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Complete Works of F Marion Crawford

Page 248

by F. Marion Crawford

  The tears filled her eyes as she turned away and stared vacantly out of the window at the dark houses opposite. The sun, which had been shining until that moment, disappeared behind a mass of driving clouds, and a few drops of rain began to beat against the panes of glass. The world seemed suddenly more dreary to Lucia. Gianbattista, who was sensitive where she was concerned, looked at her, and understood that he had destroyed something in which she had wished to believe.

  “Well, well, my heart, perhaps you are right,” he said softly, putting his arm round her.

  “No, you do not believe it,” she answered.

  “For you, I will believe in anything, in everything — even in Sor Marzio’s devotions,” he said, pressing her to his side. “Only — you see, darling, he was talking in such a way a few moments before — that it seemed impossible—”

  “Nothing is quite impossible,” replied Lucia. “The heart beats fast. There may be a whole world between one beat and the next.”

  “Yes, my love,” assented Gianbattista, looking tenderly into her eyes. “But do you think that between all the beatings of our two hearts there could ever be a world of change?”

  “Ah — that is different, Tista. Why should we change? We could only change for worse if we began to love each other less, and that is impossible. But papa! Why should he not change for the better? Who can tell you, Tista, dear, that in a moment, in a second, after you were gone, he was not sorry for all he had done? It may have been in an instant. Why not?”

  “Things done so very quickly are not done well,” answered the young man. “I know that from my art. You may stamp a thing in a moment with the die — it is rough, unfinished. It takes weeks to chisel it—”

  “The good God is not a chiseller, Tista.”

  The words fell very simply from the young girl’s lips, and the expression of her face did not change. Only the tone of her voice was grave and quiet, and there was a depth of conviction in it which struck Gianbattista forcibly. In a short sentence she had defined the difference between his mode of thought and her own. To her mind omnipotence was a reality. To him, it was an inconceivable power, the absurdity of which he sought to demonstrate by comparing the magnitude claimed for it with the capacities of man. He remained silent for a moment, as though seeking an answer. He found none, and what he said expressed an aspiration and not a retort.

  “I sometimes wish that I could believe as you do,” he said. “I am sure I could do much greater things, make much more beautiful angels, if I were quite sure that they existed.”

  “Of course you could,” answered Lucia. Then, with a tact beyond her years, she changed the subject of their talk. She would not endanger the durability of his aspiration by discussing it. “To go back to what we were speaking of,” she said, “you will go to the workshop this afternoon, Tista, won’t you?”

  “Yes,” he said mechanically. “What else should I do? Oh, Lucia, my darling, I cannot bear this uncertainty,” he cried, suddenly giving vent to his feelings. “Where will it end? He may have changed, he may be all you say he is to-day, all that he was not yesterday, but do you really believe he has given up his wild idea? It is not all as it should be, and that is not his nature. It will come upon us suddenly with something we do not expect. He will do something — I cannot tell what, but I know him better than you do. He is cruel, he plots over his work, and then, when all seems calm, the storm breaks. It will not end well.”

  “We must love each other, Tista. Then all will end well. Who can divide us?”

  “No one,” answered the young maid firmly. “But many things may happen before we are united for ever.”

  He was not subject to presentiments, and his self-confident nature abhorred the prospect of trouble. He had arrived at his conclusion by a logical process, and there seemed no escape from it. As he had told Lucia, he knew the character of the chiseller better than the women of the household could know it, for he had been his constant companion for years, and was not to be deceived in his estimate of Marzio’s temper. A man’s natural disposition shows itself most clearly when he is in his natural element, at his work, busied in the ordinary occupations of his life. To such a man as Marzio, the workshop is more sympathetic than the house. Disagreeing on most points with his family, obliged to be absent during the whole day, wholly absorbed in the production of works which the women of his household could not thoroughly appreciate, because they did not thoroughly understand the ideas which originated them, nor the methods employed in their execution — under these combined circumstances it was to be expected that the artist’s real feelings would find expression at the work-bench rather than in the society of his wife and daughter. Seated by Marzio’s side, and learning from him all that could be learned, Gianbattista had acquired at the same time a thorough knowledge of his instincts and emotions, which neither Maria Luisa nor Lucia was able to comprehend.

  Marzio was tenacious of his ideas and of his schemes. Deficient in power of initiative and in physical courage, he was obstinate beyond all belief in his adherence to his theories. That he should suddenly yield to a devotional impulse, fall upon his knees before a crucifix and cry meâ culpâ over his whole past life, was altogether out of the question. In Gianbattista’s opinion it was almost as impossible that he should abandon in a moment the plan which he had announced with so much resolution on the previous evening. It was certain that before declaring his determination to marry his daughter to the lawyer he must have ruminated and planned during many days, as it was his habit to do in all the matters of his life, without consulting any one, or giving the slightest hint of his intention. Some part of his remarkable talent depended upon this faculty of thoroughly considering a resolution before proceeding to carry it out; and it is a part of every really great talent in every branch of creative art, for it is the result of a great continuity in the action of the mind combined with the power of concentration and the virtue of reticence. Many a work has appeared to the world to be the spontaneous creation of transcendent genius, which has, in reality, been conceived, studied, and elaborated during years of silence. Reticence, concentration, and continuity, are characteristics which cannot influence one part of a man’s life without influencing the rest as well. The habit of studying before proceeding is co-existent with the necessity of considering before acting; and a man who is reticent concerning one half of his thoughts is not communicative about the other half. Nature does not do things by halves, and the nerves which animate the gesture at the table are the same which guide the chisel at the work-bench.

  Gianbattista understood Marzio’s character, and in his mind tried to construct the future out of the present. He endeavoured to follow out what he supposed to be the chiseller’s train of thought to its inevitable conclusion, and the more he reflected on the situation the more certain he became that Lucia’s hypothesis was untenable. It was not conceivable, under any circumstances whatever, that Marzio should suddenly turn into a gentle, forgiving creature, anxious only for the welfare of others, and willing to sacrifice his own inclinations and schemes to that laudable end.

  At twelve o’clock, Marzio appeared, cold, silent, and preoccupied. His manner did not encourage the idea entertained by Lucia, though the girl explained it to herself on the ground that her father was ashamed of having yielded so easily, and was unwilling to have it thought that he was too good-natured. There was truth in her idea, and it showed a good deal of common sense and appreciation of character. But it was not the whole truth. Marzio not only felt humiliated at having suffered himself to be overcome by his daughter’s entreaties; he regretted it, and wished he could undo what he had done. It was too late, however. To change his mind a second time would be to show such weakness as his family had never witnessed in his actions.

  He ate his food in silence, and the rest of the party ventured but few remarks. They inwardly congratulated themselves upon the favourable issue of the affair, in so far as it could be said to have reached a conclusion, and they all dreaded equally some
fresh outburst of anger, should Marzio’s temper be ruffled. Gianbattista himself set the example of discretion. As for the Signora Pandolfi, she had ready in her pocket the money her husband had given her in the morning for the purchase of Lucia’s outfit, and she hoped at every moment that Marzio would ask for it, which would have been a sign that he had abandoned the idea of the marriage with Carnesecchi. But Marzio never mentioned the subject. He ate as quickly as he could, swallowed a draught of weak wine and water, and rose from the table without a word. With a significant nod to Maria Luisa and Lucia, Gianbattista left his seat and followed the artist towards the door. Marzio looked round sharply as he heard the steps behind him.

  “Lucia told me,” said the young man simply. “If you wish it, I will come and work.”

  Marzio hesitated a moment, beating his soft felt hat over his arm to remove the dust.

  “You can go with the men and put up the prince’s grating,” he said at last. “The right hand side is ready fitted. If you work hard you can finish it before night.”

  “Very well,” answered Gianbattista. “I will see to it. I have the keys here. In fire minutes I will come across.”

  Marzio nodded and went out. Gianbattista returned to the room where the women were finishing their dinner.

  “It is all right,” he said. “I am to put up the grating this afternoon. Will you come and see it, Sora Luisa?” He spoke to the mother, but he included the daughter by his look.

  “It is very far,” objected the Signora Pandolfi, “and we have been walking so much this morning. I think this day will never end!”

  “Courage, mamma,” said Lucia, “it will do you good to walk. Besides, there is the omnibus. What did he say, Tista? Am I not right?”

  “Who knows? He is very quiet,” replied the apprentice.

  “What is it? What are you right about, my heart?” asked Maria Luisa.

  “She thinks Sor Marzio has suddenly turned into a sugar doll,” answered Gianbattista, with a laugh. “It may be. They say they make sugar out of all sorts of things nowadays.”

  “Capperi! It would be hard!” exclaimed Maria Luisa. “If there is enough sugar in him to sweeten a teaspoonful of coffee, write to me,” she added ironically.

  “Well — I shall be at the church in an hour, but it will be time enough if you come at twenty-three o’clock — between twenty-two and twenty-three.” This means between one hour and two hours before sunset. “The light is good then, for there is a big west window,” added Gianbattista in explanation.

  “We will come before that,” said Lucia. “Good-bye, Tista, and take care not to catch cold in that damp place.”

  “And you too,” he answered, “cover yourselves carefully.”

  With this injunction, and a parting wave of the hand, he left the house, affecting a gay humour he did not really feel. His invitation to the two women to join him in the church had another object besides that of showing them the magnificent gilded grating which was to be put in place. Gianbattista feared that Marzio had sent him upon this business for the sake of getting him out of the way, and he did not know what might happen in his absence. The artist might perhaps choose that time for going in search of Gasparo Carnesecchi in order to bring him to the house and precipitate the catastrophe which the apprentice still feared, in spite of the last events of the morning. It was not unusual for Maria Luisa and her daughter to accompany him and Marzio when a finished work was to be set up, and Gianbattista knew that there could be no reasonable objection to such, a proceeding.

  With an anxious heart he left the house and crossed the street to the workshop where the men were already waiting for the carts which were to convey the heavy grating to its destination. The pieces were standing against the walls, wrapped in tow and brown paper, and immense parcels lay tied up upon the benches. It was a great piece of work of the decorative kind, but of the sort for which Marzio cared little. Great brass castings were chiselled and finished according to his designs without his touching them with his hands. Huge twining arabesques of solid metal were prepared in pieces and fitted together with screws that ran easily in the thread, and then were taken apart again. Then came the laborious work of gilding by the mercury process, smearing every piece very carefully with an amalgam of mercury and gold, and putting it into a gentle, steady fire, until the mercury had evaporated, tearing only the dull gold in an even deposit on the surfaces. Then the finishing, the burnishing of the high lights, and the cleaning of the portions which were to remain dull. Sometimes the gilding of a piece failed, and had to be begun again, and there was endless trouble in saving the gold, as well as in preventing the workmen from stealing the amalgam. It was slow and troublesome work, and Marzio cared little for it, though his artistic instinct restrained him from allowing it to leave the workshop until it had been perfected to the highest degree.

  At present the artist stood in the outer room among the wrapped pieces, his pipe in his mouth and his hands in his pockets. A moment after Gianhattista had entered, two carts rolled up to the door and the loading began.

  “Take the drills and some screws to spare,” said Marzio, looking into the bag of tools the foreman had prepared. “One can never tell in these monstrous things.”

  “It will be the first time, if we have to drill a new hole after you have fitted a piece of work, Maestro Marzio,” answered the foreman, who had an unlimited admiration for his master’s genius and foresight.

  “Never mind; do as I tell you. We may all make mistakes in this world,” returned the artist, giving utterance to a moral sentiment which did not influence him beyond the precincts of the workshop. The workman obeyed, and added the requisite instruments to the furnishing of his leather bag.

  “And be careful, Tista,” added Marzio, turning to the apprentice. “Look to the sockets in the marble when you place the large pieces. Measure them with your compass, you know; if they are too loose you have the thin plates of brass to pack them; if they are tight, file away, but finish and smooth it well Don’t leave anything rough.”

  Gianbattista nodded as he lent a helping hand to the workmen who were carrying the heavy pieces to the carts.

  “Will you come to the church before night?” he asked.

  “Perhaps. I cannot tell. I am very busy.”

  In ten minutes the pieces were all piled upon the two vehicles, and Gianbattista strode away on foot with the workmen. He had not thought of changing his dress, and had merely thrown an old overcoat over his grey woollen blouse. For the time, he was an artisan at work. When working hours were over, and on Sundays, he loved to put on the stiff high collar and the cheeked clothes which suggested the garments of the English tourist. He was then a different person, and, in accordance with the change, he would smoke a cigarette and pull his cuffs over his hands, like a real gentleman, adjusting the angle of his hat from time to time, and glancing at his reflection in the shop windows as he passed along. But work was work; it was a pity to spoil good clothes with handling tools and castings, and jostling against the men, and, moreover, the change affected his nature. He could not handle a hammer or a chisel when he felt like a real gentleman, and when he felt like an artisan he must enjoy the liberty of being able to tuck up his sleeves and work with a will. At the present moment, too, he was proud of being in sole charge of the work, and he could not help thinking what a fine thing it would be to be married to Lucia and to be the master of the workshop. With the sanguine enthusiasm of a very young man who loves his occupation, he put his whole soul into what he was to do, assured that every skilful stroke of the hammer, every difficulty overcome, brought him nearer to the woman he loved.

  Marzio entered the inner studio when Gianbattista was gone, leaving a boy who was learning to cut little files — the preliminary to the chiseller’s profession — in charge of the outer workshop. The artist shut himself in and bolted the door, glad to be alone with the prospect of not being disturbed during the whole afternoon. He seemed not to hesitate about the work he intended to do, for he
immediately took in hand the crucifix, laid it upon the table, and began to study it, using a lens from time to time as he scrutinised each detail. His rough hair fell forward over his forehead, and his shoulders rounded themselves till he looked almost deformed.

  He had suffered very strong emotions during the last twenty-four hours — enough to have destroyed the steadiness of an ordinary man’s hand; but with Marzio manual skill was the first habit of nature, and it would have been hard to find a mental impression which could shake his physical nerves. His mind, however, worked rapidly and almost fiercely, while his eyes searched the minute lines of the work he was examining.

  Uppermost in his thoughts was a confused sense of humiliation and of exasperation against his brother. The anger he felt had nearly been expressed in a murderous deed not more than two or three hours earlier, and the wish to strike was still present in his mind. He twisted his lips into an ugly smile as he recalled the scene in every detail; but the determination was different from the reality and more in accordance with his feelings. He realised again that moment during which he had held the sharp instrument over his brother’s head, and the thought which had then passed so rapidly through his brain recurred again with increased clearness. He remembered that beneath the iron-bound box in the corner there was a trap-door which descended to the unused cellar, for his workshop had in former times been a wine-shop, and he had hired the cellar with it. One sharp blow would have done the business. A few quick movements and Paolo’s body would have been thrown down the dark steps beneath, the trap closed again, the safe replaced in its position. It was eleven o’clock then, or thereabouts. He would have sent the workmen to their dinner, and would have returned to the inner studio. They would have supposed afterwards that Don Paolo had left the place with him. He would have gone home and would have said that Paolo had left him — or, no — he would have said that Paolo had not been there, for some one might see him leave the workshop alone. In the night he would have returned, his family thinking he had gone to meet his friends, as he often did. When the streets were quiet he would have carried the body away upon the hand-cart that stood in the entry of the outer room. It was not far — scarcely three hundred yards, allowing for the turnings — to the place where the Via Montella ends in a mud bank by the dark river. A deserted neighbourhood, too — a turn to the left, the low trees of the Piazza de’ Branca, the dark, short, straight street to the water. At one o’clock after midnight who was stirring? It would all have been so simple, so terribly effectual.


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