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The Panic Virus

Page 44

by Seth Mnookin; Dan B. Miller

Devlin, Kate. “I Have Been Struck Off to Keep Me Quiet, Says MMR Doctor.” The Daily Telegraph (London), May 25, 2010, 6.

  Engel, Leonard. “The Salk Vaccine: What Caused the Mess?” Harper’s, August 1955, 27–33.

  Estridge, Bonnie. “We Feel Betrayed by This MMR Witch-Hunt.” The Evening Standard (London), February 24, 2004, A25.

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  Firestone, David. “G.O.P. Leaders Promise Repeal of Provisions Hidden in Bill.” The New York Times, January 11, 2003, A9.

  Firestone, David, and Richard Oppel. “THE FINE PRINT: Special Concerns; Critics Say Security Bill Favors Special Interests.” The New York Times, November 19, 2002, A28.

  Fisher, Barbara Loe. “In the Wake of Vaccines: The Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center Raises Profound Questions About the Relationship Between the Increase in Childhood Vaccinations and the Rise in Chronic Illness.” Mothering, September 2004, 126.

  Fitzpatrick, Michael. “Jabs and Junk Science: Parents-Led Anti-Vaccination Groups Are Becoming Hugely Influential. But the Information They Provide Is Often Extremely Dodgy.” The Guardian (London), September 8, 2001, 9.

  Franke-Ruta, Garance. “George Washington’s Bioterrorism Strategy: How We Handled It Last Time.” Washington Monthly, December 2001.

  Frankel, Glenn. “Charismatic Doctor at Vortex of Vaccine Dispute; Experts Argue over Findings, but Specialist Sees Possible MMR Link to Autism.” The Washington Post, July 11, 2004, A1.

  Fraser, Lorraine. “The Damning Evidence That the Medical Establishment Has Chosen to Ignore.” The Mail on Sunday (London), April 9, 2000, 8.

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  Fumento, Michael. “Immune to Reason: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Dangerous Vaccine Conspiracy Theories.” The Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2005.

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  ———. “6 Vaccine Makers Get U.S. Licenses.” The New York Times, April 13, 1955, 1.

  ———. “U.S. Blames Its Own Tests in Cutter Vaccine Incident.” The New York Times, August 26, 1955, 1.

  Gallegos, Alicia. “South Bend Couple Loses Baby to Pertussis.” South Bend Tribune (Indiana), February 28, 2010.

  Gawande, Atul. “The Cancer-Cluster Myth.” The New Yorker, February 8, 1999, 34–37.

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  Goldacre, Ben. “Comment and Debate: The MMR Sceptic Who Just Doesn’t Understand Science.” The Guardian (London), November 2, 2005, 32.

  Greenfield, Karl Taro. “The Autism Debate: Who’s Afraid of Jenny McCarthy?” Time, February 25, 2010.

  Grinker, Richard Roy. “Disorder Out of Chaos.” The New York Times, February 9, 2010, A25.

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  Hadwen, Walter. “The Fraud of Vaccination.” Truth, January 3, 1923.

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  Hall, Celia. “Campaign to Persuade Parents That the MMR Jab Is Safe.” The Daily Telegraph (London), January 23, 2001.

  ———. “Parents ‘Not Told About Side-Effects of Child Vaccines’.” The Independent (London), October 6, 1992, 4.

  Hall, Landon. “Defrocked Doctor Answers Critics About Vaccines.” The Orange County Register, August 31, 2010.

  Hargreaves, Ian. “The Science of Understanding.” The Times Higher Education (London), July 4, 2003, 14.

  Hari, Johann. “This Deadly Resistance to Vaccination.” The Independent (London), December 10, 2007, 30.

  Harris, Gardiner. “Opening Statements in Case on Autism and Vaccinations.” The New York Times, June 12, 2007, A21.

  Harris, Gardiner, and Anahad O’Connor. “On Autism’s Cause, It’s Parents vs. Research.” The New York Times, June 25, 2005, A1.

  Healy, Melissa. “Disease: Real or State of Mind?; Morgellons Sufferers Describe Wild Symptoms of a Disorder That Many Doctors Doubt Exists.” Los Angeles Times, November 13, 2006, F1.

  Hope, Jenny. “The Flaw That Let Measles Back in Force.” The Daily Mail (London), August 2, 1994, 38.

  ———. “Mass Measles Jabs in Epidemic Alert.” The Daily Mail (London), July 29, 1994, 24.

  Hope, Jenny, and James Chapman. “How the MMR Experts Are Tied to the Drug Firms.” The Daily Mail (London), March 11, 2003, 2.

  Hunt, Liz. “Measles Campaign to Avert Epidemic; Vaccine for Seven Million Children.” The Independent (London), July 29, 1994, 7.

  ———. “Vaccine Ban Blow to Fight Against Epidemic.” The Independent (London), October 27, 1994, 6.

  Hunt, Liz, and Andrew Brown. “Muslims Urged to Boycott Rubella Vaccine.” The Independent (London), October 29, 1994, 2.

  Hunt, Liz, and Jan Roberts. “Minister Admits Measles Vaccine Made 500 Children Ill.” The Independent (London), November 3, 1995, 1.

  Illman, John. “Painful Choice of Risks: Measles Kills. But Preventative Vaccination Causes Problems, Too.” The Guardian (London), November 2, 1994, T12.

  Jackson, Deborah. “Please Be Sick After the Party.” The Independent (London), November 15, 1994, 27.

  Jardine, Cassandra. “Dangerous Maverick or Medical Martyr?” The Daily Telegraph (London), January 29, 2010, 29.

  Kaufman, Leslie. “Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets.” The New York Times, March 3, 2010, A1.

  Kennedy, Robert F., Jr. “Deadly Immunity.” Rolling Stone, June 20, 2005.

  ———. “Letter to the Editor: Thimerosal, Children’s Vaccines and Autism.” The Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2005.

  Klass, Perri. “Fearing a Flu Vaccine, and Wanting More of It.” The New York Times, November 10, 2009, D5.

  Kluger, Jeffrey. “Jenny McCarthy on Autism and Vaccines.” Time, April 1, 2009; Web, October 12, 2009.

  Kolata, Gina. “Environment and Cancer: The Links Are Elusive.” The New York Times, December 13, 2005, F1.

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  Kosova, Weston, and Pat Wingert. “Live Your Best Life Ever! Wish Away Cancer! Get a Lunchtime Face-Lift! Eradicate Autism! Turn Back the Clock! Thin Your Thighs! Cure Menopause! Harness Positive Energy! Erase Wrinkles! Banish Obesity! Live Your Best Life Ever!” Newsweek, June 8, 2009.

  Krieger, Jane. “A Safe Polio Vaccine After Anxious Months.” The New York Times, June 12, 1955, E6.

  LaMendola, Bob. “Castration Drug Given to Kids as Autism Therapy.” Sun Sentinel (South Florida), August 3, 2010.

; Langdon-Down, Grania. “Law: A Shot in the Dark; The Complications from Vaccine Damage Seem to Multiply in the Courtroom.” The Independent (London), November 27, 1996.

  Laurance, Jeremy. “I Was There When He Dropped His Bombshell.” The Independent (London), January 29, 2010, 2.

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  Laurence, William. “Salk Polio Vaccine Proves Successful; Millions Will Be Immunized Soon; City Schools Begin Shots April 25.” The New York Times, April 13, 1955, 1.

  Levin, Myron. “ ‘91 Memo Warned of Mercury in Shots.” Los Angeles Times, February 8, 2005.

  ———. “Taking It to Vaccine Court—Parents Say Mercury in Shots Caused Their Children’s Autism, and They Want Drug Firms to Pay.” Los Angeles Times, August 7, 2004, 1.

  Lewis, Jemima. “Taking a Shot in the Dark.” The Sunday Telegraph (London), January 31, 2010, 26.

  Lin II, Rong-Gong. “County Sees Rise in Mumps Cases.” Los Angeles Times, May 16, 2010, A39.

  ———. “State’s Whooping Cough Surge May Be Tied to Lagging Immunization Rate.” Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2010, A3.

  Lin II, Rong-Gong, and Sandra Poindexter. “Schools’ Risks Rise as Vaccine Rate Declines.” Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2009, A1.

  Lister, Sam. “Disgraced MMR-Scare Doctor Andrew Wakefield Quits US Clinic He Founded.” The Times (London), February 19, 2010.

  Loftus, Elizabeth. “Creating False Memories.” Scientific American, September 1997.

  MacRae, Fiona, and David Wilkes. “Damning Verdict on MMR Doctor: Anger as GMC Attacks ‘Callous Disregard’ for Sick Children.” The Daily Mail (London), January 30, 2010.

  Manning, Anita. “Mistrust Rises with Autism Rate.” USA Today, July 6, 2005.

  McBreen, Elizabeth. “Spectrum’s Person of the Year 2009.” Spectrum Magazine, February/March 2010.

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  McGovern, Cammie. “Autism’s Parent Trap: When False Hope Can Be Fatal.” The New York Times, June 5, 2006, A19.

  McKinley, Jesse. “Illness Kills 5 in California; State Declares an Epidemic.” The New York Times, June 24, 2010, A15.

  Midgley, Carol. “Vaccination: The Dilemma Now Facing Every Parent.” The Daily Mail (London), September 16, 1992, 14.

  Mihill, Chris. “Drive to Combat Measles Threat.” The Guardian (London), September 30, 1994, 2.

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  Miller, Sam. “Autism Is Treatable, She Insists; O.C. Mother Leads Uprising Against Accepted Views.” The Orange County Register, July 2, 2008, A1.

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  Mooney, Chris, and Sheril Kirshenbaum. “Unpopular Science.” The Nation, August 17, 2009.

  Morrice, Polly. “ ‘Evidence of Harm’: What Caused the Autism Epidemic?” The New York Times Book Review, April 17, 2005, 20.

  Murphy, Kate. “Enduring and Painful, Pertussis Leaps Back.” The New York Times, February 22, 2005, F5.

  Nguyen, Pamela. “Vaccine Refusal Is Putting Everyone in Danger.” Los Angeles Times, June 1, 2010.

  Offit, Paul A. “Companies, Courts, and the Cutter Case.” Pharmaceutical Technology, December 1, 2005.

  Park, Alice. “How Safe Are Vaccines?” Time, May 21, 2008.

  Phillips, Fiona. “MMR Doc’s Just Guilty of Caring.” The Daily Mirror (London), January 30, 2010, 21.

  Phillips, Melanie. “After MMR, How Can We Believe This New Child Vaccine Is Safe?” The Daily Mail (London), August 9, 2004, 12.

  ———. “MMR Safe? Baloney. This Is One Scandal That’s Getting Worse.” The Daily Mail (London), October 31, 2005, 14.

  ———. “MMR: The Truth.” The Daily Mail (London), March 11, 2003, 42.

  ———. “We STILL Don’t Know if MMR Is Safe.” The Daily Mail (London), February 7, 2006, 12.

  Pollack, Andrew. “Fear of a Swine Flu Epidemic in 1976 Offers Some Lessons, and Concerns Today.” The New York Times, May 8, 2009, 11.

  Rabin, Roni. “Both Parents’ Ages Linked to Autism Risk.” The New York Times, February 9, 2010, D6.

  Rimland, Bernard. “Do Children’s Shots Invite Autism?” Los Angeles Times, April 26, 2000, B9.

  Roan, Shari. “2 Shots May Be Better Than One for Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chicken Pox,” Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2010.

  Rockoff, Jonathan D. “More Parents Seek Vaccine Exemption: Despite Assurances, Fear of Childhood Shots Drives Rise.” The Wall Street Journal, July 6, 2010.

  Roser, Mary Ann. “Charting a Different Course on Autism.” Austin American-Statesman, May 4, 2008, A1.

  Russell, Sabin. “When Polio Vaccine Backfired.” San Francisco Chronicle, April 25, 2005, A1.

  Sapatkin, Don. “Hib Disease Deaths Put Focus on Vaccine Shortage.” The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 1, 2009, A1.

  Schmeck, Harold. “Ford Urges Flu Campaign to Inoculate Entire U.S.” The New York Times, March 25, 1976, 1.

  Schulte, Brigid. “Figments of the Imagination.” The Washington Post, January 20, 2008, W10.

  Shermer, Michael. “Why People Believe Invisible Agents Control the World.” Scientific American, May 19, 2009.

  Shute, Nancy. “Parents’ Vaccine Safety Fears Mean Big Trouble for Children’s Health.” U.S. News & World Report, March 1, 2010.

  Simons, Daniel J., and Christopher F. Chabris. “The Trouble with Intuition.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 30, 2010.

  Smith, Joan. “The Real MMR Conspiracy.” The Independent on Sunday (London), September 12, 2004, 25.

  Smith, Rebecca. “Dishonest, Callous and Irresponsible: Verdict on Doctor in MMR Row; Wakefield Didn’t Care About Children’s Pain and Distress, Says GMC.” The Daily Telegraph (London), January 29, 2010, 7.

  Solovitch, Sara. “The Citizen Scientists.” Wired, September 2001.

  Stevens, William. “Despite Vaccine, Perilous Measles Won’t Go Away.” The New York Times, March 14, 1989, C1.

  Sunstein, Cass, and Richard Thaler. “Easy Does It: How to Make Lazy People Do the Right Thing.” The New Republic, April 9, 2008.

  Szabo, Liz. “Missed Vaccines Weaken ‘Herd Immunity’ in Children.” USA Today, January 6, 2010.

  Thompson, Tanya. “Doctor at Centre of MMR Controversy ‘Paid Children at Son’s Party GBP 5 for Blood Samples’: Supporters Gather Outside Hearing to Accuse GMC of ‘Witch Hunt.’ ” The Scotsman (Edinburgh), July 17, 2007, 6.

  Trebbe, Ann L. “Local TV Honors Its Own; Channels 4 and 7 Sweep the Emmys.” Washington Post, June 27, 1983, B1.

  Tsouderos, Trine. “Autism ‘Miracle’ Called Junk Science.” Chicago Tribune, May 21, 2009, 1.

  ———. “OSR#1: Industrial Chemical or Autism Treatment?” Chicago Tribune, January 17, 2010, 1.

  Tsouderos, Trine, and Patricia Callahan. “Autism’s Risky Experiments; Some Doctors Claim They Can Successfully Treat Children, But the Alternative Therapies Lack Scientific Proof.” Chicago Tribune, November 22, 2009, 1.

  Wallace, Amy. “An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All.” Wired, November 2009, 1.

  ———. “A Short History of Vaccine Panic.” Wired, November 2009.

  Warren, Jennifer, and Greg Johnson. “Officials Brace for Start of School in Shadow of Measles Outbreak.” Los Angeles Times, August 24, 1989, B8.

  Weiss, Joanna. “Autism’s ‘Unblessed’ Scientists.” The Boston Globe, June 1, 2010, 13.

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  Wielawski, Irene. “Measles Epidemic Called Sign of System’s Ills.” Los Angeles Times, July 25, 1990, A13.

>   Woolcock, Nicola, and Nigel Hawkes. “Decline in MMR Uptake Blamed for Measles Death.” The Times (London), April 3, 2006.

  Wright, Oliver, Nigel Hawkes, and Sam Lister. “Lancet Criticises MMR Scientist Who Raised Alarm.” The Sunday Times (London), February 21, 2004.

  Articles Without Author

  “A.M.A. Balked on Report; New Head Says Advance Data on Salk Tests Was Withheld.” The New York Times, May 14, 1955, 7.

  “Autism and Vaccines.” The Wall Street Journal, February 16, 2004.

  “The Birth of Vaccination Fraud.” Truth, January 10, 1923.

  “54,000 Physicians See Digest on TV.” The New York Times, April 13, 1955, 13.

  “Government Aid in Paralysis Fight; 133 New Cases.” The New York Times, July 7, 1916, A1.

  “Hard Battle Won By Perseverance.” The New York Times, April 13, 1955, 21.

  “Measles: A Spot of Bother.” The Economist, October 29, 1994.

  “Medicine: Cutter in Court.” Time, January 27, 1958.

  “O’Connor Charges U.S. Gives No Light on Cutter Shots.” The New York Times, June 11, 1955, 1.

  “One Flu Vaccine Maker Is Losing Liability Insurance.” The New York Times, June 16, 1976, 47.

  “Oyster Bay Revolts over Poliomyelitis.” The New York Times, August 29, 1916, A1.

  “The Paralysis Epidemic.” The New York Times, July 6, 1916, A12.

  “Paralysis Kills 22 More Babies in New York City.” The New York Times, July 8, 1916, 1.

  “Polio Questions; Program in Suspense.” The New York Times, May 8, 1955, E1.

  “The Politics of Autism.” The Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2003.

  “The Salk Verdict.” Time, November 28, 1955.

  “Scheele Reports Sharp Cut in Polio.” The New York Times, November 8, 1955, 64.

  “39 Die of Paralysis; Highest Day’s Toll.” The New York Times, July 23, 1916, A7.

  “A Welcome Retraction.” The New York Times, February 5, 2010.


  With Author

  Ackerman, Lisa. “TACA & Jenny McCarthy” Talk About Curing Autism, October 5, 2008; Web, August 10, 2010.

  Akers, Mary Ann. “Dan Burton, Protecting the House from Terrorists (Alone).”, June 19, 2009; Web, August 10, 2010.

  Allen, Arthur. “Why Is Oprah Winfrey Promoting Vaccine Skeptic Jenny McCarthy?” Slate, May 6, 2009; Web, May 10, 2009.


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