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Dark Sentinel ('Dark' Carpathian Book 32)

Page 27

by Christine Feehan

  “Andor? Are you Andor’s lifemate?” Mary looked happy about it and sounded even more so. “He’s a good boy. They all are. I’m so glad he found you. I wish the others would find their women. Some of them seem so close to the end.”

  “I’m definitely Andor’s lifemate,” Lorraine said. It was the first time she’d actually said the words aloud. The first time she acknowledged to anyone else that their souls had been woven together into an unbreakable bond.

  She glanced toward the playground and the woman just getting up from the bench and walking over to the swing set. “Who is that?” She couldn’t be Carpathian, not when she was out in the sun. Lorraine doubted if one of the hunters had claimed her, because, although she was wearing sunglasses, she was showing a lot of skin with her designer camisole. She looked sexy and elegant. She wasn’t certain an ancient would approve, but then again, she would never allow Andor to tell her what she could or couldn’t wear. “I’m not going to lie, she’s a little intimidating.”

  “That’s Genevieve. She’s one of Charlotte’s oldest and dearest friends. She’s psychic, but hasn’t found her man yet. She’s independently wealthy, from France, and yet she stays here looking after the children during daylight hours. I’m quite thankful for her. The children are a handful for Donald and me. Genevieve watches them closely during the day. We take over evenings and nights when she gets tired.”

  Amelia put her arm around Genevieve and leaned into her. Genevieve’s face lit up and she smiled at the girl, wrapping her arm around her waist. They laughed together, the sounds mixing so the notes rose into the air. Lorraine thought she could see musical notes and then they disappeared.

  “I love when that happens,” Mary said.

  “So, I’m not crazy,” Lorraine said. “There really were musical notes flying around in the air when they laughed.”

  “You’re not crazy,” Mary assured. “I think that’s one of Genevieve’s gifts. Whenever she laughs with a child, or with anyone, you can see the notes in the air. It looks especially beautiful at night. Of course, she doesn’t always do it, but now, when all of us try to give the children something special, that’s been happening.”

  “I love it. She’s really beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, there’s no denying Genevieve is beautiful, but she’s also one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. She’s no fighter like Blaze, Charlotte’s other friend. She’s more like Emeline, Dragomir’s lifemate. Sweet. Kind. Courageous, but you won’t find them on the front lines. Which are you?”

  “I’m more a front lines kind of woman,” Lorraine admitted. “I’m anxious to meet Emeline. I’ve made up my mind to be with Andor, but I need information. I like to know everything before I make decisions. This one is happening very fast, and I’m on board with that, but it’s a little scary. I thought some of the women might help me out by answering questions.”

  “They will,” Mary assured. “Everyone seems very willing to help one another. Are you pregnant?” She was blunt about it, eyeing Lorraine’s midsection speculatively.

  “No. But I’d like to know if I were to get pregnant what happens to the baby while we’re asleep belowground. Are children with us or do they have to be aboveground with someone else?”

  “Your man can answer that. I don’t honestly know,” Mary admitted.

  Lorraine flashed her a smile and gave a small wave. She wanted to meet the children and the model. “Is she someone famous I should know?” She indicated Genevieve. “Maybe a supermodel? As you can see, I don’t know the first thing about fashion.” As a rule, she didn’t care, either, it was just that she needed friends, and the model seemed a good beginning.

  Mary shook her head. “She’s very nice,” she assured again. “Run along and tell the children I’ll be out soon with cookies.” She glanced at the sky. “It will be sunset in another hour or so. They’ll be joining us soon after, one by one.” She waved again and went back inside, closing the door behind her.

  Lorraine stared at the little boathouse, wondering how Mary and her husband came to be on Tariq Asenguard’s property. He was a celebrity of sorts with his elegant nightclubs. He was a handsome man and very wealthy. He went to black-tie charity affairs. In her wildest dreams, she would never have equated him with vampires. Even when she’d sat at the big round table, every time she’d looked at him, she’d thought it was absurd that he was there and that he was their leader.

  He owned a tremendous amount of acreage. The houses on the property were worth a large fortune, but coupled with the land and the lake, she couldn’t imagine what it had all cost. She knew the other Carpathians were purchasing the land around Tariq’s. They were building a stronghold with Tariq’s property in the center. That way, they knew they had a defensible fortress that enemies couldn’t penetrate.

  She’d learned that Carpathians were selfless. They didn’t think in terms of one having more than another. They shared everything. They helped one another. They put their lives on the line for one another. They considered themselves a family, all of them. She wanted that. She’d lost her family, and it made her all the more protective toward the new one being offered to her.

  As she walked up the road toward the main house and the playground, one by one the occupants turned to face her. Danny caught the swing and brought it to a stop. Amelia did the same with Lourdes. They stood, partially in front of the two small children. Genevieve stepped between the children and Lorraine as she came closer. Lorraine noticed that the moment the Frenchwoman put herself in front of them, Danny moved just a little to one side, to ensure he could come to her aid. Lorraine liked him instantly for that.

  “Hello,” she called, waving, before she got too close. She kept walking, making certain they could see she held nothing in her hands. Her vest and boots covered the fact that she had several weapons on her. “I’m Lorraine Peters. Did Tariq let you know I would be here?” She directed her question at Genevieve.

  The should-be model nodded. “Yes. Ferro’s lifemate, right?” She smiled sweetly.

  Lorraine shook her head. It was a good test. “Andor’s lifemate. Ferro is still without one and is extremely happy that I am not his.”

  Genevieve’s smile was instantly genuine. “Of course, he would say that, when you’re probably very nice.”

  “I fight vampires.”

  “Aw. Of course. Ferro would disapprove.”

  “He was very good to me, though. Mary Walton said to tell all of you that she will be along with freshly baked cookies quite shortly.”

  “I’m Genevieve Marten.” The woman stepped closer, holding out her hand.

  Lorraine took it, noting that up close, Genevieve was even more striking. “I’ve just got to say it, you could be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Genevieve laughed and shook her head. “Thank you, although you haven’t seen Emeline yet. She’s gorgeous.”

  “You’re intimidating enough. Knowing someone else is that good-looking is just plain off-putting. I think I’ll take Andor and go while I’m ahead.”

  Genevieve laughed again. “By now you know very well these men don’t see other women. Not a single one so much as glances at me. They’re all pretty hot, too, so it’s a tad disappointing and can make a girl lose faith in herself.”

  Danny stepped forward, nudging Genevieve with his hip. “No worries, woman. I’ve got your back. If no one claims you by the time you’re fifty, I’ll step in and give up my freedom.” He heaved a tremendous sigh as if the mere thought was difficult for him.

  Genevieve batted his shoulder with her hand. A very girlie move. Lorraine instantly wanted to teach her how to hit.

  “Fifty. I have to wait until I’m fifty before you’ll step up?”

  “Wouldn’t want to give up my freedom too early and settle with the old ball and chain,” Danny explained.

  Amelia stepped around him and delivered a kick to his shin. He howled and leapt around holding one leg and glaring at his sister.

t did you do that for?”

  “Women are not balls and chains. You don’t even think that way, Danny, and now Lorraine is going to think you do.” Amelia switched her attention to her. “He really isn’t nearly as annoying as he sounds. He’s actually very nice. Most of the time.”

  Bella slipped her hand into Danny’s. “He’s always nice,” she corrected.

  Lourdes came up on his other side and took his hand. “Yeah, he is,” she said accusingly, looking at Lorraine as if she’d made the disparaging statement instead of Amelia.

  “Not always,” Amelia clarified, but she clearly was bailing Lorraine out of trouble.

  Lorraine crouched low so she was eye level with the two little girls. “Mary said she was bringing you cookies. What’s your favorite kind?”

  “Sugar cookies,” both girls chimed at the same time and then looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “I’m Lorraine. Do you know Andor?” She waited until both girls nodded. “He’s my lifemate.”

  “I’m Bella,” the little girl who was a bit taller stated.

  “I’m Lourdes,” the smaller child said.

  Amelia rubbed at the grass with the toe of her boot. “Tariq told me that you defended Andor when he was wounded by hitting a couple of assassins with a frying pan. Is that really true?”

  “Wait. You knew about her and didn’t tell us?” Danny demanded.

  Lorraine slowly stood up. All of them were looking at her as if she were a heroine out of a movie. She shook her head.

  “You didn’t?” Amelia sounded disappointed.

  “It was actually a saucepot. I was rinsing it off in a stream when I realized someone was attempting to kill somebody. I should have had my gun with me, but I had no idea anyone was around. So, my saucepot became my weapon of choice.”

  Danny studied her face. “You went up against two men trying to kill a Carpathian armed only with kitchenware?”

  “They’d staked him,” she replied without thinking. “And there were three of them. I had to do something.”

  “What does staked mean?” Bella asked.

  Lorraine inwardly cursed. She mouthed “sorry” to Genevieve.

  Genevieve shrugged. “It’s going to happen. We’ll let Tariq and Charlotte explain that one, Bella. You and Lourdes can ask them when they wake.”

  “I want Liv,” Bella said. Her voice held a little whine. “I don’t like her sleeping all the time.” She looked up at her older sister. “I don’t want you to do that, Amelia. Don’t go away from us like Liv did.”

  Danny and Amelia exchanged a long look. Amelia clearly was giving her brother an I-told-you-so.

  He shrugged. “Bella, you know sometimes it’s for the best. Liv was hurting, and it was getting worse and worse. Amelia has a hard time, too. You get to see Liv.”

  Bella shook her head. “I want her now.” She stomped her foot. “She never plays with us anymore.”

  Lourdes leaned close to her, and cupped her hand around Bella’s ear. “You did that thing again. Stomping your foot. You have to stop, remember? Tariq said no more.”

  “He can’t tell me what to do, only Danny can,” Bella declared.

  “I’m telling you to stop that,” Danny said, his voice firm. “I mean it, Bella, and stop whining. You aren’t a baby.”

  She looked like a baby to Lorraine. She would have cut the child some slack. “Is Liv a sister?” She tried distracting Danny.

  He nodded. “Yes, she was torn up pretty bad by a puppet and a vampire harassed her continually.” His gaze shifted to his sister. “Amelia’s had a rough time as well. She doesn’t sleep well.”

  That explained the faint dark rings under Amelia’s eyes. She wore makeup, but it didn’t altogether cover the smudges there.

  “All of you are human children,” Lorraine said, just to clarify.

  Danny nodded. “We all have psychic abilities, but we’re human, with the exception of Liv. She was converted. She goes to ground with the others during the day. She has a lifemate. I think it’s pretty shocking to everyone that they know already because she’s so young, but the circumstances were extreme. He guards her most of the time, but he spends time away hunting vampires.”

  “Does she mind him being away?” Lorraine couldn’t imagine what it would be like for a child to suffer, needing to touch the mind of her lifemate.

  “Yes,” Genevieve answered. “She becomes uncomfortable, but right now, his position is guardian. He takes it seriously, too. She got into some trouble a few weeks ago and he stood for her, but in the end, he was the one who laid down the law to her. Tariq is her father now, but Val definitely calls the shots.”

  Amelia rolled her eyes. “He’s bossy.”

  “He keeps you alive,” Genevieve said. “You don’t bite the hand that feeds you, Amelia.”

  Lourdes frowned. “Who feeds you, Amelia? I thought you fed yourself. And who did you bite? I haven’t bitten in a long time. Charlotte said it was bad.”

  “I’m going to bite everyone,” Bella announced. “Even … Val.” She made the declaration rebelliously.

  “That wouldn’t be a good idea,” Genevieve cautioned. “You would get into a lot of trouble and not even Danny or Amelia could get you out.”

  “Then I’ll bite them, too,” Bella said with even more defiance.

  Danny caught her hand. “I guess since you’re showing off for Lorraine, it’s time to take you home and put you to bed, even though I see Mary and Donald heading this way with the cookies.”

  Bella let out a wail. Danny started walking, taking her with him. She dug her feet into the grass. “I’m sorry. I was just joking around. I don’t bite, Danny. I wouldn’t really bite Val.”

  “She’s really upset,” Genevieve said.

  “She still can’t bite,” Amelia said. “And we were homeless, living on the street. Now we live in that huge mansion, and Tariq and Charlotte spoil her. They spoil all of us. She has pretty clothes and toys. She has a warm bed and good food. Acting like a spoiled brat because she’s upset over Liv isn’t okay.”

  “Of course not,” Genevieve agreed. “I was just pointing out that we need to talk to Charlotte and Tariq. They need to reassure her about Liv.” She wrapped her arms around her midsection. “I don’t know what I’ll do when all of you are converted. I’ll be out here all day by myself. Mary and Donald are sweet, but they pretty much keep to themselves.”

  “I’m not certain that’s going to happen any time soon,” Amelia said. “It seems it’s more difficult with boys than with girls. My brother would have to be taken to the Carpathian Mountains, and Tariq would have to go with him. Tariq is needed here. We made a pact that we’d all be converted together. I’m not leaving my brother out here alone.”

  “You’re close to him, then?” Lorraine said, aching as she made the observation.

  Amelia nodded and looked toward her brother, who was walking with the two little girls, hand in hand, to meet the older couple coming toward them. “Don’t tell him, but he’s the best. He took care of us after Mom and Dad died. He kept us together. We didn’t have any relatives, so we ended up on the street. Bella would have been taken and adopted out. We never would have seen her again. They might have taken Liv from us, too. Now we have Tariq and Charlotte, and they’re the best.” She smiled up at Genevieve. “Along with Genevieve.”

  “Thanks, honey,” she said. “That means a lot to me.”

  The sky was going orange as the last rays of the sun spread across the sky. Gold, red and orange mixed together in a startling sunset. Lorraine watched the spectacular display, wondering if it would be the last one she ever saw.

  When you wish to see a sunset, Lorraine, we will make it happen.

  Andor’s voice brushed through her mind like the stroke of velvet. Relief was so strong, so intense, her knees nearly gave out. She realized she’d been holding it together by a thread, just waiting, silently counting the minutes until she heard his voice. She’d been proud of herself for making certain n
o one else could see that a part of her was falling apart inside. She didn’t like that at all. She wasn’t that woman but somehow, being tied to him meant she actually was.

  How? You cannot rise because the sun’s rays are still out.

  I am ancient, sívamet. The older one gets the more difficult it is. However, that does not mean you will never see another sunset. I can bring in fog. Fog can enhance the beauty of a sunset if it is done right. You can rise a few minutes earlier than me. We will find a way.

  I missed you. He hadn’t missed her. He’d been sleeping.

  His soft laughter slid over her. You cannot be upset with me because I had to go to sleep in the way of my people. I have no control over that. The very last rays of the sun sank.

  I suppose not, but it doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed.

  She smelled him first, the clean, fresh scent that was all masculine. Wild, foresty and all him. Andor. His arms came around her, he turned her into him and then his mouth was on hers.


  Lorraine wrapped her arms around Andor’s neck and opened her mouth under his. He felt as if he’d waited a lifetime for her kiss. He lifted her easily, cradling her close, his mouth on hers, and took her into the air. She shifted her body even closer, leaning her breasts against his chest, her mouth surrendering under his.

  You taste even better than I remembered. He gave her that because it was the truth. Each time he kissed her, it felt as if he was burning alive, her mouth hot, pouring molten fire right down his throat and into his veins. It moved through him, a slow burn that smoldered in his belly and settled in his groin. He felt like all those centuries of living and he’d just now come alive, just since he’d met her.

  Where are we going?

  Somewhere we can be alone. He knew the right place, he just needed to quit kissing her and make it happen immediately. He thought they were safe, but it didn’t mean they were. Sergey was always scheming and no doubt, his spies were close. He lifted his head and brushed another kiss over her temple. I’m taking you there now.


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