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Steinbrenner, the Last Lion Of Baseball (2010)

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by Madden, Bill

  Maritime Act, 2–3, 44

  Marshall, Mike, 85

  Martin, Billy barroom fight of, 162–65

  George Brett’s bat and, 228

  death of, 298–99

  disintegration of, 251–53

  firing of, as Yankees manager, 141–50, 176–78, 230–36, 251–53, 271

  firing of, by Detroit Tigers, 52

  firing of, by Oakland A’s, 222

  firing of, by Texas Rangers, 88–89

  first season of, as Yankees manager, 100–106

  funeral, 299

  hiring of, as Yankees manager, xiii, 91–95, 165, 222–23, 246–47, 270

  Reggie Jackson and, 112–20, 125–26, 142–44, 151–53, 165, 412–13

  managing of, 247–51

  managing of, and World Series victory by, 122–28

  Gene Michael and, 174

  retirement of number of, 264

  Al Rosen and, 134

  George Steinbrenner and, 36, 112–14, 140, 185, 238–39, 271

  as George Steinbrenner’s assistant, 261, 297

  suspensions of, for criticizing umpires, 234

  Martin, Buddy, 83

  Martin, George, 19

  Martin, Jill, 299

  Martinez, Tino, xi, 365–66, 375, 390, 394–96

  Mason, Jim, 96

  Matsui, Hideki, 402, 411

  Matthews, Fred, 106, 145

  Mattingly, Don batting of, 244, 247

  as bench coach, 424

  injuries of, 265, 322

  Billy Martin’s hiring and, 246

  Gene Michael and, 329–30, 347

  Lou Piniella and, 261, 269

  retirement of, 366

  at second base, 229

  George Steinbrenner and, 271–73, 285–86, 401

  Mauch, Gene, 217

  May, Rudy, 178

  Mayberry, John, 69–70

  Mays, Willie, 187

  Mazzilli, Lee, 179

  McAlary, Mike, 226

  McCarron, Anthony, 426

  McCarthy, Daniel, 8, 77, 317, 331–33

  McClelland, Tim, 228

  McCollum, Grady, 39

  McDaniel, Lindy, 50

  McDowell, Jack, 352, 358

  McEwen, Tom, 421–22

  McHale, Gene, 221, 282–83, 375

  McHale, John, 14

  McKean, George, 42

  McKean, Jim, 357

  McKinsey, Ed, 186–87

  McLane, Drayton, 360

  McLaughry, John, 27

  McLendon, John, 37–42

  McMullen, John, 59

  McNally, Dave, 79, 99

  McNamara, John, 75, 361

  McNertney, Jerry, 243

  McNiff, Phil, 290, 300–301, 426–27

  Meacham, Bobby, 244, 262–63

  media relations directors. See public relations directors

  Medich, Doc, 69, 97–98, 130

  Melvin, Bob, 251

  Melvin, Doug, 282

  Merchant Marine Act, 23, 44

  Merhige, Phyllis, 395

  Merola, Matt, 141

  Merrill, Carl “Stump,” 305, 322, 329–31

  Merrill, Robert, 410

  Messersmith, Andy, 79, 99–100, 133–37

  Mets. See New York Mets

  Metzenbaum, Howard, 6, 235

  Miami Dolphins, 286–88

  Michael, Gene “Stick” on Albert Belle, 380

  as bench coach, 294

  Wade Boggs and, 338–39

  George Bradley and, 323

  firing of, as manager, 199, 202–4, 221–22

  as general manager, x, 176–78, 322–25, 328–33, 352–56, 365–66

  Goose Gossage and, 130, 239–40

  hiring of, as general manager, 173–76

  hiring of, as manager, 183–86, 213, 216

  Steve Howe case and, 335

  Billy Martin and, 252

  release of, from Yankees as player, 71

  as scout, 270–71, 359

  Buck Showalter and, 361–62

  George Steinbrenner and, 36, 329, 353–55

  George Steinbrenner and, as Yankees player, 48–49

  as George Steinbrenner’s assistant, 124

  Dave Winfield and, 190

  Mileti, Nick, 16

  Miller, Marvin, 71–73, 79, 98–99

  Miller Lite TV commercial, 140

  Milton, Eric, 378

  Milwaukee Brewers, 101–2, 139

  Minch, Philip J., 21–22

  Minch Transit, 22

  Minnesota Twins, 74, 88, 161, 378

  minor league operations. See Columbus Clippers minor league team

  Modell, Art, 5, 128

  Mollenkopf, Jack, 34

  Molloy, Joe, 85, 332–33, 338–39, 346–47, 354, 422–23. See also Steinbrenner, Jessica

  Monahan, Gene, 113, 181–82, 206–7

  Mondesi, Raul, 399

  Montefusco, John, 245

  Montreal Expos, xii, 49–50, 109, 138, 353, 396

  Monument Park, 170–71

  Morabito, Mickey, 139, 145, 148, 151–53, 170, 173

  Morrison, Dan, 234

  Moss, Dick, 193

  “Mr. October” nickname, 125–28. See also Jackson, Reggie

  MSG (Madison Square Garden) Network, 283–84, 346–47, 374, 386, 389–90

  Mumphrey, Jerry, 199

  Munson, Diane, 169

  Munson, Thurman death of, 168–71

  grooming issue and, 48–49

  injuries of, 87, 137, 139

  Reggie Jackson and, 108, 112, 122

  performances of, 100, 158–59

  George Steinbrenner’s broken agreement with, 108, 116–17

  Murawinski, Ed, 367

  Murcer, Bobby Mike Burke’s contract negotiation with, 19–20

  grooming issue and, 48

  Dick Howser and, 178, 180

  Bob Lemon and, 209

  reacquisition of, 165

  George Steinbrenner and, 213, 255

  trade of, for Barry Bonds, 67–71

  Murphy, Greg, 373

  Murphy, Jerry, 156, 168–71

  Murray, Bill, 198–99

  Murtaugh, Danny, 97–98

  Murtha, John, 348

  Mussina, Mike, 398, 402, 414

  Naples, Jim, 35–36, 221

  Naples, Jim, Jr., 36

  Nastal, Joanne, 404, 417

  National Basketball Association (NBA), 42–43

  National Industrial Basketball League, 37–38

  National League, 336–37

  Nederlander, James, 8, 80–81, 317, 427–28

  Nederlander, Robert, 317, 321–24, 331

  Negron, Ray, 368

  Nelson, Jeff, 366

  Nero, Alan, 338–39, 419

  Nets basketball team, 387–90

  Nettles, Ginger, 205

  Nettles, Graig George Brett’s pine-tarred bat and, 228

  fight of, with Reggie Jackson, 205

  on grooming issue, 48–49

  hepatitis of, 178

  injuries of, 87, 206

  on Reggie Jackson, 127

  on Sparky Lyle, 160

  Gabe Paul’s trade of, to Yankees, 15–16

  performances of, 100

  on George Steinbrenner, 86, 208

  trading of, 242

  Neuharth, Al, 427

  New Jersey Nets, 387–90

  Newman, Mark, 377

  Newton, Doug, 140, 146–48, 151, 162–63, 165

  New York Daily News, ix, xi–xii, 83–84

  New York Mets, 179, 192, 278, 332, 391–93

  New York Times reporter incident, 232–33

  New York Yankees. See also Steinbrenner, George M. author and this book about George Steinbrenner and, ix–xiii (see also Madden, Bill)

  Mike Burke as chief operating officer of, 10–11, 16–20, 46–48

  CBS sale of, to George Steinbrenner, xii, 1–2, 8–15

  championships of (see championships)

  Columbus Clippers minor league team of, 173–76, 244

eath of Thurman Munson and, 168–71

  drug issues (see drug issues)

  farm system of, 340, 348

  free-agent signings (see free agency)

  general managers of (see general managers; managers)

  Goose Gossage and (see Gossage, Rich “Goose”)

  grooming issues, 18, 48–49, 100–101, 255–56, 329–30

  Reggie Jackson and (see Jackson, Reggie)

  Leonard Kleinman as chief operating officer of, 319

  Major League Baseball and (see commissioners; Major League Baseball)

  managers of (see Managers)

  Billy Martin and (see Martin, Billy)

  Gabe Paul as team president of, xii–xiii, 9, 16–17, 127–29 (see also Paul, Gabe)

  public relations directors of (see public relations directors)

  radio and TV rights for, 275–76, 283–84, 386 (see also MSG [Madison Square Garden] Network; Yankees Entertainment and Sports [YES] Network)

  salary arbitration case of, 196–98, 204

  scouting for (see scouting)

  signing of woman’s bare bottom by, 172–73

  sportswriters and (see sportswriters)

  spring training of (see Legends Field; spring training; Steinbrenner Field)

  George Steinbrenner’s apology for 1981 World Series performance of, 205–11

  George Steinbrenner’s first American League championship with, 100–106

  George Steinbrenner’s first World Series championship with, 122–28

  George Steinbrenner’s first year as owner of, 46–59

  George Steinbrenner’s relinquishing of management of, 417–25

  team captains, 159, 242, 328, 379

  team physicians (see Bonamo, Dr. Jack; Cowen, Dr. Maurice)

  team presidents (see team presidents)

  trades for (see trades)

  wife-trading incident of, 48

  Dick Williams tampering case against, 52–59

  Dave Winfield and (see Winfield, Dave)

  World Series of (see World Series)

  Yankee Stadium of (see Yankee Stadium)

  Nicolau, George, 335–36

  Nicolosi, Nick, 112

  Niekro, Joe, 262, 266

  Niekro, Phil, 252, 262

  Nigro, Kenny, 227

  Nixon, Richard, 3, 44–45, 60–61, 299

  Noren, Irv, 53–54

  Northwestern University, 34

  Oakland A’s, 52–59, 72–74, 105–6, 205, 222, 281, 356–57

  O’Brien, Dan, 92

  obstruction of justice charge, 65

  Ocala horse farm. See Kinsman Stable

  O’Connor, Ian, 361, 365

  O’Dowd, Mary, 248

  Ohio State, 29–30, 33

  Old-Timers’ Day, 95, 147–50

  Olympics, 314–16, 337, 349–50, 368, 387

  O’Malley, Walter, 89–90

  O’Neill, Paul, xi, 339, 348, 351, 390–91, 394–95

  O’Neill, Steve, 6, 8, 12, 128

  O’Neill, Tip, 3, 44

  Opening Day, 48, 88, 101, 343–46, 384, 408–9, 426

  Ostertag, Tom, 310

  Otis, Amos, 69–70

  owners, Major League Baseball, 89–91, 99, 325–26, 337–38

  Pagan, Dave, 101–2

  Pagliarulo, Mike, 244, 251

  Paley, William S., 1–3, 10–12, 14–15

  Paramount Entertainment, 283–84

  Pasqua, Dan, 263

  Patkin, Max, 50

  Patton (movie), 310

  Patton, George, 24, 46, 310, 379

  Patton on Leadership: Strategic Lessons for Corporate Warfare (Axelrod), 379

  Paul, Gabe banning of Joan Steinbrenner from Yankee Club dining room and, 32

  as Cleveland Indians general manager, 4–8, xii

  conflict of interest charge against, for Graig Nettles trade to Yankees, 15–16

  Bucky Dent trade by, 115–16

  diary and audiotapes of, xii–xiii

  dispute between Reggie Jackson and Billy Martin and, 118–20

  first hiring of Billy Martin and, 91–95

  involvement of, in sale of Yankees to George Steinbrenner, 7–12, 15–17

  Bowie Kuhn and, 89–91

  management by, during George Steinbrenner’s suspension, 67–68

  Billy Martin’s firing and hiring of Dick Howser by, 122–28

  resignation of, as Yankees team president, 127–29

  sale of stock in Cleveland Indians by, 12

  signing of Catfish Hunter and, 74–79

  George Steinbrenner and, 114, 120–21, 134

  trade of Bobby Murcer for Barry Bonds by, 68–72

  Dick Williams tampering case and, 53–59

  as Yankees team president, 9, 16–17

  Paul, Gabe, Jr., xii–xiii

  Paul, Sol, 128

  Pedulla, Tom, 293

  Pellino, Mary, 196

  pennants, American League, 2, 103, 125, 158, 372, 379, 402, 427. See also American League

  Pepe, Phil, 68, 88, 94, 135–36, 199, 235, 293

  Peters, Hank, 109

  Peterson, Fritz, 48, 67

  Peterson, Harding “Pete,” 297, 303–4

  Peterson, Peter G., 44–45

  Pettitte, Andy, 355, 371, 373, 402

  Pewter Mug (restaurant), 3, 5, 37, 231–32

  Phelps, Ken, 296–97

  Philadelphia Phillies, 274, 285, 427–28

  Philbin, Regis, 344

  Pienciak, Richard, 302

  pine tar, George Brett’s bat and, 228

  Piniella, Lou author on firing of, ix–xi

  as Chicago Cubs manager, 420

  as color analyst, 280

  as designated hitter, 139–41

  firing of, as Yankees manager, 274–75

  first season of, as Yankees manager, 259–69

  furniture theft issue, 273–75

  gambling allegations against, 312

  grooming issue and, 255–56

  hiring of, as Yankees manager, 252–55, 271–75

  Dick Howser and, 178

  injuries of, 87

  Reggie Jackson and, 122

  Lee MacPhail’s trade of Lindy McDaniel for, 90

  as manager of Cincinnati Reds World Championship team, 280–81

  moving of, from Yankees manager to general manager, 269–71

  reconciliation of, with George Steinbrenner, 384–85

  rejection of offer of Yankees manager job by, 294

  as Seattle Mariners manager, 357–58, 366, 391

  on George Steinbrenner, 86

  George Steinbrenner and, 36, 157, 173, 182, 213

  Hank Steinbrenner and, 421

  as Tampa Bay Devil Rays manager, 417, 419

  on Syd Thrift, 292

  on trade of Jay Buhner for Ken Phelps, 297

  weight issue and, 256–59

  as Yankees batting coach, 245

  as Yankees general manager, 270–71

  as Yankees player, 67, 72, 124–25, 153

  Pipers basketball team, 32, 37–43

  Pittsburgh Pirates, 57, 97–98, 291–92

  Players Association. See also Major League Baseball drug-testing issue and, 249

  free-agent compensation-pool issue and, 241

  Catfish Hunter’s free-agency case and, 72–74

  investigation of Steve Howe case and witness-tampering charge against Fay Vincent by, 334–37

  Marvin Miller and, 71

  reserve clause challenge by, 99–100

  strikes, 199–200, 351–52

  Plunk, Eric, 292

  Podoloff, Maurice, 42–43

  policemen, Silver Shield Foundation for, 23, 216–17

  Polonia, Luis, 292–93, 349

  Port, Mike, 304

  Porter, Darrell, 142

  presidents, team. See team presidents

  press. See sportswriters

  Press, Bill, 121

  Priore, Nick, 255

  professional basketball, 31–32, 37–43, 387–90

p; public relations directors, 78, 139, 151–53, 184–85, 282–83, 286–88, 364–68. See also Appel, Marty; Butcher, Rob; Cerrone, Rick; Fishel, Bob; Greene, Harvey; Morabito, Mickey; Nigro, Kenny; Richman, Arthur; Szen, David; Wahl, Larry

  Purdue University, 34

  Quinn, Bob, 271, 291, 296–97, 324

  racetracks, horse racing, 186–88

  racial issues. See African-American issues

  Rader, Doug, 331

  radio rights, 275–76, 283–84. See also Yankees Entertainment and Sports (YES) Network

  Raines, Tim, 371

  Raissman, Bob, 281, 413

  Ramirez, Manny, 405

  Randolph, Willie, xii, 36, 97–100, 182–83, 234, 245

  Rasmussen, Dennis, 242, 244, 261–62

  Ratner, Bruce, 390

  Ravitch, Joe, 389

  Reagan, Ronald, 64, 197, 283

  Reasoner, Harry, 29

  Reedy, Bill, 298–99

  reentry draft, 107, 129–30

  regional sports networks, 386–90. See also MSG (Madison Square Garden) Network; Yankees Entertainment and Sports (YES) Network

  Reich, Tom, 266, 298, 324

  Reinsdorf, Jerry, 223–24, 259–61, 325–26, 335, 341, 352, 375

  Republican Party, 44–45, 60–64

  reserve clause, 72–73, 79, 98–99

  revenue sharing, 381–82, 416

  Rhoden, Rick, 265, 291

  Richman, Arthur, 288, 318, 361, 364, 366–67, 398

  Richman, Milton, ix, 71, 93–94, 119

  Rickey, Branch, 399

  Righetti, Dave, 159–60, 242–43, 322–24

  Rivera, Mariano, xi, 376, 394–95

  Rivers, Mary, 103–4, 155, 278

  Rivers, Mickey, xii, 98, 100, 103–4, 121, 138, 154–55, 278

  Rizzuti, Philip C., 306–7

  Rizzuto, Phil, 36, 148, 276–77, 299, 313

  Robbie, Joe, 286–88

  Robbie, Tim, 286

  Robertson, Andre, 234, 242

  Rodriguez, Alex (A-Rod), 405–8, 418

  Rona, Barry, 197

  Rose, Pete, 303, 308

  Rosen, Al attempt to buy Cleveland Indians by Group 66 and, 4–8

  firing of Billy Martin and hiring of Bob Lemon by, 144–50

  hiring of, as Yankees team president, 131–32

  Reggie Jackson and, 141

  as Jew during American League series, 157

  Billy Martin and, 134, 137, 162–63, 165–66

  resignation of, as Yankees team president, 166–68

  as San Francisco Giants general manager, 323

  on George Steinbrenner, 154, 160

  talk with George Steinbrenner about buying Yankees, 8


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