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Dirty Deeds

Page 2

by HelenKay Dimon

  Alec lowered his head and his voice dipped even lower. “So you know, working for Seth doesn’t automatically mean I won’t kill you.”

  “He told me you’d say that.” Gaige leaned in until his head almost touched Alec’s. “And, so we’re clear, I don’t work for him.”

  “Really? Because he’s the only person who might save you right now.”

  Gaige almost laughed at that. “You don’t want to kick his ass?”


  The clapping had them all turning to the only entrance into the server room. Seth walked in, calm and sure of himself. He had dark hair and wore a smirk. Didn’t appear even a little intimidated by Alec or the two men pointing guns at him. “That’s upsetting, Alec. I thought we’d become friends.”

  “What the hell is this?”

  Seth frowned. “A meeting. I thought that was obvious.”

  “Excuse me?” Alec’s hands went to his hips.

  Gaige couldn’t help but notice his long fingers. All that strength. It pulsed off Alec.

  “I told you we needed to meet. You didn’t respond, so I did this. I kind of wanted to prove I could.” Seth walked right over and put his hand on one of the guard’s forearms, forcing him to lower his weapon, but his gaze never left Alec.

  Alec shook his head. “I’ve made it clear I don’t work for you.”

  But Seth just smiled. “You do now.”

  Chapter 2

  Alec did not respond well to being pushed into a corner at any time of the day and especially not at four in the morning. That fucking weasel Seth had sent someone sneaking into this locked-down, state-of-the-art secured building. Got past every check. Alec despised that. He’d now spend the next month dismantling and dissecting every protocol, every piece of security, to plug the holes.

  That took care of the breach but he didn’t know what to think about the man he’d caught. Alec made it his business to know who worked on Seth’s Special Activities Division team and this guy didn’t. Not usually. Top security or not, Alec purposely tracked the CIA’s special ops group working on his turf by being available now and then for off-the-books work.

  Alec wanted to go after Seth, ask a few questions, but his attention kept flipping to the other guy, the one who should have pissed him off because he broke into the building. But that was not the emotion running through Alec. Curiosity, interest…a flare of excitement. All unexpected but very present.

  The guy stayed calm under intense scrutiny. Alec admired that. Still it was pretty clear Seth had pulled some strings to force the man to break in. That was the kind of intel Alec collected on both friends and enemies.

  Those questions could wait until Alec decided whether to strangle Seth. The two of them stepped into the alcove, leaving the alleged burglar in the server room with the guards. Alec skipped privacy in favor of staying informed and hovered in the open doorway where he could watch everyone.

  Little surprised Alec. He lived his adult life in a way that guaranteed being prepared and on notice. But he hadn’t expected the scene tonight. Rage had burned through him when the silent alarm on his watch went off, the third layer of redundant top-level security for the building. The first two had failed.

  He’d been resting on the couch in his office, trying to reason through a shipping issue in brutal war-torn areas of the Middle East when the buzzing started. Checking his video feed, the one not connected to the rest of security, he’d spied a man dressed all in black standing in front of all that critical equipment.

  Getting closer had Alec noticing other things, like the way the man’s shirt highlighted his arm muscles. The material outlined his biceps, curved around those impressive bulges. Called out for Alec’s touch until he had to force his gaze away. Then he heard him speak. That voice, low and rough. The sarcasm. The lack of fear. All so compelling. Almost as much as that fucking face with its sharp cheekbones and firm chin.

  The guy was one small step away from possessing a pretty-college-boy look despite likely being closer to his late twenties. That range fit with what looked to be his tech proficiency. Alec swore no one on his entire technical team had reached twenty-eight yet.

  Maybe it was their joint dislike of Seth or the sensation they were being used but something about the unknown man reeled Alec in. Made him want to know more before kicking the guy out on his ass—another body part that looked like a perfect fit for his hands.

  Alec reluctantly stopped his visual tour of the man’s narrow waist and long legs and glanced at Seth. “What do you want?”

  “And hello to you.”

  “I’m not in the habit of being tricked into a meeting or finding one of your men skulking around my server room.” Either situation would normally warrant a bullet. Alec didn’t play games with his business or the security of the research they did there.

  “That’s what happens when you’re on the government payroll and refuse to answer my calls.”

  “I’m not, and you have five seconds to tell me what’s going on.” Alec didn’t need much sleep but even he tried to grab a few hours. At this rate, he’d be unraveling Seth’s mess through lunch tomorrow.


  “I’ll throw you under a bus.” The idea made Alec smile.

  “I’d love to see you try.”

  No way was he getting pulled into a pissing match. “Three seconds.”

  “Him.” Seth nodded his head in the unknown man’s direction. Even whistled. “Come on. You should thank me.”

  “What the fuck for?”

  “I thought you’d at least appreciate the view.”

  Alec did. Too much. Even now he tried not to stare as the guy crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the armed guards walking around him. Toyed with them even though he was unarmed. Refused to be intimidated.

  Damn, that was hot.

  Not that Alec intended to admit that to Seth. “Is this what you’re doing now? Because I assure you I’m capable of finding my own sex partners without you objectifying some unsuspecting dude and bringing him by for a look.”

  Seth leaned against the wall. He was a mix of Chinese and not. Hot but completely annoying. He stood over six feet with a lanky frame. Every inch of him a gigantic pain in the ass.

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Well, I do know that you have a thing for the geeky type.”

  Alec couldn’t deny it so he used the information to deliver a poke of his own. “Because I used to fuck your hot-nerd-in-glasses boyfriend?”

  Rick Fine. Alec had enjoyed more than a few nights with Rick. But that was long ago, before Seth came into the picture. Word was the two of them were now living together, playing house under the watchful eye of the CIA. Alec didn’t have any interest in that bullshit.

  Seth’s smartass grin faded. “I have a gun.”

  That was almost too easy. “As if you’re the only one within reach of weapons.” Alec glanced at the still unknown man in the server room. Watched him stand still, so sure and unyielding, as one of the guards stopped right behind him. “So, why is this guy here? Who is he?”

  “Gaige Owens.”

  He finally had a name to match the face. “His name is Gaige?”

  “Blame his mother, not me.”

  “Fine.” The name wasn’t important because no matter what he looked like and how much Alec might want to strip that shirt off him, Gaige was off-limits. “What was he doing poking around in my system? And how did you get him in here without tripping alarms?”

  “You’re going to hire him.” Seth lifted a hand. “And before you get pissed off you should know he’s as unhappy to work for me as you are.”

  Seth had Alec’s attention now. “No fucking way.”

  “It’s not a request.”

  “You’re delusional if you think I’m partnering up with you or some guy you send to me.” Alec did do work for the CIA, but on the side and on his terms. He also always negotiated a big return. An advantage like advance notice of maneuvers in a hotspot international zone or informa
tion about governments that might be friendly toward Drummond Enterprises and the food resources it could provide.

  His business depended on smooth transportation and a network of affiliates and international workers who could get the product to where it needed to be. Scientists in the United States and abroad who researched food hybrids and additives, potential fuel resources and dangers to the world’s food supply. All of that depended on power and information.

  He transformed crops into commodities and made billions doing it. He’d also picked up more than a few enemies from the threat to foreign regimes that thrived when people starved.

  “This order comes from the CIA. We’re all together on this one,” Seth said.

  Which meant the CIA was directing the action and sending in Seth’s Special Activities Division team to do the dirty work. Alec didn’t want any part of that bullshit. He was a businessman, not an operative. He didn’t owe anyone anything. “Then the CIA should ask nicely so I can respond with a pleasant fuck you and get back to work.”

  Seth exhaled as if he were bored with the entire conversation. “Gaige is a computer specialist.”

  Alec gave the guy in question a quick glance. It was hard to keep it quick. There was something about the way he held himself, so sure and in control, that invited a deeper look. “Not a selling point since I have a team of those.”

  “We need his expertise inside your company.”

  As if that was going to happen. But Alec still wanted to know what had Seth and SAD’s attention. “Explain before I shoot you.”

  “We’ve picked up chatter about threats to seed banks, including Svalbard, the Doomsday Vault in Norway.”

  “I’m in agribusiness. I sure as hell know what Svalbard is. You don’t need to define it.” Jesus, Seth was just as trying as when they’d worked together last time. Back then Alec had stepped in because Rick and Seth were in his territory—Munich—and in trouble. There had been questions about the mysterious death of a diplomat and unexplained weapons shipments.

  Alec had gotten word of an issue and intervened. Now he was sorry he had because Seth seemed to think they were speed-dial buddies.

  “You’re very touchy tonight.” Seth glanced at his watch. “Actually, it’s morning. Do you ever go home?”

  Alec was not about to explain his work ethic. “There are fifteen major vaults spread across the world and over a thousand smaller ones. What does some tech…”

  There was a flash of movement. Alec turned in time to see Gaige shift. One minute he stood there. The next he lashed out and hit one of the guards with an elbow to the throat. Dropped him to the floor in a coughing fit.

  Before Alec could call his men back the other guard moved in. Slammed into Gaige’s side. Should have plowed him into the floor, but Gaige somehow kept his balance. He knocked his elbow into the side of the guard’s head and slipped the gun out of the holster at his waist at the same time. The guard reached down but grabbed only air. Gaige was already aiming the weapon.

  In less than a minute, two former special ops warriors, some of Alec’s best guards, were sputtering and on the defensive. One sat on the floor and both wore stunned expressions.

  Alec respected that kind of back alley fighting. “Well, damn.”

  “Did I mention Gaige has skills away from a computer?” Seth stuck his head in the doorway and called out. “Gaige, give the gun back and everyone behave. No bullets near the expensive computers.”

  In one smooth move, Gaige handed over the weapon. Didn’t even seem to care when the guard turned the gun around and took aim.

  “Stand down.” Alec knew that might be the only command that prevented an all-out bloodbath. Tech nerd or not, Gaige looked ready to go. Energy spun off him and bounced around the room.

  Seth laughed. “Not bad, huh?”

  So fucking hot. Alec had a hard time looking away again.

  “Is he like you?” Alec wasn’t completely sure what he was asking Seth. He just knew he wanted more intel on Gaige. Needed to dissect and understand him.

  “Bi and devastatingly handsome? No, but Gaige is gay…you know, to the extent you find that a bonus.”

  That was the absolute last thing he needed. Alec refused to fuck where he worked. Employees were off-limits. Anyone who broke into his building usually didn’t live long enough to talk about it, so Alec didn’t even have a no-go rule for that. “Stop pimping. I meant is he part of the CIA’s Special Activities Division?”

  “Not really.”

  “Typical bullshit answer.” This was why Alec hated pairing up with government types. All the need-to-know garbage and hiding information. It made his work twice as difficult. But Seth had him intrigued and Alec could never stand an unsolved puzzle. “Why do you need him in my office?”

  “He will be an outside specialist brought in to conduct an investigation on an anomaly in your system.”

  “You used a lot of words and managed not to say anything.”

  Seth leaned in closer and his voice dropped. “We need to set him up to become a target. We want someone to make a play for him.”


  “We, specifically you, will make a big deal out of him being here and having unprecedented access. The word will then leak out and whoever is playing games at Svalbard will get nervous. That’s the plan.”

  Alec hated this strategy almost as much as he disliked Seth. “You want me to agree to have the public think I have a security issue? I have two words for you—”

  “I can guess them.” Seth held up his hand, then dropped it. “But this is how you clear your name and prove to me the problem is not Drummond.”

  Seth was the ultimate game player. One more reason Alec wanted to punch the guy every time he opened his mouth. “Fuck you. You know it’s not me or you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Relax.” Seth had the nerve to snort. “You have the easy job. You allow access. Gaige will become the target, not you.”

  That sounded pretty shitty for Gaige. “Does he know that?”

  “He has a job to do and so do you.”

  Alec couldn’t help but sneak another look. This time Gaige stared back. Those piercing blue eyes focused on Alec, touching off a rush of need inside him. It pounded him. Slammed into him until a harsh breath hiccupped in his chest.

  He tore his gaze away to look at Seth again. “I run a billion-dollar company.”

  “I’m trying to help you. There are people, powerful people, who are convinced you’re behind this.”

  This was such bullshit. Alec couldn’t make the pieces fit together. Nothing that was happening right now made all that much sense, which was unfortunately the usual state when dealing with Seth and SAD. “You haven’t told me exactly what the ‘this’ is yet.”

  “Someone is playing with the usual seed bank deliveries.” Seth pushed off from the wall and stood up straight again. “And, no, before you ask I don’t know why or how.”

  “This is great intel. Really, the CIA is doing a hell of a job these days.”

  “It’s possible someone is looking to take out the seed banks, which suggests that same person, or group of people, are looking to attack crops and throw the world into a food emergency.”

  That didn’t make any sense. Alec couldn’t think of any goal that would be worth that effort. Not on the scale they’d have to execute the plan. “To what end?”

  “Who would benefit more from a worldwide food crisis than the man at the head of a business that processes and produces food? You create the blight, the disaster, then rush in to fix it, all while making billions of dollars and destroying your competition and making every government your personal bitch.”

  The last part sounded good. The rest amounted to a waste of time. “When you put it that way I wish I’d thought of it.”

  Gaige picked that minute to move. The guards had rallied and tried to stop him, stepped in his way, but he walked around them. Kept going until he reached the doorway, right next to Alec.

  “Are you
two done?” Gaige asked. “I’d like to get some sleep tonight.”

  The nonchalance, the absolute assurance that he could walk out of there and away from Seth and whatever mess he’d gotten tangled up in, impressed Alec. Self-confidence, knowing what he wanted…it was sexy as hell. Maybe a little stupid, but still sexy.

  Energy revved inside him, but Alec stayed focused. “That was quite a hit you landed.”

  Gaige shrugged. “I’ve done worse.”

  Now that was intriguing. Maybe there was even more to the sexy tech geek than Alec thought. “Do you often get attacked while sitting at your computer?”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  “Let’s get the official introduction out of the way. Gaige Owens, this is Alec Drummond.” Seth smiled. “Starting tomorrow you’ll be working together.”

  “When did I agree to that?” Alec didn’t have enough information to say anything but no.

  Gaige shook his head. “Good question. You told me I needed to break in here and get his attention, prove he had some sort of hole in his security. I did that. I’m done.”

  Fury sliced through Alec. After forcing his body to relax he was right back to the brink. Hovering right on the edge of losing control, something he never did, and he blamed the two men right there with him.

  He glared at Seth. “I should kill you.” He turned and faced Gaige. “And you. Do you do whatever Seth tells you?”

  Instead of backing down, Gaige took a step in. He was almost on top of Alec now. “No, do you?”

  Seth made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. “Yeah, this is going to work out fine. You can bond over how much you both hate me.”

  “I’m not—”

  “Hold up.” Gaige talked right over Alec. “I thought there was nothing left for me to do here. My part in this is supposed to be over.”

  Alec threw a hand out to the side and smacked the back against Gaige’s chest. “Did you just interrupt me?”

  “For the record, he hates that.” Seth looked from Gaige to Alec and back again. “This cover allows you to stay on, check Alec’s system and talk with his people. Once that’s done, you’ll be off to Norway.”


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