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A Frozen Scoop of Murder: A Cozy Mystery (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book 1)

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by Constance Barker

  I walked back to the front where Stormi stood wiping down the counter.

  “Wow, he’s so hot I bet all the ice cream melts,” Stormi said as she tried to get a glance of him working on my large freezer.

  “Have you ever seen or heard of him?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? No way he’d get past my radar,” Stormi answered. “He must be new in town. Did you see if he was wearing a ring?”

  “Well no,” I answered. “My goodness, we’re acting like a couple of deprived hens and a rooster just landed in the coop.”

  “Well this hen almost laid an egg when he waltzed in,” Stormi said. I giggled.

  “He’s out of my league, so it’s my mission to get you two together,” Stormi claimed.

  “Ummm no, it’s not your mission. He’s probably married and who says I’m looking,” I said as matter of fact as I could. I wasn’t looking. My past marriage failed and I was perfectly happy the way things were, regardless how much my friends didn’t want to believe it. If love came knocking, fine, but I wasn’t chasing after it. I gave Stormi the ‘look’ and she backed off.

  Trevor walked out from the back and said, “The upright looks in good shape, but the compressor in the chest freezer will need replacing. Actually, it might be better to purchase another freezer than put the money into this old one. You might find a good used one that wouldn’t cost as much as a new compressor.”

  Not the news I wanted to hear since I was working on a shoestring budget, but I needed to know.

  “I cleaned around the coils so that should help with efficiency,” Trevor continued. “I’ll check out the ice cream case now.”

  “Thanks Trevor, go right ahead,” I answered. I walked to the back of the store where Stormi was checking out his work.

  “Does he pass inspection?” I whispered.

  “In the looks department yes. In the freezer category, I have no clue,” she answered.

  “Then what are you looking for?” I asked as she continued to look around the freezers.

  “Heck if I know…but I’m sure I’ll know it when I see it.”

  I left her to scrutinize over Trevor’s work and walked to the front.

  “Trevor, do you know of anywhere I could buy a good used freezer?”

  Trevor looked up as he inspected the ice cream case. “Marshalls has some good used freezers for sale. We take and refurbish used freezers and you can buy them for a fraction of what a new one costs.”

  He was a good salesman. I was feeling more comfortable with him every minute.

  “Okay, I might stop by there tomorrow and look at them.”

  Trevor smiled and went back to work.

  “Are you new around here Trevor?” I asked. I could see Stormi in the back biting her lip.

  “Yes and no,” he answered.

  “I grew up here and then my family moved to Atlanta when I was ten. I grew weary of city life though so when a job came up here I decided to pounce on it,” he said sliding his tools back into their slots on his tool belt.

  “Do you have any family still around here?” I asked.

  “Yes. You might know her. Miss Greta Haglemier is my aunt.”

  I noticed Stormi’s shoulders sag as her eyes rolled towards the ceiling. She looked like I felt.

  “Oh yes,” I said with a smile. “Miss Greta is a regular customer.”

  “She does love her ice cream,” Trevor announced to no one’s surprise.

  “Yes she does. In fact I have an order for an ice cream cake for her book club Thursday, so I better make sure all my freezers are in working order.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side,” Trevor remarked as he wrote out the bill.

  Hmmm, I thought she only had one side and it was all bad.

  He handed me the bill and to my shock, it read $20.

  “That’s surely not right,” I exclaimed. I knew just calling a company out for a routine check should cost at least double that amount.

  “Oh that’s a new customer discount,” he said. I didn’t believe it.

  “I’ll look for you at the shop tomorrow. Come in early and I’ll be there before setting out for the day making my rounds.”

  “Oh, okay,” I answered completely flabbergasted. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye Tara, oh and bye Stormi,” Trevor yelled towards the back of the store. I heard a faint bye emerge from the back as he walked out the door.

  Stormi came racing to the front and grabbed my arm.

  “I don’t know what’s more confusing. That hunk being related to Miss Greta or his obvious attempt to get you to the store tomorrow!” Stormi exclaimed.

  “You do realize that I’m a customer who may buy one of his products and that’s why he invited me.”

  “He didn’t have to tell you the time he’d be there though,” she said with a grin.

  Okay, I’ll give her that. But the fact Mr. Gorgeous was related to Miss Greta all but soured the entire encounter.

  “Please don’t hold that against him,” Stormi pleaded.

  “What?” I asked as if I didn’t know.

  “You know what…that he’s related to Miss Grouchy pants,” Stormi chided.

  “Stormi, it doesn’t matter….I’m not interested in seeing anyone,” I said as I finished cleaning the tables.

  “Yeah keep telling yourself that,” she grinned.

  “Listen, you need to get your brother to finish my booth, like pronto,” I said changing the subject.

  “Oh I forgot, Brandon said to tell you he’s almost done. Just has to paint the booth pink.”

  Brandon was Stormi’s younger brother who was divorced and lived on his own. He worked a nine to five job as an accountant, but loved carpentry work so this was right up his alley and I appreciated the free labor.

  “Awesome. Now all I have to worry about is making sure Miss Greta’s ice cream cake is the bee’s knees.”

  Stormi laughed. “Or you’ll get stung.”

  We had no idea the tumultuous events yet to unfold.


  The next morning I walked into Marshall’s Heating and Cooling to browse through their three chest coolers. I don’t know what I thought. That maybe they had a showroom of used chest coolers. Who knows, but I was taken aback when I saw that’s all there was. One looked like it should be taken out back and shot, while the other two didn’t appear half-bad. As I was looking over the two half way decent models, in walked Trevor from the back of the building.

  “Hi Tara. I see you made it.,” he said walking over to where I was standing next to one of the chest freezers.

  “Hi Trevor. Yes I’m wondering about these two.”

  “Yes I would definitely not recommend this beauty over here,” he said waving his arm towards the rusted conglomeration that once was a freezer.

  “I decided to give that one a pass,” I laughed.

  “Good call,” He stated. Trevor then set about to go over the pros and cons of the other two freezers and the one he would recommend for my Shoppe. I decided on the Frigidaire and Trevor said he’d have it delivered and set up for me later that day. Then he took me by surprise.

  “I was wondering…if you’re free tonight, would you like to go out for dinner?”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. Like I told Stormi, I wasn’t in the market for a man. But on the other hand, here was a gorgeous hunk asking me out to dinner. I would be an idiot not to accept. I stood with my mouth open, looking like a doofus as I mulled over this wonderful dilemma, and before I knew it, I accepted.

  “Good,” Trevor grinned. “Just give me your address and I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight. I know a great Italian place over in Rochester.”

  I jotted down my address and thanked him for the help with choosing the freezer and that I’d see him later today. As I drove to my Shoppe, I wondered what the heck I’d gotten myself into.


  “Ohhhhh, I can’t wait!!” Stormi wailed after I told her of my date this evening.

  “Why don’t you go for me,” I said now regretting my decision.

  “Don’t you do this to me woman,” Stormi demanded. “You’re not backing out. I know he’s related to the wicked witch but surely he gets all his genes from the opposite side of the family. I know that’s where he gets his looks.”

  “That’s the only thing you focus on is his looks,” I chided her as I filled the napkin holders.

  “No it’s not. He was well mannered, appeared to be a hard worker, and there’s those green eyes, can’t forget those,” she giggled.

  We both burst out laughing like schoolgirls. It did feel good. My marriage ended after only two years and it soured me on starting any new relationship. But I had to admit, the giddiness I felt in my stomach was a welcome treat. Not that I didn’t have a full life already with my new Shoppe and close friends, but perhaps this was a new adventure as well. I knew I was getting ahead of myself. Who knows, maybe after one date we would discover we can’t stand one another. And if that happened, so be it.

  At that moment Paige walked in. “Tara has a date with the hunky freezer repair guy!” Stormi exclaimed before Paige could even shut the door behind her.

  “What?” Paige asked. “Not the guy related to Miss Greta.”

  “Wow,” I said looking at Stormi. “Word travels fast.”

  “Now we’re not holding that against him,” Stormi said ignoring me. “You can’t pick your family. I’ve already determined he’s Greta’s polar opposite. And that you will be filling in for Tara tonight when she goes on her date.”

  “Thanks boss,” Paige said.

  “You don’t have to Paige,” I said giving Stormi a look. “I don’t like springing this on you at the last minute.”

  Paige waved her hand and said, “Not a problem. I do have a few errands to run but I’ll be back at 5 if that works for you boss lady.” Paige looked squarely at Stormi.

  “Works for me,” Stormi said as she waltzed to the back of the Shoppe.

  Paige shook her head and smiled. “What would we do without her?”

  The rest of the day was busy with filling ice cream cake orders and taking care of customers, and having the new/used chest freezer installed. Of course, I also made Miss Greta’s ice cream cake for her book social. I was glad the day was busy to keep my mind off this evening. Before I knew it, Paige was back with her daughter Sam. Sam was so cute with her brown wavy hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing black leggings, a long blue blouse, and black ballet shoes. She was a replica of her Momma, although at 16 she didn’t want to hear such nonsense.

  “We’re here,” Paige announced. “So you scoot on outta here and get ready for your big date.”

  “You’re going on a date?” Sam asked. “With who?”

  “Miss Greta’s nephew,” Stormi answered.

  “Ewwww,” Sam said.

  “Let’s hope that’s not my impression after the date,” I laughed heading out the door.


  The Italian restaurant was very romantic, with dark lighting and candles adorning the linen covered tables. I wore a red flowered spring dress with red flats. Trevor was handsome in slacks and a green buttoned down shirt that made his eyes stand out even more. He ordered a bottle of red wine and we lingered over our dinners of linguine with clam sauce.

  I found it very easy to talk with him. He told me about how much he missed Caesar’s Creek and its small town charm. How the people in Atlanta were too busy to form friendships or relationships, which was why he longed to come back. He told his Aunt Greta to let him know of anyone hiring in town, which is how he came about the job at Marshalls.

  He asked about me and how I came about opening the ice cream Shoppe. I explained that I was divorced and tired of being a secretary and longed to be my own boss. He seemed so interested in what I had to say, unlike my ex who basically ignored me. It was nice to simply talk and share experiences with someone new.

  Before we knew it, the restaurant was closing. We couldn’t believe 3 hours had passed.

  It was too late to ask him to come in when he dropped me off at my place, and well, this was our first date. However, he did walk me to my door like a southern gentlemen. It was a little awkward because that walk usually means he’s going in for a kiss. When we stopped at my door, Trevor said, “I had a great time tonight and I hope you did too.”

  “Oh yes, I did,” I said. “Thanks for asking me.”

  With that, he bent down and gave me a lingering kiss on the lips. It was nice and it had been a long time.

  When he pulled back, he smiled and said, “Well, goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” I answered and watched as he walked down the sidewalk to his car.

  As soon as I walked in the house, I noticed my phone blinking. I had six messages. They were all from Stormi wanting to know how the evening went. She’d have to wait until tomorrow to find out.


  “That was cruel and unusual punishment,” Stormi announced as I walked into the Shoppe.

  “Hey, I was tired and it was late when I got home,” I said putting up my purse.

  “Ohhh, that must mean it was a good date,” Stormi determined.

  “It was nice,” I said putting on my apron.

  “Oh good grief. Just spill it sister. I want to know how your date with Trevor Collins went”

  Just as the words “date with Trevor Collins” left her lips, Miss Greta walked through the front door.

  “Trevor Collins…what’s this about my nephew?” Greta asked or rather demanded.

  “Tara had a date with him last night,” Stormi announced giddily.

  “Is that so,” Greta said. “Well, I don’t think you’re his type.”

  “Why is that?” Stormi demanded. Stormi quit answering for me!

  “I just don’t,” Greta replied. “I have my reasons. Now is my cake ready?”

  “Yes Miss Greta,” I answered walking to the back to retrieve her cake. As I passed Stormi, I could tell it was taking everything she had not to leap across the counter at Miss Greta.

  Before Greta paid me, she inspected the ice cream cake to ensure it passed her quality control. As she walked to the door with her cake she turned around and said, “Tara, find someone else to go out with. I don’t think you’re suited for my nephew.” And with that, she shimmied out the door.

  “Why I outta…” Stormi exclaimed.

  “Who cares what she thinks,” I said diffusing the situation. “It’s not up to her.”

  “That’s right,” Stormi agreed. “Take that you old biddy!”

  “You’re tough when she’s out of earshot,” I grinned.

  Stormi mumbled and headed to the back. I wasn’t too worried about Miss Greta, but in a few days, she would be on everyone’s lips.


  The Spring Festival started on Friday and I closed up shop to take care of my booth as most of the townsfolk would hover around the courthouse square anyway. Paige, Sam and of course Stormi were all on hand to help. Brandon, Stormi’s brother offered to help too during the busy times.

  Brandon did a great job on my booth. It wasn’t anything special, but it was sturdy and he painted an ice cream cone on one side with my logo, The Frozen Scoop, on top. And of course, it was pink. It had a roof as well to protect us from the sun and the occasional rain shower. He also built it so we could tear it apart and reuse it next year.

  “Brandon, the booth is awesome,” I told him as he made sure everything was locked into place.

  “Not a bad job if I do say so myself,” he grinned. “Let me help you guys set up your freezer and ice cream.”

  I rented a small freezer to keep my ice cream cold inside the booth and Brandon helped us set it up. I didn’t realize how much work it was to set up a booth for the festival so I was appreciative of all the help from friends.

  Once the festival opened at 11am, we had a steady stream of customers until the 2pm lull when Paige’s husband, Bruce showed up.

  “I hear this is the
place to get a great ice cream cone,” Bruce said as he sauntered up in his suit and tie.

  “You heard correctly,” I smiled. “What can I get you?”

  “Chocolate mint in a cone please.”

  “You must have come straight from work or you’re on a late lunch hour,” Paige said.


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