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by Slezkine, Yuri

  2. Artem Sergeev and Ekaterina Glushik, Kak zhil, rabotal i vospityval detei I. V. Stalin: Svidetel’stva ochevidtsa (Moscow: Forum, 2011), 18.

  3. Olga Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy (Moscow: AST, 2012),, (under April 24, 1937).

  4. Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy, (under March 10, 1936; February 3, 1934; April 21, 1937).

  5. Ibid. (under April 4, 1935).

  6. Ibid. (under May 25, 1935; September 21, 1934).

  7. Ibid. (under May 19, 1935, “Iz zapisnykh knizhek”; September 6, 1934).

  8. Ibid. (under October 20, 1934; September 28, 1934; October 22, 1934; October 3, 1934; November 19, 1933; February 27, 1935; October 16, 1934).

  9. Pravda, October 27, 1932,

  10. J. V. Stalin, “Industrialisation and the Grain Problem, Speech Delivered on July 9, 1928,” in Works, vol. 11 (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954), Marxists Internet Archive Library,

  11. Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy, (under September 28, 1934).

  12. GARF, f. 3316, op. 43, d. 911, ll. 19–57; op. 28, d. 621, ll. 8–12, 14–14ob., 19; GARF, f. 9542, op. 1a, d. 15, l. 107; RGALI, f. 645, op. 1, d. 299, ll. 1–2, 40–46; RGALI, f. 2310, op. 1, d. 79. ll. 1–32 (quotations from ll. 31–32); RGALI, f. 2310, op. 1, d. 76 ll. 54–54ob. (quotation about Ostrovsky etc.); RGALI, f. 2310, op. 1, d. 41, ll. 13ob.–14; AGTsTM, f. 454, d. 7, d. 16.

  13. AGTsTM, f. 454, d. 1004, l. 2 (on Levidov); RGALI, f. 656, op. 1, d. 954, l. 1, 3, 24 (censor on UA); RGALI, f. 2310, op. 1, d. 41, ll. 13a ob.; AGTsTM, f. 454, d. 460, ll. 12–19; B. G. Golubovskii, Bol’shie malen’kie teatry (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo imeni Sabashnikovykh, 1998), 104–6, 107–8.

  14. Golubovskii, Bol’shie malen’kie teatry, 108–10; AGTsTM, f. 454, d. 453, l. 21; RGALI, f. 2310, op. 1, d. 121, l. 2; TsALIM, f. 2007, op. 1, d. 1, ll. 31, 60, 69; GARF, f. 3316, op. 28, d. 621, ll. 6–14ob., 29–29ob. (quotation is on 29); GARF, f. 9542, op. 1, d. 25, ll. 60–71.

  15. GARF, f. 9542, op. 1, d. 26, l. 30; f. 3316, op. 28, d. 590, ll. 18–19, 22, 27ob.

  16. GARF, f. 9542, op. 1, d. 30, ll. 4, 4 ob., 6, 6ob., 7, 7 ob., 8ob., 9, 9ob.

  17. Ibid., l. 4 ob.

  18. GARF, f. 3316, op. 28, d. 621, ll. 6–14ob., 29–29ob. (quotation is on 29); GARF, f. 9542, op. 1, d. 25, ll. 60–71; GARF, f. 3316, op. 28, d. 590, l. 18.

  19. “Rech’ Sof’i Aleksdandrovny Butenko,” Sovetskaia Sibir’, May 16, 1936.

  20. GARF, f. 9542, op. 1, d. 30, l. 6; L. A. Kozlova (Bogacheva), interview with author, September 24, 1997; L. N. Shaburov, interview with author, September 25, 1997; E. E. Ivchenko, interview with author, September 23, 1998; Anna Ivchenko’s autobiography (including her mother’s employee record) is in the author’s possession; M. V. Mikhailova, interview with author, December 3, 1997; I. A. Serebrovskaia, interview with author, June 15, 1999; E. B. Levina, interview with author, September 27, 1998; V. A. Ozerskii, interview with author, June 26, 1999; I. Shikheeva-Gaister, interview with author, September 30, 1997; Inna Shikheeva-Gaister, Deti vragov naroda: Semeinaia khronika vremen kul’ta lichnosti 1925–1953 (Moscow: Vozvrashchenie, 2012), 41–42; L. Gronskaia, Nabroski po pamiati (Moscow: Flinta, 2004), 68–69; A. Artizov and Oleg Naumov, eds., Vlast’ i khudozhestvennaia intelligentsiia (Moscow: Fond “Demokratiia,” 1999), 255–56, 763–64; T. I. Smilga, interview with author, January 19, 1998; S. V. Obolenskaia (Osinskaia), interview with author, March 26, 1998; M. M. Iakovenko, Agnessa: Ustnye rasskazy Agnessy Ivanovny Mironovoi-Korol’, Memorial: Istoricheskie programmy, “Nasha zhizn’ s Miroshei,”; S. A. Butenko, interview with author, September 24, 1998.


  1. Aleksandr Voronskii, Gogol’ (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2009), 414–15.

  2. Ibid., 415–16; RGASPI, f. 559, op. 1, d. 152, l. 31.

  3. Olga Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy (Moscow: AST, 2012),, (under August 13, 1936; March 6, 1934; prologue to Tetrad’ [notebook] no. 7; January 1937; November 7, 1936). See also Jochen Hellbeck, Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary under Stalin (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009), 37–114; Igal Halfin, Terror in My Soul: Communist Autobiographies on Trial (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003); Halfin, Stalinist Confessions: Messianism and Terror at the Leningrad Communist University (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009).

  4. GARF, f. 5446, op. 16a, d. 617, ll. 2–2ob., 5–6; V. M. Mikhailova, “Pis’mo Marii Nikolaevny Kul’man ot 7 sentiabria 1992 g.,” in AMDNN, “Mikhailov” file.

  5. Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy, (under August 13, 1936; March 17, 1937; February 23, 1935).

  6. Translation based on Yuri Trifonov, The Disappearance, trans. David Lowe (Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1991), 70–71. Cf. Iurii Trifonov, Ischeznovenie,,

  7. “O khoroshikh rasskazakh i redaktorskoi rutine,” Literaturnyi kritik 8 (1936): 106–13; Andrei Platonov, “Bessmertie,” Literaturnyi kritik 8 (1936): 123–24, 127. See also Aleksandr Galushkin, “Andrei Platonov—Stalin—‘Literaturnyj kritik,’” in “Strana filosofov” Andreia Platonova: Problemy tvorchestva (Moscow: IMLI RAN, “Nasledie,” 2000), 4:816–17.

  8. Platonov, “Bessmertie,” 118.

  9. Ibid., 117, 121.

  10. Ibid., 127.

  11. Ibid., 125.

  12. Ibid., 128.

  13. A. Gurvich, “Andrei Platonov,” Krasnaia nov’ 10 (1937), reprinted in N. V. Kornienko and E. D. Shubina, eds., Andrei Platonov: Vospominaniia sovremennikov; Materialy k biografii (Moscow: Sovremennyi pisatel’, 1994), 358–413 (quotations are from 362, 381, 388, 382, and 396); M. A. Usievich, interview with author, January 30, 1998.

  14. A. Platonov, “Vozrazhenie bez samozashchity,” Literaturnaia gazeta, December 20, 1937; A. Gurvich, “Otvet tov. Platonovu” and “Ot redaktsii,” Literaturnaia gazeta, December 26, 1937 (all reprinted in Kornienko and Shubina, Andrei Platonov, 414–18); E. Usievich, “Razgovor o geroe,” Literaturnyi kritik 9–10 (1938): 171–84.

  15. Aleksandr Ovcharenko, V krugu Leonida Leonova: Iz zapisok 1968–1988 godov (Moscow: Moskovskii intellektual’no-delovoi klub, 2002), 171, 189; A Voronskii, Literaturnye tipy (Moscow: Krug, 1931), 143; L. Leonov, “Prizyv k muzhestvu,” Literaturnaia gazeta, April 16, 1934.

  16. Ovcharenko, V krugu Leonida Leonova, 182.

  17. Letter from L. M. Leonov to A. Z. Goloborod’ko, August 10, 1955, in AMDNN, “Kuchmin” file; O. I. Kuchmin and E. I. Kuchmina, “Sud’ba soldata revoliutsii,” manuscript in AMDNN, “Kuchmin” file; letters to the Museum by E. I. Kuchmina, approx. August–September 1991 and March 17, 2003; E. I. Kuchmina, interviews with author, April 6 and July 25, 2008.

  18. Leonid Leonov, Doroga na Okean (Moscow: GIKhL, 1936), 6–7, 124, 38 (cf. the translation in Leonid Leonov, Road to the Ocean, trans. Norbert Guterman [New York: L. B. Fischer, 1944], 2, 100, 29); on the Prometheus/Hephaestus connection, see Eduard Nadtochii, “Tipologicheskaia problematizatsiia sviazi sub’’ekta i affekta v russkoi literature,” Logos 2 (1999):

  19. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 128 (cf. Leonov, Road, 104–5).

  20. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 550, 442, 547, 35, 33, 43–44, 511, 75 (cf. Leonov, Road, 453, 362, 450, 25, 33–34, 420, 60); Zakhar Prilepin, Leonid Leonov (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2010), 273–79; Boris Thomson, The Art of Compromise: The Life and Work of Leonid Leonov (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001), 160.

  21. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 45–46 (cf. Leonov, Road, 35–36).

  22. Leonov, Doroga n
a Okean, 460 (cf. Leonov, Road, 377); Nadtochii, “Tipologicheskaia problematizatsiia,”

  23. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 213 (cf. Leonov, Road, 174); Thomson, The Art of Compromise, 153–55; Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 144 (cf. Leonov, Road, 116).

  24. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 119–23 (cf. Leonov, Road, 97–99).

  25. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 438 (cf. Leonov, Road, 359).

  26. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 38, 122 (cf. Leonov, Road, 29, 99–100).

  27. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 438 (cf. Leonov, Road, 358).

  28. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 32–33, 513 (cf. Leonov, Road, 24–25, 422).

  29. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 287–88 (cf. Leonov, Road, 234–35).

  30. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 289, 237, 300 (cf. Leonov, Road, 236, 193, 245).

  31. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 297 (cf. Leonov, Road, 242).

  32. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 29 (cf. Leonov, Road, 22); Thomson, The Art of Compromise, 152.

  33. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 130 (cf. Leonov, Road, 106).

  34. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 130, 450, 138, 134, 322, 74 (cf. Leonov, Road, 106, 369, 112, 108, 262–63, 59). See also S. G. Semenova, “Romany Leonida Leonova 20–30kh godov v filosof skom rakurse,” in Vek Leonida Leonova: Problemy tvorchestva. Vospominaniia (Moscow: OMLI RAN, 2001), 49–53.

  35. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 139–41, 450, 444–45 (cf. Leonov, Road, 112–14, 369, 364–65).

  36. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 553, 557–61, 46 (cf. Leonov, Road, 456, 459–63, 36).

  37. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 598–99 (cf. Leonov, Road, 494).

  38. Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 615–16 (cf. Leonov, Road, 509–10).

  39. “‘Doroga na Okean’ L. Leonova,” Literaturnaia gazeta, November 5, 1935; “Obsuzhdenie romana L. Leonova ‘Doroga na Okean,’” Literaturnaia gazeta, May 10, 1936; I. Vinogradov, “Za sovetskuiu klassiku,” Literaturnyi sovremennik 5 (1936): 149–50; B. Iasenskii, “Ideinyi rost khudozhnika,” Literaturnaia gazeta, May 10, 1936; M. Levidov, “Tvorcheskaia vzvolnovannost’ i distsiplina,” Literaturnaia gazeta, May 10, 1936; M. Gor’kii, Sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh (Moscow: GIKhL, 1955), 30:399.

  40. “‘Doroga na Okean’ L. Leonova”; “Obsuzhdenie romana L. Leonova ‘Doroga na Okean,’”; Vinogradov, “Za sovetskuiu klassiku,” 145, 149–50; Iasenskii, “Ideinyi rost khudozhnika”; Levidov, “Tvorcheskaia vzvolnovannost’ i distsiplina”; Gor’kii, Sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh, 30:399–400; E. Usievich, Pisateli i deistvitel’nost’ (Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1936), 36; A. Selivanovskii, “‘Doroga na Okean’ Leonida Leonova,” Literaturnyi kritik 3 (1936): 101; V. Petrsov, Pisatel’ i novaia deistvitel’nost’ (Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1961), 159.

  41. I. Grinberg, “Geroi sovetskogo romana,” in Obraz bol’shevika: Sbornik kritiheskikh statei (Leningrad: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1938), 18–19.

  42. V. Shklovskii, “Manevry, a ne voiny za budushchee,” Literaturnaia gazeta, May 10, 1936; Levidov, “Tvorcheskaia vzvolnovannost’ i distsiplina.”

  43. Mikhail Kol’tsov, Vostorg i iarost’ (Moscow: Pravda, 1990), 159.

  44. Ibid., 164.

  45. L. A. Anninskii, “Obruchennyi s ideei: Sud’ba romana ‘Kak zakalialas’ stal’ N. A. Ostrovskogo,’” in L. A. Anninskii and E. L. Tseitlin, eds., Vekhi pamiati (Moscow: Kniga, 1987), 6–33; R. Ostrovskaia, Nikolai Ostrovskii (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 1974), 134–229; S. Tregub, Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo Nikolaia Ostrovskogo (Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1964), 98–117, 167–243; André Gide, Return from the USSR (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1937), 83–84; Anatolii Osipov, Korchagintsy piati kontinentov (Perm’: Permskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 1973); A. Karavaeva, Kniga, kotoraia oboshla ves’ mir (Moscow: Kniga, 1970); Donghui He, “The Coming of Age in the Brave New World: The Changing Reception of the Soviet Novel, How the Steel Was Tempered, in the PRC,” in Thomas Bernstein and Hua-Yu Li, eds., China Learns from the Soviet Union, 1949–present (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010), 393–420.

  46. Nikolai Ostrovskii, Kak zakalialas’ stal’ (Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1967), 169, 198, 312, 159, 233, 152; Lilya Kaganovsky, How the Soviet Man Was Unmade: Cultural Fantasy and Male Subjectivity under Stalin (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008), 19–41.

  47. Anninskii, “Obruchennyi s ideei,” 48–49; Leonov, Doroga na Okean, 34, 149 (cf. Leonov, Road, 26, 121); Ostrovskii, Kak zakalialas’ stal, 55–56.

  48. A. W. Ward, W. P. Trent, et al., The Cambridge History of English and American Literature (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000 []), vol. 7, pt. 6, p. 18,; James Boswell, Life of Johnson: Including Boswell’s “Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides” and Johnson’s “Diary of a Journey into North Wales” (New York: Bigelow, Brown, and Co; Google eBook), p. 82,,+Robinson++%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=J-fNUf6vDYqErQfr_4CoAw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22there%20ever%20yet%20anything%20written%20by%20mere%20man%20that%20was%20wished%20longer%20by%20its%20readers%20excepting%20Don%20Quixote%2C%20Robinson%20%20%22&f=false.

  49. Ostrovskii, Kak zakalialas’ stal, 364.

  50. Ostrovskii, Kak zakalialas’ stal, 345–47, 337.

  51. Ostrovskii, Kak zakalialas’ stal, 313, 227, 348–51.


  1. RGASPI, f. 135, op. 1, d. 10, l. 57.

  2. Olga Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy (Moscow: AST, 2012),, (in “Zaveshchanie moim detiam,” in the afterword [Posleslovie], under July 9, 1936; July 21, 1936; January 30, 1937; non-dated first entry under 1937; September 20, 1934).

  3. N. Efimov, Tovarishch Nina (Iaroslavl’: Verkhne-Volzhskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 1969), 110; L. Podvoiskii, “Krasnoe solnyshko sem’i—mama,” Sem’ia i shkola 3 (1965): 10; ARAN, razriad 5, op. 1-0, d. 11, l. 75; Aroseva, Prozhivshaia dvazhdy (under April 30, 1933, and October 24, 1933.

  4. Cf. Gary Saul Morson, Hidden in Plain View: Narrative and Creative Potentials in War and Peace (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1988).

  5. M. A. Tsiurupa, interview with author, January 8, 1998; S. V. Obolenskaia (Osinskaia), interview with author, March 26, 1998; I. R. Muklevich, interview with author, November 7, 1997; I. A. Gaister, interview with author, September 30, 1997; N. A. Rykova, interview with author, February 12, 1998; T. M. Rybakova (Belen’kaia), interview with author, October 1, 1997; Tat’iana Rybakova, Schastlivaia ty, Tania (Moscow: Vagrius, 2005), 16–17; M. P. Kor-shunov, interview with author, November 11, 1997; E. I. Kuchmina, interview with author, July 25, 2008; V. N. Rabichev, interview with author, April 14, 1998; T. A. Ter-Egizarian, interview with author, October 8, 1997; M. V. Mikhailova, letter to the Museum, September 1992, 2, in AMDNN, “Mikhailov” file.

  6. GARF, f. 9542, op. 7, d. 14, ll. 59 ob.–65ob., 78–80ob.; I. A. Gaister, interview with author, September 30, 1997; N. A. Gilinskaia, interview with author, March 2, 1998; M. A. Tsiurupa, interview with author, January 8, 1998; E. R. Kisis, “Pis’mo v muzei,” 5, in AMDNN, “Kisis” file; Inna Shikheeva-Gaister, Deti vragov naroda: Semeinaia khronika vremen kul’ta lichnosti 1925–1953 (Moscow: Vozvrashchenie, 2012), 17–18.

  7. O. A. Aroseva, interview with author, January 15, 1998; I. A. Gaister, interview with author, September 30, 1997; G. B. Ivanova, interview with author, March 13, 1998; N. P. Kerzhentseva, interview with author, January 12, 1998; M. P. Korshunov, interview with author, November 11, 1997; T. V. Shuniakova, interview with author, April 22, 1998; T. I. Smilga, interview with author, January 19, 1998; Kisis, “Pis’mo v muzei,” 16–17; Gaister, Deti vragov naroda, 21.

  8. S. V. Obolenskaia (Osinskaia), interview with author, March 26, 1998; T. I. Smilga, interview with author, January 19, 1998; I. A. Gaister, interview with author, September 30, 1997; N. P. K
erzhentseva, interview with author, January 12, 1998; I. R. Muklevich, interview with author, November 7, 1997; Maria Osten, Gubert v strane chudes (Moscow: Zhurgaz, 1935), 105–9, 169–70; T. M. Rybakova (Belen’kaia), interview with author, October 1, 1997; V. N. Rabichev, interview with author, April 14, 1998; G. S. Ronina, interview with author, October 1, 1997; L. N. Shaburov, interview with author, September 25, 1997; Z. M. Tuchina, interview with author, September 8, 1998; M. A. Usievich, interview with author, January 30, 1998; V. B. Volina, interview with author, September 18, 1997; E. I. Gruzinova (Kraval’), interview with author, January 16, 1998.

  9. N. P. Kerzhentseva, interview with author, January 12, 1998; I. R. Muklevich, interview with author, November 7, 1997; K. P. Politkovskaia (Allilueva), interview with author, April 1, 1998; L. N. Shaburov, interview with author, September 25, 1997; Shikheeva-Gaister, Deti vragov naroda, 24; Kisis, “Pis’mo v muzei,” 7.

  10. Samuil Moroz, “Chlen kollegii VChK,” l. 12, manuscript in AMDNN, “Moroz” file; A. Shitov, Iurii Trifonov: Khronika zhizni i tvorchestva (Ekaterinburg: Izdatel’stvo Ural’skogo Universiteta, 1997), 104; Shikheeva-Gaister, Deti vragov naroda, 25–27; N. P. Kerzhentseva, interview with author, January 12, 1998; M. A Usievich, interview with author, January 30, 1998. On Soviet childhood, see Catriona Kelly, Children’s World: Growing Up in Russia, 1890–1991 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007), esp. 93–102.

  11. S. V. Obolensksia, Iz vospominanii, “Samizdat,”

  12. Obolensksia, Iz vospominanii,; Shikheeva-Gaister, Deti vragov naroda, 28–29; Anatoly Granovsky, I Was an NKVD Agent (New York: Devin-Adair, 1962), 28–29; I. R. Muklevich, interview with author, November 7, 1997; Kisis, “Pis’mo v muzei,” 10, 14; Mikhail Korshunov and Victoria Terekhova, Tainy i legendy Doma na naberezhnoi (Moscow: Slovo, 2002), 76; G. S. Ronina, interview with author, October 1, 1997; T. I. Smilga, interview with author, January 19, 1998; Z. M. Tuchina, interview with author, September 8, 1998; M. A. Usievich, interview with author, January 30, 1998.


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