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DADDY'S PRINCESS: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (The Horsemen MC)

Page 34

by Sophia Gray

  Sebastian raked his nails down Nyssa’s back, making her skin sting a little, but she loved it. She loved feeling him grab her and pull her closer to him. She loved feeling how much he fucking wanted her. It was almost too much to take as it was, but then, without warning, Sebastian’s hand forced its way in between their sweating bodies to find her clit. His fingers jacked it off, pushing it up and down roughly. Nyssa felt like her cunt was a nuclear explosion about to go off, the heat building between her legs getting so intense that she felt like her whole body was going to burn up into nothing. But it would have been worth it because this was a sweeter feeling, a stronger feeling than anything she’d ever experienced before.

  “Come for me, baby. Fucking come,” Sebastian commanded her. Nyssa pulled back a little to stare into his wide glassy eyes. His pupils were so wide that his eyes looked black, but she could still see bare emotion in his eyes. It was like he wasn’t even trying to hide it. He cares about me, she thought. He really fucking cares.

  That was the thought that sent her over the edge. Her whole body went into a fit of spasms, her hips jerking forward and backward frantically as a hundred vibrations radiated out from her cunt, right before an explosion tore through her. It was like her entire body was flooded with endless warmth that just kept going and going, filling her up from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. She was more than flesh right now. She was more than a piece of meat, pounded out time and time again by men who didn’t give a shit who she was or what she wanted. She felt like a princess. No. It was more than that, better than that. She felt like a goddess.

  The next moment, Sebastian groaned helplessly as he followed her over the edge, exploding inside of her, sending stream after stream of cum deep into her cunt. “Shit, shit, oh!” he shouted as he pulsed inside of her.

  Nyssa collapsed on top of Sebastian’s chest, hiding her hot sweaty face in his neck. “Wow,” she said hazily, pressing soft kisses against Sebastian’s neck. “Wow.”

  “Yeah,” Sebastian replied hoarsely. He rubbed the back of her head, scratching lazily at her scalp and making her feel even more relaxed, if that was even possible. Her body felt like goo, like every last shred of tension hiding in her muscles over the years was finally extinguished. She felt safe. She felt like she was home.

  “You’re a special man, you know that?” Nyssa murmured, sighing happily as Sebastian began to rub his way down her back.

  “You’re a fucking amazing woman,” Sebastian said back. He turned his head to kiss the side of her face and neck.

  “No, you’re silly,” Nyssa said bashfully, giggling a little as Sebastian furrowed up his brow in frustration.

  “Listen to me,” Sebastian said. He turned on his side to face her and force her to look him directly in the eyes. “There’s no other woman I’d rather make a family with. Do you understand that? Do you?”

  Nyssa’s chest ached, and she tried to drop her eyes to hide away a little from Sebastian’s intensely blazing gaze, but he reached over and grabbed her chin, preventing her from looking away. “I mean it, Nyssa. It’s you. It’s only you,” he whispered before leaning in to give her another deep kiss.

  Nyssa’s heart felt like it was about to collapse. She was feeling so much at once. Awe and disbelief and shock and gratitude and crushing terror that she was going to mess it all up somehow. But mostly, she felt love. Pure, shining love.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, crushing her face into Sebastian’s chest so he wouldn’t see her crying. She figured he could probably tell that it was happening anyway, but if he was at all disgusted by it, he didn’t show it. Instead, he just rubbed her back and made small soothing sounds until she was on the verge of sleep.

  “I’m never letting you go, Nyssa,” Sebastian murmured softly. “Never.”

  Nyssa found his hand and wrapped her fingers around his as tightly as she could, bringing his hand over to her stomach. It was way too soon to feel anything move, of course, but she liked how it felt anyway, having him touch her where the baby was growing, slowly but steadily.

  For the rest of the day and night, they slipped in and out of sleep, waking up to make love and eat and cuddle before falling back into slumber. They were safe from the rain outside, from everything that might want to hurt them.

  But only for a little while.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Kimmie was about to enter the parlor to wait for her next client when she heard Katrina’s sharp, high voice pierce through the wall, stopping her in her tracks. After working here for so many weeks, she knew how to spot the signs of an upcoming tantrum, and that tone in Katrina’s voice was definitely a good indication that shit was about to get thrown. Oh, Jesus, here we go, Kimmie thought, sagging against the wall outside of the parlor. I wonder what’s going on now.

  “What are you talking about?” Katrina snapped, her voice booming out even through the wall separating the parlor from the main hallway. “Explain yourself.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am,” a squeaky high-pitched voice answered. “Really, I am. But it’s the truth.”

  There was a short pause where Kimmie strained her ears trying to pick up on any noise from inside the parlor, but finally Katrina cleared her throat and spoke again. “Tell me what you said you heard. From the beginning. Start again. I need to be sure I understand you correctly.”

  “Well, I was walking around upstairs, you know, minding my own business and all, and then I heard Nyssa talking really loudly in one of the bedrooms. She sounded really upset, and, well, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, really I didn’t—”

  “Oh, save it!” Katrina interjected. “Just get to the point.”

  “It took me a minute to figure out what was going on, but madam… Nyssa said she was going to have a baby.”

  Kimmie’s heart jumped up into her throat. Oh, fuck. Somebody had overheard her conversation with Nyssa earlier. Fuck, fuck, fuck! What was she supposed to do now?

  “Did she… I mean… is she pregnant right now? Is that what you’re telling me?” Katrina asked in an unnaturally stiff voice. “Answer me!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the snitch said. Kimmie’s stomach turned over, making her feel like she was about to vomit just from sheer panic, but she stayed in the same spot, determined to hear as much information as possible. “I’m sorry, madam.”

  “Get out,” Katrina said in a strangely calm voice that sent shivers down Kimmie’s spine. Kimmie didn’t have a chance to react before the snitch, a new girl named Julie, exited the parlor, but luckily, she was in such a rush that she didn’t notice Kimmie standing there in the shadows.

  Kimmie took a few deep breaths, steeling herself as much as possible before slowly entering the parlor. She decided to pretend that she hadn’t overheard anything and just watch Katrina to see what her next move would be. Maybe she won’t do anything, Kimmie thought hopefully. Maybe she knows that she’s lost, totally and completely, and she won’t try to hurt Nyssa anymore.

  Kimmie’s first clue should have been that Katrina didn’t even react to her coming into the room. She was on her phone, eyes glued to the wall behind Kimmie’s head, her face gone as stony and pale as a statue. “Papa,” Katrina said into the phone. “Papa, I need to call in a hit.”

  A hot flush of panic went up Kimmie’s back and the bottom of her neck, but she kept her head down, pretending to be interested in a magazine propped up on one of the chairs in the center of the room. She could barely make out Giustini’s voice on the other end, but Kimmie thought she could hear him sigh deeply and ask Katrina what in the hell she was talking about.

  “That little fucking whore,” Katrina spat. “She’s knocked up. With Sebastian’s baby.”

  Loud, raucous laughter erupted from the phone, so roughly that Katrina reared back from the receiver. Another couple of girls stumbled into the parlor laughing, but Katrina didn’t react to them. She just stood there, listening to her father laugh at what had happened with Nyssa and Sebastian. If Kimmie didn�
�t know how vicious Katrina really was, she would have felt bad for her.

  Suddenly, Papa Giustini stopped laughing, his tone turning icy cold on the other end of the phone as he said, “What’s your point, Kat? I told you to stop fucking bothering me with this bullshit.”

  “But Papa—” Katrina tried to interject, but Giustini didn’t let her continue.

  “No. Stop it!” He yelled at her so loudly that all the girls in the room stopped what they were doing to see what was going on. “You’ve been going on and on for weeks about this shit, and I’m tired of it. So what? The slut is pregnant. Big deal. It’s her fucking problem, not ours.”

  Katrina was quiet for a moment, tapping her long elegant nails on the back of her cell phone, filling up the otherwise oppressively tense silence hanging in the room. “You know Sebastian’s not just done with me, right, Papa?” Katrina asked innocently.

  “What are you talking about?” Giustini asked. He seemed to scoff at the warning tone in his daughter’s voice, but he sounded a little more cautious than he had mere moments before.

  “I’m not the only one he fell out of love with,” Katrina said. “Before he stopped fucking me, he talked all the time about wanting to get out from under your control, Papa. All he needs is a reliable supplier and he’s as good as gone. He’s not going to stay in your company.” She paused, chuckling bitterly to herself. “And I bet he’ll use all the information he learned about the inner workings of your business to launch himself to success. Ha! I guess we’re both getting what we deserve, right, Papa?”

  “Katrina Isabella,” Giustini said sternly. “Are you lying to me right now? Is this one of your little games?”

  “I wish,” Katrina sighed. “Oh, well. I guess you’ll just have to do what you always do, Papa. Roll over and let Sebastian do what he wants.”

  There was a long tense pause where nobody spoke. All of the girls in the room held their breath and looked at each other worriedly, their eyes gone as wide as cereal bowls.

  “Well, we’ll just have to take care of this little situation, then, won’t we?” Giustini said in a low dangerous voice. “I’ll call you back when it’s finished. Good-bye, Katrina.”

  There was a slight clicking noise as he hung up on his daughter. After a single moment of silence, Katrina burst into full-body laughter, tossing her head back as the deep guttural noises left her throat. It almost sounded like she was choking, but when one of the girls approached Katrina to see if she was okay she threw the girl off, making her collide into the nearest wall roughly. “Leave me alone,” Katrina said in between hysterical giggles. “Oh, boy, oh, boy. Sebastian doesn’t even know what’s coming. Him or that little conniving bitch. Tonight, we are getting a show!” With that, she turned and stormed out of the room, still laughing and wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Oh, Jesus, poor Nyssa,” one of the older working girls said sadly, shaking her head.

  “Yeah. She’s as good as dead now,” another one replied.

  Fuck that, Kimmie thought, getting to her feet and striding out of the room. I’m not going to let anyone hurt my best friend. Even if it kills me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nyssa rolled over in bed, slinging her leg over Sebastian’s naked torso and sighing happily. She didn’t know how long they’d been like this, practically glued together, but she’d loved every second of it so far and she couldn’t imagine ever wanting to stop.

  Just then, as if on cue, her phone rang shrilly from where it had fallen, somewhere else in Sebastian’s condo. Nyssa groaned and rolled over again, burying her face in Sebastian’s neck, but the phone just wouldn’t stop. It kept going for a solid minute. “Goddammit!” Nyssa grunted, kicking her feet in annoyance before finally sighing in resignation and getting out of bed.

  “Noooo,” Sebastian moaned out, still half-asleep as he reached for Nyssa’s arm to try to keep her in bed.

  “I’ll be right back, baby,” she whispered. Nyssa reached down and wrapped her hand around Sebastian’s and brought it to her mouth for a sweet kiss before letting him go and getting up to follow the sounds of her phone into the main den area.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she huffed out as she hunted her phone down, finally finding it on the floor just inside the entranceway. “Jesus Christ, what is it, Kimmie? What’s going on?” Nyssa snapped into the phone after answering.

  “Nyssa! It’s Katrina! She knows, okay! She knows! I’ve been trying to reach Sebastian all day to warn him, but I can’t find him. Is he okay? Are you okay? Has anything happened?” Kimmie asked in a rush.

  “Whoa, whoa, Kimmie, slow down,” Nyssa said. “Take a breath. Maybe a couple of them. Start from the beginning. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Katrina. Some little bitch heard you talking to me about the pregnancy and told her. She freaked out and called her dad to put a hit on Sebastian!”

  Nyssa felt the bottom of her stomach drop out as panic swept through her, but then the next second she shook her head at herself, swallowing the bile that crept up her throat. It’s okay. It’s all okay, she reminded herself. “Okay. Well, so what? Right? It’s like you said earlier. Fuck Katrina. Sebastian will protect me. And he doesn’t need Giustini, either. We’ve figured it all out.”

  “That’s just the thing, Nyssa! Katrina figured it out somehow. She knows that Sebastian has a way out of the Giustini business. She knows and she told her dad and he’s coming for both of you! I heard him!”

  “Fuck,” Nyssa murmured, slowly walking back to the bedroom. “Okay, Kimmie, you need to get out of there. You need to get out of there as soon as you can, okay, and come here. I’ll text you the address.”

  “Okay, okay, just—please—be safe, Nyssa! Please!” Kimmie panted into the phone before hanging up.

  “Shit,” Nyssa said out loud to herself before sitting down on the bed to gently shake Sebastian awake. “Baby,” she whispered. “We’ve got trouble.”

  She quickly explained the situation to Sebastian, who didn’t look anywhere near as concerned as Nyssa felt, at the very least. “I’ll get some guards over here, twenty-four seven, to make sure that the place is always protected. Will that help you feel safer here?”

  Nyssa nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you, Sebastian.”

  “You’re welcome,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her cheeks.

  A few minutes later, a familiar face showed up at the door, sweating furiously as she barged into the apartment the second Nyssa opened the door. “Jesus Christ, water? Can I have some water? I ran all the way here.”

  “Yes, of course, come here, I’ll get you some water with ice,” Sebastian said, rushing to help Kimmie find a seat right next to the kitchen.

  “Did anyone see you leave, Kimmie?” Nyssa asked, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder to get her to calm down a little.

  All the same, Kimmie kept panting desperately for breath, shaking her head as she wiped her sweaty face on the sleeves of her jacket. “I don’t think so. Everyone was kind of in a rush, you know, trying to avoid Katrina when she’s on the warpath. She’s… out for blood. Blood from both of you. She’s not going to rest until she gets it.”

  “Well, then, she’s going to be sorely disappointed,” Sebastian said as he returned with a tall glass of water for Kimmie. “Here you go. Drink up.”

  “Thanks,” Kimmie said. “Sebastian, can I ask you an honest question?”

  “Shoot,” Sebastian said, going up to lean against the front door.

  “How did you put with Katrina for so long? I mean, don’t you hate her? I know all the girls at the brothel do.”

  Sebastian smiled. “You know, hate’s not a word I like to throw around lightly. So I’m not sure I’d say I hate her. She’s just… a rotten person. She’s got weeds where her heart should be. It’s impossible to love someone like that.”

  Kimmie made a clicking noise from behind her tongue, her eyes darting from Sebastian to Nyssa and back again. Nyssa got a sinking feeling in her c
hest that Kimmie was about to say something inappropriate. If she knew her old friend, something ridiculous was about to come out of her mouth.

  “What would you be able to love in a woman? Hypothetically, of course,” Kimmie said innocently, sipping at her water with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

  Nyssa slapped her forehead with her hand in embarrassment, hiding her eyes while her face went hot. Goddammit, Kimmie, she thought, feeling her heart thunder in her chest like the stomping feet pulling a chariot. You couldn’t have just kept your mouth shut for once?

  But when Nyssa finally got the courage to drop her hand from her face, Sebastian was grinning. His whole face looked full of light, like there were stars hiding behind his eyes, powering the engine of his heart. “Well, hypothetically… I like my women humble. You know, down-to-earth. Real. I like something I can hold in my hands, not someone I have to keep yanking down from a pedestal. I want someone… kind. Simple. Someone like…”


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