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Tied to You

Page 5

by Bibi Paterson

  “I have a surprise for you, Liv. Come on, we need to get going. We have to get there before sunset,” Alex says with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Okay, right…” I trail off. “Do I need to change?” I ask, hoping that Alex is not going to suddenly want to go clubbing or something.

  “Nope, just as you are is fine. Come on, we need to get a wriggle on.” Alex gets up and holds his hand out to me, giving me a wink. Clearly Sheila and Nadia are in on the surprise because they tell us to get out of here and get going. We say our goodbyes and I thank them once again for a fabulous day.

  Minutes later we are in the car headed up the highway with Alex refusing to tell me where we are going. For the most part the journey is silent, the radio providing the backdrop to our easy companionship. I break the silence when I suddenly get an attack of the giggles at the name on one of the road signs. Alex looks at me quizzically. “Innaloo. Seriously, there is a place here called In..a..loo? I am imagining a giant toilet here, you know!” Alex bursts out laughing and for a few minutes neither us can talk, we are laughing so hard.

  “I never thought of it like that,” chuckles Alex. A short while later we head off the highway and then pull into an entrance sign-posted ‘Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park’. Okay, so this is a bit bizarre, but I am sure Alex has his reasons for bringing me to a cemetery. I am pretty sure that Sheila had mentioned that all of Alex’s grandparents were still alive, but maybe he has another reason. Alex drives for a few minutes and then pulls into a parking space alongside a vast expanse of lawn.

  We climb out of the car and I follow Alex as he strolls along the tree line and then crosses onto the grass. I can see that back on the other side of the road are cemetery plots. Mostly I am looking at a colossal graveyard, I surmise to myself, but it is unlike those that I am used to back home in the UK with the large headstones. Instead, the markers are mostly inlaid into the grass, and the flowers and the wreaths seem to be made of plastic. Alex leads us to a bench and motions for us to sit down. I am about to start questioning Alex when he puts his finger to his lips, motioning to be quiet, before pointing into a tree line.

  I squint hard and just then catch some motion. I am holding my breath when I notice a mob of about ten kangaroos hopping out onto the grass. They seem completely oblivious to our presence and now I realise why Alex has been so quiet. We watch as they graze on the grass in front of us, gradually drifting closer and closer. I can see joeys in their mothers’ pouches, and Alex quietly points out the males in the group. The scene in front of me is so unexpected and I can’t help but squeeze Alex’s hand to stop myself from squealing out loud. He looks at me with a satisfied smile and I realise that my reaction has made him happy.

  We sit like that for a good hour, watching the various family groups come and go, as the sun sets. When it is almost completely dark Alex motions for us to head back to the car. “Wow, Alex. That was just…amazing. I have never seen anything like that before,” I exclaim once we are back inside the vehicle.

  “A nice surprise then?” he asks.

  “The best, thank you. Definitely one to cross off the bucket list,” I respond, a smile stretching across my face. I stare out the window as we head back onto the highway, completely lost in my thoughts. So much so that I miss Alex asking if I want to go for something to eat.

  “Would you mind if we head back to the hotel?” I ask. “Your mum kind of wore me out with all that shopping today and I am still stuffed from the snacks we had earlier. I think I really just need to head to bed.”

  “Sure thing,” Alex responds good-naturedly. “Look, was everything okay today? My mum didn’t give you too much of a hard time, did she? I know she can be a bit intense…” Alex continues, looking a little uncomfortable.

  “Not at all,” I reassure him. “Your mum and sister were both lovely. We had a great time. Plus I managed to actually get a dress that didn’t cost the GDP of a third world country.” At that, Alex bursts out laughing, and I find myself filling him in on some of the crazier dresses that Sheila insisted I try on.

  By the time that I have showered and curled under the sheets in my bed, I am fit to drop. Today has been awesome and I find myself wondering how I got so lucky. Okay, this might be an arranged marriage, a business transaction, but spending a year with Alex will certainly be no hardship. I close my eyes, remembering the kangaroos, and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

  Chapter Six

  The next couple of days fly by and before I know it my wedding day is here. I stare at myself in the mirror and take in the sight of myself. My hair has been swept up at the front and styled to include a beautifully delicate silver headband studded with tiny turquoise crystals. My makeup is subtle with that ‘barely there’ look that takes a thousand layers to achieve. And my dress is like a second skin, hugging my body and giving me curves where I was lacking.

  I know I have only a few minutes before I need to make my ways downstairs, and I have to force myself to take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself. Despite Alex’s intention of us staying at the hotel, Sheila nearly had a fit when he told her and she insisted that the night before the wedding we would be staying in the family home—separate bedrooms of course, which made us chuckle.

  In a feeble attempt at distracting myself, I think back to what it was like meeting Alex’s family yesterday. The first thing that hit me as we walked through the front door was that chaos and noise reigned supreme, and it took a couple of minutes before anyone even noticed us standing there in the hallway with our small overnight bags. Moments later I was being swept into a giant bear hug by a man who could only be Alex’s dad. With the insistence of calling him Bruce, I was then passed around the family members as we made our introductions.

  For the most part Alex had made sure I was briefed on his mum and dad; two older brothers, Chris and Luke; and his sister, Nadia, whom I had already met. I had spent hours poring over the details that Alex had included in the summary of each of his grandparents, parents and siblings, their respective partners and children included, so I felt like I knew my way around the family tree. That, combined with the Facebook stalking I had done—well, if you have an open profile, what do you expect?—had made me feel more confident about meeting this tight-knit family. Research has always been my default setting when faced with the unknown and I had indeed researched the shit out of the family I was about to join.

  What those hours of research had not prepared me for, however, was the love that seemed to flow throughout the house. From the gentle teasing to the all-out banter, this was the kind of family I had always envied growing up. As the day wore on and I got to know everyone a little better and they in turn interrogated me until Alex stepped in to rescue me with a tour of the estate, I finally felt accepted. Something which terrified the living shit out of me, given that I was basically lying to their faces.

  It wasn’t until I had curled up in bed later that night that I finally let go and quietly sobbed into my pillow. My part in this deception would surely come back to haunt me, no matter how much Alex and I tried to justify it.

  So here I am, in a beautifully appointed guestroom, waiting to become Mrs Alexander Davenport. I hear a gentle rap at the door and Nadia pokes her head around the door to let me know everyone is ready. With a final, fortifying, breath I make my way out of the room and come face to face with Bruce, Alex’s dad. Despite his appearance of a giant, Bruce is actually a teddy bear at heart, a fact I discovered as I watched him dote on his grandchildren. Emily, Nadia’s youngest, in particular has him wrapped around her little finger.

  “Liv, you look beautiful,” Bruce says in his gruff voice and with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Thank you, Bruce,” I reply with a smile. “And you look rather spiffy yourself.”

  “Argh, this is a monkey suit,” he responds, tugging on his shirt collar. “Listen, love, I know you don’t have your old man here, but I wondered if you would like me to walk you down the aisle. I know it won’t be the same, and you haven
’t known us long…” Bruce trails off, clearly uncomfortable.

  “Thank you, Bruce. That would be lovely,” I reply softly, trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. “I would really appreciate that.” And I actually do. The thought of having to walk down the aisle all by myself has brought me out in a cold sweat several times already.

  “All right then. Let’s get this show on the road,” says Bruce, offering me his arm.

  Before I know it, I am standing at the top of the aisle in the beautiful spot that is commonly used for wedding ceremonies on the property, surveying the scene before me. Guests have filled the covered chairs that sit either side of the red carpet that I am about to walk up. At the bottom of the aisle is a shady pavilion, amongst a few large eucalyptus trees, where I will be saying my vows. The music is indicating that it is time to move, but my feet feel glued to the floor. A small nudge from Bruce and a whispered ‘Just one foot in front of the other, love’ gets me moving. My eyes are on Alex, who smiles encouragingly at me from the pavilion. As I make my way down the aisle, I can feel everyone else’s eyes on me as well, and I chant Bruce’s words over and over in my head until I am standing at the front with Alex.

  I am in a bit of a dream as I say my vows. The nerves in my belly have entirely disappeared, and in the abstract I wonder what it is about Alex that makes me feel so calm. He should bottle the stuff. When, finally, all is said and we have exchanged our simple platinum bands, I finally hear the words that I have been dreading: “You may now kiss the bride.” For the last few days, it has been bothering me that I would have to kiss Alex in front of everyone. Granted, Alex has actually been quite touchy-feely and affectionate in front of everyone, but this will be our actual first kiss.

  As Alex stares down at me, my breath hitches and I know he can sense my nerves. Then he lowers his lips onto mine and the world recedes. The kiss is gentle as his lips meld against mine. I feel his arms go around my waist as he pulls me closer into his body. Without thinking, my arms wind around his neck of their own accord and the kiss deepens as my mouth parts slightly. Taking the cue, Alex slips his tongue into my mouth and suddenly a hunger takes over as he growls softly into my mouth.

  A cheer suddenly brings us both back to the present and I feel my cheeks flame with embarrassment. Seriously, making out at your wedding is a little crass. Alex grabs my hand and plants a kiss on my palm before turning and pulling me up the aisle. “Photographs,” he murmurs, reminding me that we would be going around to the vineyard’s lake to have our official pictures taken. We wait for the shower of confetti to finish before jumping into the 4 x 4 waiting to take us on our short journey.

  “You okay?” Alex asks, putting an arm around my trembling frame.

  “Yeah, it’s just the adrenaline. It’s not every day you get married,” I joke, and I see a strange expression cross Alex’s face.

  “You look very beautiful, Liv,” Alex says seriously.

  “Um, th…thank you,” I stutter, not sure what else to say. Do I compliment him on his suit? In the end, I don’t say anything else and wait as we wind our way to the lake.

  The setting is beautiful and it is a relief to have some private time after the scrutiny I have been under for the last few days. I am exhausted by the questions and trying to make sure that I have kept my story straight, and my heart breaks a little each time I lie to these amazing people. The photographer walks off to set up his equipment and Alex turns to me, pulling me into his embrace as we maintain our façade.

  “Thank you, Liv,” he says softly.

  “For what?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “For being the perfect bride. For being so gracious. And for making my family so happy. I know this is probably not what either of us envisioned for our wedding days, but I am being completely honest when I say that I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime.” Alex breaks out a grin, lightening the mood, and I find myself grinning back.

  “Well, we have pulled it off, so now just the reception to go…” I add.

  We pose for what feels like ages, but in reality it’s only about half an hour before we head back to the restaurant. When we are arrive, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the spot. The building is a traditional tin-roof construction with a wide wrap-around deck. The inside is cool in the heat, but the large open doors allow the air to flow through. Long tables are covered in pristine white linens and delicate glassware, a gorgeous contrast to the dark wooden chairs. Alex loops his arm through mine and gently guides me up to the top table as we are surrounded by applause. He pauses only to drop a kiss on my lips before pulling out my chair. If any of this were actually real, I think I would probably swoon.

  The remainder of the day passes in somewhat of a blur. The dinner, the speeches, the dancing and the socialising are all perfect, but it is a relief when eight o’clock rolls around and Alex lets me know our car is here. Once we have made our final farewells it feels liberating to slip into the cool quiet of the limo, knowing that I can finally let my guard down.

  “So back to London then?” I say, realising in all of this I had completely forgotten about what would happen after we actually got married.

  “Nope,” says Alex, rubbing the bridge of his nose. I take in the circles under his eyes and realise today has been a strain for him as well. “No, I think we both deserve a bit of a holiday after all that. So we are off to Bali for a week.”

  “What?” I screech, and Alex looks at me, confusion in his features.

  “Sorry about that. I mean, seriously? I have always dreamt about going to Bali. It’s actually on my bucket list,” I say

  “Then I picked right,” Alex confirms with a smile. The air conditioning in the car is up a little too high and goosebumps break out across my skin, causing me to shiver. Seeing this, Alex winds his arm around me and pulls me into his warmth. I lay my head on his shoulder, relaxing for the first time in days, and think to myself how lucky I am. This may be a marriage of convenience, but Alex is such a good man and I could do far worse than spending a year with this generous and kind guy. But I know I need to be careful and guard my heart because falling in love with him would be the biggest mistake ever. Despite the closeness we have, Alex has shown no sign in finding me the least bit attractive, and I am sure he chose me only because of my desperate situation.

  Chapter Seven

  Our time in Bali is magical for me. When we finally walked into our villa—the presidential suite, no less—after a moderately long flight and transfer, I was fit to drop. Yet the moment I stood on the patio overlooking the Indian Ocean, my exhaustion lifted completely and poor Alex had to watch me squeal with excitement as I explored every corner of the suite. Luxurious is not an adequate description of the villa. I mean, there is a bar complete with pool table and a grand piano, for heaven’s sake. Once again, Alex insisted I take the master bedroom and I had only a moment of guilt before happily accepting and bouncing on the enormous bed like a five-year-old.

  For the last few days, we have simply relaxed, enjoying our private infinity pool and even making use of the spa. In the short time, my relationship with Alex has developed and I would actually go so far as to say that we are friends. Weird, I know, but when I agreed to marry him, the last thing I had expected was friendship. I have discovered that we have very similar tastes in books and movies and we have spent endless hours chatting about our favourite characters. Alex is also attempting to teach me chess, but I am hopeless and he keeps beating me in only a couple of moves; I have found that he is an excellent strategist. However, I did manage to hustle him at pool, much to his annoyance and my delight.

  The villa is so self-contained we have barely set foot outside, but tomorrow, Alex has told me, he has a surprise in store for me. I am lying on one of the comfortable sunbeds on our private patio set high up on the cliff, gazing out at the sunrise, when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn my head to find Alex next to me, wordlessly holding out a mug of tea and wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. This has become some
what of a morning ritual, me rising with the dawn and him bringing a steaming brew for me and a coffee for himself while we watch the sun rise together in silence.

  Not for the first time do I take the time to appreciate his beautiful body. Years of surfing, running and daily gym visits have honed his frame, giving him muscles in all the right places and a washboard stomach that you could bounce a penny off. The first time I saw him in swim shorts I nearly had a heart attack; never in my life had I been in the vicinity of such male perfection, and I was glad to already be in the pool so that he wouldn’t know how wet he made me. Lusting after Alex is definitely not part of our agreement, and each time I start to think about him in that way, I have to remind myself that he definitely doesn’t think that way about me. Yet each time he brushes my arm or plants one of his frequent kisses on my head, I have to stop my heart from beating a little faster and remind myself that Alex is just being affectionate and that things are purely platonic. But I guess that doesn’t stop the daydreams…shit, I have this bad.

  When the sun has finally made its way above the horizon, I go to stand and am instantly doubled over by a sharp pain streaking through my pelvis. I must have let out a squeak because instantly Alex is at my side asking me if I am okay.

  “I’m fine,” I gasp.

  “Well, clearly you are not okay,” Alex retorts, an eyebrow raised.

  “It’s just girl stuff, Alex. Nothing for you to worry about. Okay?” I try to straighten up again but am instantly hit with another bolt of pain, which has me crying out, and I actually feel dizzy. I have been on the pill for years to regulate my periods and ease the agonising cramps I get, and on the whole it works. Well, apart from the odd occasion like this.

  Before I can say anything else, Alex mutters “Bullshit” and sweeps me into his arms, carrying me through to my bedroom and laying me on the bed. The cramps are all consuming now, running through my back and down my legs, and I find myself curling up into the foetal position, trying to breathe through the pain. I am not even aware that Alex had left the room until he is back, crouched down in front of me with a glass of water and a couple of painkillers in his hand, his eyes filled with concern. I accept them gratefully, hoping that they will ease the pain soon; I am not sure just how much more I can take. My eyes are closed as I try to focus on breathing…in and out…in and out. The bed dips behind me and the next thing that I feel are Alex’s warm hands on my lower back, rubbing firm circles.


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