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Adam's Thorn

Page 14

by Angela Verdenius

  About to get into his patrol car as Brandon drove off, Adam was stopped by Gus doing his usual leaning against the driver’s door, his way of ensuring people stopped to shoot the shit with him for several minutes. The man did love a chat.

  Amused, Adam stuck his hands in his pockets.

  Gus didn’t waste time. “Hear that pretty blonde is back in town.”

  No sense pretending he didn’t know who the grizzled business owner meant. Yep.”

  Gus nodded. “Left town for a week, huh?”

  “Seemed like it.”

  Gus squinted up at him. “She get those security lights installed?”

  Now, that had his interest. “Security lights?”

  “She was going to see Winslow about security lights.” Gus scratched his whisker-shadowed jaw. “I reckon she saw something up at that old house.”

  For once, Adam was rather glad of Gus’s habit of trapping his clients to chat. “Did she tell you what she saw?”

  “Nope. But she was spooked, I could see that right off.” He tapped his temple. “I know a spooked woman when I see one.”

  Interesting. This called for a bit more snooping.

  Managing to edge Gus away from the door by promising to bring his own car in for a long-overdue wheel alignment the next week, Adam got in and drove to Winslow’s Electrical Shop.

  Sitting at the counter writing in an invoice book, Bob Winslow greeted him cheerfully. “Afternoon, Adam. What can I do for you?”

  “Afternoon, Bob. How’s business?”

  “Can’t complain. The old lady hits me if I do.”

  “I heard that.” His wife’s voice came from the back room.

  Bob grinned.

  “Hello, Mrs Winslow,” Adam called.

  She appeared in the doorway. “How are you, sweetie?”


  “And your parents?”

  “Enjoying their retirement on the ocean.”

  Coming out to stand beside her husband, Mrs Winslow shook her head. “I just don’t understand how your parents could just up and go to the coast after all their years living here.”

  “Dad always wanted to buy a yacht and live by the ocean.” Leaning on the counter, Adam rested his weight on one hip. “They’re loving it.”

  “You must miss them heaps.”

  “I do.” Yeah, he missed them a lot. When they’d decided to have a sea change it had been a shock, especially when they’d decided to shift to Tasmania after loving several holidays there, but he could understand. However, Peeron was the place he wanted to be, he’d had a taste of other places and Peeron always called to him. “But I fly over at least once a year to see them.” He smiled. “They’re actually coming here for Christmas.”

  Mrs Winslow brightened. “Really? I can’t wait to see your Mum again.”

  “I better get back to work. Nice to see you, Adam.” Bob started to move away from the counter.

  “Wait a minute.” Adam straightened. “I actually came to ask you something.”

  Both of them looked quizzically at him.

  “I understand that Barbie Declan came in to get security lights put up at the old Declan house. I was just wondering, has it been done?”

  Bob shook his head. “Not yet. I got the order, but then she left for a week. I’m just waiting for her to return and contact me.”

  “She just got back today. Maybe you should give her a ring.”

  “I don’t usually chase my clients.”

  “She’s a woman alone out there, Bob.”

  A small smile playing around his mouth, Bob exchanged a look with his wife. “Yeah, she is, isn’t she?”

  Uh-oh. Adam’s eyes narrowed. No doubt this couple were getting entirely the wrong idea.

  Before he could say anything further, Mrs Winslow reached across the counter to pat his hand. “Don’t you worry, sweetie, Bob will get it sorted as soon as he can.”

  “I’m not worried-” Adam began.

  “Pretty thing like that,” Bob added. “Pays to keep her safe, eh?” He winked.

  Jesus. “Look, I-”

  “Now don’t you worry about a thing, Adam.” Mrs Winslow turned and bustled out the door leading to the storeroom. “I’ll see check our appointments, see when we can fit your Barbie in.”

  His Barbie? “What? Wait, I-”

  “I’m sure the lights have arrived. Don’t you fret, young bloke, I’ll have her sorted out quick as a flash.” Bob followed his wife into the storeroom. “You tell your young lady I won’t be more than a day or so.”

  Not wanting that kind of rumour to start, Adam raised his voice so they could hear him. “She’s not my young lady.”

  A chuckle greeted him. “Of course not. This is just business.” Mrs Winslow stuck her head back around the door, mimed zipping her lips shut and throwing away the key. Eyes sparkling in delight, she retreated back into the storeroom.

  Well, shit a brick. Knowing any more protests was just going to be fuel to the fire, Adam shook his head and left the building.

  As he got back into the patrol car, his gaze fell on the yellow slip of paper still sitting on the console. While he was at it, he was going to see Barbie, give her his phone numbers, and, oh yeah, thank her for paying for his lunch. Least he could do, seeing as he’d jumped to conclusions once more.

  The rate he was going jumping to conclusions, he’d break a leg soon. The thorn in his side was somehow becoming a log to trip over.

  Driving up to the old Declan house, he could see the van belonging to the painting contractor, Henry, parked near the veranda. Inside the lounge room window, a big, tattered, black and white cat with one ear glared at him. Seconds later he was joined by the big tabby that Adam had seen on an earlier visit. The tabby pressed his nose to the window and eyed him narrowly.

  Talk about suspicion, these two cats had it in spades. Grinning, Adam got out of the car and closed the door just as Henry appeared with two of his painters, calling over his shoulder as the security screen swung shut behind him, “We’ll be here bright and early, Barbie. Just make sure those two miscreants are locked in a room to give us free range, and Bruce’ll start scraping that wall paper off in the top bedrooms.”

  Henry spotted him, waved as they all got into the van and drove off.

  Obviously Barbie didn’t know Adam was here. Straightening from where he’d been leaning against the car door, he crossed the grassy area to the veranda, coming up onto it just as the door flew open and a soft, warm, very sweet smelling woman came barrelling out into his arms with such force that he overbalanced and fell back down the steps, landing on the grass on his back with Barbie sprawled on top of him.

  It jolted the breath from him, and he lay there, staring up at the late afternoon sky. It took a few seconds for him to get his bearings and regain some breath, and then he became aware of several things at once.

  He had a luscious, full-figured woman on top of him, his thigh was right between hers, nudging a warm, almost hot mound which he could feel even through the material of his pants, his face was close to hers, her breath right in his ear, that thick, blonde hair was sliding across his face, two generous breasts were deliciously pressed against his chest, and his arm was tight around her waist, holding her to him.

  His other hand was flat on her bottom.

  Jesus, he was cradling her in his arms!

  No sooner had that thought cannoned around inside his head than Barbie started struggling. “Let me up!”

  When her elbow smacked him in the side in her efforts to push up, he relinquished his hold on her waist and bottom to grab her shoulders, holding her still while easing her up enough that he could meet her gaze. “Settle down.”

  Normally his stern tone had people blinking and obeying, but not Barbie. Bracing her hands on the ground either side of his head, she snapped, “Listen, you - oh!”

  Her hands slid on the grass, he could tell by the way her arms shot forwards, and then she was flush against him once more, only this time her m
outh was just inches form his, her eyes gazing down into his, their faces so close it would only take a small lunge up and-

  Unbidden, his shaft jerked, a singe of fire piercing through him.

  Her lips were so soft, the hint of mint on her breath, her lush curves fitting against him so decadently, nipples pebbling against his chest.

  He’d actually started to move towards that tempting mouth when she rolled off him fast, the warm weight of her body leaving his feeling suddenly bereft and cold.

  It was enough to bring commonsense to the fore, and he pushed quickly to his feet at the same precise moment as she. He swept his gaze over her, more to ensure that she wasn’t hurt from the fall than anything else, only to have his gaze lock onto her nipples which pebbled so mouth-wateringly against the thin material of her gauzy blouse.

  God, he could suck those nipples. Lick, tongue, tease.

  “What do you want?” she snapped.

  His attention went from her nipples to her face. Colour filled her cheeks, her eyes snapped fire, those lush lips were pressed tight. When she folded her arms beneath her breasts, those mounds pressed up against the neckline, giving him a mouth-watering view of her cleavage.

  God, the woman had a cleavage that called to a red-blooded man. Thing was, she obviously had no idea how much her lush curves enticed him, and no way in hell was he going to let her know. It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a physical reaction.

  He had no freakin’ idea just what was wrong with him, why he was reacting to her like this.

  Wait, hang on, he hadn’t actually had sex for quite a few months, ever since his last girlfriend left town. That was it, he liked full-figured women, and Barbie had the body he loved to indulge in - soft, curvy, all tempting swells and intriguing dips, with secret places that would clasp a man’s shaft like a slick glove, while he held onto her generous hips and buried himself inside her, rode her lush body like - yeah, that was it.

  Sucking in a deep breath, more than aware of his shaft pressing against the front of his pants, Adam swung away, bracing his hands on his hips as he sought to regain some control. Damn it, he’d never lost control before, never forgotten where he was…that he was on duty, for God’s sake!

  Heat was still pooled low in his loins and he tried to still it, will it down, will it away, will it anywhere but his shaft. Now he knew how other men felt when they said they’d allowed their dicks to rule their heads. He’d never allowed it, never lost control, but one accidental collision ending up with a luscious babe on top of him and his dick was looking to find her snug, warm, wet - shut the hell up, Adam! Bloody focus!

  Another deep breath, a third, a fourth, and he finally felt in control enough to swing around and - face thin air.

  Startled, he glanced around to see Barbie storming onto the veranda.

  “Barbie, wait.” When she ignored him, just grabbed the door and started to open it, he took the veranda steps two at a time and grabbed her arm just as she stepped inside, jerking her to a halt.

  She looked coldly down at his hand on her arm and then back up to his face. The chill was enough to cool any lingering heat. “Want to arrest me?”


  “What are you going to do? Slam me up against a wall? Cuff me? Drag me out to the car?”

  More like shove her against the sofa, cuff her, and bend her over - where was that thought bloody coming from, damn it?

  Needing to break contact before he lost control again, Adam released her arm, transferring his grip to the door instead. “It was an accident, Barbie. That’s all.”

  “Me falling on you, or tipping food over you?” She asked sarcastically.

  “Both.” He took a deep breath. “Look, I came to thank you for paying for lunch at the café.” At her disbelieving look, he sighed. “Barbie, come on. I was an arse, I admit it, okay?”

  “I know you don’t like me, Adam, but try to refrain from expecting me to be a deliberate bitch every time I do something wrong.”

  He frowned. “I don’t.”

  “Yeah, you do. You thought I’d done it deliberately.”

  “Which one? Falling on me or tipping food on me?”

  “That’s not even vaguely funny.” Her chin went up.

  Man, she could tilt a chin like no woman he’d ever met. It tickled his sense of humour, and he couldn’t stop a faint grin.

  Oh yeah, she saw his amusement all right, and she reacted. One hand on his chest, she actually shoved him, but he didn’t move.

  Silly little thing, didn’t she realise bigger, stronger men had tried to shove him without success? Her attempt was just plain adorable.

  He smiled.

  “You are such an arsehole!”

  “And you are such a spitting kitten.”

  Her mouth fell open in surprise. “I beg your pardon?”

  Shit, what the hell was wrong with his mouth? His mind? Straightening his shoulders, Adam shoved his ill-timed amusement down. “Nothing. Look, I’m sorry I reacted the way I did at the café, you caught me by surprise. Thank you for paying for the food, I appreciate it, but it was unnecessary. I’m happy to pay you back…” When that fire flared in her eyes once more, he wisely changed the subject. “I also came around for one other thing.”

  “What’s that?” She regarded him suspiciously.

  Reaching into his top pocket, he withdrew the yellow slip of paper and handed it to her. “My phone numbers.”

  She stared at it.

  “Take it.”

  She made no attempt, just looked back up at him, her expression suddenly uncertain. “Why?”

  “Because I’ll feel better knowing you have them, that’s why.” Reaching out, he took her hand, turning it over to drop the piece of paper in her palm, using his fingers to gently close hers over the yellow slip. “Just keep it, okay? Call me.”

  “I don’t-” she began.

  “Call me,” he repeated, steel underlying his tone. “I mean it.”

  She looked down at the paper, at his hand still holding hers.

  Focussing on the job at hand brought back other things he’d noticed. Releasing her, he glanced behind her into the hallway. “Is everything all right?”

  “Um…” Barbie glanced up at him, the anger fading from her eyes. “Yes, why?”

  “Because you came running out of there like a bat out of hell.”

  “Oh.” She gave a small laugh, embarrassment plain in her tone. “I just…it was nothing.”

  He cut his gaze back down to her. “Barbie.”

  “Honestly, Adam, it was nothing.” She shrugged. “Just a moth or something.”

  “You don’t run from moths.” Placing his hands on her shoulders, he firmly shifted her to the side and walked past her into the hall, studying the interior, listening and looking at the same time.

  “Really, it’s - ” Her breath caught at a muffled thump.

  He looked up at the ceiling, one arm coming back to keep her behind him at almost the same instant he felt her shift closer, her hand wrapping around his upper arm.

  “What’s that?” he asked quietly.

  “I - I don’t know.” She gripped his arm tighter.

  “Stay here.” He started forward. When she didn’t release his arm but took a step with him, he stopped and looked back at her over his shoulder.

  Face pale, she was looking up at the ceiling, but when he stopped moving, she dropped her gaze to meet his.

  “Stay here.” Gently but firmly disengaging her hand, he held up one finger near her nose when she began to object. “If I have to cuff you to the door, I will.”

  For a second he thought she was going to start smart-mouthing him, but then another muffled thump sounded and, biting her lip, she nodded.

  He hadn’t taken more than two steps before she touched his wrist. “Be careful.”

  He hadn’t expected her to feel concerned for him, and he gave her a fleet, reassuring nod before turning and walking down the hallway to the stairs at the end. Steadily he clim
bed the staircase, head up, eyes trained on the next floor, listening intently.

  Another muffled thud.

  Slowly he walked along the second floor, noticing the closed doors to the rooms. The thump came from the end room, and he made his way along the hall, silently opening every door along the way to check inside for intruders, not wanting to be surprised by a possible attack from the rear while investigating the room at the far end.

  The muffled thump sounded again. Oddly, it seemed to be more regular now - thump - silence - thump - silence.

  Coming to a stop, he pressed his ear to the door and listened. Apart from the thump, there was silence. Back to the door, he slowly eased it open, widening the gap to peer inside the room.

  It was empty except for an armchair, huge bookcase, desk and a few other bits of furniture. The window on the far wall was open.

  Moving across the room, Adam watched as the curtain billowed in, a broken piece of frame work flicking inwards to thump against the curtain and then the wall before drifting back to its original place.

  That explained that noise. At the window he peered out, studying the yard beyond. The rose bushes caught his attention. Four rose bushes, four graves, one of those empty, the other a mystery. Just another intriguing piece to the puzzle that had been the eccentric Penny Declan. Only a few people in Peeron would remember her as a young woman.

  Maybe he should suggest to Barbie that she ask Old Man Parker, he’d remember Penny Declan. He remembered just about everything and everyone in Peeron. It’d be interesting, anyway, if Barbie cared to follow up on it.

  Coming back down the stairs, he found her waiting with one foot on the bottom step, a broom clutched in her hands.

  “What did I tell you about staying put?” Annoyed, he plucked the broom from her grasp and leaned it against the wall.

  “I was worried, okay?” She glanced at the second floor then back at him. “What did you find?”

  “A broken piece on the window frame in the room that has books in it.” Seeing the relief on her face, he softened. “You just need to get it fixed so it doesn’t make thumping noises when the wind blows.”

  Her face paled. “I didn’t open any windows up there.”


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