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Adam's Thorn

Page 4

by Angela Verdenius

  Shaking his head, Adam pulled out onto the road. Pulling a tissue from the holder, he rubbed his cheek to clear it of the lipstick smear. He loved his little cousin, but man, she was growing too fast. Kissing boys, heavy, dark make-up, belly button and tongue piercings…where had the years gone?

  Speaking of piercings, how dare Barbie mention getting a clitoris piercing? No wonder Mrs Hubble had gotten herself into such a knot if that’s what she’d overheard. It wasn’t a crime, true, but to mention it to his cousin?

  It was past time he had a word to Barbie.

  Unfortunately, a trip out to her house proved a waste of time. Her car was gone, the house locked up. It would have to wait for another time.

  “And believe me, Barbie,” he muttered as he turned back onto the highway, “there will be another time. Very, very bloody soon.”

  No way on this earth was he allowing Barbie to lead his cousin, or any of the town’s teenagers, into darker, wilder pastures.

  Chapter 2

  Sitting at the bar, Barbie sipped from the glass of orange juice. “Thanks for inviting me, Ali.”

  “No worries.” Sitting beside her, Ali smiled. “Can’t have the new girl in town all by herself on a Saturday night.”

  “So you’re kind of saving me?”

  “From a lonesome, pity-filled evening? Bet your arse.” Ali poked through the bowl of nuts. “Oh man, where are the cashews?” She turned her head to look at her fiancée who sat on her other side with his hand on her ample thigh. “Ghost, did you pinch them all?”

  “What?” Ghost looked up from where he was scribbling in a notepad.

  “Did you eat all my favourite nuts?”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners, mischief lurking in the depths of his eyes. “Honey, I’m sitting on your favourite nuts.”

  “We’re in company, remember?”

  “Hey, if Barbie is going to hang with us, then she needs to get used to your rude quips.” He grinned. “Hang. Nuts. Get it?”

  Ali shook her head.

  “Hang, as in-”

  “I get that, I just-”

  “You get it every night.” He leered. “And day. Both if you’re lucky.”

  “Go back to your notes,” Ali told him.

  “If you’re mad at me, we could go home and you could punish me.”

  “Sure. I’ll lock the bedroom door with you on the opposite side to me.”

  “Well, then, back to my notes.” Ghost winked at Barbie and returned to his notepad.

  Ali turned back to Barbie. “I’d apologise for him, but what’s the use?”

  “Don’t do it on my account,” Barbie replied. “I find it quite entertaining.”

  “So, before I lost my commonsense and actually thought to include Ghost in polite conversation, I was going to ask, are you settling in okay?”

  “It’s a nice place.” Barbie looked in the mirror behind the bar at the reflection of the room behind them. “I like it.”

  “So you’re staying?”

  “I hadn’t planned on it.”

  “Oh.” Picking up a salted peanut, Ali nibbled on it. “Why not? If you like it?”

  “I have my job back in the city.” Barbie watched several couples whirling around the small dance floor. One of the couples was Lori MacKay, Ali’s sister, and her fiancée Matt, the local paramedic.

  Matt held Lori close to him, his expression one of contented happiness as he turned his head and whispered something in her ear. In turn, she laughed and burrowed closer.

  Catching the direction of her gaze in the mirror, Ali said, “Hopeless.”

  Barbie looked at her. “Me?”

  “No, Matt and Lori. Honestly, they do everything but drool over each other. Always touching.”

  Barbie looked pointedly to where Ghost’s big hand rested on Ali’s thigh. “Because you wouldn’t?”

  “Why would I?”

  “Yeah,” Ghost said without looking up. “Why would she? No need when I’m always touching her.” He slid his hand up higher.

  Ali slapped it back down without a hint of embarrassment. “So where do you work?”

  Amused to see that Ali had her hand firmly atop Ghost’s to stop any further wandering of his hand, Barbie replied, “I’m a masseuse.”

  “I noticed that poster you put up in the café window.” Ali paused. “The one Adam snatched out of your hand when you went to put it up.”

  Barbie regarded her steadily in the mirror. There was no doubting the curiosity in Ali’s eyes, but it was a frank curiosity, not a barely constrained one. Normally it would have made her wary, but she liked Ali, had done since she and her sister had had the guts to put themselves directly between two hotly arguing couples and sent everyone on their way after a sound telling off. One of those couples had been she and Adam, and Adam in a temper was intimidating. Yeah, she admired the sisters’ courage.

  It didn’t mean, however, that she spilled her secrets or business. “I’m doing massage from the house at the moment.”


  Ghost grinned widely but kept scribbling.

  “I’ll have to book a session,” Ali stated.

  Barbie looked at her reflection in the mirror. “That depends on if you’re coming for a massage or an information session.”

  Ali blinked. Ghost paused in his writing to glance up at his fiancée first, then Barbie. She had no doubt he’d come leaping to Ali’s defence if needed.

  To be truthful, Barbie wasn’t sure what Ali would say in return to her bluntness, but no way was she going to start a friendship with half-veiled hints.

  “I don’t want to sound rude,” Barbie said quietly, “but I don’t like gossip, and I’d rather know what people really want.”

  “Okay.” Ali nodded. “I want a massage, so I’ll book that time. I’m also curious, so what if I ask you questions?”

  Appreciating her honesty, Barbie grinned. “Yes to the first, some to the second.”

  Ghost returned his attention to his notepad, but Barbie noticed that he turned his hand and entwined his fingers with Ali’s, pulling her hand overt o rest on his jean-clad thigh. A silent show of support and love.

  She felt a small pang, wondering if she’d ever have that kind of relationship with a man.

  “You know Adam,” Ali said.

  No sense denying that. Barbie nodded.

  “But not from here, because we’d have noticed if you’d been here before.”

  Again, Barbie nodded.

  “So in the city?”


  “What happened between you?”

  Picking up the glass, Barbie took several mouthfuls of orange juice before setting the glass back down on the bar. “Pass.”

  “Bummer.” Ali wrinkled up her nose. “Seriously?”


  Ali sighed. “Okay. How about family?”

  “Mum, Dad, sister who is now married with twins, one boy and one girl.”


  “Two cats, Fred and Barney.”


  Amused, Barbie took another sip of orange juice. “Do I get to ask questions?”

  “In a minute. Boyfriend? Fiancée? Husband?”

  “No to all three.”

  “What do you like to read?”

  “Horror, romance, thrillers.” Barbie held up one finger. “And a serious addiction to Wonder Woman comics.”

  “Really?” Ali raised both eyebrows. “I was a Supergirl fan myself.”

  Barbie grinned. “I always envied Wonder Woman. I wanted to dress in those shorts and bodice and run around like an Amazon. Unfortunately, I never really had the build for the figure-hugging shorts. Big arse kind of put a halt to that.”

  Ali laughed. “Ditto for the short Supergirl skirt.”

  Ghost straightened up and turned to her, squeezing her hand. “Honey, your figure is perfect. Makes me drool, always has done.”

  “Only since the river episode.”

  “But once I
tasted your charms, I was lost.” Eyes softening, his expression completely serious, he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her lips. “Just perfect, honey.”

  Leaning into his kiss, her little sigh of happiness was clearly audible to Barbie.

  Smiling, she turned back to face the bar, giving her new friends their privacy, though that was saying a lot in a bar even if the lights had been turned low to create a warmth and intimacy for the couples at the tables and the dancers.

  Looking up into the mirror, she froze, all warmth vanishing as she found herself looking directly into dark eyes. Unbidden, her gaze slid over his face, taking in the straight nose, the full yet unmistakably firm, male lips, strong cheekbones and a jaw that looked like it was made of rock, it was so set.

  Her gaze fell lower, taking in the pale blue polo shirt stretched across broad shoulders, the muscles in his chest unseen but evident as swells that traced beneath the material. The biceps and triceps in his upper arms were big. The shirt hugged his body, falling over the tops of his jeans which clung to his muscular thighs.

  So much muscle, so much height, so much quiet, steely resolve.

  God, Adam had only gotten better with time. Always muscular, combined with his calmness, his hard handsomeness, and the experience stamped on his face, he was so much better, stronger, more attractive.

  The protector, the law enforcer.

  The punisher.

  A shiver stole through her, rippling down her spine.

  Already close behind her, he shifted just a foot nearer, enough for his aura to invade her space, his nearness to register, the heat of his body seeping into her. Like a moth to a flame, she was drawn to him.

  Oh God. Oh God. No. How could she be? It must be the atmosphere, the low lights, the obvious love from the couple beside her so lost in each other that they weren’t aware of anyone else.

  Lifting her gaze, she met his in the mirror. His eyes were trained on her, cop eyes, hard, assessing, glinting a little in the low light. To anyone else he appeared calm, but she recognized the anger behind the calmness.

  Anger aimed right at her.

  “Barbie.” The deepness of his voice caressed across her skin.

  If she hadn’t seen the orange juice poured into the glass, she’d have suspected it of being spiked. Maybe it was the almost sleepless night she’d spent at the house that made her feel weird.

  Swallowing, she reminded herself where she was, who he was...what had happened that night so long ago. His obvious disapproval of her was enough to have her lifting her chin, her senses clearing.

  “Adam.” Silently she congratulated herself on her even tone, how calm she sounded, not shaking like her insides, that was for sure.

  “I want a word with you.”

  “Oh?” Lifting the glass, she took a nonchalant sip, forcing it down. Luckily she didn’t choke on it, especially with the knot of nerves in her throat.

  Forget that night. Forget it.

  “Step outside with me.”

  Coolly she eyed his reflection. “That sounds a little threatening.”

  His gaze never wavered, his expression unreadable. “Why would that be?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” Why am I pushing? Why can he still get to me regardless of time?

  “I will, if you do as I say.”

  “Is this official business?”

  Cop eyes, stoic, hard. “I can make it so if you want.”

  Aware now of Ali and Ghost watching them, Barbie took a deep breath, placing the glass on the bar and linking her fingers together. “What’s this about?”

  He moved deliberately, his actions calculated to intimidate. Bending forward, his arm coming over her shoulder, his big hand settled on the table beside her linked hands. In fascination she stared at his hand, the long fingers, the clean, short nails, the strength she knew it possessed.

  Oh yes, she knew how capable Adam’s hands were, knew their comfort, their gentleness.

  The firmness of his grip.

  She barely repressed the shiver that went through her, the curl of both anticipation and shame in the depths of her belly. Shame for the anticipation, it had to be. Shame for what had happened, the memory, definitely. Shame for the cause and the result.

  Leave it. Forget it.

  Like it was just an hour ago, it came flooding back. Shame. Such deep shame. Only now it came with a thrill of something -


  Taking a gulping breath, she dragged her thoughts back to the present.

  “Barbie.” His breath was hot against her ear, his voice not only deep but undeniably holding a hint of steel. “Don’t make this hard.”

  “Or you’ll give up?” She cringed inwardly at how breathless she sounded. Immediately irritated with herself, she turned her head to glare at him.

  And froze.

  Their faces were inches apart, she hadn’t realised how close his head was to hers. So close to her, his strength surrounded her, the heat of his body seeming to almost burn her, his clean, male scent swamping her senses.

  His eyes so near, the brown of them so dark as to be almost black, so intense.

  So close they were taking each other’s breath.

  Seconds ticked past before he ordered softly, “Outside. Now.” Straightening, he stepped back.

  Looking back into the mirror, she found him watching her steadily, obviously waiting for her to obey. If they’d been alone she might have bucked the authority, some immaturity inside her rebelling, but seeing how many people watched them, she straightened her shoulders, pushed the glass away and slid off the bar stool.

  Collecting her little purse, she placed the thin strap over her shoulder and smiled at Ali and Ghost, both of whom watched her, Ali with concern, Ghost with curiosity. “Thanks for the invite, Ali. Nice to meet you, Ghost.”

  “You’re coming back, right?” Ali queried.

  “I don’t think so, not tonight.” She stepped away from the bar.

  Adam took a step back. “She’ll be back.”

  Irritated that he’d presume to override her, Barbie frowned. “No, I won’t.”

  He watched her without expression. “This’ll only take a few minutes.”

  “Once I’m outside, Adam, I’m going home.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, that’s so.”

  “If that’s the case, we’ll find a quiet corner to talk instead.”

  Startled that he’d actually give in, even just a little, Barbie glanced around, saying sardonically as she did so, “No quiet corners here, Officer. Guess we’ll just have to do this outside.” She looked back up at him. “At least you won’t have to cuff me, I’ll come quietly.”


  “Don’t what?” she asked quietly, so aware of several other people watching and straining to hear, not wanting to give the gossips further fuel for the fires. “Let’s just go, Adam, and get this over with. It’s bad enough that people are waiting for us to fight.”

  She strode past, aware of him falling into step beside her. Head held high, she met the gazes of the bolder locals who dared to do more than covertly cast glances their way.

  This was one thing she didn’t like about small towns, people knew each other, people talked, there was no hiding anything, no fading into the crowds to be just another faceless person.

  When several people had the grace to flush and look away, she glanced around to see Adam looking directly at those lacking the manners not to stare. As he met the gazes of each person, they looked hurriedly away.

  At the same time she became conscious of his hand settling in the small of her back. A silent show of support? And if so, why? To preserve his own good name?

  If his hand slipped lower…Don’t. Just don’t.

  Reaching the door, she started to lift her hand to push it open, only to have Adam beat her to it, pushing it open and holding it so she could exit first.

  Always the man with manners.

  Outside, she tipped
her face up to the cool night air, glad of the shadows that helped hide her face.

  Adam took her elbow. “Over here.”

  Silently she allowed him to steer her to the corner of the pub, the large tree there casting thick shadows, hiding them form sight as he drew to a stop. Releasing her elbow, Adam turned to face her.

  “I don’t want you near my cousin.” Anger was clear in his tone.

  Startled, she looked up at him. “What?”

  “Hallie. She works at the supermarket. Stay away from her.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  She couldn’t see his expression clearly, but the chill in his voice was clear. “I won’t have you influencing her.”

  “Influencing her?” Bewildered, she shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “You told her it was okay to pierce her clitoris.”

  It took several seconds for the words to sink in before her mouth fell open. “What? I didn’t-”

  “You were overheard.”

  “Overheard?” It came back to her. “You mean by Mrs Hubble?”

  “Apart from lacking the good manners not to speak like that in front of an elderly woman, you had no right to laugh at the thought of Hallie’s mother being upset.”

  Shocked, she could only stare up at him.

  “My cousin doesn’t lie, Barbie,” Adam continued. “She said you’d mentioned that she could have gotten her clitoris pierced.”

  Regaining her senses, Barbie began, “It wasn’t exactly like that. I-”

  Leaning forward, he growled, “You were always wild, Barbie. I won’t have you leading the teenagers astray in this town, encouraging them to do things that their parents wouldn’t approve. I won’t have you leading Hallie astray.”

  Stung, she could only glare back up at him. “You’ve got it all worked out, haven’t you, Adam?”

  “I’ve got you worked out.”

  “Oh yes, you always knew best, didn’t you?”

  “You sure as hell didn’t.”

  “So you think I haven’t changed?”

  “Have you?”

  Her lips twisted. “Would you believe me?”

  “Are you denying that you told Hallie about piercing her clitoris?”

  Sight adjusting to the shadows, she could now see the fury in his eyes. “You’ve obviously made up your mind.”


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