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Curve Balls: The Ball Games Book Six

Page 7

by Andie M. Long

  She’s told me that it’s Beth’s secret wedding. Bless her. I’m so glad she’s finally found happiness. She’s a lovely girl. I’ve managed to persuade Dora not to cover their bed in rose petals given that they may not like them and that could potentially ruin their evening. Instead, she’s just going to add the naughty cuffs and leave some massage oil and things like that. Much better idea. Her even better idea is that for our Valentine’s day gift, Dora booked a room in the same hotel — making sure it was far away from the honeymooner's suite as that could prove rather uncomfortable. We’re just about to set off, having decided to get there for about four, so that we can relax and unwind in our room before we go meet everybody. I wanted to get ready when we were there, but Dora said she wanted us to go relax in the bar area, that there was plenty of time for lounging in the room tomorrow. She’s booked us a late checkout for the Wednesday. Of course as is usual with Dora’s last minute plans I had to book a day’s annual leave at short notice. She’s very predictable at being unpredictable is my other half.

  “Have we finally got everything?” I ask her.

  “Yes, an ‘engagement’ present, a present for Trey, and our case. I think that’s it. Do you want to put everything in the car?”

  “Will do.” Not long after that, we’re on our way.

  We enter our room. It’s massive. I walk around it, taking in the larger than usual sized bed. There’s a sofa facing a television. I walk into the bathroom, and the bath fits two people and can be used as a jacuzzi. “Bloody hell, Dora, how much did this cost?” I shout, and then I walk outside the room.

  I stand stock still.

  My partner is on one knee in the middle of the room.

  “Tim. Come here.”

  I walk towards her, and she grabs hold of my hand.

  “I know we signed a post-it and I know we’ve had an interesting history on the erm, marriage and proposal front, but you gave me a scare last week, and it made me realise that I want to be your wife. I want to be Mrs Turner if you’ll let me. I love you, Tim. I know it’s only a piece of paper, and that was what the post-it note represented, but I want you to call me wife and when you die I want to be a widow, and I’m not sure I’d be called that if we weren’t wed.” Dora’s face falls. “Oh dear, I knew I should have written it, not winged it.”

  I go down on my own knees in front of her.

  “Dora, one question. Do you own and have you read a book called How to be a wife?”

  “No.” Her eyes light up in that manic ‘ooh when can I buy that’ way.

  “Do you promise not to? Ever?”

  She pouts. “Okay.”

  “Then yes, I’d love to marry you. Now can we christen this bed and get back dressed again afterwards?”

  She looks at her watch. “Erm, no because we’re getting married in thirteen minutes.”

  I have a wife. A wife no one is to know about yet because we have agreed that it’s Beth and Leo’s day. We don’t have rings yet, using two old signet rings we had when they were fashionable, to get wed, as Dora didn’t want to buy the wrong size for me and wanted me to be there so we could choose together. More like boss me around, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  So now we’re canoodling and waiting in our room for wedding number two. She still won’t let us shag. My balls might burst during Beth’s ceremony. Fancy trying to explain that away as confetti. I shake my head, trying to rid it of X-rated thoughts.

  We go to the bar to meet everyone for Beth and Leo’s do.

  Cam and Dylan are waiting and look happy thank goodness.

  After hugs, Cam asks us to sit. “We have a venue!” she says. “We went Sunday and put down a deposit. It’s a hotel in Derbyshire called Manor Oak. The grounds are beautiful. So the date of our wedding is Saturday 7 July 2018.”

  “Oh, congratulations you two.” Dora flings her arms around them both. “We’re so happy for you.”

  “I’m not going to say anything to Beth today though,” adds Cam. “With it being her engagement. It’d look like I was trying to upstage her.”

  “We get that. Yes, best to keep it quiet,” I say, hugging Cam and shaking Dylan’s hand.

  “You alright, mate?” Dylan whispers to me. “It doesn’t remind you too much of Dora turning you down?”

  “Oh no. We sorted that and moved past it. Everything’s fine. That was clearly fated to be yours and Cam’s day.”

  “Okay, just checking.”

  “Thanks, Dylan.” He’s going to be a great son-in-law.

  Tyler and Lindsay arrive next. Lindsay looks so much better, there’s actual colour in her cheeks. We make the usual introductions, and Tyler announces he has finally signed a two-book deal for fun tomes called How Nerds can get a Girlfriend and a book called The Bewildered Baby Daddy. Plus, his mother has helped him get two extra sponsors so far. “I handed in my notice at Smith’s this morning. I talked to Donna, and she said if it didn’t work out, she’d make sure there was a job for me there, so I’m going for it.”

  We do a bro fist. I find it all a bit weird but it’s the way to communicate these days.

  Beth’s parents and a whole host of other people arrive, and eventually, we’re just waiting for the couple themselves.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was such a relief to get the venue booked. It’s going to be a while before the changes begin to make a huge difference at Kid Zone, but it’s already eased up enough for Dylan and I to not feel the strain as much and as my mother rightly advised, keeping him topped up with shags means his moaning is a different kind.

  I look round at my family. They look so happy right now. It’s nice to see.

  Then I turn around and see my best friend and her fiancé.

  She’s wearing a wedding dress.

  My mouth falls open.

  She looks stunning. Her hair has been curled into ringlets that cascade down her shoulders. She has a simple tiara on her head which is catching the lights in the restaurant, its gems twinkling. Her face is beautifully made up. Her dress is a bohemian style chiffon with a rounded waistline. Its drop waist is accentuated by a belt styled with chiffon flowers. There are more flowers to the shoulder of the dress. It’s simple, and on my tall, slim best friend, it’s phenomenal. She could be a catwalk model. However, instead, she is a nervous but excited looking bride. My eyes go to Trey next. He’s holding his mum’s hand and is dressed in a little grey suit with a waistcoat and white shirt. He looks so cute. His dad is dressed the same. He looks over to Beth.

  “So, as you can see, you aren’t actually at our engagement party. You’re at our wedding. If you could follow us, we’ll take you through to the room where the ceremony is being held.”

  She looks at me and smiles apprehensively. We’d talked about a possible double-wedding at one time. “You look lovely.” I mouth, and she smiles.

  Then we all follow and watch as Beth becomes Mrs Leo Coleman.

  From there we move through to the restaurant for a sit-down meal. My mum and dad are especially loved up today. They keep looking and nudging each other and giggling. I hope me and Dylan are like them after so long together.

  We sit and listen to Leo’s speech. It brings tears to our eyes. They are so very much in love.

  Then Beth stands.

  “Well, thank you all for attending our special day. We have another couple of surprises for you all, but it’s Trey who is going to announce these.”

  Beth helps Trey stand up on a chair.

  “Okay so first. Trey can you shout out, what is your last name being changed to?”

  “Cole-man” Trey shouts out.

  “Ah, that’s lovely,” I say to my mum who is sitting at my right-hand side. She rubs her eye with a table napkin.

  “Okay, now you have a poster to hold up next don’t you? Let’s show everyone,” says Beth.

  Trey holds up a large piece of card on which it says, ‘I’m going to be a big brother’.

  “Oh my God,” I gasp
. I can’t wait to get over to my best friend and hug the living daylights out of her.

  The speeches over and the food eaten, we sit back and relax in our seats before the music and dancing are due to start. I had to hold back from blubbering when I spoke to Beth. She told me how she’d phoned and managed to book last minute due to someone else’s wedding unfortunately not working out. Apparently, it’s common on Valentine’s as brides book in and grooms back out.

  I take a sip of my wine. It’s going down a little too well, and I’m glad Dylan agreed to drive home. My sneaky parents have booked a room so they can get rat-arsed and stay over! My Mum’s phone rings.

  “Mir. Thought we were speaking tomorrow night? I’m at Beth’s wedding.”

  My mum scrunches her face up.

  “You’re what? You only started dating the other week. Mir, that’s bloody crazy. Have you googled him to make sure he’s not one of these men who weds vulnerable women and then kills them?”

  There’s shouting from the other end.

  “I am happy for you. I’m just shocked. You usually go out with someone for more than a fortnight before you agree to marry them.”

  What? My auntie is getting married after two weeks?

  “No you haven’t finally beaten me on something, Tim and I are already married.”

  “What?” I shout in my Mum’s direction as my Dad turns to face her in horror.

  The music starts, and the DJ makes an announcement. “Well, what a surprise hey, who’d have thought they’d have got married today, huh? Welcome to the floor, and congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs Coleman.”

  We all make our way to the edge of the floor to watch the first dance. Beth and Leo light up the dancefloor and Trey dances in the middle of them, stealing the show.

  I glance over at my parents, the picture of innocence.

  My parents married? After all these years? Talk about throwing us kids a curve ball!


  Coming Next


  Beth’s pregnancy is textbook perfect.

  In contrast, Lindsay is having a nightmare.

  While Lindsay struggles, Tyler, The Bewildered Baby Daddy, gathers material for his next book.

  Will he survive Lindsay’s short temper to see its publication?

  Cam throws Tim and Dora a wedding reception that brings back fond memories for her and Dylan.

  There are new experiences ahead for the Turner family and friends.

  Due October 2017


  Releasing 15 May 2017


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  I had my life all planned out, but in the blink of an eye it was gone. I lost my baby, my husband, my happy ever after.

  So I made another plan…

  Destroy the man who ruined it all. Edward Bonham. With his perfect wife and perfect life. Why should he be allowed to keep everything I’ve been denied?

  Years have passed; they think they're safe. They think no one remembers. They think all is forgiven. But I will never forgive, I will never forget, and one day, retribution will be MInE.

  An 18+ read with dark scenes.

  Genre: Dark suspense.

  Also by Andie M. Long


  The Alphabet Game: Amazon:

  The Alphabet Wedding: Amazon:

  The Calendar Game: Amazon:

  The Baby Game: Amazon:

  The Alpha Series Boxset: Amazon:

  The Alphabet Game: Play It Playbook:


  Balls (Book One): Amazon:

  Snow Balls (Book Two): Amazon:

  New Balls Please (Book Three): Amazon:

  Balls Fore (Book Four): Amazon:

  The Ball Games Bundle (One to Four): Amazon:


  (Co-written with DH Sidebottom)

  The Bunk Up (Book One): Amazon:


  Underneath: Amazon:

  Journey to the Centre of Myself: Amazon:

  Quickies: Amazon:

  Receive the Quickies ebook for FREE by signing up to Andie’s newsletter via

  About Andie

  Andie M. Long is author of The Alpha series which includes Amazon Number One Erotic Thriller The Alphabet Game; Co-writer of the Amazon Number One Erotic Romance/Adult fiction bestseller The Bunk Up with DH Sidebottom and The Ball Games series, amongst others.

  She lives in Sheffield with her son and long suffering partner.

  When not being partner, mother, employee or writer she can usually be found on Facebook or walking her whippet, Bella.

  Andie will be signing in Newcastle 2017 and York 2018.


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  TWITTER: @andiemichelle


  INSTAGRAM: andiemlongwriter (meet Barbie Andie!)

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