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The 31st Golden Age of Science Fiction

Page 15

by Sam Merwin Jr

  He wondered if he were going to have to live through it all again—the NRA, the Roosevelt boomlet, the Recession, the string of Hitler triumphs in Europe, the war, Pearl Harbor and all that followed—Truman, the Cold War, Korea, McCarthy…

  Seated across from her at the gleaming Sheraton dining table, which should by rights be in his own dining room in Scarborough overlooking the majestic Hudson, he wondered how he could put his foreknowledge to use. There was the market, of course. And he could recall the upset football win of Yale over Princeton in 1934, the Notre Dame last-minute triumph over Ohio State a year later, most of the World Series winners. On the Derby winners he was lost.…

  When the meal was over and they were returning to the library with its snug insulating bookshelves and warm cannel-coal fire, his mother said, “Banny, it’s been so nice having this talk with you. We haven’t had many lately. I wish you’d stay home tonight with me. You really do look tired, you know.”

  “Sorry, mother,” he replied. “I’ve got a date.”

  “With the Lawton girl, I suppose,” she said without affection. Then, accepting a cigarette and holding it before lighting it, “I do wish you wouldn’t see quite so much of her. I’ll admit she’s a perfectly nice girl, of course. But she is strange and people are beginning to talk. I hope you’re not going to be foolish about her.”

  “Don’t worry,” Coulter replied. Since when, he wondered, had wanting a girl as he wanted Eve Lawton been foolish. He added, “What’s wrong with Eve anyway?”

  His mother lit a cigarette. “Lamb, it’s not that there’s anything really wrong with Eve. As a matter of fact I believe her family is quite distinguished—good old Lincolnville stock.”

  “I’m aware of that,” he replied drily. “I believe her great, great, great grandfather was a brigadier while mine was only a colonel in the Revolution.”

  His mother dismissed the distant past with a gesture. “But the Lawtons haven’t managed to keep up,” she stated. “Think of your schooling, dear—you’ve had the very best. While Eve…” With a shrug.

  “Went to grammar and high-school right here in Lincolnville,” Coulter finished for her. “Mother, Eve has more brains and character than any of the debs I know.” Then, collecting himself, “But don’t worry, mother—I’m not going to let it upset my life.”

  “I’m very glad to hear it,” Mrs. Coulter said simply. “Remember, Banny, you and your Eve are a world apart. Besides, we’re going to take a trip abroad this summer. There’s so much I want us to see together. It would be a shame to…” She let it hang.

  Coulter looked at his mother, remembering hard. He had been able to stymie that trip on the excuse that he’d almost certainly lose his job and that new jobs were too hard to get in a depression era. He thought that his surviving parent was, beneath her well-mannered surface, a shallow, domineering, snobbish empress. Granted his new vista of vision, he realized for the first time how she had dominated both his father and himself.

  * * * *

  He thought, I hate this woman. No, not hate, just loathe.

  He glanced at the watch on his wrist, a Waltham he had long since lost or broken or given away—he couldn’t recall which. He said, “All the same, mother, a date’s a date. I’m a little late now. Don’t wait up for me.”

  “I shan’t,” she replied, looking after him with a frown of pale concern as he headed for the hall closet.

  It took a few minutes to get the Pontiac warmed up but once out of the driveway Coulter knew the way to Eve Lawton’s house as if he had been there last night, not two decades earlier. The small cold winter moon cast its frigid light over an intimate little group of apple tapioca clouds and made the snow-clad fields a dark grey beneath the black evergreens that backed the fields beside the road.

  As he slowed to a stop in front of the old white-frame house with its graceful utilitarian lines of roof and gable, he found himself wondering whether this were the dream or the other—the twenty years that had found him an orphan. That had given him enough inherited money to strike out for himself in New York. That had seen him win success as a highly-paid publicist. That had seen him married to wealthy Connie Marlin and a way of life as far from that of Lincolnville as he himself now was from Scarborough and Connie.

  * * * *

  Eve opened the door before he reached it. She was as willowy and alive as he remembered her, and a great deal more vital and beautiful. She put up her face to be kissed as soon as he was inside and his arms went around her soft angora sweater and he wondered a little at what he had so cavalierly dismissed and left behind him.

  She said, “You’re late, Banning. I thought you’d forgotten.”

  He kept one arm around her as they walked into the living room with its blazing fire. He said, “Sorry. Mother wanted to talk.”

  “Is she terribly worried about me?” Eve asked. Her face, in inquiry, was like a half-opened rose.

  Coulter hesitated, then replied, “I think so, darling. She was afraid your stock had gone to seed. I had to remind her that your great, great, great grandfather outranked mine.”

  The odd, in her case beautiful, blankness of fear smoothed Eve’s forehead. She said, her voice low, her eyes not meeting his, “Yesterday you’d never have noticed what she was thinking.”

  “Yesterday?” He forced her to look at him. “Yesterday I was another man—a whole twenty-four hours younger.” He added the last hastily, so as not to rouse suspicion. Eve, he both knew at once and remembered, was highly sensitive, intuitively brilliant.

  “I know,” she said simply, and for the second time since the amazing transformation of the afternoon he felt the tight grip of terror. Watching her as she turned from him and began to stoke the fire, he wondered just what she did know.

  The album rested on the table against the back of the sofa in front of the fireplace. It was a massive leather-and-parchment tome, with imitation medieval brass clasps and hinges. He opened it carelessly, seeking reassurance in idle action.

  He flipped the pages idly, in bunches. There was Eve, a lacy little moppet, held in the arms of her drunkard farming father. A sort of local mad-Edison whose inventions never worked or, if they did, were promptly stolen from him by more profit-minded promoters. Her brother Jim, sturdy, cowlicked, squinting into the sun, stood at his father’s knee. He wondered what had happened to Jim but didn’t dare ask. Presumably he should know since Jim shared the house with his sister and an ancient housekeeper, doubtless long since asleep.

  He flipped more pages, came to a snapshot of Eve in a bathing suit at Lake Tahoe. Bill Something-or-other, Lincolnville High School football hero of five years before, had an arm around Eve’s slim, wool-covered waist. Two-piece suits and bikinis were still a long way in the future. He said, “What’s become of Bill?”

  She said, “Don’t you remember? He was killed in that auto crash coming home from the city last year.” There was an odd questing flatness in her voice.

  Coulter remembered the incident now, of course. There had been a girl in the car, who had been disfigured for life. Plastic surgery, like bikinis, still lay well ahead. He and Eve had begun going together right after that accident.…

  Something about Eve’s tone, some urgency, disturbed him. He looked at her quickly. She was standing by the fireplace, watching him, watching him as if he were doing something important. The fright within him renewed itself. Quickly he turned back to the album, flipped further pages.

  He was close to the end of the album. What he saw was a newspaper clipping, a clipping showing himself and Harvey MacIlwaine of Consolidated Motors shaking hands at a banquet table. The headline above the picture read, AUTHOR AND AUTO MAGNATE CELEBRATE BIOGRAPHY.

  Above the headline was the date: January 16, 1947.

  With hard-forced deliberation, because every nerve in his body was singing its song of fear like a banjo string, Coulter closed the album. Th
e honeymoon, if that was the right term for it, was over. He knew now which was the dream, which the reality.

  He said, “All of this is your doing, Eve.” It was not a question.

  She said quietly, “That’s right, Banning, it’s my doing.” She looked at him with a cool detachment that added to his bewilderment—and to his fright.

  He said, “Why, Eve? Why have you done this?”

  She said, “Banning, do you know what a Jane Austen villain is?”

  He shook his head. “Hardly my pitch, is it?”

  “Hardly.” There was a trace of sadness in her voice. Then, “A Jane Austen villain is an attractive, powerful, good-natured male who rides through life roughshod, interested only in himself, completely unaware of his effect on those unlucky souls whose existences become entangled in his.”

  “And I am a Jane Austen villain?” He was puzzled, disturbed that anyone—Eve or anyone—should think of him as a villain. Mentally he began to search for kindnesses, for unselfishnesses. He found generosities, yes, but these, he supposed with sudden dreadful clarity, had been little more than balm to his ego.

  “You are perhaps a classic example, Banning,” she told him. Her face, in shadow, was exquisitely beautiful. “When you left Lincolnville twenty years ago, without seeing me, without letting me see you, you destroyed me.”

  “Good God!” Coulter exclaimed. “But how? I know it was rude, but I did mean to come back. And when things moved differently it seemed better to keep a clean break clean.” He hesitated, added, “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry that you destroyed me?” Her tone was acid-etched.

  “Dammit, do you want me down on my knees?” he countered. “How the devil did my leaving destroy you?” Anger, prodded by fear, was warming his blood.

  “I was sensitive—aware of the collapse of my family, of my own shortcomings, of my lack of opportunity,” she said, staring with immense grey eyes at the wall behind him. “I was just beginning to feel I could be somebody, could mean something to someone I—liked—when you dropped me and never looked back.

  “I took a job at the bank. For twenty years I’ve sat in a cage, counting out money and putting little legends in bank-books. I’ve felt myself drying up day by day, week by week, year by year. When I’ve sought love I’ve merely defiled myself. You taught me passion, Banning, then destroyed my capacity to enjoy it with anyone but you. You destroyed me and never even knew it.”

  “You could have gone out into the world,” he said with a trace of contempt. “Other girls have.”

  “Other girls are not me,” Eve replied steadily. “Other girls don’t give themselves to a man as completely as I gave myself to you.”

  “What can I do now?” Coulter asked, running a hand through his newly crew-cut hair. Recalling Eve at dinner, seeing her in the doorway, holding her briefly in his arms—he had almost decided that in this new life she was the partner he would carry with him.

  Now, however, he was afraid of her. It was Eve who had, in some strange way, brought him back twenty years for purposes she had yet to divulge. One thing he knew, logically and intuitively—he could never endure life with anyone of whom he was frightened.

  She was no longer looking at the wall—she was looking directly at him and with curious intensity. She said, “Do you have to ask?”

  She was testing him, of course. Sensitive, brilliant, she might be—yet she was a fool not to have judged the effect of his fear of her. He walked around the table, took hold of her shoulders, turned her to face him, said, “What has this particular evening to do with bringing me—us—back?”

  “Everything!” she said, her eyes suddenly ablaze. “Everything, Banning! Can’t you understand?”

  He released her, lit himself a cigarette, seeking the calmness he knew he must have to keep his thinking clear. He said, “Perhaps I understand why—a little. But how, Eve, how?”

  She got up and walked across the wide hearth, kicked a fallen log back into place. Its glowing red scales burst into yellow flame. She turned and said, “Remember my father’s last work? His efforts to discover the secrets of Time?”

  “I remember he threw away what should have been your inheritance on a flock of crackpot ideas,” he told her.

  “This wasn’t a crackpot idea,” she said, eyeing him as if he were another log for the fire. “His basic premise that Time is all-existent was sound. Time is past, present and future.”

  “I might have argued that with you—before today,” he replied.

  “It was like everything else he tried.” She made an odd little gesture of helplessness. “He went at it wrong-end-to, of course. Not until after he died and Jim got back from M.I.T. did we get to work on it. I was merely the helper who held the tools for Jim. And when we completed it he lacked the courage to try it out.” There was the acid of contempt in her voice at her brother’s poltroonery.

  “I don’t blame him,” said Coulter. “After all…” He changed the subject, asked, “Where is Jim?”

  “He was killed at Iwo Jima,” she told him.

  “What’s to keep him from walking in here tonight—or to keep you from walking in on us?” he asked.

  “Jim’s in Cambridge, studying for exams,” she replied. “As for my meeting myself, it’s impossible. It’s hard to explain but in coming back here I became reintegrated with the past me. Just as you are both a present and a past you. You must have noticed a certain duplication of memories, an overlapping? I have.”

  “I’ve noticed,” he said. “But why only we two?”

  “I’ll show you,” she said. “Come.” She led him down rough wooden cellar stairs to a basement, unfastened with pale and dexterous fingers a padlocked wooden door behind the big old-fashioned furnace with its up-curving stovepipe arms, under which he had to stoop to avoid bumping his head.

  The sharp sting of dead furnace-ashes was in his nostrils as he looked at the strange device. The strange cage-like device, the strange jerry-built apparatus was centered in a bizarre instrument panel that seemed to hang from nothing at all. He said, eyeing a bucket-seat for the operator, “It looks like Red Barber’s cat-bird seat, Eve.”

  “And we’re sitting in it, just you and I, darling,” she replied. “Just you and I out of all the people who ever lived. Think of what we can do with our lives now, the mistakes we can avoid!”

  “I’m thinking of them,” said Coulter. Then, after a brief pause, “But how in hell did you manage to get me into the act?”

  She stepped inside the odd cage, plucked things from a cup-like receptacle that hung from the instrument panel, showed them to him. There were a lock of hair, a scarf, what looked like fingernail parings. At his bewilderment her face lighted briefly with the shadow of a smile.

  She said, “These are you, darling. Oh, you still don’t understand! Lacking the person or thing to be sent back in Time, something that is part of the person or thing will work. It keys directly to individual patterns.”

  “And you’ve kept those things—those pieces of me—in there all this time?” He shuddered. “It looks like voodoo to me.”

  She put back the mementos, stepped out of the cage, put her arms fiercely around him. “Banning, darling, after you left me I did try voodoo. I wanted you to suffer as I suffered. But then, when the Time machine was finished and Jim was afraid to use it, I put the things in it—and waited. It’s been a long wait.”

  “How did it reach me while I was still miles away?” he asked.

  “Jim always said its working radius was about five miles,” she said. “When you drove within range, it took over.… But let’s go back upstairs, darling—we have our lives to plan.”

  To change the subject Coulter said, when they emerged from the basement, “You must have had a time picking the right moment for this little reunion—or was it hit or miss?”

  “The machine is completely accurate,” s
he said firmly. She stood there, the firelight making a halo of her dark hair. There was urgency in her, an expectation that the remark would mean something to him. It didn’t.

  Finally she burst out with, “Banning, are you really so forgetful? Don’t you remember what tonight was…don’t you?”

  Coulter did some hasty mental kangaroo-hopping. He knew it was important to Eve and, because of the incredible thing she had accomplished, he felt a new wave of fright. From some recess of his memory he got a flash—Jim was in Cambridge, the housekeeper asleep in the rear ell of the old farmhouse, he and Eve were alone.

  He drew her gently close to him and kissed her soft waiting lips as he had kissed them twenty years before, felt the quiver of her slim body against him as he had felt it twenty years before. He should have known—Eve had selected for their reunion the anniversary of the first time they had truly given themselves to each other.

  He said, “Of course I remember, darling. If I’m a little slow on the uptake it’s because I’ve had a lot of things happen to me all at once.”

  “The old Banning Coulter would never have understood,” she said, giving him a quick hug before standing clear of him. Her eyes were shining like star sapphires. “Banning, you’ve grown up!”

  “People do,” he said drily. There was an odd sort of tension between them as they stood there, knowing what was to happen between them. Eve took a deep unsteady breath and the rise and fall of her angora sweater made his arms itch to pull her close.

  She said, before he could translate desire into action, “Oh, I’ve been so wrong about so many things, darling. But I was so right to bring you back. Think of what we’re going to be able to do, you and I together, now that we have this second chance. We’ll know just what’s going to happen. We’ll be rich and free and lord it over ordinary mortals. I’ll have furs and you’ll have yachts and we’ll…”

  “I’m a lousy sailor,” said Coulter. “No, I don’t want a yacht.”


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