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Dirty Deeds

Page 7

by HelenKay Dimon

  Her eyebrow rose. “Agreed.”

  “This is no reflection on you or your team.”

  Her arms dropped to her sides. “How can you say that?”

  “We had a breach in the server room last night.”

  “Your email said that was a false alarm.”

  She had him there. “But I’ve been concerned about holes in security for some time.” When she started to interrupt, he lifted his hand to stop her. “Again, this isn’t about you. This is about all of Drummond’s protocols. I’m using outside observers with limited access to check and double-check so we know if there are areas where we need to improve.”

  “Then shouldn’t this Gaige person be with me? Put him in my office. I’ll show him around.” Both eyebrows rose this time. “Watch him.”

  Alec loved that about Pam. She had as many trust issues as he did, which was exactly what a business needed in a tech security person. “That’s the problem. If he spends time with you, sees how competent you are, I’ll never get an honest assessment.”

  Some of the wariness left her face. “I think you’re trying to sweet-talk me.”

  But there was a lot of truth there as well. He depended on Pam. Actually liked her, and he didn’t like that many people. When her sister started dating Tony, Alec had worried. The last thing he needed in the office was family drama, but if anything, Tony and Pam worked even harder now. It was as if they had a sibling rivalry, a sort of competitiveness that made them both better. Alec benefitted from all of it.

  Alec pushed the thought of Gaige and his snooping out of his head and smiled at Pam. “Is it working?”

  For a second she smiled back. Then she started shaking her head. “I don’t like this. Some random guy I don’t know. It’s making my team twitchy.”

  “You know I hate new faces around here, too. But the more we’re in bed with foreign interests, the more careful we need to be.”

  “Maybe, but I’m going to watch him. This Gaige guy.” She pointed in the general direction of where Gaige went when he left. “If he steps into my server room, I’ll be all over him.”

  Alec had the distinct impression Pam might get her wish on that score. He didn’t see any signs that Gaige intended to stop doing whatever he was really doing for Seth. “I’m kind of looking forward to that fight.”

  “He might have a pretty face, but I’m tougher.”

  A really pretty face, damn him. And damn Seth for bringing Gaige around. The temptation already had Alec ready to chew through his own arm. Which meant it was good Pam would be there for backup.

  “I’m counting on it.” Someone needed a clear head and for once in his life Alec wasn’t sure it would be him.

  Chapter 8

  Gaige waited as long as he could to throw on a T-shirt and head downstairs later that night. Since Alec didn’t appear to believe in either walls or curtains, the lower floor was not blanketed in total darkness. A light beaming in the far corner of the backyard turned to a soft glow through the two-story floor-to-ceiling windows lining the back wall of the house. Gaige knew because he’d spent the last half hour trying to figure out what he could throw at it in the hope of breaking the damn thing.

  At minute thirty-one he gave up any hope of sleep in favor of food. Knowing from this morning’s experience that there were limited choices in the house, he’d forced Alec to order dinner for him at the office. But now it was past two and his stomach kept growling, which meant he might have to risk it all and hunt for another past-its-prime yogurt. That would teach him to throw the other old one away so fast.

  This pseudo-hotel sucked.

  His bare feet thudded against the stairs as he climbed down from the loft. He glanced over at the bed against the far wall but couldn’t see much. The lucky bastard slept in the one part of the house with the good fortune to be shrouded in darkness.

  Alec…bed. Gaige missed a step and grabbed for the railing for balance. When he didn’t see any movement or hear any yelling, he continued down with the dim light of his phone as an added guide.

  He got as far as the kitchen counter when a familiar deep voice boomed through the silent room.

  “What are you doing?”

  Gaige almost jumped out of his boxers. “Holy shit.”

  An unexpected laugh came next. “You okay over there?”

  Gaige looked around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. He finally spotted Alec sitting at the desk in the small office space under the stairs. The only light came from the laptop in front of him and even that was partially blocked by a stack of files.

  That wasn’t weird or anything. “Why are you just sitting there?”


  Gaige stepped closer. Now he could see every inch of the formidable man he had fought all day not to watch. A parade of employees had marched in and out of Alec’s office. Phones rang and more than once Gaige could hear Alec on conference calls, keeping that smooth voice clear and even. Pam staked her claim and made it known his fake auditor self wasn’t wanted in the building. But Alec charged ahead nonstop, not pausing for more than a few minutes to eat a piece of chicken.

  Gaige remembered his initial assessment of Alec: hot and hard with little noticeable life behind his eyes. That probably still fit except for the last part. All day he’d been animated. Cool and sometimes ruthless in barking his orders, but hardly disconnected.

  But the sitting-in-the-dark thing was a bit too evil puppet master for Gaige’s taste. He leaned against the counter and eyed up the man who registered as a big question mark in his head…a big, sexy-as-fuck question mark. “It’s two in the morning. A normal person would be sleeping.”

  “I don’t sleep much.”

  “You don’t eat much either.” He glanced behind him and saw feet of clean countertops that looked like no one ever ate even a cracker over them. “I never thought I’d say this but I’d actually kill for a carrot right now. A stray stalk of celery.”

  “I can get food for you.” Amusement played in Alec’s voice as he stood up and walked toward the kitchen.

  Gaige noticed the ruffled hair first. Then the heavier than usual scruff on Alec’s cheeks and chin. And now he knew what Alec Drummond wore at home. He’d have bet on a suit without a tie, but he’d have been wrong. The answer was navy lounge pants and a gray tee that fit him like a second skin.


  “You can do it now because you have cheese and leftover grilled chicken in your refrigerator, but that’s only there because I insisted on having dinner and you sent some poor sap out to get it for me.” Gaige could smell the soap from Alec’s shower as he walked past. The same scent that had rolled out of the room on a wave of steam a few hours earlier.

  Gaige worried he veered very close into nagging-mother territory. He really didn’t care what Alec ate except to be fascinated by his robot-like tendencies in that regard. But he did want to know food was at least nearby if he got hungry.

  Alec reached into a cabinet and brought out a can of cashews and set it on the counter. “This might help until Hanna can do some shopping.”

  Right now nuts sounded as good as steak. Gaige was that desperate. “Hanna?”

  “She’s the one who comes in during the day and makes sure I have clean suits and don’t live in filth.”

  “We like Hanna.” Gaige grabbed the can and ripped the plastic lid off and started munching. “So, food isn’t a priority for you. Is there anything you do need?”

  The usual frown Alec wore eased as he watched each cashew disappear into Gaige’s mouth. “Work.”

  “Ah, yes.” Gaige shook the can to bring the best pieces to the top. “Work and sex.”

  “Is that an offer?”

  Gaige froze. “Because we like each other so much?”

  “You keep confusing your priorities. I’ve never found liking someone to be a requirement for fucking.” Alec balanced a hip against the counter. “You?”

  Since he opened the topic…“I hear you insist on a writte
n agreement before you have sex. The type some fancy lawyer drafts and you have your bedmates sign under oath.”

  Alec blinked a few times. “What are you talking about?”

  The blank look said it all. People liked to talk about Alec. Seemed they liked making things up, too. Still, Gaige wanted to be sure because, wild attraction or not, he did have some bright lines he didn’t cross.

  “That’s the rumor. That you make your partners sign a non-disclosure agreement.” Gaige waited for Alec’s reaction.

  His frown deepened and his head tilted forward. “That’s ridiculous. No.”

  It was a dumb test but he passed. Gaige wondered how many more he could manufacture before he gave in and jumped the guy. Call it adrenaline or some sort of frenetic by-product of the last few frustrating days, but he wanted to see if Alec would surrender any of that impressive control in bed. Part of him hoped not.

  “Huh. Can’t even trust rumors these days.” Gaige lifted the can again.

  Alec’s heated stare burned through him. A churning need slammed into him. Every sound was muffled as his brain flicked off.

  “Do you want me to write up an agreement for you to sign?” Alec asked.

  Gaige dropped the can and hissed at the cracking sound it made as it hit the countertop. He stepped back, thinking air and a little distance would help. When that didn’t work, he gave in to the truth. “Honestly, I don’t know what the hell I want.”

  He’d been mentally running ever since the bottom dropped out of his life. Looking behind him, not letting anyone get close. Not caring about anything but survival. But here he was, in Alec’s stylish house, and his priorities shifted. He didn’t care if he satisfied Seth’s conditions to stay out of prison. He only wanted to see what Alec would say and do next.

  “Unspent energy.” Alec stood there, looking unaffected as he delivered the line. Not giving a shit. And that sent Gaige’s temper spiking.

  Gaige could feel the mix of frustration and rage spill through him. “Okay, now what are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been that way all day. Jumpy. Hanging out in rooms you shouldn’t be in.”

  Gaige ignored the last part. “I wonder why. It’s not as if I’m really at your office to audit your security protocols. I’m lucky Pam didn’t punch me.”

  “You really are.”

  “It’s shitty that I’m there, on her turf, without warning.”

  “Agreed.” Alec nodded. “You may remember that I didn’t hire you for an audit either. I didn’t exactly have warning before you broke in.”

  “Fucking Seth.”

  Alec sighed. “Maybe if you told me what he has on you I could help.”

  With every word the tension ratcheted up between them, but Alec hadn’t moved. He continued to lean next to the sink. Hell, even his expression stayed the same. It bordered on a smile but never quite got there.

  Gaige had no idea what any of it meant. He could feel energy spin around the room. It had him in a stranglehold, pressing hard against his chest until it felt as if it would cave in.

  Forget distance and common sense. Forget the danger whirling around them and all the secrets. Forget every promise he’d made to himself about keeping sex anonymous and simple. Tonight he wanted messy and difficult.

  He closed the distance between them. Dragged his hand along the edge of the counter until it rested next to Alec’s. “He’s forcing us to work together, so I’m not sure how you’re in a position to help me.”

  “I agreed to let you into my business. Suggested you stay here. I made the choice.”

  Gaige’s heartbeat thundered in his ears. He could feel it thump hard in the vein in his neck. He figured Alec had to see it. “Seth would disagree.”

  “Seth is a dick.” Alec rolled his eyes. “I mean, damn.”

  Every last piece of the unbending businessman fell away. Tonight, right there over a can of cashews, they talked and challenged each other and none of it felt like work. This had nothing to do with Seth, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t lingering in the background somehow. “Did you two have a thing?”

  “Hell, no.” Alec’s fingers inched closer to Gaige’s. His hand now rested close enough to feel the warmth pouring off his skin. “Not my type.”

  “What is your type?”

  “Tall, lean, muscular.” Alec’s gaze wandered all over Gaige. He pushed off from the counter and moved until he stood between Gaige’s outstretched legs. “Smart. Maybe a touch geeky. Someone who enjoys sex.”

  That sounded like a profile Gaige might post on a hook-up app. “Well, shit.”

  “Yeah, I know. Fits, right?” But Alec didn’t back away. He moved in.

  A strong palm settled on Gaige’s chest before fingers skimmed lower. Just like last time, only a thin shirt acted as a barrier from skin-against-skin. Alec leaned in until his lips hovered over Gaige’s and only a whisper of air separated them.

  Gaige tried to swallow. He really wanted to reach out and pull Alec in. “This could be a huge mistake.”

  “It absolutely is…” Alec’s mouth moved to Gaige’s ear then down the side of his face to his jaw. His lips grazed Gaige’s skin. Brushed over him, making him lean in seeking more. “But I want to do it anyway.”


  “I have no idea.”

  Alec’s rough laugh vibrated against Gaige’s ear. Spun right through him.

  Unable to fight the urge and not really wanting to, Gaige lifted his hands. Let them balance against Alec’s hips. “At least that’s honest.”

  “I won’t go any further without consent. Explicit consent.” Alec’s fingers trailed down to the top of the elastic band of Gaige’s boxers before dropping away. “So, take some time and think about it.”

  An explosion rocked through Gaige. Rumbled in his head. This gigantic boom, the breaking of his will, echoed through him as he battled back the need to grab for Alec again.

  Maybe it was inevitable. From the first look at Alec, even back in that haze of fury, Gaige had wanted to take something for himself. He’d been racing to beat some imaginary clock and duck Seth’s threats. To escape a past where he was too stupid to be careful. But now he wanted to stop, just for a few days, and shut off his head. Let his body take over. Enjoy raw sex with a guy who knew how to use his mouth and hands.

  “Yes.” Gaige spit the word out. There was no need to play hard to get. It wasn’t his thing and he doubted Alec enjoyed that game.

  Alec stood stiff with his arms at his sides now. “What are you saying exactly?”

  “I don’t need to think about it. The answer is explicitly yes.”

  “That was quick.” Alec’s chest rose and fell on hard breaths. His voice grew thicker with each word.

  “I’ve already been thinking about it for about the entire twenty hours, plus or minus, we’ve known each other.” God, had it been that short of a time? “There’s something about you. Compelling…I don’t know.”

  It was the wrong word. It didn’t feel strong enough, but Gaige let it sit there. Saying more was the wrong call anyway. This was a chance for hot, no-strings sex. An opportunity to take a peek at the mysterious man hinted at in newspaper articles and business journals.

  “I’m pretty sure you called me an asshole when we first met,” Alec said.

  “If history is any indication, that’s my type.”

  Alec smiled. “Now there’s an interesting comment.”

  Jesus, that look. Alec thought he ruled people by threatening? He should try smiling. That had the effect of punching a hole right through the last of Gaige’s doubts. “I assume I’m not alone in wanting to—”

  “You’re not.”

  “I guess that means we both have unspent energy.”

  Alec stepped between Gaige’s legs again. This time he closed in until their chests touched and his hand went to Gaige’s jaw. Traced a line there. “Say it again.”

  That mouth. Gaige stared at it. Wanting to taste it. “The answer is yes, Alec.”
/>   Chapter 9

  Touching Gaige had been a mistake. It pushed Alec’s control over the edge. Worse, it snapped his resolve in two.

  His desk sat right there in the corner, twenty feet away, but it may as well have been a mile. He should get right back to work. Plunge into distribution channels and figuring out what Gaige was really doing in that conference room today. What mission Seth sent him on. But Alec’s usual concentration abandoned him. Work was the last thing on his mind.

  He stared at the man who’d tipped his world sideways in less than a day. No one had that effect on him. He didn’t allow it. Show an interest, have sex—fine. But it had always been easy for him to walk away if he didn’t have the time. If he didn’t trust someone, he threw up a wall. He sure as hell didn’t invite the guy into his bed.

  He’d learned about loyalty and trust from his father. As in, what not to do. The old man schemed, happy to sacrifice his family and the business for a few bucks. And when he was done, his brother—Alec’s uncle—took a turn.

  Alec had been digging through the ruins ever since. In business, he’d learned to keep his close circle very tight. His brothers and a few others, and even then he was careful. In his personal life he’d learned…to not really have one. Keep sex as sex and ignore the bullshit that tripped people up and had them making stupid choices.

  Those lessons, the vows he’d made to himself as he rebuilt everything, seemed to abandon him when Gaige stormed into his life. Alec had no idea why this guy, or what it was about Gaige that made Alec break down the carefully constructed walls he’d put up. Hell, he’d had yogurt in his life a lot longer than Gaige but something about this one guy made Alec bend the rules.

  Even as he thought it, Gaige was right there, stealing Alec’s focus. Looking like six feet of hot-and-ready action. Tomorrow he’d go back to worrying about the lying and the sneaking around. Tonight he needed Gaige’s hands on him.

  Alec surrendered to the inexplicable. “Take your shirt off.”

  Gaige hesitated but the look in his eyes didn’t show confusion. No, he was drawing this out. Making every second last, and it was pure sensual torture for Alec. The burning energy inside him strained for release. His head buzzed with the need for more.


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