Growing at the Speed of Life
Page 31
Brassica rapa var. rapa. See turnip
Bread (Italian) with Olives and Rosemary
breakfast, serving sizes
breath and garlic
Brighton Tech School for Hotel Management
broad beans. See fava beans (Vicia faba)
broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
basic preparation
Broccoli Endive Salad (recipe)
Green on Greens with Ginger Green Sauce (recipe)
Steamed Broccoli (recipe)
Broiled and Steamed Fennel (recipe)
Broken Wooden Spoon award
Brown Rice, Boil ’N’ Steam (recipe)
Brunswick Stew (recipe)
Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)
basic preparation
Roasted Brussels Sprouts (recipe)
Rosemary Braised Brussels Sprouts (recipe)
Warm Brussels Sprout Salad (recipe)
Bumbleberry Strudel (recipe)
Bush, George H. W. (President)
Butler, Suzanne
butter as flavor enhancer
butterhead (bibb) lettuce
Butternut Squash Baked with Tamari (recipe)
Butternut Squash Ginger Cheesecake (recipe)
cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
Cabbage Rolls (recipe)
Cabbage Sauté with Caraway (recipe)
Plum and Red Cabbage Salad (recipe)
California Seventh-Day Adventists
Camano Island “Island of the Berries,”
Capsicum annuum. See peppers
Capsicumfrutescens. See chiles
Caramelized Onions (recipe)
Caraway, Cabbage Sauté with (recipe)
carbon emissions, reduced
cardboard for killing existing turf
carrots (Daucus carota var. sativus)
basic preparation
Carrot and Parsnip Puree (recipe)
Carrot Salad (recipe)
Cauliflower and Carrots with Fennel Seeds (recipe)
Cauliflower with Carrot “Cheese” Sauce (recipe)
Fava Bean Soup with Carrots (recipe)
Sautéed Shredded Carrots with Dill (recipe)
cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)
basic preparation
Cauliflower and Carrots with Fennel Seeds (recipe)
Cauliflower East Indian-Style (recipe)
Cauliflower with Carrot “Cheese” Sauce (recipe)
cedar sawdust for pathways
celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce)
Braised Celery Hearts (recipe)
Celeriac and Potato Purée (recipe)
Celeriac Apple Salad (recipe)
Celery Root and Potato Purée (recipe)
Central America
challenges in cooking
chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla)
basic preparation
Southwest Swiss Chard and Bean Soup (recipe)
Steamed Swiss Chard (recipe)
Wilted Winter Salad (recipe)
Charley’s Greenhouse
flavor enhancer
Mâche, Goat Cheese, and Blueberry Salad (recipe)
Yogurt Cheese (recipe)
Yogurt Goat Cheese Dressing (recipe)
Cheesecake, Butternut Squash Ginger (recipe)
chickpeas (Cicer arietinum)
Bella Bella Beans (recipe)
Hummus (recipe)
Roasted Chickpea Snack (recipe)
Upside-Down Chickpea Pie (recipe)
Chihili. See Napa cabbage (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis)
children and growing a kitchen garden
chiles (Capsicumfrutescens)
Chiliquiles (recipe)
Stuffed Mild Chiles (recipe)
Chilled Steamed Asparagus (recipe)
Chinese broccoli (kai lan)
Chinese Mustard Green Soup (recipe)
Chinese New Year Fresh Fish and Vegetable Soup (recipe)
Chioggia Beets, Roasted (recipe)
chive (Allium schoenoprasum, A. tuberosum)
chocolate mint (Mentha x piperita “Chocolate”)
cholesterol levels
Chowder, Corn (recipe)
Cicer arietinum. See chickpeas
cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
Citrus limon. See lemon
Clearwater Country Foods (Genesee, Idaho)
Clostridium botulinum
Cold Asparagus Salad (recipe)
Coleman, Eliot
collards (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
Collards with a Spicy Twist (recipe)
Southern Japanese Miso and Sweet Potato Soup (recipe)
Steamed Collards (recipe)
Colorful Mashed Potatoes (recipe)
community, sharing harvest with
community supported agriculture (CSA)
companion planting
compost tea
controlling pests and diseases
convenience foods vs. growing a kitchen garden
Cook, Captain
cooking methods
balanced vs. enjoyable results
blanching (parboiling)
challenges in
dry cooking methods
enjoyable vs. balanced results
fats, added
flavor enhancers
how to cook vs. recipes
moist cooking methods
recipes vs. how to cook
saturated fats
sautéing (shallow frying)
starch additions caution
stocks (vegetable)
taste, aroma, color, and texture (TACT)
thermal (hay box) cooking
See also basic recipes; growing a kitchen garden; specific fruits and vegetables
cool season plants
Coriandrum sativum (cilantro)
corn salad. See mâche (Valerianella locusta)
corn (Zea mays var. rugosa)
Corn Chowder (recipe)
Corn on the Cob in the Husk (recipe)
Tomato and Sweet Corn with Balsamic Sauce (recipe)
coronary (heart) disease
cos (Romaine) lettuce
cottonseed meal
cotyledons “coties,”
Couscous (recipe)
Couscous with Peppers (recipe)
cream as flavor enhancer
Cream of Lettuce Soup (recipe)
Crisp, Apple and Pear (recipe)
Crust, Pie (recipe)
Crustless Spinach Ricotta Quiche (recipe)
CSA (community supported agriculture)
cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
Cucumber Raita Salad (recipe)
Cucumber Salad with Tomatoes (recipe)
Salmon with Cucumber Sauce (recipe)
Szechuan Cucumber Salad (recipe)
Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata. See squash, winter
Cucurbita pepo. See squash, summer
Culinary Studies at Johnson and Wales University
Cumin-Flavored Broth, Lentils in a (recipe)
curly leafed parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Curry and Almonds, Pea Salad with (recipe)
“cut and come again,”
Cynara scolymus. See artichokes
daily inspection, importanc
e of
daily servings of fruits and vegetables
damage control, pests and diseases
Daucus carota var. sativus. See carrots
deer, control
depth of plants
Dessert, Molded Rhubarb Strawberry (recipe)
dessert, serving sizes
Dill, Sautéed Shredded Carrots with (recipe)
Dill and Lemon, Sautéed Mushrooms with (recipe)
Dioscorea (yam)
Bean Dip with a Kick (recipe)
Green Pea Dip with Salsa (recipe)
See also dressings; salsas; sauces
diseases and pests
diseases (human), defense against
drainage for pots and trays
draws (slips)
Orange Reduction (recipe)
Yogurt Goat Cheese Dressing (recipe)
See also dips; salsas; sauces
dried fruit, serving size
drip irrigation
dry cooking methods
drying out soil
dry varieties
Duffed Potatoes (recipe)
earth-to-table process
East Indian-Style Cauliflower (recipe)
East Village Potato and Onion Tart (recipe)
edible flowers
eggplant (Solanum melongena)
basic preparation
Mediterranean Roasted Eggplant (recipe)
Ratatouille (recipe)
Roasted Eggplant and Red Pepper Sandwich (recipe)
eggs, Artichoke Omelet (recipe)
electronics for greenhouses
11 A Day program
Elizabeth I (Queen of England)
Endive Broccoli Salad (recipe)
enjoyable vs. balanced cooking results
eradicants for fungal diseases
Eruca vericaria sativa, domestic. See arugula
Escoffier, Georges Auguste
Ethmix recipes
evening meal, serving sizes
exercise and health
extension services
FABIS (fresh and best in season) food
failures, growing a garden
fats, added
fava beans (Vicia faba)
Brunswick Stew (recipe)
Fava Bean Soup (recipe)
Fava Bean Soup with Carrots (recipe)
Greek Pie (recipe)
favism caution
feeding (fertilizing)
fences for pest control
fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum)
Braised Fennel in Spicy Tomato Juice (recipe)
Cauliflower and Carrots with Fennel Seeds (recipe)
Fennel and Leek Poële (recipe)
Steamed and Broiled Fennel (recipe)
fertilizing (feeding)
Field of Dreams (film)
First Nation peoples of the Northwest
Chinese New Year Fresh Fish and Vegetable Soup (recipe)
Grilled Fish on a Bed of Bitter Greens (recipe)
Salmon with Cucumber Sauce (recipe)
fish emulsion
“5 A Day” program
flat-leafed Italian parsley (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum)
flavor enhancers
floating row covers
flowers, edible
flowers in greenhouses
fluorescent light
flying pests
Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum. See fennel
Four Seasons Farm in Harborside, Maine
Fragaria vesca, F. virginiana. See strawberry
French drains
french fries
fresh and best in season (FABIS) food
“fresh” store-bought produce
Fresh Tomato Soup (recipe)
Frittata Primavera (recipe)
Fritters, Zucchini (recipe)
health benefits
Mesclun Salad with Fruit (recipe)
serving size
Strawberry Banana Fruit Leather (recipe)
See also specific fruits
fungal diseases
fungistatics for fungal diseases
Galloping Gourmet (Graham Kerr)
garbanzo beans. See chickpeas (Cicer arietinum)
gardening glossary
Garden of Eden
gardens. See growing a kitchen garden
garlic (Allium sativum)
garlic chive (Allium tuberosum)
gastrointestinal tract
generally regarded as safe (GRAS) chemicals
Germany Ethmix (recipe)
germination and “starts,”
GFIs (ground fault interrupters)
Ginger Butternut Squash Cheesecake (recipe)
Ginger Green Sauce (recipe)
global warming
glossary of gardening terms
glutamine (Vitamin U)
Goat Cheese, Mâche, and Blueberry Salad (recipe)
Goat Cheese Yogurt Dressing (recipe)
goitrogens caution
golden apple mint (Mentha gracilis)
goose liver paste (pâté de foie gras)
gout caution
grains and starches
GRAS (generally regarded as safe) chemicals
Greek Islands Ethmix (recipe)
Greek Pie (recipe)
Green, Red, and Yellow Pasta (recipe)
greenhouse at Nonsuch Cottage
green manure
green onions. See onion (Allium cepa)
Green Pea Dip with Salsa (recipe)
Beets and Greens with an Orange Reduction (recipe)
Green on Greens with Ginger Green Sauce (recipe)
serving size
Stir-Fried Mixed Greens (recipe)
See also specific greens
Grilled Fish on a Bed of Bitter Greens (recipe)
Grilled Portabella Mushrooms with Tomato Jalapeño Sauce (recipe)
Grilled Sesame Asparagus (recipe)
ground fault interrupters (GFIs)
growing a kitchen garden
benefits of
children and
community, sharing harvest with
convenience foods vs.
diseases, defense against
earth-to-table process
11 A Day program,
“5 A Day” program
fresh and best in season (FABIS) food
“fresh” store-bought produce
health of nation and
home cooking, passing baton of
multicropping vs. monocrops
9 A Day program
nudge-nudge (law of intended consequences)
nutritional value of food (losing)
organic vs. sustainability
pests and diseases
portion sizes, reducing
references and resources
rewarding experience of
servings of fruits and vegetables per day
sharing experiences of
small-scale farming
speed of life
sweat equity in growing food
synergistic turnaround
transportation of produce, negative impact of
urban settings and
U.S. government and diet
vegetarian lifestyle
See also basic recipes; cooking methods; herb garden; need-to-know list; soil
Growing Connection (United Nations advisory board)
Grow the Best Asparagus (Higgins)
Guggennoss, Karl
hardening off
Harissa Ethmix (recipe)
Harvest to Table
hay box (thermal) cooking
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) levels
healthcare costs, reduced
health of nation and growing a kitchen garden
heart (coronary) disease
heat for greenhouses
heating pads
heavy feeders
height of plants
heirloom seeds
Helianthus tuberosus. See Jerusalem artichoke
Henry VIII (King of England)
Herb Broiled Artichokes (recipe)
herb garden
basil (Ocimum basilicum)
chive (Allium schoenoprasum, A. tuberosum)
cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
edible flowers
mint (Mentha suaveolens, M. x gracilis)
nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
oregano (Origanum vulgare, O. x hirtum)
parsley (Petroselinum crispum, Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum)
references and resources
rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
sage (Salvia officinalis)
salt replacement, herbs as
summer savory (Satureja hortensis)
tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
thyme (Thymus vulgaris, T. citriodorius)
See also growing a kitchen garden
Herbs and Lemon, Zucchini with (recipe)
Higgins, Michael
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels
Himalayan regions of India
history of U.S. government and diet
home cooking, passing baton of
Hood, Robin
Hoppin’ John (recipe)
horticultural (shell) beans
hospital stays, reducing
Hot Black Bean Salsa, Jerusalem Artichokes with (recipe)
hot peppers. See chiles (capsicumfrutescens)
how to cook vs. recipes
how to grow glossary
See also growing a kitchen garden
Hummus (recipe)
iceberg lettuce
India Ethmix (recipe)
Indian curry (vindaloo)
Intrepid organic fertilizer
Ipomoea batatas. See sweet potato
Iron Chef (T V show)
Italian Bread with Olives and Rosemary (recipe)
Italian Sausage (Vegetarian), Spaghetti with Mustard Greens and (recipe)
Jalapeño Strawberry Salsa (recipe)
Jalapeño Tomato Sauce, Grilled Portabella Mushrooms with (recipe)
Japanese Miso (Southern) and Sweet Potato Soup (recipe)
Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
basic preparation
Jerusalem Artichoke and Mushroom Sauté (recipe)
Jerusalem Artichokes with Hot Black Bean Salsa (recipe)
Johnson and Wales University
juice (fruit or vegetable), serving size