Betting On It
Page 21
He moved to position his cock between my legs. He wasn’t inside me yet, but for the love of all that’s holy, I needed him to be. His hands moved up my arms slowly, until his entire body pressed against mine.
“Stay here, just like this,” he said.
I nodded and he left. A moment later he returned, taking his spot behind me. “Be sure to relax. I don’t want to hurt you, so don’t be shy. Promise?”
Something clicked behind me, and the next thing I knew liquid slicked over my crease. He massaged it into my pussy with both hands, making it a sensory experience. The scent of strawberries filled my nostrils, mixed with the scent of my own sex. Even I had to admit it was a turn-on.
I reached between my legs and found his cock, covered in the fruity-scented lube. He moaned, and I turned and met his dark blue eyes, lit up by the remaining shards of sunlight. He kissed my jaw, and his finger moved to my anus. I stiffened, but relaxed when he drew swirls with his fingertip. “I won’t hurt you, Blair. Not now, not ever. Will you trust me?”
The weight of what he’d just said sank into me. “I trust you.”
He pushed his fingertip into me, to the first knuckle. “You are so goddamn hot.”
“More,” I said, arching against him, growing accustomed to the new sensation. Surprisingly, it felt…amazing. Why hadn’t I ever done this before?
Beside the point.
“What ever you want.” He gave me more, until his finger was all the way inside me. He paused, giving me time to adjust, stroking my hair and temple with his free hand. “You’re all I want, Blair.”
I closed my eyes and rested my head against his shoulder, reaching one arm behind me to hold him even closer. What he was doing to me? Not just to my body, but my heart.
“I want more,” I said, giving his cock a meaningful squeeze.
“You got it.” He slowly pulled his finger out and a second later the head of his cock pressed against me. “I’ll take it slow, okay?”
I was panting now, dying at the way he made me feel, both with his body and words. When he pushed a little way into me, I winced. He started to pull out, but I shook my head. “Give me a moment.”
His tongue swirled in circles over my shoulder. After I’d relaxed he pushed farther, then more, until he was all the way in. “How does it feel?”
“Wow. Just…wow,” I said.
His hand reached around and teased my clit, making me sink into him more. “I’m going to fuck you now, Blair.”
The sensation was incredible. Different. Slightly painful at first, but with each careful thrust he made, the small amount of pain gave way to pleasure. His left hand moved to my nipple and his right inside me, and the tingling all over my body paralyzed me, made me weak.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Hell, yes. Keep going.” Practically breathless, I gripped the sheets, bunching them between my fingers.
He bit my shoulder. “I love the way you feel.”
I love you.
My teeth stabbed into my lower lip. No talking out of turn, not right now. Right now was about sex, and later I’d get all the messy feelings stuff sorted.
My hands gripped his shoulders, the position making my back arch so he could have access to all the right places. Everything inside me tingled and thrummed, building to such a crazy, frenzied high I couldn’t hold back my cries. Surrender, complete and utter surrender, was all I was capable of.
Never in my life had I felt like I could relinquish control of my self, my body, my emotions like this.
Scared? Hell, yes. I don’t think I’d ever been in such a tenuous position.
But wasn’t that what this was all about?
My orgasm was cataclysmic. Sawyer came a minute later, and tightened his arms around me. We were sweaty and breathing hard, and I never wanted this moment to end.
“Shower with me?”
I nodded and straightened, and when I turned, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me like tomorrow would never come. I got caught up in him, returning everything he gave.
Inside the hot, steamy cocoon of the shower stall, we soaped up and continued our sexathon. He lifted me and pushed my body against the tiled wall, letting go of all restraint and giving me the most excellent fucking a girl could ask for.
We fell into bed and I curled against him, praying that if I could have just one thing go right in my life, it would be that I could keep him.
Chapter Twenty
Sawyer woke me up early, already dressed in his running clothes. “Come on, sleepy head. Wakey-wakey.”
I groaned and pulled the pillow over my face. “Don’t you ever sleep in?”
He yanked the pillow out of my arms and straddled my hips. He didn’t look as if he’d slept at all. “Not even on the weekends.”
“There is something seriously wrong with you.” I made a pout and crossed my arms.
“Aw, come on. You don’t have to cover your boobs. That’s just mean.”
“And waking me up at 6:45 isn’t?” I stretched my arms over my breasts, hiding his view of my nipples. Served him right.
“I brought you lotus flower tea,” he said, his voice beckoning me as much as the aromas coming from the cup in his hands.
I glowered at the white mug full of steamy goodness.
“How can I be mad when you bring me tea?” I moaned. “Now I’m going to have to let you see my boobs.”
He fist pumped. “Thank you.”
I sat up and let him enjoy the boob show while I sipped my tea. He lay on his side, his head propped up on his hand, getting his fill of my boobs. While I drank my tea we talked about the activities we had planned for the day, and he massaged the inside of my ankle.
When my cup was drained I lifted my arms, stretched, and yawned.
“It’s going to be torture to run with this raging hard-on,” he said, his expression pained.
“Poor baby,” I crooned, and got off the bed to find my suitcase. After I’d dressed and my shoes were tied I brushed my teeth, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and we headed out.
The altitude at 9,000 feet made me run slower. I didn’t make it very far before I had to take a timeout. The air was thin, and dehydration happened quite a bit faster up here. I sat on a gray boulder sipping from my water bottle, watching Sawyer stretch while he waited for me. He’d ditched the shirt quickly.
But the rest of the view? Breathtaking.
Mountain peaks could be seen everywhere. Splashes of red, purple, and yellow wild flowers painted the scenery, and rabbits and chipmunks scampered here and there. A sapphire-hued sky completed the backdrop. I could spend a lot of time here.
“Ready?” I asked, standing. I stumbled a little—the altitude was tough up here. I’d have to take it slow.
“Are you doing all right?”
I nodded and started to jog. “Yeah, but you can go ahead if you want, He-Man.”
“I’m staying right here. Besides, I need to save my energy for tonight.”
“You better,” I said, increasing my pace. I swatted his butt when I caught up to him. “I have some pretty naughty things planned.”
We reached the peak and sat, and he pulled me into the crook of his arm. “I have some news.”
My insides did that awful pitching thing it did when I knew bad news was about to happen. I had an instinct for this type of thing. I braced myself.
Concern creased the corners of his eyes. “Hey, you’re worried. Don’t worry.”
I hitched a deep breath, nodded, and decided to go with the flow. “Sorry. Habit.”
“It pisses me off that it’s become a habit for you to hear only bad news. Time to change that.” He took his own deep breath—not that there was much oxygen up here—and continued. “It turns out the embezzling was worse than we imagined. The Summit location has been hemorrhaging funds, and we’re going to have to do some serious restructuring and watch-dogging.”
I pulled away, ho
rrified. “You said this was good news. This is shitty news.”
He took my arm and put me right back where I belonged, cuddled into him. “I’m going to have to keep an eye on the operations, finances, and employees for a while. Fix things before they become too catastrophic. Which means this weekend I’m going to be searching for a place to live up here for a while.”
It wasn’t just the high altitude that stole my breath. I was losing him. Just when I’d gotten my shit together, what was it all for? Fuck all, that’s what.
He held my hand, probably to keep me from running away. “It’s a terrible situation, I know. The last thing I wanted was to have to move up here, away from you.”
My mouth opened but no words came out.
“Blair, say something.” His muscles gave a faint tremble, betraying the collected exterior.
“I…” Was going to cry. Lose him? Screw that. Inside I was throwing an epic tantrum, complete with pounding fists, bawling, and throwing expensive vases at the wall.
He shifted so we sat face-to-face. “Blair?”
I fought off three-year-old Blair and collected grown up badass Blair. “I’m…really…I don’t know what to say,” I finally said, although my heart tore through my chest.
His frown was indecipherable. “This doesn’t mean we have to stop seeing each other. I’ll probably come home every weekend, unless…” His laugh came out acrid. “Never mind.”
I took his hand, lacing my fingers with his. “Unless what? Tell me.”
His gaze turned distant, far away as the fourteeners that tore into the horizon. When his attention returned to me, his focus was laser sharp. “Unless you came with me.”
My mouth fell open. I snapped it shut. “What?”
He couldn’t possibly be asking me to move in with him. Not that it was an entirely bad idea.
For a girl who is so insistent that she have control over her life and make her own way, don’t you find it…interesting…that you’ve gone for the richest man you could find?
“Stupid idea,” he said, and stood. He held out his hand for me and I dumbly took it, letting him pull me up.
“It’s not stupid. In fact, it’s…well, it’s just that…” Screw you, Mom. I wanted him, no matter what. I’d come so close to getting a permanent job, and Summit Ridge wasn’t exactly rife with marketing firms, so I’d have to start over completely. The possibility was both terrifying and exciting.
His thumb stroked my lower lip. “Don’t make any rash decisions. We don’t have to commit to anything—I wanted you to find out from me first, though.”
I nodded, smiling. “I’m not saying no. I just need to think about some things first.”
“Good. What do you say we head back? I have meetings to go to and you have art galleries to check out.” He pulled me close, into a hug that gave me a delicious whiff of his masculine scent.
We made it down to the lodge and showered, and while I got ready he ordered breakfast. I put on a black dress and joined him on the couch. One of the finance shows Sawyer watched in the morning played on the news, and we watched in silence while waiting for breakfast.
Sawyer distractedly caressed my arm and I closed my eyes, just savoring the closeness.
This didn’t have to be the end. Sawyer was what I wanted. More than anything. Now all I had to do was go for it.
I window-shopped all morning while the Callahans held meetings with executive staff. The town was a fun mix of high-end and whimsical, with boutiques, tourist traps, and artsy shops everywhere. Stoners walked alongside millionaires, and yuppies next to hippies.
I imagined myself living here, working in one of the many studios, just painting until my fingers crumbled day in and day out. Every gallery I went into only fueled my desire to join this world. Corporate creative stuff was a way to pay bills and have insurance, but this? This was the stuff dreams were made of. I collected business cards, postcards, and brochures from each. Maybe one day.
Reality check: the money would probably be crap and I’d barely be able to afford expenses if I split them with Sawyer.
I shook off my temporary insanity and focused on enjoying the rest of the weekend.
Nerves got the best of me. They always did. While Sawyer showered that afternoon, I sat alone in the bedroom, my feet tapping, my gut rolling like a hamster ball.
He’d spent all day in meetings while I stewed in my own stress. I’d made lists. I’d crumpled them all up. I made new lists and crumpled them up, too. The only thing standing in the way of us getting together was yours truly.
Which meant I had to take the proverbial shit or high-tail it off the pot.
The shower turned off, and my foot tapping got so frenzied the Rockettes would look like frogs next to me.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could do this. I could.
The door opened and Sawyer peeked his head out. Wearing only a towel around his hips, his hair dripped water and the rest of him made the oxygen go right out of the room. “Hey, can you grab my phone, please?”
“You taking selfies in there?” I asked, walking to his open suitcase.
“Only if you’re with me,” he said, and took the phone from me. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just…the altitude is getting to me is all.”
“We don’t have to go,” he said.
“Give me some water, and I’ll be fine,” I said, forcing some of the shake out of my smile.
He picked up his contacts case and unscrewed the top.
I put my hand over his and pouted.
“You really have a thing for glasses, huh?”
“Didn’t know I did until I saw them on you.”
“I can’t argue with that. What ever my girl finds sexy, far be it from me to deny her.” While he checked his messages I hoisted myself up on the counter. My fingertips played along the top of his towel, lightly touching his wet skin.
More moments like this were exactly what I wanted. No chance in hell that I’d be able to let go of having him all to myself. I wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of emotion that took over. I hopped off the counter and walked to the bathroom door.
He caught my arm and pulled me to him, though, lifting me and putting me right back where I was. “Stay with me.”
Nodding, I tugged at his towel and it fell to the floor. I took his cock and ran my hand up and down its length, my nipples ripening painfully. My other hand traced the contours of his torso, starting at his abs, working up his chest, until they circled his nipples.
He moaned and caught my face in his hands, pressing his mouth to mine. “I need you so bad it hurts, Blair.”
“You have me,” I said.
“Do I?”
I nodded. “You do.”
So yeah. This wasn’t a fairy tale. I was scared of getting too close, of living with somebody. My shit wasn’t all the way together, financially or otherwise, to even entertain becoming a part of his life past friendship. As much as I kept trying to remind myself of all of the above, I couldn’t ignore the way he’d brought to life feelings that I thought didn’t exist. No matter how much I tried to ignore them, walk away from them, they wouldn’t stop.
This was dangerous. This was terrifying. This was…right.
Now I had to win his trust, the same way he’d won mine.
He tore my underwear away and entered me with one swift movement. I clung to him, unable to let go. He thrust into me, carried me away in mind, body, and spirit.
Neither of us lasted long, and when he came we didn’t move for the longest time. Eventually I kissed his shoulder, knowing the moment would have to end at some point. “Ready?” I asked.
“Give me a few moments,” he replied, pulling out of me.
Half an hour later, we walked downstairs and found the lobby that led to the gondola. The lodge had a stop built just for it, so skiers could grab their gear, hop on the gondola, and get right on the slopes without having to battle traffic.
r /> About a dozen employees gathered at the platform, chatting and laughing. For a second Sawyer stiffened. I squeezed his hand, sure now more than ever that he had claustrophobia.
“I can drive us if you want,” I said.
He shook his head. “You can’t drive to the top.”
He didn’t relax, though. On the surface, to somebody who might not know him, he probably just seemed like a quiet guy, having conversation, drinking from his beer bottle. But he didn’t loosen his hold on my hand, and his pulse vibrated against my palm. I carried most of the conversation, putting on my Politician’s Daughter mask. My safe mask.
Henry motioned to the lift. “You guys want to ride up with us? The more the merrier.”
I shook my head and gave Henry an apologetic smile. “Thanks so much, but we’ll catch the next one. I’m a bit claustrophobic.”
“My sister’s like that. They might have some Dramamine in the gift shop. Catch you later, guys.” He and his group hopped into the small gondola, which slowed just long enough for them to enter. The automatic doors closed, and they were off.
Sawyer and I stood alone now, the last to go up. Standing so still it scared me, he watched an empty tram go through, scrutinizing, analyzing.
“We don’t have to go.” I drew figure eights on the small of his back, unwinding some of that tension that had built up.
“I can’t skip it.” His voice wasn’t his. It came from somewhere far away, and lacked all the self-assured Sawyer-like qualities I’d become so used to.
I moved to stand in front of him, summoning as much confidence as I could muster. “I don’t know if it’s a height thing or an enclosed spaces thing…hell, maybe it’s a being-stuck-way-high-up-in-an-enclosed-place-with-Blair thing. Whatever it is, it’s not worth it. We can order room service, and I’ll tie you up, fuck you, and feed you dessert.”
Which had exactly the opposite effect I’d intended.
He didn’t reply, just walked to the platform. The cars moved slowly, and he strode inside.
Um, okay then. Apparently we were going to the party.
I followed, and took the seat next to him. Each car had room enough for six, with smoky dark windows that blocked sun glare. “Where do you want me?”