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Running in Fear: Ghost Warrior

Page 13

by Trinity Blacio

  Oh, we can kill, and do things, but only for so long, and for shorter distances. So we decided to test it out. We were going to inform the men, but they never gave us the chance, and instead ordered this, and that. Jaycee and Marsha kept our bodies here, and safe.”

  “Amazing, and I owe you an apology. I came in here to let you have it, and you once again have proven to me that you are an amazing woman.” She nodded to all the pictures Lissa was pulling out. Leda leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “Don’t stay up too late. Your body does need sleep, and you have to help me get the cabin ready for the interviews.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get you all set up tomorrow. Go, call your family. I know you’re dying to find out how the twins are doing.” Lissa watched Leda leave and shut the door behind her. She glanced at the clock on the mantle above the fireplace, which now burned bright, the room filled with the smell of pine, because she had thrown in pine needles earlier. It was nine o’clock. She’d sort through her pictures for an a hour, but first…” Lissa closed her eyes. When she opened them, she laughed, as Lissa glanced at the boxes of pictures from Castor’s family. Yep, she would make sure that these would not be destroyed. Their children would know their family history.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nikola pushed open the door, and stopped staring at the photo-graphs all over the floor and the bed. Their mate was sound asleep with pictures spread all around her. Eight new photo albums were on the floor by her, where she had labeled each one.

  Castor, Adonis, and Pierre came into the room, and stood next to him. “Crap, I think she has every photo we had at the house.

  How did she do all this?” Castor walked through the pictures to the bed and picked up a small old picture of a little pudgy girl with pig tails, and kittens all around her.

  Pierre carefully took the album she had laying on her chest and flipped through it. “You know we owe her an apology for not listening. Especially me. I can’t believe I compared her to Jaycee.

  Jaycee was furious with me, when I asked her to talk to Lissa, and when she found out what I had said. Well, let’s say I’m lucky I’m still standing here.”

  He shook his head, and sighed. All the pictures were now in a filing cabinet in the closet. “We all have a lot to learn when it comes to this one.” He glanced down at the album with his name on it.

  Lissa stretched, her old tee-shirt ridding up her thigh, baring her pussy to their view. Her large breasts could be seen through the faded material, and he couldn’t wait to see their babies suckling from her.

  A small smile formed on her lips, and her eyes opened, staring at him. “Your thoughts make me sound like an animal. Suckle, please.” Lissa teased him, and glance around the room. “I take it the pictures are safe somewhere?”

  He reached down, and lifted her up in his arms, sitting down on the bed, with her on his lap. She curled up in his arms, resting her head on his chest. “We all owe you an apology for not listening to you, and jumping to conclusions. Jaycee and Marsha told us what Temmra was able to do.”

  Lissa looked up at him, then at Pierre. “I would never risk our children. Being an only child, I always dreamt of having many brothers and sisters. Now, when it’s so close, having that large family, I won’t risk that.” She pulled up an old crocheted blanket and covered her legs.

  “This was my mother’s, her mother made it for her. When I hold it up to my nose, I can still smell my mom. She would tuck this blanket around me when I was small, and tell me stories of her sisters. Mom had wanted other children, but it wasn’t meant to be.

  Cancer attacked her ovaries, and they had to remove everything. I guess that’s why she and I were always so close.” She leaned over the bed and pulled out the small box, and took an old watch out of it. “I wanted to give this to you, Castor. I know you’ve lost a lot lately, and I wanted you to have something that was very important to me.” Lissa crawled to Castor, and handed him the pocket watch.

  “It was my great, great grandfather’s, on my dad’s side. I was told he made it himself, that his watches were rare, and highly prized back in the day.”

  Castor turned over the watch, and smiled. “Your grandfather was Robert Roskell. I met him when I was in England.” Castor approached to a dresser, and opened, it pulling out a similar watch.

  “He made me and my father each a watch. I gave Granger one, and I have the other.”

  He held the watch out, showing her, and she laughed. “Let Nikola have this one Lissa, that way he has a part of our world that we knew.” Castor leaned down and kissed her lips. “Thank you for thinking of me, but I haven’t lost everything. There are many things I have stored in vaults, and when the time is right, we will go through them all.”

  “As all of us have some things to bring into this, tomorrow my family will be here. My mom will be able to share many things with you. Pierre and Adonis’ family will be arriving tomorrow afternoon as well. So you will have your family history that you love. Maybe when everyone is settled tomorrow night we can make a little visit to your old home. There has to be something there.” Nikola asked opening his arms and pulled her back onto his body, setting the watch next to the stand.

  Lissa shook her head. “We would have to visit my great nieces, and even then I don’t know if they have anything from my parents, though the old homestead is still in the family. We could visit where the shop was. I would love to see where my father grew up.” Nikola pulled her tee-shirt up, and off of her. “I think that can be arranged, if all goes well tomorrow, but enough of that. We have some serious making up to do.” He bent down sucking her breast into his mouth.

  Castor stripped out of his clothes lying down next to them.

  Nikola nipped her nipple and handed her over to Castor, running his hand down her slightly plump thighs and squeezed them. “I love your body. It’s so perfect, and round. Not skinny like so many human women today.”

  He grabbed onto her ass cheeks, and helped lift her as Castor slid is cock into her pussy. “Your pussy sucked his cock right in.

  You’re made for us, Lissa.” He leaned down, and nipped each of her round, butt cheeks, then slapped each one.

  “Oh man, do that again. She just squeezed my cock tight when you spanked her.” Castor moaned. Pierre stood at the side of the bed rubbing his cock back and forth. Adonis was at the foot of the bed, watching.

  “What are you waiting for, Adonis?” Nikola glanced back once and smiled at him. “Castor needs something to fill his mouth.

  Pierre get up here and fill your mates ass, but make sure she receives the spanking she wants.”

  Nikola sat back on his heels, his clothes disappeared, and he grabbed his cock, stroking it back and forth.

  Pierre’s smacks filled the air with Lissa’s tiny little moans, and Castor’s grunts as he tried to swallow Adonis’s cock. He nodded to Adonis who pulled out of Castor’s mouth and Pierre flipped over onto to the bed with a shocked Lissa staring up at him. Pierre’s cock was still in her ass, but her pussy was now empty as Castor glanced up at Nikola.

  “Adonis, keep Lissa busy, please.” Nikola grabbed onto Castor’s cock, and licked it before he sucked it into his mouth. Lissa’s juices covered his cock giving him an extra treat, as he worked Castor’s stiff member, in and out of his mouth.

  He cupped his balls in his hands, lightly squeezing them. Castor gripped the blanket tight with his fingers, his eyes closed, and sweat beaded his body as he fucked Nikola’s mouth on his command. Tonight both Castor and Lissa would be pampered, both of them, losing so much in this war that was finally coming to a head.

  Nikola slid his hand over and pushed two of his fingers into Lissa’s pussy at the same time Adonis slid his cock in, wetting them in her juices and giving her a little more. She was so tight and ready to burst, but not yet.

  He withdrew his fingers and slid them down to Castor’s ass.

  Castor lifted his head, his eyes a blood red, as he pushed the same fingers into his ass, fuck
ing him. “Come Castor. Lissa. Let’s hear your cries.” Nikola twisted his fingers in Castor’s ass, and stroked his prostrate sending his mate through the roof.

  Adonis reached down and grabbed onto Lissa’s clit, and pinched it. Both of their bodies tightened up, their first orgasm of the night running through their bodies. Nikola swallowed every drop of Castor’s seed, and nipped the head of his cock, as he sat up, and flipped him over onto his hands and knees.

  Adonis and he switched places, his cock wet from Lissa.

  Nikola stared down at Lissa, and she smiled up at him. He reached down and cupped Pierre’s balls. “You didn’t come?” Pierre shook his head. “No, was waiting for you.” Nikola leaned down over Lissa, and kissed Pierre. “You are an amazing man, Pierre, never forget that.” He slid down, his face in between her legs. Nikola could smell Lissa’s unique scent, and his cock hardened almost to the point of pain, but he held off. He needed to taste her, and tonight he was going to feast on her.

  He glanced up at Pierre, and smiled as he separated her pussy lips for him. Lissa squirmed on top of Pierre, watching him, and waiting to see what he would do. “I have waited all day for this time, and I plan to enjoy.” He licked up the right side of her, and she moaned.

  Adonis leaned down, and bit Castor’s shoulder, while he cupped his cock bringing it back to life once more. “Don’t let him come. The next time he comes it will be inside Lissa.” He mumbled around her clit, where he proceeded to take it into his mouth and suck.

  Lissa grabbed onto Pierre’s arms as Nikola sucked her clit, into his mouth, and proceeded to fuck her with his fingers. Behind her Pierre whispered words of love to her apologizing over, and over again, till she could take no more.

  “Please Nikola, Pierre I need both of you in me now!” She cried, tears streamed down her face, every muscle in her body strung like that of a rubber band, ready to burst in half at any moment.

  Nikola rose over her, and wiped the tears away from her face, while he thrust into her at the same time as Pierre pulled out.

  “Faster, harder, please!”

  No sooner were the words out, when the bed started to shake at the force of their movements. Nikola lifted her legs, and rested them on his shoulders, while he watched his cock and Pierre’s slid in, and out of her body.

  “Beautiful,” he grunted, reaching up, and rolled her nipples in between his fingertips, which Pierre did the same to her clit, at the exact same minute.

  Lissa’s legs burned, her body shook, and she screamed, when Nikola hit that perfect spot inside her. But that wasn’t enough; Adonis sucked her left breast into his mouth, while Castor took the right. All four of her men, drew two more orgasms out of her, before Nikola and Pierre, finally spilled their seed inside her.

  She couldn’t move, but then again Lissa knew she didn’t have to. Her men would take care of her. Nikola lowered her legs, rubbing each one as he did, sliding out of her pussy. “Castor, take her to the tub.”

  Castor lifted her nude body up gently and kissed her softly.

  “Don’t worry little one, I have you, and I promise I’ll never let you go.”

  Candles lit the master bathroom, the tub was filled with hot bubble water, with rose petals floating all around the water. Two glasses of cold grape juice waited them. Castor stepped into the tub, and sat turning her so she could sip her drink.

  “Drink it all baby, and I’ll take care of you.” He slid his gaze over her breasts, his hand following in their path. “Your breasts are so full, they overflow my hands.” He set his empty cup down, and pulled her closer, sucking her nipple into her mouth.

  “Castor.” She whimpered setting her glass down, she grabbed onto his head as he played with her breasts.

  “Soon, I’ll make special nipple clamps for you.” He pinched each nipple hard, and watched her face, holding the nipple, and not letting them go.

  “Pain can lead to pleasure, and soon we all will show you how.” He released her nipples and turned her around once more.

  Her back now rested against his chest, as he separated her legs one each side of his legs, opening her for him.

  His cock now buried deep inside of her, but he didn’t move.

  Castor traced the outside of her pussy lips, and where his cock now entered her. “I want to thank you, and personally apologize for not listening. All of us have been under such stress, we have a habit of biting each other’s head off first without thinking, but it won’t happen again Lissa.” He kissed the side of her neck.

  Castor squeezed her tight. “There have been two woman before you that I believed would be with me for life, and I was wrong about both of them.” He held out his hand in front of her on the tip of his index finger was a ring.

  The ruby, sapphire, and diamond ring sparkled in the candle lit room, sending off small lights through the bathroom. “Part of this was my mother’s, the sapphire.”

  Nikola came into the room, with Adonis and Pierre. They all sat on the floor next to the tub. They didn’t touch her, only Castor touched her.

  “The ruby was from my grandmother’s ring,” Nikola said, and nodded to the ring which Castor now slipped onto her wedding finger.

  “The diamonds are from our grandmother’s ring.” Adonis smiled, and nudged Pierre.

  Pierre rolled his eyes, and winked at her. “We combined all our families to give you this one ring, to symbolize our unity.” Castor sank his fangs into her neck, the same time the ring slid all the way down her finger. He grabbed onto her hips and pushed her forward.

  Nikola grabbed both of her hands, and held them. “Castor is a very, very, old vampire Lissa. He needs to seal your bond with him the proper way, the old way. When a man took a woman.” Adonis moved to one side of her and held her thigh down, while Pierre did the same. She was now held by all of her men, she could move not.

  Castor sucked and sucked on her neck, all the while he drove his cock into her at a brutal pace. The room started to spin, she was getting cold, and she was sore, but Castor continued.

  “I’m sorry Lissa, it must be this way.” Nikola leaned forward, and kissed her lips. “We’ll explain in the morning.” His voice sounded as if he was far away, but yet he was right there in front of her. “Nikola?” She questioned, but all went black just as the last orgasm spiked through her body.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Castor released his hold on Lissa, sealing the holes in her neck, and coming at the same time she did. His eyes burned red, and his body shook, as her blood made its way through him. Castor had just twined their souls together. His soul would not have to hide when on missions. It would always be inside Lissa.

  Nikola had wanted to forbid this, but Castor demanded he be allowed to bond how he wanted to. He reached down, and pulled Lissa away from him, as Castor released her. Her body was limp in his arms. “Never again will you drain her like this. Is that understood?” He snapped, and glared at Castor before he left the bathroom.

  Adonis grabbed two towels, while Pierre helped Castor stand, as he was drunk on her blood. “It was the only thing I could give her that I hadn’t given the others, Nikola. I wanted Lissa to know how much she means to me.” He whined behind him, which only aggravated him more.

  “Pierre, Adonis get him in bed. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” He only hoped she would forgive them for not telling her what was going to happen. He lay in the middle of the bed with her on top of him. Castor lay down next to them, and reached to take Lissa. “Don’t!”

  “She needs to feed Nikola, before we all sleep.” Castor now curled up next to him, Adonis behind him, pulled Castor closer to his body.

  “Nikola will feed her, his blood is powerful. You need to go to sleep.” Adonis’s arms were now wrapped around Castor, and he nodded to him and Pierre, closing his eyes.

  Pierre pulled the covers over their bodies, and rested next to them, as he opened a vein for her, and commanded her to drink.

  Ever so slowly Lissa’s fangs sank into his skin, and she dra
nk. Her movements were slow and weak. She winced when she moved and he cussed himself for not healing her instantly, but that was now remedied.

  When she woke in the morning she would not be sore from Castor’s taking.

  “She’ll be okay, Nikola. We all have to do whatever we can to protect her. This was his way.” Pierre fluffed up his pillow, and held his gaze. “Just as it is your way to slowly train her.” He grinned, and lay down.

  Nikola snorted. “Have you seen the way your brother, Remi, has trained his submissive, Jaycee. If our Lissa is anything like Jaycee, I don’t see how she’ll make for the perfect slave, but it matters little. She is ours, and if I have to hog tie her to the bed, I will.”

  He jumped, when Lissa pinched his own nipple. Nikola glanced down, and caught her gaze, before she once more closed her eyes, and relaxed, sealing the holes in his chest. “I will be anything you want me to be Nikola, just love me.” She whispered, and fell asleep.

  “Always my little butterfly, always.” Nikola tucked the blanket tighter around her, and closed his eyes. Tomorrow his new family would meet part of his old family. He just hoped his mother…

  Pierre grabbed his hand, and squeezed it. “Everything will work out. Quiet worrying about something you have no control over.” Pierre kissed his cheek, and lay back down.

  Once more he closed his eyes, and tried to let sleep take him away. But before he knew it he was awake, but this time he was cold, and Lissa was no longer in his arms.


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