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Tied to You

Page 13

by Bibi Paterson

  “I thought we would start over,” Alex says softly. His Dom is there in his stance, but the voice is all Alex.

  “I like it, sir,” I say softly, and honestly I do. It feels different down here now, but I can’t quite figure out why…and it is not just a matter of a little redecoration. Maybe it’s because I faced my biggest fear and somehow none of that matters anymore; only two people’s pleasure of each other does.

  Alex comes to stand in front of me and holds out his hand. I take it and let him guide me to the platform in the middle, where he motions me to sit. He sinks down next to me on the comfortable throw and I notice that he has removed his socks and shoes and rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt. The silver tie he was wearing earlier in a loose knot is now unravelled, hanging across the back of his neck and over his chest.

  “Olivia, what is your safeword?” Domly Alex is back.

  “Daisy,” I answer immediately.

  “Good. Now I don’t care how much you want to please me in here. If you ever feel like you felt the other night, you have to use your safeword. Understand?” I look up into his eyes and see how serious he is. That night definitely broke something in him.

  “Yes, sir. I promise.”

  “And I promise you now that it is my responsibility in here to make sure you never feel like that ever again. I will test your limits, try out new things that maybe aren’t in your comfort zone, but I promise never to give you pain again.”

  “But, sir…” I say, and I can see his eyes narrow at the interruption. “A little pain is fine. I liked the flogger and the crop. The cane not so much.”

  “Okay, then we can use a traffic light system. Green if things are good, yellow if we need to slow down and back off, and red or daisy if you want to stop. You okay with that?” I nod. “I need to hear you say it, Olivia.”

  “Yes, sir, I am happy with that.”

  “Good girl. Now stand up and let me get a proper look at you,” Alex says, lying on his back, his hands tucked behind his head and a wolfish smile on his face. I wait in silence as I watch him surveying my body. My skin prickles in anticipation as I hear his breath growing ragged. “Olivia, please go stand in front of the cross,” Alex commands, the ‘please’ a mere formality.

  I make my way across to the X-shape that dominates one corner of the room, resisting the urge to reach out and stroke the smooth wood. Instead, I wait as Alex lazily rises and then stalks across to me. Coming to a standstill in front of me, he pauses for a moment as if gathering his thoughts and then brings his lips down on mine with a growl. I expect the kiss to be fierce and intense, yet it is soft and sensual. Without thinking, I find myself winding my arms around Alex’s neck, my fingers threading through his hair and tugging the ends as I lose myself. I am only vaguely aware of being backed up until I feel the cool, silky wood behind my back. Reaching behind his head, Alex takes hold of my wrists and gently removes them. Taking each wrist in turn, he kisses the soft skin on the inside before securing it in a wide leather cuff. Once he is satisfied that my arms are comfortable and the cuffs secure, Alex kneels and turns his attention to securing my ankles.

  I am completely open, spread out across the cross, and while I feel completely vulnerable, I also feel aroused to the point of pain. I desperately want to rub my thighs together to alleviate the ache that is building in my pussy, but I am denied the friction in this position. A moan erupts out of my mouth as Alex begins to trail kisses across the bare skin above the tops of my stockings. His tongue traces a path over my sensitive skin, punctuated with the odd nip with his teeth at random intervals. I am lost in the sensation when I suddenly feel a stinging sensation across my arse. I yelp and look down at Alex, who is staring at me with hooded eyes and a wicked grin. I can’t see a crop or flogger and then I realise he doesn’t need one; he simply pulled back the elastic and let it flick backwards onto my skin with a sharp smack. I can feel Alex’s cool fingers soothing the sting, and the heat starts to radiate through me.

  Slowly Alex stands and takes a moment to look at me. I can see his arousal in his eyes and in the large bulge in his trousers, and I find myself grinning, glad that I am having as much of an effect on him as he is on me. “Please, sir,” I say softly, “I’d like to see you, please.”

  “How can I deny such a sweet request?” Alex responds before quickly stripping off his clothes and tossing them aside. Standing proudly erect in front of me Alex murmurs, “Do you like what you see, Olivia?” I nod my head, words failing me as I lick my lips. “Well, that’s enough seeing for a moment,” Alex says, and I notice the grey tie from earlier in his hands. Gently, Alex binds my eyes and I am plunged into darkness. “I’ll be back in a second,” Alex lets me know.

  “Okay,” I say, my voice hoarse. I hear Alex moving about, a cupboard door being opened and closed, a clinking noise and then suddenly the room is flooded with music. There is a techno beat that seems to bounce off the walls and that seems at odds with the deep voice of the singer. It takes me only a moment to realise that I am listening to German and I quickly recognise that I am listening to Rammstein’s ‘Du Riechst So Gut’. The music seems to pulse through me and I desperately want to feel Alex’s hands on me. I hear him return and sense Alex kneeling down between my legs.

  “Okay, Olivia, time to play, baby. I need you to take a deep breath and trust me, okay?”

  Oh fuck, what the hell is Alex going to do to me? “I trust you, Alex,” I answer before I feel something cold slip between my wet folds. I squirm as he runs it over my clit. “Oh, you are so juicy, baby,” I hear him murmur as he swirls the object around my slick entrance. I am becoming needy and my body has started moving of its own accord. “Not here, Olivia,” Alex says as I try to push myself down onto the object in Alex’s hand. Suddenly the object is gradually pushed into the delicate rosette of my bum and I cry out at the fullness I feel. A moment later a gentle vibration starts up and slowly the pulsing sensation threatens to overwhelm me.

  Suddenly Alex is standing in front of me, his hands running across my pliant body. His lips find mine in a fierce kiss that leaves me breathless. I am blind, but it feels like every other sense is on red alert. The buzz in my backside is relentless, distracting me as every now and again Alex snaps one of the elastics on my skin. Underside of my breast…snap. Stomach…snap. Nipple…snap. Each time, the stinging sensation is soothed by Alex’s mouth or cool fingers, causing the heat to radiate through my core. Without warning, I hear a snipping sound followed by a sting against my pussy lips as the elastic on my thong is cut. And then Alex’s mouth is on me, his tongue teasing my clit as he swirls it around and around.

  My need is at a tipping point, and as if sensing this, Alex stands and brings his cock to my entrance. “You ready for me, Olivia? This is going to be hard and fast, baby.” I hear the feral tone in Alex’s voice and all at once I am desperate to look into his eyes.

  “Please, Alex,” I plead, “Sir, please, I need to see you.”

  At once, Alex rips the tie from my eyes whilst simultaneously plunging into me. I am immobile, tied to the cross, and utterly at Alex’s mercy as he grabs my arse cheeks and slams into me over and over, all the while his eyes never leaving mine. I can feel my climax building and somehow I know that this is going to be epic. Every nerve in my body seems to be electrified, but it is not until Alex brings his hand down between our bodies and starts rubbing my clit furiously that I explode. I fling my head back and scream out my orgasm as I detonate, my body going supernova under Alex’s incessant attention. A hand grips my chin and forces me face to face with Alex. “Open your eyes, Olivia,” Alex commands, and I force them open. With a loud growl, Alex comes, his hot seed spilling into me, setting off a chain of orgasms that leave me weak and breathless. The plug in my arse is still vibrating and I just can’t take anymore.

  “Please, Alex, the plug, too much. Can’t take anymore,” I gasp out. Instantly the sensation stops and I feel Alex gently tugging it out of me as he kisses me softly. Our bodies are slic
k with perspiration and I know the only things holding me up at this point are the restraints and my heels, which feel as if they have been ground into the floor.

  “Let me get you down, Liv,” Alex murmurs as he quickly releases me. Scooping me up, he gently walks me across to the platform and lays me down on the plush throw. Quietly, he rubs my wrists, ankles and feet before cleaning me up with a warm cloth. “That was fucking amazing, Liv,” I hear Alex whisper as I try to keep my eyes open. I feel Alex kiss my hair and then I am in his arms again, a blanket wrapped around my body as we head upstairs. I wind my arms around Alex’s neck and nestle my head into the crook, completely sated.


  It is still dark when I wake, feeling uncomfortable and restrained. The glow of the digital clock tells me it is only 1:00 a.m., so I move silently past a sleeping Alex to go to the bathroom. I close the door before flicking on the light, pausing to stare at myself in the mirror. My hair is dishevelled and my lips are swollen from Alex’s kisses. I am still in my underwear, so I quickly slip off my stockings and remove my bra and garter.

  I stare at my body, which is left with the imprint of the elastics cross-hatching across my skin. My skin is still slightly pink where Alex snapped the elastics and I can see a couple of tiny bruises forming. But there is nothing to mar the ecstasy I felt when I was bound and completely at Alex’s mercy. My submission is absolute and I know there is nothing that I wouldn’t allow him to do to me. Alex owns me, heart, body and soul.

  A small noise startles me and I whip my head around to find Alex leaning against the door frame nonchalantly, his arms crossed as he studies me with a soft smile. “Hey,” I say. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Alex strides across the room and comes to stand behind me in front of the mirror. “You are so beautiful, Liv,” Alex murmurs into my ear as he runs his hands lightly up my arms. Embarrassed, I duck my head to avoid Alex’s eyes, but he gently forces my head back up so that I am looking at myself in the mirror. “I will never, ever lie to you, Liv. So you need to believe me when I tell you that I think you are the most beautiful person I have ever met.” I am quiet as I try to absorb Alex’s words. “You are kind, generous and thoughtful. And your total submission is the most precious gift I have ever received. So yes, to me, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met.”

  I have no words to respond, so I just smile back at Alex’s reflection, a soft expression I have never seen before on my face. “These are very sexy,” Alex murmurs, running his deft fingers across the lines covering my breasts, causing me to giggle as he finds a couple of my ticklish spots.

  “I need a shower,” I say. “Want to join me?”

  With a nod, Alex leads me into the shower and spends a couple of moments adjusting the water jets until hot water is pouring over both our bodies. Reaching up onto my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around Alex’s neck and pull his lips down onto mine. It feels like we kiss for hours, the steam swirling around us, but before long Alex gently untangles us and grabs my shower gel. Rubbing it between his palms until it has formed a frothy lather, he proceeds to run his hands across my body. When he reaches my shoulders, though, he starts to massage my aching shoulder muscles and I find myself groaning at the sweet pain as he works out the kinks and knots that have developed. When at last I am putty in his hands, he rinses us both down before stepping out the cubicle and grabbing two warm, fluffy towels off the radiator. He wraps one around my shoulders before securing the other around his waist.

  We have barely said a word to each other, but it is as if we are speaking a language of our own through touch, looks and sighs. Wrapping his arms around me, Alex pulls me into his embrace. I let out a soft sigh and rest my head on his chest, my arms bound to my sides under the towel. I am dead on my feet and can feel my body swaying slightly as the exhaustion settles over me. A second later, Alex scoops me up and walks me through to the bedroom before laying me down on the bed. With an exquisite tenderness, he dries my body before pulling up the duvet over our spent bodies. Within moments, I am fast asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I let out a sigh of frustration as I hit yet another dead end in my search for Charles’ current book conquest. I thought I had finally tracked down the original to a dealer in the USA, but when I had the paper stock checked it turned out to be a twentieth-century forgery. Damn it. At least I didn’t have to travel this time and face the dealer’s wrath in person when I informed them that the book that they were hoping to sell for five thousand pounds was worthless.

  I glance up at the clock on the wall of the sunroom and decide to call it a day. I have been working from home all week while Charles has been abroad for work, which has made a nice change from having to commute across town to his office in London’s Docklands. I make my way into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea when I hear my phone ring. Not recognising the number, I contemplate letting it go to voicemail, but then I wonder if it could be someone coming back to me on one of my queries, so I pick it up with a business-like ‘Hello?’

  “Pumpkin?” All it takes is one word and my world seems to start spinning out of control.

  I take a deep breath before answering, “Daddy?” And just like that I am thirteen again.

  “Oh, pumpkin. I am so glad I have finally tracked your number down.”

  The memory of how my father had been trying to blackmail Alex flares up in my mind and immediately I feel my body tense up. “What do you want, Dad?” My voice is harsh as I pull myself back from the shock of hearing his voice.

  “Oh, sweetheart. I am so worried about you, darling. When I found out what kind of man you are married to, I knew that I had to do something. I have to protect you from that monster.” My head is spinning. What the hell?

  “He is not a monster, Dad. I love him,” I blurt out. I am so angry at his words that my hands have started shaking and I sink down into a chair at the table.

  “My girl,” he says, his voice laced with concern. “You can’t believe his lies. You need to leave him straight away. I am so worried about your safety.” I have no idea where this is headed, so I let him continue. “I have a friend that can sort out a quick divorce for you and then, when you get the payoff you are due, you can start afresh and I will be there to help you with anything you need.”

  In that instant, I see exactly what my father is trying to do. If he can’t get the money through Alex, then I am the next target. My voice is as cold as ice as I reply, “You can forget about any money, Dad. I signed a prenup that means I walk away with nothing. And do you really think that showing up after twenty years, I am instantly going to listen to anything you say?” My anger is creeping through my voice. “Yes, Daddy, where exactly have you been while I slogged my guts out to look after Mum, huh? Scamming people in the US, I hear. Well, go crawl back under that rock you have been hiding under. Otherwise I will be getting Alex to turn you in to the Feds. No, actually, I will do it myself!” I am shouting so loud down the phone that I haven’t even noticed Alex appear by my side.

  “You are just like that fucking whore mother of yours,” I hear my father respond as Alex is removing the phone from my hand.

  “James, this is Alex,” he says, an icy calm in his voice belying the anger that I can see rippling through Alex’s body. “Shut your fucking mouth now and listen very carefully, because I am only going to say this once.” Alex pauses briefly before continuing. “If you ever talk to Olivia, come anywhere near her—no, scratch that—even fucking think about her again, I will make sure that you end up in a nice American jail where the inmates will know exactly how you treated your wife and little girl. You understand, you shit?”

  There is a brief pause where I guess my dickhead father is agreeing to Alex’s demands. “Good, because I am sure the inmates won’t tolerate a prick like you. This is the end of this, you hear?” And with that, Alex ends the call and crouches down in front of me, taking my trembling hands in his own sturdy ones.

  “Liv, it’s okay, baby,
” Alex soothes, wiping away tears that I didn’t even realise were falling.

  “I am so angry, Alex,” I say. “How dare he?” I stand up quickly and start pacing backwards and forwards as Alex just watches me carefully. “I mean it. He was a crap dad, but there were times when I just wished he would come back into my life. What a joke is that?”

  “It’s not a joke, Liv,” Alex says quietly. “In an ideal world everyone would have an awesome dad in their lives. But you got a raw deal. A shit who couldn’t see the gifts he was given and then chose to piss them away. You are better off without him, Liv.”

  I am so worked up that I just can’t seem to stop the rage flowing through me at the unfairness of it all. I sink to the floor as sobs wrack my body. “While I was dealing with my mum’s illness, there were times that I would wish he was back to help me…just so I wouldn’t be alone. How fucked up is that?”

  Alex sinks down and pulls me into his lap, his arms wrapping around my shaking body. Rocking me gently, he whispers into my ear, soft words that wrap around my wounded soul. “Liv, you are not alone. I will always be here. I am not going anywhere, baby. You are mine and I will protect you until the day I die.”

  We stay like that, on the floor, Alex wrapped around me like a blanket until a buzzing noise brings us both back to the present. Grabbing his phone, Alex quickly scans the message. “Shit,” Alex says softly.


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