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Unthinkable Games (LIttlemoon Investigations Book 3)

Page 6

by Morgan Kelley

  “That was me saying thank you in advance. I love you, Julian Littlemoon. Thank you for taking care of your family. I know how much you sacrificed by opting to stay, and it means the world to me.”

  He didn’t have the words to reply.

  All he could hope was that he’d done the right thing.

  Not put them all at risk ...

  ~ Chapter Three ~

  Saturday Morning

  There was a part of him that was dreading all of this. Here he was, sitting at the airport, waiting for Claire Littlemoon to arrive. Their flight was taking off soon, and he’d yet to see her. Granted, she’d sent him a text, offering to pick him up that morning, but he’d declined.

  While he wanted nothing more than to ride with her, Beckett knew he couldn’t.



  If he gave that woman an inch, he knew she’d take a mile. He’d learned that with the last female he’d let in. She’d nearly broken him for the rest of his life. Recovering from her betrayal had been a bitch.

  Claire Littlemoon might be little, but the ramifications of letting her in would be huge.

  She was dangerous, and he knew it. He’d been a cop and could smell trouble a mile away.

  That was one thing he was well aware of in his life. All Beckett truly wanted was to work, exist, and survive another day without the truth coming out.

  Hopefully, he could pull it off.

  Then, he saw her.

  She was crossing the terminal toward him and looked nothing like a private investigator. In fact, she looked nothing like Claire Littlemoon.

  Gone were the jeans, the boots, and tough exterior. Walking his way was a woman. She was wearing a dress, heels, and looked like a ray of sunshine. From the coiffed brown locks to the shining gold flecked eyes, she was stunning.

  Well, shit!

  This was going to be hell.

  Despite not wanting to react to the woman, his body did just that. Once more, his dormant libido reared its head, reminding Beckett of the truth.

  He was a man with needs.




  This was going to be one hell of a case, and he knew that he was pretty much screwed.

  “Good morning, Beckett. How are you today?” she asked, pulling her luggage to a stop beside him.

  He stared at her, trying not to notice that she smelled really good. It was a cross between a forest and a meadow after a rainstorm.

  Oh, bloody hell! She was wearing shiny lip gloss, and he imagined that it tasted like heaven.

  He had to stop this runaway train.

  “What’s with the getup?”

  She looked down, trying not to be disappointed. Yes, it wasn’t her normal attire, but she wanted to feel like she was a female. All that time on a Navy ship had stripped away her femininity. Okay, that wasn’t the only reason she’d chosen a dress. Claire also wanted to try and get the man’s attention.

  Apparently, she did, but not for the right reasons.

  “What’s wrong with it?” she asked, staring down her body at the pale pink outfit.

  “You’re wearing a dress to a case.”

  Yeah, this was a bad idea.

  Claire found herself getting angry. “Yeah, well you’re wearing a scowl. I guess we both screwed up in our choices today.”

  Her tone surprised him as did her words. Was he really staring at her with nothing but disdain?

  “Since my attire is offending you, I’ll go change,” she offered, sitting on the bench beside him. He stopped her before she could unzip her luggage to dig out more clothes.

  “Don’t. I’m sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.” In all honesty, Beckett didn't. She was beautiful, and that was the problem. He didn't want to notice how good she looked, smelled, or felt beneath his fingers.

  Unfortunately, he didn't have a choice. “I didn't mean to imply that you didn't look amazing.”

  “I didn't ask how I looked, Beckett. I simply wanted to have a nice day. This is my first field case. I want to do my family proud.”

  Now he felt like an asshole. “I’m sorry I offended you, Claire.”

  “You didn't offend me, Beckett, but you obviously dislike me. I try to be pleasant and friendly, and you stare daggers at me. At work, I’ll walk into the room, and your laughter ends and you glare at me. Can I ask what I’ve done to deserve that? We have to work together, and I’m trying to be nice to you. If you want me to be a bitch, one who’s going to snarl and tear away at you, it’s not going to happen.”

  “Really, why’s that?”

  “That’s not who I am. I’m generally nice until pissed off. It takes a lot to get me there, but you’re definitely trying to make me upset. I can feel it. It’s like you have a personal issue against me. Did we meet in a past life? Did I steal one of your horses or burn down your fort?”

  Sadly, she was right.

  “I’m bad at being a team player,” he admitted.

  Claire looked over at him. “Then you’re working for the wrong people and doing the worst job ever. We’re a team. You and I are paired up. Julian and Justin expect us to work together. Whether you hate my guts or not, you’re stuck with me.”


  What a mess.

  He didn't dislike her at all. In fact, it was the exact opposite. “Is that what you think? That I hate you?” he asked.

  “You glare at me like I’m the enemy. When I enter a room, you stare at me with ice in your eyes. That’s far from liking me. I just don’t know what I’ve done wrong. I wish I did.”

  “I don’t trust people, okay,” he stated gruffly.

  Yeah, especially when they’re women.

  He should probably correct that. Beckett didn't trust beautiful women who could break his heart--again.

  “Were you ever a soldier?” she asked, touching his wrist to get his attention. The man was trying desperately not to look at her.

  “No, but my brother was.”

  “Well, I was. You have to trust the people you serve with. That’s the only way you’ll make it through this life. I know there are going to be people who let you down, but not everyone will. I won’t do that to you. I always have my partner’s back.”

  He looked at her, wanting to believe that in the worst way. Just the thought that he could rely on her was an amazing thing.

  “Whatever she did to you and your heart, I’m sorry.”

  Beckett hated that she nailed it on the first try. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She knew he was lying.

  Staring into his green eyes, Claire could see the emotion there. Instead of pushing further, she opted to let it go. “We should board. It’s time to get moving.”

  He was thankful that she dropped it. How was he supposed to explain that some big tough man was leveled in his past by a woman?

  It was emasculating.

  He’d been blindsided and never saw it coming. Beckett had been a cop, and he’d let his guard down enough to get hurt. He’d been an idiot.

  Now he knew better.

  “Good idea.”

  As she stood, she stared in his eyes. “For the record, Beckett, I’m very trustworthy. If you ever need to talk, I’m here. I want to be more than your co-worker.”

  His heart flipped in his chest.

  “I really want us to be friends.”

  That was never going to happen. If he let her past that barrier, it would only be a matter of time before she found her way deeper. Then, he’d be hurt when she found out he was a freak.

  “We should go. They’re boarding. If we’re late, my brother will shit a brick. He’s a control freak.”

  She didn't give him a chance to say more. Instead, Claire started toward the terminal, leaving him behind. She’d tried her best, and it was now up to him.

  If the man wanted to be social at work, he would be. If not…Claire had given it her all. It did bother her that the man was holding all the women in the world account
able because of what one had done.

  Then again, maybe it was more than one.

  She had no clue, since he wouldn’t talk to her.

  As she walked away, Beckett noticed all the men checking out her legs in the simple pink wrap dress. There were stares, smiles, and a few leers from the passing business men. When a few started following her, it pissed him off.

  It shouldn’t have, but it did.

  When she turned, her gaze pierced though him, offering that punch to his gut that always happened when her gold flecked eyes met his.

  He knew what could happen, because he’d fallen for it.

  But not this time.

  Beckett Rand wasn’t going to be any woman’s doormat ever again. He’d made that promise a long time ago, and he was going to keep it, even if it meant being alone.

  Julian checked his watch.

  His team should be on their way. It wouldn’t be long before they jumped headfirst into this mess. There was dread and nervous anticipation as they pulled up in front of the plantation.

  It was indeed old, run down, and in need of some repair. Then again, to some people, that would be the allure. It had good bones, and a past that was intriguing.

  There were people out there who would love ‘The Killing House’.

  He had to be out of his damn mind to even be considering this whole thing. No one would ever stay and work a job when they knew it involved death, killing, and ghosts.

  Been there.

  Done that.

  “Wow! Look at all that Spanish moss. It makes the place look haunted.”

  He stared over at his wife. “You’re enjoying this a little too much. You’d think you’d be freaked out since you were once visited by Bethany on a regular basis.”

  Tori laughed. “I’m trying to be positive. You know, the optimistic one.” She had yet to tell Julian that Bethany informed her that their adventure with ghosts was far from over.

  If she did, he was going to lose it. There was only so much her husband could handle at one time. It was apparent, by the look on his face, that Julian was trying to stay cool. If he lost it, there would likely be a fight.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, noticing that he was thinking.

  “Yeah, I’m focused on the case.” And his woman. He had to admit that since waking up, his wife seemed to be in a better mood. Hopefully, she wasn’t thinking about her brother and mother. The last thing he wanted was for her to hurt inside.

  Justin was still running the background checks on the pair, and when he found something out, he’d call. Until then, Julian had to sit tight and wait for the next part of his plan to unfold. He was going to keep Tori protected for as long as possible against the duo. They wouldn’t be getting past him or their friends at work.

  That was for damn sure.

  “You’re going to promise right now that you’re going to stick by my side, Tori. I don’t want to toss you over my shoulder and carry you out of here, but I will.”

  She laughed. “Yes, Dad.”

  He stared at her. “I mean it. This place feels off to me. It’s not a good place to be complacent. I’m thinking that all six missing owners took that route. We won’t be.”

  Tori took her husband’s hand in hers. “I won’t leave your side. We will stick like glue.” She gently laid her hand over her belly. When his hand joined hers, there was that warm fuzzy feeling. Tori was just about to tell him that he was going to be a great father, when they heard the crunch of tires on gravel.

  “Here they come,” Tori stated.

  Julian watched, and it was definitely not part of their team. Whoever owned it had money. This had to be the oldest Lamont brother. Apparently, it was show time.

  Getting out, they waited for them to approach.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Littlemoon, thank you for taking this case. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate this,” stated the man. “I’m Chester Lamont, and this is my sister Mary Louise.”

  They were well aware.

  In their files, they had their pictures, information, and background checks.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Julian stated, holding out his hand. “I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

  Mary Louise looked like she was about ready to cry.

  “Yes, our brother’s disappearance has shaken us to the core.”

  “Yes, I imagine it would,” he stated. “It’s like arriving in town to find out that you’re not just investigating a missing person case, but one where there’s a treasure and murder involved.”

  They obviously knew where he was taking this. Both of their faces told the tale.

  “In fact, finding out that it’s not one missing person, but half a dozen is a little off settling. It doesn’t really make me want to stay and help you,” stated Julian.

  While he promised his wife they would, he wasn’t going to let the people before him act like they had the right to lie because they purchased their services.

  Julian wasn’t their property.

  Chester sighed. “So, you heard the gossip.”

  “Yeah, but it appears to be more than just hearsay. What the hell were you thinking? We walked into this blind. That’s a breach of contract. When we met, you were told that we needed everything up front. You neglected to give us all the information we’d need to make up our minds.”

  “I’ll pay you whatever you ask. If I told you the truth, would you have come?” asked the man.

  “No. I absolutely wouldn’t have. This puts us at risk.”

  Mary Louise began pleading their case. “Our brother is missing. We really need someone who is damn good at their job to handle this. We didn't want to lie, but what choice did we have? You’re the best out there. You found all those abducted women, and you solved that century old murder mystery. You are the only people who can help us.”

  “It’s the principle,” Tori stated, taking her husband’s side. “You should have been honest. This doesn’t make us want to help. In fact, we’re contemplating leaving.”

  They looked panicked.

  Julian stared at her, unsure where she was taking this. Wasn’t this the same woman who demanded they stay?

  “What can we do to make you remain on the case?” Chester Lamont asked.

  “How about you tell us everything? Going forward, how about we try for complete and total honesty?”

  They nodded.

  “Plus, we’re in control from this moment on. Since it’s our lives on the line, we get to run this our way.”

  Julian was proud of his wife. She’d turned this around and worked her magic. Being an ex-Fed had taught her how to deal with people.

  “It’s a deal,” the man said. “My brother came to me about two months ago. He wanted to borrow some money.”

  They listened.

  “At first, I told him no. You see, Jeffery is a bit of a free spirit. He’s been known to come up with crazy ideas. When he told me that he wanted to buy a house, particularly this house, I thought he’d lost it.”

  They all looked around.

  “How did he talk you into a quarter of a million dollars?” Tori asked.

  “You’re thorough,” the man stated.

  Julian nearly laughed. “Yeah, not thorough enough, or we wouldn’t be here. Consider our screw up your biggest gift.”

  The man continued, “He wanted to make it into a bed and breakfast.”

  “Were you aware of the house’s history?” Tori asked.

  “No. He told me it was haunted. That’s all I knew. I thought about it, and finally caved.”

  Mary Louise began crying. “It’s all my fault. I made Chester do it. I told him to cut the man a break and give him the money. This is all my fault.”

  The older brother comforted his sister.

  “It’s no one’s fault. Jeffery will be found. The Littlemoons will make sure of that, Mary.”

  They couldn’t guarantee that. If this case went anything like the last one, they did find their victim, only it wa
sn’t alive.

  “Please continue,” stated Tori.

  “So, I gave him the money, he purchased the place, and then he sent me an email.” The man pulled it out and handed it to Julian.


  This place is amazing. The realtor told me about a secret treasure hidden in the house. It’s supposedly killed all the other owners. I have to find it. If you’re available, can you come down and help me out? This place is spooky! I can’t wait to show you around the investment. We’re going to get rich!


  “That was the last time I heard from him,” offered the man. “I sent countless emails back. I called his cell, and then I finally hopped on a plane to head here. When I arrived, I found his car in the garage and his things here, but no Jeffery.”

  Tori began making notes on her phone. “Where are all his personal possessions?” she asked.

  Mary Louise rushed to the Mercedes and pulled out a box. “We didn't take his clothes or the things which he moved in, but we took everything that we found that was part of his research. It didn't seem right to leave them here.”

  Julian took the box and placed it on the ground. He crouched down in front of it to begin perusing the contents. Inside, there were some old maps, a letter, and a dusty old book. “We’re going to need to keep this,” he stated.

  The two Lamonts got excited. “So, you’re taking this case?”

  Julian picked up the box. “I need the keys to the house. My team arrives in a few minutes. We’re going to take this, not for you, Mr. Lamont, but for your brother. If something nefarious happened to him, he deserves to be found.”

  “I’ll double your fee.”

  Julian shook his head. “That’s not how we work. We don’t do a better job for more money. We do our best out the gate because our names are on this. If you feel the need to throw money at us, I’ll give you the name of a charity that can use it.”

  The man nodded. “Yes, please.”

  “Where are you staying?” asked Tori.

  “Not here,” replied Mary Louise. “I get the creeps whenever I go inside. I don’t want to be anywhere near here. Chester and I are staying at a hotel in town. We aren’t far away, so we can be here if you need us.”


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