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DADDY'S PRINCESS: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (The Horsemen MC)

Page 27

by Sophia Gray

  “God, you’re so fucking wet,” Sebastian said. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?”

  Nyssa refused to answer, even though at this point it would have been difficult for her to say anything given how hard she was wheezing for breath. Her cunt felt like it was spreading further open, practically consuming the rest of her body.

  “Fuck, so tight!” Sebastian yelled out, thrusting his hips faster and faster, panting hard for breath. His hand on her neck became slick with sweat, but he gripped even tighter, making it more difficult for Nyssa to breathe. But it didn’t matter. Her pussy was popping with heat, her hips thrusting forward and back on their own, little grunts leaving her mouth every other second.

  Sebastian pulled back for a second, gasping for breath, before entering again at a different angle, hitting a spot inside of Nyssa’s cunt that made her scream like a banshee and bang her fists against the back of the couch. “Yeah,” he said with a laugh, slapping the side of her body again before going down to squeeze at her ass. “Yeah, that’s fucking good. Give me that fucking cunt.”

  “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck,” Nyssa panted out, her hand trembling a little as she reached up to brush some of the sweaty hair out of her eyes. “Fuck me, God!”

  At this point, Nyssa couldn’t stop herself. Her ass just kept jerking back, shoving further back on his dick, taking him even deeper inside her hot tight pussy. “Yes, yes, yes, oh!” Sebastian yelled on top of her, pressing his chest to her back so he could bite at the back of her neck, sucking so hard that sparks of painfully hot sensation slid down Nyssa’s spine, coursing out into the rest of the bones in her body.

  The next moment, Sebastian moved his hand from Nyssa’s hip to the other side of her body, finding her clit with two of his fingers. “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, yes!” Nyssa screamed out, thrusting against Sebastian’s hand, feeling the heat between her legs get even more intense, becoming almost too much for her to bear.

  “Yeah, baby, just give in to me, give in to me,” Sebastian said. He slid his tongue up from the top of Nyssa’s back to the top of her neck, biting along her hairline and making her squeal out even louder than before. “Fuck, yes, fuck!”

  Sebastian’s fingers moved faster over her clit, practically jerking it off while his dick rhythmically moved in and out of her cunt. Nyssa felt her cunt clench around his cock, dragging it in as deep as it could go. She moaned out pathetically every time the head of the cock brushed up against her most secret, special, sacred spot, her cunt vibrating with intense energy that felt like it was going to explode at any given moment.

  “Yes, yes, shit, yes!” Sebastian cried out, slapping her ass again several times in a row as he pounded her into the couch, thrusting so hard that Nyssa couldn’t even catch her breath at this point.

  Nyssa’s clit felt like it was on fire, like a thousand flames were licking their way from inside her cunt and climbing up the rest of her body, consuming her in heat. Sebastian’s fingers went faster, his cock thrusting in and out harder while he grunted into her ear, licking at the side of her neck. “Oh, fuck, oh, God, Jesus,” Nyssa sighed to herself, licking her dry lips as she thrusted her ass back and forth so fast that her breath caught in her throat.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s it. That’s fucking it. Yeah, yeah, come for me, baby. Come for me,” Sebastian said into her ear before licking it from top to bottom.

  That was it. That was all it took. Nyssa’s cunt clenched two, three, four times before beginning to spasm wildly, all the sensations that Sebastian built inside of her pussy colliding together as one. “Fuck! Fuck me, goddammit!” Nyssa screamed, her spine arching as she reached her peak, heat filling all of the molecules of her body at once. Her head felt light and airy and full of cotton, inhospitable to any and all coherent thoughts. She felt like a piece of meat, pounded out and used for somebody else’s pleasure, but she fucking loved it.

  Right as her orgasm faded away, Sebastian pulled out of her harshly. It took Nyssa a couple of seconds to realize what had happened, but when she did she forced herself to turn over on the couch to face him, still panting desperately for breath.

  Sebastian was jerking his cock off wildly, gritting his teeth into a snarl as his hand flew over his thick hard cock. “Yes, fuck, you fucking—you fucking hot bitch, take it, fucking take it!” he screamed before his voice dissolved into a low groan. Without any further warning, streams of cum flew from his dick, splashing over Nyssa’s stomach and the top of her chest, probably ruining her nightgown as a result.

  “Yeah, fuck, yeah,” Sebastian panted out, collapsing onto the couch next to Nyssa as he caught his breath. Nyssa wasn’t sure what to do. Should I touch him? Nyssa wondered. Cuddle him? Act like nothing happened?

  After several seconds of perfect silence, Sebastian finally got to his feet, wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. He didn’t make eye contact with her, but as soon as he got his breath back, he murmured, “You can clean yourself up with some paper towel in the kitchen. Or there’s a bathroom down the hall if you want to shower off. Your room is at the end of the hall, right beyond the bathroom. Good night.”

  With that, he left her alone in his den, breathing hard on his couch, covered in his cum.

  Fuck, Nyssa thought. What the fuck just happened? And why did I enjoy it so much?

  Chapter Seven

  Later that night, after Nyssa had cleaned up and changed her clothes, she received a text from Kimmie informing her that there was a car outside Sebastian’s condo, ready to take her back home. On the limo ride back to Katrina’s brothel, Nyssa couldn’t even think coherently. Her brain felt like it was wrapped in fuzzy static, protecting her from any and all worries or anxieties or fears. Nyssa figured it must have been a side effect of all the sex endorphins that were pumping through her blood. In any case, by the time she arrived back at Katrina’s lair, the sweet gentle nothingness in her head had faded away, replaced by one persistently pestering thought. Am I in trouble with Katrina now? Nyssa wondered as she entered the old Gothic building and headed for the parlor. She had been a little tempted to run up to her room to hide away from Katrina as long as possible, but it was just putting off the inevitable. Better to rip the bandage off now and face the consequences, Nyssa thought to herself as she entered the parlor, finding Katrina waiting for her on a regal seat in the middle of the room.

  Straight away, she could tell that her madam wasn’t happy. She was tapping her perfect red nails on the side of her chair impatiently, crossing and uncrossing her legs several times in the space of thirty seconds. “Well?” she finally asked after staring at Nyssa for a long tense moment. Nyssa inhaled deeply and braced herself for an angry outburst of some kind.

  “Um, I just got back and figured you’d want me to report back to you,” Nyssa said. She felt a small burst of pride at the fact that she was able to keep her voice steady and calm, despite the nerves raging underneath her skin.

  “Yes, that much is obvious,” Katrina snapped at her before reaching into her pocketbook to get a cigarette. “How did it go with Sebastian?”

  Nyssa gave a noncommittal half shrug, trying to look nonchalant and unbothered even though she still felt a little light-headed after the furious fuck that Sebastian had given her.

  Katrina clicked her tongue from behind her teeth, her eyes narrowing to sharp slits as she got up from her chair and slowly approached Nyssa. “Don’t give me that shit,” she said, blowing a puff of smoke right into Nyssa’s face. “How. Was. It?”

  “It was fine,” Nyssa said. “Very basic. Nothing out of the ordinary.” It was a lie, at least by omission. Nyssa barely ever reached orgasm with her clients, but she’d definitely come her brains out this time around. Katrina doesn’t need to know that, Nyssa thought, forcing herself to keep her gaze solidly fixed on Katrina’s intimidatingly beautiful face.

  “Hmm,” Katrina said, crossing her arms across her chest and stepping back a pace so that there was more space between them. “Good.” She turned around and began walking back
toward the chair in the center of the room, casting a final glance at Nyssa over her shoulder. “You should prepare to be available at any time to be Sebastian’s little toy, no matter what else you’ve got going on. That’s all.”

  It took Nyssa a few moments to realize that was her cue to leave. She turned and headed for the door, but before she could exit the parlor Katrina cleared her throat again, saying, “Don’t let your head get too big. It doesn’t mean anything. Go on. Get out of here.”

  Nyssa bolted from the room and rushed for the stairs, heading toward Kimmie’s room rather than her own. She had to tell somebody what was going on, even if she didn’t quite know how to feel about it herself.

  “Kimmie!” Nyssa half shouted from outside her best friend’s door, banging on the wood persistently. “Kimmie, let me in!”

  “Jesus, it’s like one in the morning,” Kimmie said. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she stepped aside to let Nyssa into her room. “How’d it go?”

  “Uh…” Nyssa wasn’t sure exactly how to phrase it. “It went well, I guess.”

  Nyssa expected Kimmie to immediately launch into a thousand questions, interrogating her on every last detail of the trick so she could live vicariously through Nyssa’s experiences, but instead Kimmie frowned deeply as she shut and locked the door after Nyssa.

  “What does that mean?” Kimmie asked, her brow furrowing up as she gestured for Nyssa to sit with her on her bed.

  “I mean, he seemed to enjoy himself,” Nyssa said.

  “Hmm,” Kimmie murmured, her gaze going foggy and unfocused, like she was trying to see something far beyond Nyssa’s head.

  “What’s wrong?” Nyssa asked.

  “It’s just…” Kimmie sighed and shook her head, finally focusing her eyes back on Nyssa’s. “I hope that was the last of it. It’ll be better for you if Sebastian’s already bored of you and moves on to somebody else.”

  For some reason that made Nyssa sit up straighter, her spine almost aching with the effort after such a long eventful day. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…” Kimmie sighed again, deeper this time, the sound coming from deep inside of her. She held her head in her hands for a minute, not looking at Nyssa while she gathered her thoughts together. “Katrina isn’t someone you want to piss off. You know what I mean?”

  Nyssa shifted uncomfortably on Kimmie’s bed, closing and unclosing her legs several times before finally giving up on the idea of feeling comfortable. “But I haven’t pissed her off. I just did what she said. She insisted that I sleep with Sebastian.”

  Kimmie nodded, but the expression of worry didn’t slip even a centimeter from her face. “I know, I know. There wasn’t much else you could do, but Nyssa… I’m worried about you. It would have been better if Sebastian hadn’t picked you at all.”

  “Why?” Nyssa asked.

  “Because,” Kimmie said, sounding entirely unlike herself, her voice chock-full of concern, “Because Katrina might pretend to be all right with it, but there’s no way she’s not pissed at Sebastian. And she’s probably pissed at you just by association, even though it’s not your fault. I just… I just think this is bad for you, Nyssa.”

  Nyssa was quiet a moment, mulling over Kimmie’s thoughts. “I mean, what else am I supposed to do?” she finally said in a low murmur, thinking out loud. “I can’t disobey Katrina. She’s got the full firepower of the Giustini family on her side. I don’t want to get on the wrong side of the mob.”

  Kimmie bit down on her lower lip, staring up at Nyssa through her eyelashes for several moments before she finally spoke again. “I’ve got a lot of clients who work for the Giustinis,” she murmured and then fell silent again, her gaze dropping down to her lap.

  Nyssa nodded at her to continue, feeling like she was suspended on pins and needles.

  Kimmie frowned even deeper, her eyes full of worry as she glanced back up at Nyssa. “The Giustini family isn’t what it used to be. At least, that’s what the last couple tricks I’ve bedded have told me after they got off. They don’t have the power they used to. That’s what I’ve heard, at least.”

  For several moments, Kimmie’s words revolved around inside of Nyssa’s head, repeating on a loop while she tried to comprehend their full meaning. “The Giustinis… they’re not powerful anymore?”

  “That’s just what I heard,” Kimmie said quickly, sliding off the bed and crossing the room to stare at herself in the mirror. “Don’t tell anyone else I said that, okay? I don’t want it getting back to Katrina.”

  “I won’t,” Nyssa said quickly. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “Sure thing,” Kimmie said, picking at her eyebrows and frowning at her own reflection. “Just… be careful, okay? I don’t want to see you hurt. You’re about the only good thing left in my life, Nyssa.”

  Nyssa was silent for a moment, a little bowled over by the weight of Kimmie’s statement. She swallowed several times to clear her clogged throat before answering. “I will be. I promise.”

  But despite what she said, Nyssa knew she was stuck. There wasn’t anything she could do to get out of fucking Sebastian—even though if she was honest with herself, she’d have to admit that she didn’t even want to stop, given how hard he’d made her come. But that was beside the point. She had to be smart. She had to be careful. She had to watch her own back. There was nobody who could watch it for her. She was stuck in a love triangle she hadn’t meant to stumble into, and there was no getting out now.

  Chapter Eight

  “Come on,” Sebastian said, pulling Nyssa out of the car by her wrist. About a week had passed since their last encounter, and for a couple days there Nyssa had wondered if Sebastian had gotten bored of fucking her already and given up on maintaining a long-standing relationship. But then Katrina had come into her room a few hours before, telling her through clenched teeth that Sebastian would like to see her again. Honestly, Nyssa had been a little relieved, if she was being honest with herself. The past week had been excruciatingly boring, with Nyssa just waiting on edge, wondering if Katrina was going to assign her to another client ever again.

  But for now, she felt weirdly nervous again, her heart pounding up in her throat as Sebastian wrapped his hand tighter around her wrist, pulling her along until they entered his condo. “What’s the rush?” Nyssa asked without thinking about it. Usually, she kept her mouth shut around clients, except to ask them to cough up their payment. But with Sebastian, she just couldn’t help herself. Maybe because I want him to get annoyed with me, Nyssa thought. Maybe I like it when he gets rough.

  “You were late today,” Sebastian said, slamming and locking his front door behind Nyssa. “We have to make up for that time somehow.”

  “Okay,” Nyssa said, bending her hands behind her back to find the zipper of her dress, pulling it down so she could reveal her bra and panties.

  Sebastian smirked at her, his eyes glinting with lust as he stepped closer, wrapping his hands around her breasts and giving them a firm squeeze. “Beautiful,” he murmured under his breath, his lips skidding along the side of her chin for a second before he pulled back to look in her eyes. “Fucking beautiful.”

  Nyssa felt a strange, unfamiliar fluttering sensation around the center of her chest, like her heart was trying to take flight. “Thank you,” she whispered back, barely audible despite the silence that stretched between them.

  Sebastian smiled at her, less cockily than before, reaching a hand up to brush some of her hair out of her face. “Get on the couch,” he said in a low voice, pointing toward the adjoining room.

  Nyssa immediately complied, heading into the den and sitting down on the couch that he’d fucked her on last time, her legs trembling as if he’d already started touching her.

  Sebastian followed her much more slowly, gradually moving around the couch to face Nyssa. All the while the hairs on the back of Nyssa’s stood up almost painfully, her skin tingling in anticipation.

  “You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” Seb
astian murmured, keeping a safe distance away from Nyssa, pacing back and forth in front of the couch. “You know how to obey.”

  Nyssa didn’t say anything, but she met Sebastian’s gaze head on, making sure to keep her facial expression calm and confident.

  “Yeah, you know how to do a lot of things, don’t you?” Sebastian whispered, finally approaching her, then leaning over her body without ever actually touching her skin at all. “You know how to give me what I want.”

  Nyssa licked her lips without thinking about it, realizing a second too late that it probably looked like she was trying to egg Sebastian on. But Sebastian didn’t attack her straight away. Instead, he draped himself over her body, lifting her hands up to pin them at the top of the couch. “You’ve got a nice, strong grip,” he mused, tightening his hands over hers to keep them in place. “I like knowing that.”


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