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Running in Fear: Ghost Warrior

Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

  Lissa listened for a little while, until she cleared her throat.

  “Um, excuse me, but we might want to get moving soon.” She nodded toward the windows and Nikola stepped in front of her shoving her behind him, before a large boom shook the house.

  “Looks like we have no choice.” Nikola yelled. His warriors suddenly appeared and grabbed the women, and just as suddenly disappeared from the room, taking them to Rose Island. Nikola grabbed onto Castor and Lissa, flashing them to the main building there.

  “Take her inside, while I help get the rest of our people here.

  You’ll find the house is all up to date and stocked.” Nikola glanced down at Lissa and kissed her lips hard.

  “Keep inside Lissa and stay with Castor.” He didn’t give her a chance to reply as he flashed back to the mainland leaving them on the porch of the castle like structure. On the last trip back, he hovered over the island, staring down at it in the body of a hawk.

  The enemy now controlled all that was once Castor’s family home. The one thing he had never wanted to see again moved around the home, as if guarding it, a legion of half-zombie, half-Vampire men. All far too gone to cure, they all would have to be destroyed.

  “How many are there? Do you know how they were infected?” His queen asked, summoning him to her side.

  Nikola hated to make the trip to his homeland away from Lissa, but he knew they would now need more help from his own kind.

  He bowed to his queen and her mate. “My queen, I have no real idea yet. My mate has told a story of these creatures from over a month ago, in their world. If that is the case, it’s hard telling how many more there are now.”

  Queen Isabel paced back and forth. “Then someone from this realm is helping them. There is no other way for that kind of dark magic to be there. I need to talk with my sister Empusa, but for now, take your two old divisions of warriors with you. They are standing by and waiting. Send one team to find out how far this has spread, and have them report back to you as soon as they find anything. We must find the person who did this. We need to know what else he has unleashed upon Earth.”

  He nodded and bowed, before exiting the royal chambers and meeting with his best friend, Raymond.

  Raymond turned as he entered the large hall, all one hundred men stood at attention waiting for their orders. “I had thought never to fight those things again, but here we are once more, my friend.” Raymond clasped his arm in a warriors greeting and nodded to him. “Were do you want us?”

  Nikola stood tall, looking out at his many friends and nodded.

  “Zancor will take twenty men and start in New York, where my mate first saw the infected one. We need to know how far this has spread and who started it.”

  He turned to face Raymond. “Raymond, I want you on Rose Island with me. We are using this island as our stronghold during this fight, so we’ll need the added protection.” Raymond slapped him on the shoulder. “Say no more, the island will be protected and secured.” They both transported to the island, while the men spread out doing as they were told. He moved inside the large old castle, which now would be their home.

  Castor, Pierre and Adonis all talked with Remi and the other men, while Lissa and the other woman were nowhere in sight.

  “Castor, where is she?” Nikola asked. All talk stopped and their attention turned towards him. He knew half a day had passed since he had left, time was different in the realms, no one ever knew how long they would be gone.

  “She’s with the other woman, and I don’t appreciate the atti-tude, Nikola. You might be my mate, but you do not control me.” Castor declared showing his dominance, but right now was not the time to correct him. Nikola appeared in front of him in an instant, and leaned down.

  “You are right. I shouldn’t have snapped, and we will finish this later tonight…” He straightened and glanced around the room.

  “But if any of you have any sense, you would have checked, because right now, there is not one female in this house, except for Castor’s servants.”

  Dominic, Remi, Dane, Clayton, Tug all stood and glanced at each other. “Our connection to our mates is limited, and that is when Marsha is near to help it. Where are they?” Remi snarled.

  Nikola stopped and threw out his powers, and tried to locate his mate, Lissa, but nothing. He glanced at Raymond. “Are the women blocking me, or is it something else?” He asked his friend who leaned back against the door and smiled that is all he needed to know.

  “Now isn’t this interesting, your own mate is blocking her presence from you? What did you used to tell Mira and me?” Raymond tapped his finger on his head. “Oh yea, that you wouldn’t let any female control you, that she would listen to everything you told her.” His friend laughed and teased him, when all he wanted to do was throttle him.

  “Raymond, you have two minutes to tell me where our females are before I let them…” He nodded to Remi, Dane, Mark, Bo and the other men. “Tear you apart.”

  * * * *

  “Damn, they know we’re gone. Lissa we don’t have much time before they arrive.” Marsha and Jaycee sighed, and released the spell which had surrounded them. Lissa sat down next to Marsha on the beach, while Suzanne stared up at the sky. “We’re going to get visitors later tonight.

  Temmra’s mother is coming, the Queen of the Fae, Isabel, and her sister Goddess Empusa.” Suzanne turned around, staring at them,

  “It seems we’ll be getting more help, but we still need to inform the humans without scaring them half to death.” Lissa ran her hand through the sand, watching as the wall of Macrophytes slowly grew thicker and thicker around the island, giving them an extra line of defense. Lissa had known the minute Nikola appeared back on the island, her whole body grew more sensitive to everything when he was around. Even now her nipples grew hard, as they brushed against her shirt.

  “I have a friend who is connected to the big wigs in Washington. Leda’s also a reporter. We could bring her here, have her do a series of interviews with us. We could explain and show what we are to the cameras.” She stood and glanced out at the water.

  “Leda would love the chance to come here and she knows all about me. Well, so a while back.” The sun disappeared and Lissa glanced up into Nikola’s frowning face.

  “You’re not where I advised you to stay.” The men slowly came out of the woods, and surrounded them.

  “Well for your information, we wanted to enjoy the sun, and I had work to do, but I sure did take your suggestion to heart, I promise.” Lissa tried to keep from laughing out, but failed when Suzanne busted out laughing with Jaycee, Marsha and Shelly.

  “You took his suggestion to heart??? Oh my, that is rich! I’m going to have to use that one next time…” Shelly laughed, but stopped when her mate, Bo, picked her up and swung her up over his shoulder, and slapped her ass.

  “I’ll give you something for your heart. Shelly, I just lost my best friend, and I come to find out you’re out here roaming around with our very pregnant sister. I don’t know if I should tan your hide, or just kiss you, I was so scared.”

  Lissa sucked in her breath and lowered her gaze. “Bo, it was my idea. I wanted to put an underground wall around the island, and to do that I needed to be out here, near the water. I’m sorry.” Bo stopped and stared out at the water. “You could have asked us to bring you out here, Lissa. This isn’t a game, friends, family members are dying around us, and you even drag Jaycee out here, when she is soon to have her babies!” Bo snarled, fur replaced skin on his hands, but Shelly jumped out of his arms and snarled.

  “Don’t you even yell at her, Bo. She has lost also, or have you forgotten what Stephen did to her family? Jaycee and I both knew what we were doing. We were all protected, thank you!” Lissa tried to move to Shelly, but Nikola grabbed her, and once more transported them to his home, but this time Pierre, Castor, and Adonis were there in the living room. All three men stood as soon as they appeared.

  “I thought it time we discussed a few th
ings.” Nikola walked around her and she could have sworn every cell in her body responded to him. “Since we are at my home, there is no need for your clothes now, is there?”

  She sucked in her breath, her clothes disappeared. Lissa quickly covered her breasts with her arms. “Is this a new rule for just me, or are you still pissed, because I didn’t listen to you earlier?” Lissa shook and not from the cold, she knew Nikola studied her and saw how uncomfortable she was. He held out his hand, a sheer green robe appeared. They would still be able to see her body, but she would be covered.

  “When we are alone Lissa, I want to see your lovely body. I don’t want it hidden away in jeans, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so, am I right gentlemen?”

  Nikola held open the robe for her, all three men behind her nodded and watched as she stepped into the robe. Lissa fingered the silky material, inspecting the faint design of wolves and dragons on it. “I’ve never had anything so beautiful.” She smiled and kissed him on his cheek.

  “Thank you.” Lissa whispered hugging the robe around her.

  “No one’s given me a gift before, well not since my parents.” Heat rose in her face, and she knew her white face had a tint of pink, but the room spun for a moment, and she grabbed onto Nikola’s arms.

  “Damn talk about a head rush.” Lissa shook her head, trying to shake the uneasiness that rode inside her.

  Castor moved in next to them. “When was the last time you fed Lissa? And I don’t mean food?” He placed two fingers below her chin and lifted her head, to stare into her face.

  She shrugged. “I’m fine.”

  He shook his head and waited not letting her escape his gaze.

  She sighed. “I don’t remember, maybe yesterday evening.”

  “Lissa, you know you need to eat at least once a day. Come feed, I’ve eaten enough today.” Castor pulled off the sweater he wore and she sucked in her breath. His muscles rippled as he moved throwing his sweater onto the counter. “Come here.” He slid his hand inside her robe and wrapped his arms around her. At five foot four, all of the men were over a foot taller than her. Castor’s sandy blond hair was pulled back in a braid, his body warm, as she ran her hands up his chest. “I’m always cold, but you’re so warm and smell so clean and fresh, like the water.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest, feeling safe in his arms, like she did with Nikola, almost as if she was home. A small tear slipped down her cheek as she kissed his chest. Lissa licked the skin above his nipple numbing him, before she sunk her fangs into him. His blood was powerful, and refreshed every cell in her body, but Lissa made sure to only take enough to last her. She closed the holes and glanced up into his handsome face. “Thank you.”

  “You’re sad, why?” His warm hands rubbed up and down her back, comforting her.

  Lissa smiled. “I was remembering my home, before I was changed. You reminded me of a place that meant the world to me.” He leaned down kissed her lips softly. “Maybe someday you’ll take us all there and show us.”

  She shook her head and slipped out of his arms moving to the window, which seemed to give her peace. Lissa looked out at the water and the strange mountains. “Our home was destroyed over sixty years ago when the place burned down. I always believed my folks just didn’t hear anything, which is why they died.” Pierre moved her hair away from her neck and he nibbled on her neck. “I’m sorry you had to learn about all that now. It always seems life throws the worst at us when we are down already, but know you are not alone, Lissa. All of us are here for you.” He rested his head on her head, his hands inside the robe as he brushed the bottom of her breasts.

  “When this is over, you’ll have to come to my parents’ home in Montana. Mom had this huge garden with every type of plant that grows in the region. She said, she wouldn’t bring other plants to the area, that they strangle the native plants. I think you two will get along great. She loves to play in the dirt and every summer you’ll find her out there in the gardens.” Pierre stepped up to her other side.

  Lissa smiled and looked up into his gaze. “I would love to meet yours and Adonis’s parents and your mom sounds just like mine was. Thank you.” She kissed his chin and patted his arm. “Now, shouldn’t we be talking about what you four will be doing?” Nikola held out his hand to her as he sat down on the sofa.

  Lissa slowly made her way to him feeling safe and secure. She couldn’t believe how beautiful she felt, in the presence of these, no, her men. They looked at her with wonder and longing.

  Lissa stepped in between his legs and stared down at Nikola as he opened the robe and stared at her. “So beautiful and all ours.

  Now, Lissa, as far as me being pissed at you, no. There is no reason for me to be mad. I should have made myself clearer, and next time I will. Now come, we have business to discuss before we go back.” Nikola pulled her down onto his lap and she cuddled close to his heat as she rested her head upon his strong chest.

  Nikola captured her breast in his hand and ran his thumb over her nipple. “When a one of our kind meets their mate, their mate will inherit what powers that are bestowed upon him, when the bonding process is completed. Already Adonis and Pierre have my abilities, as will you Castor when the time is right. With these powers the four of us have been chosen to be the ears of this war, as the others mentioned. “Nikola nodded to Castor, Pierre and Adonis.

  We will be called the Ghost Warriors, by those that fight us. We will slip into our enemy’s camps, finding out whatever we can, and destroying anything that gets in our way. Will there be others that can see us? Yes, but not many. We’ll just have to outsmart those of my kind that chose to work for evil.” Niokla’s voice never faltered or rose as he spoke as if it was a done deal.

  Lissa sat up and stared at Nikola. “Let me get this straight.” She turned her full attention on him.

  “The four of you will be going into the enemy’s camp, destroying what you can, while learning all, because all of you can become invisible?” Lissa once more clenched her hands into fists as he nodded and took her hands unfolding them.

  “Don’t you think that is a little risky? If you can do this, what makes you think they can’t? What if they find out you’re there?” She yanked her hands away, getting up and started to pace back and forth. “I mean, Nikola, you said that someone from your world was helping the other side. What’s to stop them from ambushing you? And when did you mate with Pierre and Adonis?” The thought of something happening to either of her men settled heavy on her stomach. If she hadn’t eaten yet, Lissa would have sworn that she ate a ton of rocks, which were now weighing her down.

  Adonis stepped in front of her and captured her in his arms. His black hair fell around his face as he gazed down at her. His eyes shifted back and forth to those of the wolf. “We will be fine; after all, we have such a tasty treat to come home to.” He leaned her back and licked all around her nipple.

  “Adonis, this is serious.” She tried to get out of his arms, but he held her tight.

  “I know you are…” He lifted her back up, kissing her nose.

  “But Lissa, we’re not going to let our enemy get the best of us again. I, for one, do not want to feel the blade going across any part of my body.” He rubbed his neck where she knew his head had once been severed from his body.

  Coldness settled over her all of a sudden, and she glanced around the room. “We’re not alone.”

  Chapter Five

  Nikola slowly stood and scanned the room. Lissa hugged herself, and in an instant Nikola clothed her in her garb she favored, and moved next to her. Castor took her other side, while Pierre and Adonis took the front and back. “I know you’re there Vender. You are lucky I don’t rip you apart for not announcing yourself.” Nikola wrapped his arm around Lissa. “Lissa, I would like to introduce my younger brother, Vender. He has this nasty habit of showing up at the wrong time.”

  Vender laughed and materialized next to them. “Hey, you were the one who taught me, if I remember right. Anyway, mothe
r sent me. She knows you have met your mates, and is expecting you to come by soon, so everyone can meet them.” Vender rolled his eyes, but something was off.

  Lissa once more hugged herself and felt for the knife she knew was in its hiding spot. She didn’t know why Nikola’s brother sent a bad vibe through her, but she would not ignore it as she done with Stephen.

  Nikola nodded. “We’ll be there, but not for a few days. We have business to attend to, which we must leave for now.” Nikola, Lissa and Castor flashed into the main cabin on the island, Pierre and Adonis following a few seconds later.

  “What has happened?” He glanced around the room.

  “Lower Manhattan was attacked last night.” Dane glanced at Remi who nodded. “It’s more like a slaughter. It happened in the middle of the night. Children, women, anyone who was in their path was ripped apart. We don’t have the numbers, but it’s high.” Dane grabbed a beer and nodded towards the large flat screen TV.

  “You’ve been gone half a day again. It’s three am now.” Lissa moved up to his side. “I need a phone.” She asked Nikola and waited.

  “Why? Did you have friends there?” Nikola turned all his attention on her. She shook her head.

  “No, but my best friend will be able to tell me everything. She has contacts that no one else does. We need her here, Nikola. I was telling the women earlier, she could do a series of interviews, which we could released slowly. We do it in phases, but we should do it now, before this gets any worse.”

  Jaycee, Suzanne, Cecil, Shelly and Marsha moved into the room, tears streaming down their faces. “It’s all over cable. Lissa is right. We need to inform the humans now, Remi. They can’t continue to be unprepared like this.” Jaycee rubbed her belly.

  “Those babies, they were strung up…” Her voice cracked and Remi was there in an instant by her side. He picked her up and cradled her as if she weighed nothing.


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