way.”

  “That's the plan.” I confirm, smiling back at him. “Are you ready?”

  Marcus shakes his head, “No, I'm not ready,” He holds out his hand and I take it. Walking into the hallway he adds, “Unfortunately, as you put it 'I don't have a choice'.”



  After seeing Breesan dressed this way, there's no way I'm walking out of Club Toxic tonight without shackles and cuffs. She's so fucking hot that I nearly devoured her, the instant my eyes landed on her full chest, and that alluring cleavage beckons for my lips. She's mine and the beast inside wants to keep her at home and get her out of this outfit.

  “Baby, you look incredible.” I groan, “And hot!” I place my hand on the small of her back guiding her through the back access of Club Toxic. “Blue hair and all, you are absolutely going to be the sexiest woman here, but will you promise me that you won't bend over while wearing this tiny-ass skirt, if you can call it that?” Tugging on the hem of her nearly nothing skirt hoping that it will do some good to cover her ass. I quickly discover that was a big mistake. The action causes the top of her thong to show and my inner-beast grows feral. Tugging it up, a dominating growl escapes my throat causing her to jump away from me.

  “What are you doing?” She chuckles, adjusting her strip of material partially covering her backside.

  Shrugging a shoulder, I don't want to scare her off by telling her that I'm a fucking jealous idiot. She already knows she owns me. I don't have to act like a girl being all weird and shit.

  “Tone it down Tarzan,” She giggles. “I don't want to see any chest pounding tonight.” She jokes, but I seriously feel a strong desire to do just that so none of the assholes here will touch her.

  Walking into the main lounge area eyes shift watching her stroll in and I can't help but pull her closer.

  “Babe, it's going to be fine, I promise.” She says matter-of-factly.

  Continuing to escort us through the bar holding my hand, she falters when I stop suddenly, jerking her arm roughly. A curious look flashes across her face as she turns her head, looking over her shoulder at me.

  “What's the matter?” Leaning in close to me, her eyebrows furrow as she whispers. “Do you see someone you recognize?” Staring unbelievingly at her, I slowly shake my head because with my mouth hanging open in shock I can’t speak. Breesan glances inside the club then says, “Marcus, what's wrong? You're freaking me out.” Anxiously, she slides her hand up my abdomen, landing on my chest and gripping my tee-shirt tightly.

  “What did you…call me?” I stammer. Searching her face I see confusion.

  “Marcus?” She answers nervously.

  “No,” I shake my head. “You called me Babe.” From the joy it brings hearing her call me that, I know my expression may look goofy as hell, but I don't give a damn. That is the best thing I
’ve ever heard.

  “Yes, I called you Babe, and I like the way it sounds.” Her eyelashes flutter uncontrollably while pink tint rushes along her cheeks and down her neck. My god she's so damn beautiful when she blushes. I can't help myself; I pull her to me, wrap my arms around her neck and then cover her mouth with mine. She is mine.

  “Call me anything you want.” I mumble against her lips and she sighs. “I love it.”

  Releasing a harsh breath, she opens her smoke colored eyes and I know she's completely turned on, but she steps back out of my arms.

  “We've got to stop.” She says, licking her swollen lips and my already rigid dick jumps watching her tongue’s slow movement. “You hang out for a bit. I've got to get upstairs to let Ensley know I'm here.” Winking, she whips around, walking away giving me the best view of her perfect ass. I lick my lips watching that sway and thinking about how delicious she tastes. I’ll need more of that soon.

  I stop gawking and step into the open room already alive with the usual Goth crowd. Surveying the noisy club packed with hundreds of gyrating, sweaty bodies I look for a familiar face. I spot Kole completely decked out in his costume for the night, sitting at the side bar with a leather-clad blonde wrapped around him. Going along with our plan to spread out, I make my way to the other side of the room. Rhys has the upper level covered and from his vantage point he can see everything on both levels. Unfortunately, Tac had to leave again on a Stealth mission, but feels confident he will be back in a couple of days with more information on the second shooter. I hope he gets a positive ID on the inside person. Breesan hasn't had a chance to meet Tac yet, but he knows everything on paper about her. That kind of bothers me. I don't want him, or anyone knowing everything about my girl.


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