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Grown & Sexy Senior (Love 101 #4)

Page 8

by J. Nichole

  Josh grabs my hand and we walk out of the office. "I'm shocked my mom didn't call me and tell me about Mrs. Jackson."

  I look away from him and say, "I don't think she knows yet. My dad called Nick and me, but I don't think he made many other phone calls last night." I tug at my shirt that could be a little longer. "He's a wreck."

  "Damn. Are you going back to the hospital tonight?" He leans against my car door. "Or are you staying at your parent's house?"

  "My mom is staying in the hospital for the night, but I think I'll stay at the house tonight and go back early in the morning." I look back up to the office building and say, "You didn't have to cancel your dinner tonight on my behalf."

  He puts his finger to my lips and says, "Bradley can wait. I won't be a good host if I'm worried about your mom." He moves his finger from my lips and kisses the top of my head. "Or you."

  "What about Joseline?" I laugh. "She looked pissed about canceling for the night."

  He shakes his head fiercely. "You know I've never seen a girl as desperate as her. She's willing to lose her job over her obsession with me."

  My eyebrows rise. "Lose her job?"

  "She's not focused on her clients. She comes to work every day worried about my clients and me. She could be out having dinner with one of her own tonight. But instead, she'd rather tag along with me."

  "Mmmhmm. Interesting." I know I have to watch out for this sneaky chick.

  Chapter Twelve

  "Mexico or the Bahamas?" Nicole looks up from her laptop. "Once we decide we can book the cruise."

  "I've been practicing my Spanish,” Monica says with a grin. "Let's go to Mexico!"

  Nicole shakes her head. "Hopefully you can translate for all of us." She pauses then says, "Hola, Papi. I think that's all I need to know how to say.”

  "But I've known people to go to Mexico and get dysentery." Jennifer frowns. "Y'all know I have a weak stomach."

  "But you're from Texas," I mutter. "Aren't you used to Mexican food?"

  Jennifer rolls her eyes at me. "Tex-Mex. Yes. But that's like saying Olive Garden is authentic Italian." She laughs. "Vacation will be ruined if I'm sitting on the toilet the entire time."

  "Okay, Bahamas it is then," Monica concedes. "No macho Hispanics for Nicole." She looks at Nicole and winks. "But you love all men, no biggie for you."

  Nicole nods and smiles. "Alright, I'll send you all the details. We need to put a deposit on it by the weekend." She makes eye contact with each of us. "Get your coins together."

  I grab my Marketing textbook from the table and head to my room. "Now I need to study for my exam or I won't be able to go on a spring break trip."

  Nicole moans loudly. "Oh, now you're back with your boo and already trying to think of excuses not to go on the trip." She wags her finger and shakes her head. "Won't work honey. You are going on this trip. And you will let loose."

  "Yes ma'am,” I salute her. "I'll be there. And I'll have fun."

  Lying across the bed I open my book to read the specified chapters for the exam. It would be simpler to keep up during the semester, but I'm not a fan of marketing. Instead, I torture myself by needing to read ten chapters all at once.

  My phone vibrates, and I welcome the distraction from the reading. I should ignore it. But what if it's important?

  I grab my phone to see who is disrupting my study time.

  Josh: Busy?

  Laila: studying but I could take a break

  I answer my phone on the first ring. "What are you studying?"

  Flipping through the pages I just read, I say, "Marketing."

  "One of my favorite subjects. I can help you with that class." I can hear the enthusiasm in his voice.

  "If you were here I'd take you up on that offer." Another reminder of the distance between us.

  "You know someone once said that. Then they invented FaceTime." He laughs.

  "You are in a chipper mood today. What's going on?"

  "You remember the guy I was supposed to meet with when you surprised me in the office."

  How could I forget, Joseline was not happy about rescheduling the dinner. "Bradley?"

  "Yes, him. Well, we finally got together for lunch today and I closed the deal."


  "Well, what's even more exciting is the partners offered me a trip to California to show their appreciation." He pauses. "A trip for two."

  "Really? When are we going?"

  "I was hoping you would ask. I know you can't get away during the week. And with Spring break approaching, I thought it would be perfect."

  Fuck. Not spring break. "Actually."

  "That won't work?" He murmurs.

  "No, I just finished planning a trip with my roommates. A cruise to the Bahamas."

  "Maybe we can work it out for after graduation." He sounds deflated. "Before you move to Jacksonville."

  "That will work since I'll have a break before my start date." I look down at my marketing book and tense up. "Have time to help with marketing now?"

  "Sure do." We switch to FaceTime and seeing his hazel eyes and dimples brings a smile to my face. "You look...comfortable." My hair is up in a wrap, and I have the largest shirt from my closet sliding off my shoulder.

  "If I have to study I might as well be comfortable." I switch the camera around and show him the exam outline. "These are the areas I need to know by the end of the week."

  "Uh huh. Okay." I can hear him tapping and I look at the phone to see him in deep thought. "Alright, this is what we are going to do." He breaks down a study strategy for me. We agree that I'll read each chapter and then once I'm done I'll give him a call to review and for him to quiz me on the main takeaways.

  "You're the best." I blow him a kiss. "I love you."

  His eyes brighten and he returns my kiss. "I love you too, Laila." He winks at me then says, "About an hour to finish the chapter?" I nod my head and we hang up. I focus on the book and challenge myself to finish reading in an hour.

  The professor stops in front of me as she passes out the test. "I hope you all studied." I feel like she's staring at me. I don't usually volunteer to answer questions during lecture, or visit her during office hours. She probably thinks I'm not prepared. Hell, before my study session with Josh I wasn't prepared. I sit up confidently in my seat and take the paper she holds in front of me.

  I begin to review the questions while she hands out the remaining tests. With each question I read I can hear Josh's voice describing the concept. "You have one and a half hours to finish the exam." The professor says, "Enjoy your weekend and be safe." My pen scribbles as quickly as I can recall the answers. The first few pages are short answers, and then when I flip the page to the multiple choice questions the correct answer pops out and I circle each carefully.

  At the end of the exam, there are two full essay questions. I panic at first because the questions aren't familiar. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. When I re-open my eyes I'm able to answer the first question. The second question I have to bullshit a bit but hopefully it won't hurt my score too bad.

  I hand my exam to the professor with a big grin. She whispers, "I want you to start focusing more in class, Laila." She looks down at my paper and nods her head. "Whatever you did to study you need to apply weekly. Enjoy your weekend."

  "Yes, ma'am. Thanks." I walk out of the classroom and call Josh. His phone goes to voicemail.

  Laila: Thank you for helping me study. I'm pretty sure I passed.

  Josh will be here this evening to celebrate Valentine's Day. Studying for exams all week has kept me busy. I head over to the mall to buy his gift. During his work event a photographer captured a few pictures of us. I was able to print his favorite and I'll buy a frame for his desk.

  In Things Remembered I find a silver frame with the words 'I love you' on the bottom. This will be a reminder to that scheming Joseline that he has a girlfriend. Before leaving the mall I pick up a card, and a bra and panty set adorned in hearts.

sp; On the way back to the apartment my phone rings, and I hope it's Josh. He hasn't shared his plans for the weekend with me yet, and I haven't heard back from him after calling and texting him earlier.


  "Hey girl, where are you?" Tanya asks.

  "Driving back from the mall. I just picked up a gift for your brother."

  "For my brother?" She asks hurriedly.

  “Yes, would be appropriate since it’s Valentine’s Day.”

  “I was waiting for you to call me and tell me what was going on, but..."

  “Going on with what?” Tanya and I don’t usually check-in with each other for our weekend plans.

  "With you and Josh." After I had told Josh I loved him I shared the news with Tanya and she was so excited she started planning our lives as in-laws.

  “Tanya, what are you talking about?” I ask as I pause at the red light.

  “I talked to Josh at the beginning of the week. He was supposed to tell you.”

  "Tell me what, Tanya," I yell into the phone. "Just say it."

  “He had sex with Joseline.” Thankfully I'm at the apartment when I make her repeat herself.

  "What. The. Fuck. When?" I ask, stumbling all over my words.

  "Umm…” She stalls. “The night he found out you had the job offer.” I sit stunned staring out of the window. “Laila. Dammit. I’m sorry.”

  “When was he going to tell me,” I say more to myself than to her.

  “Have you talked to him today?” Is this why he hasn’t answered my calls?

  “That was weeks ago. He should have told me already. And today he isn’t answering my calls but was supposed to be coming here.”

  “I’ll call him. And Laila, if you need me to come to Florida to help whoop his ass for you… I’m there.” I laugh at the thought of her turning on her own brother.

  “Keep your car gassed up just in case.” We hang up the phone and I sit in the car replaying the conversation. Looking over at the gift, wrapped in red paper with a bow neatly tied, I want to throw it away. Leaving the gift on the seat I walk into the apartment.

  Grabbing my phone I contemplate calling Josh. Do I want to hear what he has to say? Against my gut, I call him anyway and he picks up on the second ring. "Hello."

  "Josh, where are you?" The background is eerily silent.

  "I had to take care of a few things before I got on the road. I'm at my apartment now. I'll be there in a few hours." He doesn't sound like himself at all.

  "What the hell is going on with Joseline?"

  He exhales. "Can we talk when I get there?” I can hear him pacing. His footsteps walking across his hardwood floors.

  “Get here? I don’t think you should waste your time or mine. Let’s talk about this now.”

  “I didn’t want my sister to tell you before I had the chance to talk to you.”

  “Well had you told me weeks ago she wouldn’t have had to say anything at all. Why would you tell her before me anyway?”

  "Laila, I'm sorry. I fucked up."

  "Fucked up?" I yell. "Yeah, you fucked up. You fucked her and you had the audacity to let me tell you I loved you right after?"

  He tries to speak and I continue. “I can’t do this, Josh.”

  “Laila. Hear me out.”

  “You have nothing to say to me.” I hang up the phone before he attempts to say anything else.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When I open the door I see a life-size teddy bear sitting on the doormat. I look down the hall then see Josh carrying a vase full of flowers. I shut the door behind me leaving him and the teddy bear in the hallway.

  He knocks on the door, gently at first, and then with more force as I stand opposite the door rolling my eyes. When he doesn’t stop knocking I grab the door opening it wide enough for me to stand in the doorway.

  He stands before me with a pitiful look on his face. “I told you not to come,” I say before crossing my arms across my chest.

  “Laila, I needed to speak to you in person.” He shakes his head as he grabs at his chin. “Can I please just come inside?”

  I move out of the way to let him pass. He places flowers on the kitchen counter and I pick up the bear and move it into the apartment.

  He grabs my hand and we walk into my bedroom. He sits me on the bed and sits beside me. "I'm not going to lie." My eyes grow wide. “I messed up. I was pissed and…” His voice softens. “I should have never turned to her.”

  “Josh, I honestly don’t think I want to talk about this. I think you should just leave.”

  He puts his hand up and says, “Laila, you have every right to be pissed.” I massage my shoulders to ease the building tension. “I have no excuse for what I did. I can only ask you to forgive me.”

  With a deep breath I say, “I can’t trust that you won’t do it again. I can’t trust that she won’t try.”

  “I already talked to her. I told her it was a mistake and there is no room for it to happen again.” He looks away from me and says, “Even if you decide that you want to break up with me there will be no me and Joseline.”

  I look down at my hands and contemplate what he's said, trying to reconcile my heart and my mind. My mind is telling me just to let this go, but my heart is aching at the thought of being without him.

  Josh nudges my chin and looking me in the eyes he says, “I already had the weekend planned. Can we just keep our plans, and if at the end of the weekend you never want to see me again I’ll respect that.” He looks around my room. "Did you pack your bag?"

  I nod my head. “I’d love to act as if none of this happened. But how can I move on knowing that your anger over my job offer in a new city caused you to go fuck this other chick?”

  He stands up off the bed and paces in front of me. “I deserve all of that. Say the word and I’ll leave now.”

  Of course, the words were formed on my tongue but I just couldn't say them. "If I agree to go with you this weekend, don't think I'm in any way forgiving you."

  “Okay.” He cocks his head and squints his eyes. “I’ll take that.”

  "And don't think about any lovemaking."

  His eyes close and he exhales. “I’ll take that too.”

  I stand up and grab my bag from the closet. Handing him my bag I say, “What did you have planned?”

  We arrive at the Double Tree hotel and inside our suite there are rose petals tossed across the bed. A bottle of champagne cooling in a bucket of ice and lit candles placed conspicuously around the room. He turns to me and says, “Maybe we can watch a movie.” He walks towards the couch and grabs the remote control.

  I sit on the other end of the couch and tuck my feet beneath me. While flipping through the movies he stops on a Kevin Hart comedy special. “Will this work?” I nod my head.

  He settles down on the other end of the couch with his hand rested between us. We both are focused on the television when a knock at the door causes me to jump. “You okay,” he says as he walks towards the door.

  “Yeah. Wasn’t expecting a knock at the door.”

  He stands aside while the hotel staff wheels a food cart into the room. Setting the table with plates and glasses and finishing it with a single rose. Josh looks at me after the guy leaves the room. “Hungry?”

  I join him at the table and say, “This would have been a nice setup for a romantic night.” Turning my head I say, “Too bad you fucked up.”

  “Ouch.” Josh takes the seat beside me. “I deserve all the curse words you want to throw out.” A smile creeps onto his face making me slightly upset. “But I have to admit it’s turning me on seeing you this angry.”

  “Too bad you aren’t having the same effect on me.” We dig into our food and my appetite intensifies with each bite. Instead of talking like we’d usually do while we eat together I focus on each bite of my food until my plate is empty.

  He looks over at my plate and says, “I originally had something else in mind for dessert, but if you still have room in your belly I can
order something up for us.”

  I shrug my shoulders and say, “I think I’m good.” Standing up to walk towards the couch I add, “Maybe we can just finish the movie. I’m a little tired.”

  He joins me on the couch, this time sitting closer than he was before. I look between him and the space and he asks, “Too close?”

  “No, you’re fine.” I look back to the television.

  “What are you thinking?” I turn to him and his body is turned facing me.

  “I’m thinking about how pissed I am that you’d cheat on me. About how of all the people in the world, Joseline, had the satisfaction of being with you. I'm thinking about whether I can move on past this." I shake my head. "Despite all of this how my body still wants to be near you. How I just want to feel your touch."

  He places his hand on my thigh. “What can I do to help ease your mind?”

  Looking at his hand I say, “Just give me time.”

  We continue watching the movie and my eyes get heavy. I rest my head onto the armrest of the couch and let myself drift into sleep.

  “Do you want to get into the bed,” Josh asks as he nudges my arm. “I can take the couch if you’d rather not sleep next to me.”

  With my eyes half-open I say, “You don’t have to sleep on the couch.” I stand up to walk towards the bedroom and remember I need a shower. Grabbing my bag I escape to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

  Looking through my bag I curse myself when I realize all I have packed to sleep in is the bra and panty set that was supposed to be one of Josh’s Valentine’s Day gifts.

  After my shower I dress in the bra and panty set then peep out of the door in search of Josh. He’s lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. As soon as I step out of the door his eyes meet mine then his gaze shifts downward. Feeling uncomfortable, I walk to the other side of the bed and climb between the sheets.

  With my back away from him I hear him say, “This has to be the worst form of punishment.” Without responding I grin and adjust my pillow.


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