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Under a Georgia Moon: Georgia Moon Romance Book 1

Page 11

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  He started to reach for a roll when his mother swatted his hand. “Chase Nichols, you know better than that.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I do.” He kissed his mom on the cheek. “By the way, did I ever thank you for making sure I had good manners?”

  She looked at him askance. “No. In fact, I think you’ve complained about it your whole life.”

  “Well, just for the record, thank you. I’ve appreciated it the past the couple of days.”

  She turned and gave him a soft smile. “Well, I’m glad I did something right.”

  The doorbell chimed and Chase couldn’t hold back his grin. “And that would be our guests.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “You really like this girl, don’t you?”

  Chase didn’t have to pretend too hard that he was into Addie Heywood. Truthfully, he didn’t have to pretend at all.

  “Yeah, I do.” He gave his mom another smile and jogged out of the kitchen. “Be right back.”

  Just as he made it to the entry way, his father opened the door. “Hayden, how are you?” he heard his father say.

  Chase’s blood chilled. Hayden? It was too late to backtrack to the kitchen. Hayden spotted him and waved, her generous mouth tilting up in a seductive smile he was all too familiar with. “Hey there, Chase.”

  “Come on in, Hayden,” Charles invited warmly, closing the door behind her.

  Chase’s footsteps faltered as he stifled a groan. Now that she was inside, it would be difficult to get her to leave. He stepped in before his dad did something worse like invite her to stay for supper.

  “Did you need something?” Chase didn’t bother hiding the irritation in his voice.

  His dad looked at him with both eyebrows raised high on his head as he walked by and left them alone.

  Hayden ignored Chase’s obvious aggravation and sidled up close to him. “Well, hello to you too.” She scrunched up her nose, her lips pursed into a pout. “Can’t a girl stop by to say hey?”

  His scowl deepened. “Hayden, what’re you really doing here?”

  “I told you.” She reached out and wrapped her fingers around his arm. It reminded him of a snake coiling around its prey. “I stopped by to say hello. After last night, I missed you.” She slowly circled her finger on the bare skin just below his rolled up sleeves.

  Chase could feel the muscles in his jaw tighten as he ground his back teeth together. He stepped away from her, making her hand drop to her side. “I left early because Tate’s daughter never showed up, and after I left, you were supposed to make sure your parents—and anybody else you’ve misled—knows that we aren’t together.”

  “Dana did show up.” There was an edge to her voice. “It was humiliating trying to explain why you weren’t still by my side.”

  Chase didn’t know whether or not to believe Hayden. Even if it was true, he wasn’t getting sucked into Hayden’s game again. He couldn’t believe he’d agreed to the whole thing in the first place. Besides that, Reggie had texted him early this morning that a rep from a smaller record label, Country Sounds Music, might show up at Gracie’s Haven this weekend.

  Hayden moved in close again, brushing her body against his. “If you play your cards right, she can still get her daddy to listen to you.” She looked up at him through her thick lashes, and her lips parted in an invitation.

  He didn’t want to kiss Hayden, and felt somewhat comforted by the fact that her touch didn’t set him on fire anymore.

  He jerked the front door open. “I’m not interested.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m sure you don’t mean that.”

  Chase sucked in a deep breath. He needed to redirect the path of this futile conversation. “Hayden, I already told you I’m seeing someone right now. I like her and I don’t want to blow it.”

  He moved outside, relieved when Hayden followed him. “Who is she again?” Her voice sounded unnaturally high.

  Chase pulled the door closed and started toward Hayden’s red sports car. “Her name is Addie.”

  “And when did you meet her?”

  “I told you that I’ve known her since I was fourteen.” He really hoped she didn’t press him for more details, and decided to be as honest as he could right now. “Look, Addie and her aunt are coming for supper. I really don’t want you to be here when they do.”

  She eyed him for several long seconds. Her lips had been pressed flat but now were curved up into a subtle smile. “I’d really like to meet her.”

  “No.” Chase pointed to her BMW. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Hayden held his gaze a few more seconds before she shrugged. “Fine. Let me get my keys.” She opened her purse and fished around for a few seconds, taking her sweet time.

  Chase heard a car and lifted his face to see if it was Janie and Addie. The next thing he knew, the contents of Hayden’s purse were dumped at his feet.

  “Oh goodness,” Hayden said. “I can’t believe how clumsy I am.”

  Chase had no idea how she’d landed an acting job because she was a terrible actress. As he bent down to help gather up the scattered items, Janie and Addie turned into his driveway.

  * * *

  Addie saw Chase crouched down next to a very pretty girl that couldn’t possibly be his sister. Her long, dark hair was a dead giveaway, considering Chase’s twin sisters were blonde. They both stood up and watched as Aunt Janie slowly inched her sedan toward the Nichols’s house.

  “How sweet,” Aunt Janie said. “Chase is waiting for you.”

  “With another girl,” Addie said dryly. A knot of jealousy twisted her gut, and she wondered if the pretty girl was Hayden, or just another member of his fan club.

  “Well, then do something. You need to get out there and fight for your man.”

  “He’s not my man.” Not really. They’d put on a good show for her aunt earlier—laughing and flirting with each other—but Addie wasn’t sure what had been real and what had been pretend.

  “Nonsense.” Janie brought the car to a stop. “I saw the way you two were getting along this afternoon.”

  Chase started moving toward the car, a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. Addie didn’t know if it was because he’d been caught or if he was begging her to help. Aunt Janie opened her car door, and Chase’s good manners made him detour away from Addie’s side to assist her aunt.

  “Hey, Miss Janie,” Chase said, holding open the door as she climbed out of the car. “Do you need any help?”

  “No, thank you.” Janie retrieved the pie holder from the middle of the seat. “I’m worried the coconut cream won’t be any good if I don’t refrigerate it right away. I’m just gonna run this inside to your mama.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Chase closed the car door. “Just walk right in.”

  While Aunt Janie made a beeline for the house, Chase skirted around the rear of the car to the passenger’s side. Addie noticed the dark-haired girl followed his every move like a cat tracking a mouse.

  “Hey there,” Chase said once he opened Addie’s door. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Thanks.” Addie slid out of the car without his help, leaving the pathetic looking apple pie she’d made on her seat.

  “Do you want me to carry that in?” Chase said, pointing to the pie.

  “We can get it later.” She closed the door behind her and glanced at Chase. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was supposed to do. Did he want her to play the role of his girlfriend or what?

  “Chase,” the pretty girl said, moving next to him. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” Her alto voice, combined with the genteel southern accent, came across as provocative and sultry.

  The surly look Chase shot the brunette tipped Addie off that no matter how pretty the girl was, Chase didn’t seem to like her.

  The girl rolled her eyes. “I’m Hayden Barclay.” She held out her hand with her knuckles up like she was royalty.

  Addie wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Shake her hand lamely by taking a hold of her f
ingers or give her a fist bump. She hoped Hayden didn’t expect her to kiss it. “Hi,” Addie said, lightly gripping the girl’s fingers. “I’m Addie Heywood.”

  Hayden’s perfectly plump lips curved up as she kept a hold of Addie’s hand and leaned forward. “Chase and I used to date so I know all of his secrets. Maybe you and I can get together and I can give you a few tips.”

  From the corner of her eye, Addie could see Chase’s eyes narrow with anger. He looked like he was about to interfere, but she was a big girl and could handle Hayden Barclay all by herself. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m enjoying discovering his secrets all on my own.”

  A hard look crossed Hayden’s face, and she squeezed Addie’s fingers tighter. “I doubt you’ll discover everything. The offer is still open if you change your mind.” Her voice was tinged with a game-on attitude.

  Addie tugged her hand free. “That’s really sweet of you.” She smoothly moved next to Chase and slid her arm around his waist. His body tensed for a fraction of a second and then, thankfully, he played along and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “It was nice meeting you, Hayden,” she said, snuggling closer to Chase.

  Hey, if she was going to play the girlfriend, she might as well enjoy it. Plus, it didn’t hurt that he smelled absolutely yummy.

  Hayden’s eyes flickered from Addie to Chase. “I’ll let you know what Dana says, but we’ll probably be at your next gig. See you then.” With that, she spun around on her heel and walked toward her car, her hips swaying seductively from side to side.

  Addie glanced up to see if Chase was following his ex-girlfriend’s departure, but found him looking at her instead. “Thank you.” His eyes seemed to hold much more than gratitude. “You were very convincing.”

  Right. This isn’t real.

  “Just doing my job.”

  Two lines creased his forehead. “Is that—”

  Hayden’s car roared to life, cutting of his words. She revved the motor, almost as if it screamed out in protest for her. Both Addie and Chase watched the little red sports car peel out of the driveway, the tires squealing against the asphalt.

  Somebody has a temper.

  As soon as the car disappeared, Addie stepped away from Chase. “Nice girl.”

  He grunted a laugh. “Yeah, right.” Chase eyed her for a second, a small smile playing at his mouth. “So, you’re gonna enjoy discovering my secrets, huh?”

  The way he said it almost made it sound scandalous. Still, Addie was pretty sure she would, indeed, enjoy it. “Speaking of secrets. Who’s Dana?” She really hoped she wasn’t another ex-girlfriend.

  The levity in his face vanished. “A friend of Hayden’s. I’ve never met her before but she’s got connections in the music industry.”

  “Could those connections help you?”

  He shrugged and looked away. “Maybe.”

  Addie sensed he wouldn’t give her any more. This discovering secrets thing wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought.

  “I guess we should go inside.”

  Chase didn’t respond right away. Then, he turned back toward her. “Dana is Tate Jepson’s daughter. Tate owns one of the hottest record labels in Nashville.” He pressed his lips flat and a muscle flexed in his jaw. “While Hayden said she’d make trouble for me with her father if I didn’t go along with her little scheme, she also sweetened the deal by saying Dana could get me an audience with Tate.”

  He met her gaze. “I was stupid and went along with it.”

  Addie appreciated his honesty, and understood why he’d done it. She only wished she’d been as brave when it came to making her own dreams come true. Part of her wondered even if she did happen to win the photo contest and the camera, would she have the guts to really open her own studio?

  “Trying to further your career isn’t stupid.”

  “Anything involving Hayden is stupid.” His face hardened. “And now she’s coming to the show on Saturday. I doubt she’ll bring Dana with her, and is only coming to make more trouble.” His eyes flickered to Addie’s. “Sorry, but you’ll most likely be her target.”

  For some reason Addie looked forward to the challenge. “So I get to play the part of your amazing girlfriend a little longer?”

  A small smile surfaced on his handsome face. “You were amazing.” He laughed and shook his head. “Man, the way you put her in her place was priceless.”

  “I know, right?”

  He reached out and lightly tapped her under the chin. “Humble too.”

  Addie laughed, hoping to hide the crazy emotions his touch created. “Should we go inside? I’m excited to meet your sisters.”

  “Yeah, but I should warn you that they’re both mad at me right now, so ignore whatever they might say about me.”

  “Even if it’s good?”

  He laughed. “I doubt they’ll have anything good to say other than I’m overprotective and annoying. I wouldn’t put it past them to share some of the stupid things I did when I was young.”

  “Hmmm. This might be very enlightening. I think I’m going to like talking with your sisters.”

  He eyed her warily. “Don’t encourage them.”

  This time it was her turn to laugh. “Of course not.” She headed for his house, but paused when he hadn’t moved. “You coming?”

  “Yeah.” He stepped toward her aunt’s car. “Just let me grab your pie.”

  Dang. She hoped he’d forgotten all about the pie. After he retrieved the foil-covered tin, Addie offered to take it from him. Maybe she could trip on something and accidentally drop the poorly put together dessert.

  “I got it,” Chase said as he gently prodded her forward. He opened the front door and allowed her to enter before him.

  Addie stepped inside the beautiful two-story, Georgian Colonial styled home and marveled at the simplistic beauty of the foyer. The wood floor was stained dark, the wide planks rough around the edges as if they’d been hand-hewn. Before her stretched a winding staircase that ascended gracefully to the second level. Overhead, a large chandelier hung, illuminating the pictures of Chase’s family that covered the wall along the stairs.

  “Your house is beautiful.” Addie turned to look at Chase, wanting him to take her on a tour. She found him peeling up the edge of the foil. “Hey, no peeking.” She grabbed at the pie, but he evaded her efforts by lifting it higher.

  “Why?” he asked with a chuckle.

  Addie pressed closer, and tried to reach around him to get the pie. “Because, it doesn’t look pretty.”

  Chase held the pie further away. “Let me be the judge of that.”

  “No. I’m serious.” She made another grab for the pie tin, bringing her body flush with his back. In an instant, she became aware of his hard muscles and the breadth of his shoulders. Tendrils of warmth spread through her, rendering her immobile.

  Slowly, Chase looked back over his shoulder so their noses almost touched. “C’mon,” he said in a low voice. “It can’t be that bad.”

  Her mind scrambled to stay on task and not focus on his soft lips. “Fine, but don’t you dare say one word.”

  “Addie, any man with a lick a sense would never criticize a woman’s cooking.”

  Interesting. Brandon frequently made unfavorable comments about her culinary efforts. “Um…okay.”

  A door slammed shut and both of them turned their attention to the top of the stairs. Two giggling girls rapidly descended the winding staircase. Addie stared at the beautiful blondes. If she didn’t know better, even this close up she would’ve thought they were identical.

  They came to an abrupt halt on the bottom step. One of them arched a brow, her sky blue eyes glittered with interest. “Are we interrupting something?”

  Addie felt her face go hot as she untangled herself from Chase. “Nope.”

  “Kind of,” Chase said at the same time.

  Addie shot him an annoyed look but Chase only winked at her. “Addie, these two are my little sisters.” He pointed to the one who had spoken
. “Ashlee.”

  The girl daintily waved her fingers in a greeting.

  “And this is Taylin.”

  A curious smile spread across her pixie-like face. “Hey.”

  Addie knew she wasn’t ugly, but compared to the Nichols girls she felt like the plain wallflower nobody wants to dance with. “Okay, so what line in heaven did I miss when they were making gorgeous, blue-eyed blondes?”

  Both girls seemed genuinely pleased by the compliment until their brother gave a cynical laugh. “Please don’t make their heads any bigger—they obviously missed the line with humility.”

  Their smiles disappeared as they glared at Chase. Taylin leaned forward. “Just because you missed the “nice brother” line, doesn’t mean you have to be so rude.”

  Whenever Addie’s nephews and niece started arguing, she usually tried to lighten the mood before the argument could escalate into something worse. And in spite of Chase’s sarcasm, she knew how much he loved and worried about his sisters.

  She leaned toward the girls. “Just ignore him. He’s only acting that way because he wants to protect you two. You’re both so beautiful and it scares him.” She shot a quick glance back at Chase. “I never had a brother. You’re lucky.”

  The girls looked at each other and then back at Addie. Taylin’s slender shoulder rose up. “I guess it is kinda sweet how protective he is of us.”

  “A little annoying,” Ashlee said. “But sweet.” She gave her brother a cheesy grin.

  Chase glanced from sister to sister and smiled. “Well, uh, thanks.”

  Taylin sauntered past her brother and patted him on the shoulder. “Yep. You’re a regular knight in shining armor.”

  “My hero,” Ashlee said with a smirk.

  The girls burst out laughing and disappeared around the corner.

  “There’s gratitude for you,” Chase said dryly.

  Addie giggled. “Someday they’ll appreciate you.”

  “Doubt it.” His eyes landed on Addie and a grin replaced his frown. “Thanks for trying to make me look good, though.”

  Yeah, like you need any help in that area. She leaned over and patted him on the arm. “I got your back.”


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