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Complete Works of F Marion Crawford

Page 1196

by F. Marion Crawford

  Then another sound was heard, a very pure strong note, high above his own tones, a beautiful round note, that made one think of gold and silver bells, and that filled the house instantly, like light, and reached every ear, even through the terror that was driving the crowd mad in the dark.

  A moment more, an instant’s pause, and Cordova had begun Lucia’s song again at the beginning, and her marvellous trills and staccato notes, and trills again, trills upon trills without end, filled the vast darkness and stopped those four thousand men and women, spellbound and silent, and ashamed too.

  It was not great music, surely; but it was sung by the greatest living singer, singing alone in the dark, as calmly and as perfectly as if all the orchestra had been with her, singing as no one can who feels the least tremor of fear; and the awful tension of the dark throng relaxed, and the breath that came was a great sigh of relief, for it was not possible to be frightened when a fearless woman was singing so marvellously.

  Then, still in the dark, some of the musicians struck in and supported her, and others followed, till the whole body of harmony was complete; and just as she was at the wildest trills, at the very passage during which the crash had come, the lights went up all at once; and there stood Cordova in white and lace, with her eyes half shut and shaking her outstretched hands as she always made them shake in the mad scene; and the stage was just as it had been before the accident, except that Schreiermeyer was standing near the singer in evening dress with a perfectly new and shiny high hat on the back of his head, and his mouth wide open.

  The people were half hysterical from the past danger, and when they saw, and realised, they did not wait for the end of the air, but sent up such a shout of applause as had never been heard in the Opera before and may not be heard there again.

  Instinctively the Primadonna sang the last bars, though no one heard her in the din, unless it was Schreiermeyer, who stood near her. When she had finished at last he ran up to her and threw both his arms round her in a paroxysm of gratitude, regardless of her powder and chalk, which came off upon his coat and yellow beard in patches of white as he kissed her on both cheeks, calling her by every endearing name that occurred to his polyglot memory, from Sweetheart in English to Little Cabbage in French, till Cordova laughed and pushed him away, and made a tremendous courtesy to the audience.

  Just then a man in a blue jacket and gilt buttons entered from the left of the stage and whispered a few words into Schreiermeyer’s ear. The manager looked grave at once, nodded and came forward to the prompter’s box. The man had brought news of the accident, he said; a quantity of dynamite which was to have been used in subterranean blasting had exploded and had done great damage, no one yet knew how great. It was probable that many persons had been killed.

  But for this news, Cordova would have had one of those ovations which rarely fall to the lot of any but famous singers, for there was not a man or woman in the theatre who had not felt that she had averted a catastrophe and saved scores of lives. As it was, several women had been slightly hurt and at least fifty had fainted. Every one was anxious to help them now, most of all the very people who had hurt them.

  But the news of an accident in the city emptied the house in a few minutes; even now that the lights were up the anxiety to get out to the street and to know more of the truth was great enough to be dangerous, and the strong crowd heaved and surged again and pushed through the many doors with little thought for the weak or for any who had been injured in the first panic.

  But in the meantime Cordova had reached her dressing-room, supported by the enthusiastic Schreiermeyer on one side, and by the equally enthusiastic tenor on the other, while the singular family party assembled in the last act of Lucia di Lammermoor brought up the rear with many expressions of admiration and sympathy.

  As a matter of fact the Primadonna needed neither sympathy nor support, and that sort of admiration was not of the kind that most delighted her. She did not believe that she had done anything heroic, and did not feel at all inclined to cry.

  ‘You saved the whole audience!’ cried Signor Pompeo Stromboli, the great Italian tenor, who presented an amazing appearance in his Highland dress. ‘Four thousand seven hundred and fifty-three people owe you their lives at this moment! Every one of them would have been dead but for your superb coolness! Ah, you are indeed a great woman!’

  Schreiermeyer’s business ear had caught the figures. As they walked, each with an arm through one of the Primadonna’s, he leaned back and spoke to Stromboli behind her head.

  ‘How the devil do you know what the house was?’ he asked sharply.

  ‘I always know,’ answered the Italian in a perfectly matter-of-fact tone. ‘My dresser finds out from the box-office. I never take the C sharp if there are less than three thousand.’

  ‘I’ll stop that!’ growled Schreiermeyer.

  ‘As you please!’ Stromboli shrugged his massive shoulders. ‘C sharp is not in the engagement!’

  ‘It shall be in the next! I won’t sign without it!’

  ‘I won’t sign at all!’ retorted the tenor with a sneer of superiority. ‘You need not talk of conditions, for I shall not come to America again!’

  ‘Oh, do stop quarrelling!’ laughed Cordova as they reached the door of her box, for she had heard similar amenities exchanged twenty times already, and she knew that they meant nothing at all on either side.

  ‘Have you any beer?’ inquired Stromboli of the Primadonna, as if nothing had happened.

  ‘Bring some beer, Bob!’ Schreiermeyer called out over his shoulder to some one in the distance.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ answered a rough voice, far off, and with a foreign accent.

  The three entered the Primadonna’s dressing-room together. It was a hideous place, as all dressing-rooms are which are never used two days in succession by the same actress or singer; very different from the pretty cells in the beehive of the Comédie Française where each pensioner or shareholder is lodged like a queen bee by herself, for years at a time.

  The walls of Cordova’s dressing-room were more or less white-washed where the plaster had not been damaged. There was a dingy full-length mirror, a shabby toilet-table; there were a few crazy chairs, the wretched furniture which is generally to be found in actresses’ dressing-rooms, notwithstanding the marvellous descriptions invented by romancers. But there was light in abundance and to excess, dazzling, unshaded, intolerable to any but theatrical eyes. There were at least twenty strong electric lamps in the miserable place, which illuminated the coarsely painted faces of the Primadonna and the tenor with alarming distinctness, and gleamed on Schreiermeyer’s smooth fair hair and beard, and impassive features.

  ‘You’ll have two columns and a portrait in every paper to-morrow,’ he observed thoughtfully. ‘It’s worth while to engage such people. Oh yes, damn it, I tell you it’s worth while!’

  The last emphatic sentence was intended for Stromboli, as if he had contradicted the statement, or were himself not ‘worth while.’

  ‘There’s beer there already,’ said the tenor, seeing a bottle and glass on a deal table, and making for them at once.

  He undid the patent fastening, stood upright with his sturdy stockinged legs wide apart, threw his head back, opened his huge painted mouth to the necessary extent, but not to the full, and without touching his lips poured the beer into the chasm in a gurgling stream, which he swallowed without the least apparent difficulty. When he had taken down half the contents of the small bottle he desisted and poured the rest into the glass, apparently for Cordova’s benefit.

  ‘I hope I have left you enough,’ he said, as he prepared to go. ‘My throat felt like a rusty gun-barrel.’

  ‘Fright is very bad for the voice,’ Schreiermeyer remarked, as the call-boy handed him another bottle of beer through the open door.

  Stromboli took no notice of the direct imputation. He had taken a very small and fine handkerchief from his sporran and was carefully tucking it into his collar with some idea
of protecting his throat. When this was done his admiration for his colleague broke out again without the slightest warning.

  ‘You were superb, magnificent, surpassing!’ he cried.

  He seized Cordova’s chalked hands, pressed them to his own whitened chin, by sheer force of stage habit, because the red on his lips would have come off on them, and turned away.

  ‘Surpassing! Magnificent! What a woman!’ he roared in tremendous tones as he strode away through the dim corridor towards the stage and his own dressing-room on the other side.

  Meanwhile Schreiermeyer, who was quite as thirsty as the tenor, drank what the latter had left in the only glass there was, and set the full bottle beside the latter on the deal table.

  ‘There is your beer,’ he said, calling attention to what he had done.

  Cordova nodded carelessly and sat down on one of the crazy chairs before the toilet-table. Her maid at once came forward and took off her wig, and her own beautiful brown hair appeared, pressed and matted close to her head in a rather disorderly coil.

  ‘You must be tired,’ said the manager, with more consideration than he often showed to any one whose next engagement was already signed. ‘I’ll find out how many were killed in the explosion and then I’ll get hold of the reporters. You’ll have two columns and a picture to-morrow.’

  Schreiermeyer rarely took the trouble to say good-morning or good-night, and Cordova heard the door shut after him as he went out.

  ‘Lock it,’ she said to her maid. ‘I’m sure that madman is about the theatre again.’

  The maid obeyed with alacrity. She was very tall and dark, and when she had entered Cordova’s service two years ago she had been positively cadaverous. She herself said that her appearance had been the result of living many years with the celebrated Madame Bonanni, who was a whirlwind, an earthquake, a phenomenon, a cosmic force. No one who had lived with her in her stage days had ever grown fat; it was as much as a very strong constitution could do not to grow thin.

  Madame Bonanni had presented the cadaverous woman to the young Primadonna as one of the most precious of her possessions, and out of sheer affection. It was true that since the great singer had closed her long career and had retired to live in the country, in Provence, she dressed with such simplicity as made it possible for her to exist without the long-faithful, all-skilful, and iron-handed Alphonsine; and the maid, on her side, was so thoroughly a professional theatrical dresser that she must have died of inanition in what she would have called private life. Lastly, she had heard that Madame Bonanni had now given up the semblance, long far from empty, but certainly vain, of a waist, and dressed herself in a garment resembling a priest’s cassock, buttoned in front from her throat to her toes.

  Alphonsine locked the door, and the Primadonna leaned her elbows on the sordid toilet-table and stared at her chalked and painted face, vaguely trying to recognise the features of Margaret Donne, the daughter of the quiet Oxford scholar, her real self as she had been two years ago, and by no means very different from her everyday self now. But it was not easy. Margaret was there, no doubt, behind the paint and the ‘liquid white,’ but the reality was what the public saw beyond the footlights two or three times a week during the opera season, and applauded with might and main as the most successful lyric soprano of the day.

  There were moments when she tried to get hold of herself and bring herself back. They came most often after some great emotion in the theatre, when the sight of the painted mask in the glass shocked and disgusted her as it did to-night; when the contrasts of life were almost more than she could bear, when her sensibilities awoke again, when the fastidiousness of the delicately nurtured girl revolted under the rough familiarity of such a comrade as Stromboli, and rebelled against the sordid cynicism of Schreiermeyer.

  She shuddered at the mere idea that the manager should have thought she would drink out of the glass he had just used. Even the Italian peasant, who had been a goatherd in Calabria, and could hardly write his name, showed more delicacy, according to his lights, which were certainly not dazzling. A faint ray of Roman civilisation had reached him through generations of slaves and serfs and shepherds. But no such traditions of forgotten delicacy disturbed the manners of Schreiermeyer. The glass from which he had drunk was good enough for any primadonna in his company, and it was silly for any of them to give themselves airs. Were they not largely his creatures, fed from his hand, to work for him while they were young, and to be turned out as soon as they began to sing false? He was by no means the worst of his kind, as Margaret knew very well.

  She thought of her childhood, of her mother and of her father, both dead long before she had gone on the stage; and of that excellent and kind Mrs. Rushmore, her American mother’s American friend, who had taken her as her own daughter, and had loved her and cared for her, and had shed tears when Margaret insisted on becoming a singer; who had fought for her, too, and had recovered for her a small fortune of which her mother had been cheated. For Margaret would have been more than well off without her profession, even when she had made her début, and she had given up much to be a singer, believing that she knew what she was doing.

  But now she was ready to undo it all and to go back; at least she thought she was, as she stared at herself in the glass while the pale maid drew her hair back and fastened it far above her forehead with a big curved comb, as a preliminary to getting rid of paint and powder. At this stage of the operation the Primadonna was neither Cordova nor Margaret Donne; there was something terrifying about the exaggeratedly painted mask when the wig was gone and her natural hair was drawn tightly back. She thought she was like a monstrous skinned rabbit with staring brown eyes.

  At first, with the inexperience of youth, she used to plunge her painted face into soapsuds and scrub vigorously till her own complexion appeared, a good deal overheated and temporarily shiny; but before long she had yielded to Alphonsine’s entreaties and representations and had adopted the butter method, long familiar to chimney-sweeps.

  The butter lay ready; not in a lordly dish, but in a clean tin can with a cover, of the kind workmen use for fetching beer, and commonly called a ‘growler’ in New York, for some reason which escapes etymologists.

  Having got rid of the upper strata of white lace and fine linen, artfully done up so as to tremble like aspen leaves with Lucia’s mad trills, Margaret proceeded to butter her face thoroughly. It occurred to her just then that all the other artists who had appeared with her were presumably buttering their faces at the same moment, and that if the public could look in upon them it would be very much surprised indeed. At the thought she forgot what she had been thinking of and smiled.

  The maid, who was holding her hair back where it escaped the comb, smiled too, and evidently considered that the relaxation of Margaret’s buttered features was equivalent to a permission to speak.

  ‘It was a great triumph for Madame,’ she observed. ‘All the papers will praise Madame to-morrow. Madame saved many lives.’

  ‘Was Mr. Griggs in the house?’ Margaret asked. ‘I did not see him.’

  Alphonsine did not answer at once, and when she spoke her tone had changed.

  ‘Yes, Madame. Mr. Griggs was in the house.’

  Margaret wondered whether she had saved his life too, in his own estimation or in that of her maid, and while she pondered the question she buttered her nose industriously.

  Alphonsine took a commercial view of the case.

  ‘If Madame would appear three times more in New York, before sailing, the manager would give ten thousand francs a night,’ she observed.

  Margaret said nothing to this, but she thought it would be amusing to show herself to an admiring public in her present condition.

  ‘Madame is now a heroine,’ continued Alphonsine, behind her. ‘Madame can ask anything she pleases. Several milliardaires will now offer to marry Madame.’

  ‘Alphonsine,’ answered Margaret, ‘you have no sense.’

  The maid smiled, knowing that her m
istress could not see even the reflection of the smile in the glass; but she said nothing.

  ‘No sense,’ Margaret repeated, with conviction. ‘None at all’

  The maid allowed a few seconds to pass before she spoke again.

  ‘Or if Madame would accept to sing in one or two private houses in New York, we could ask a very great price, more than the manager would give.’

  ‘I daresay.’

  ‘It is certain,’ said Alphonsine. ‘At the French ball to which Madame kindly allowed me to go, the valet of Mr. Van Torp approached me.’

  ‘Indeed!’ exclaimed Cordova absently. ‘How very disagreeable!’

  ‘I see that Madame is not listening,’ said Alphonsine, taking offence.

  What she said was so true that Margaret did not answer at all. Besides, the buttering process was finished, and it was time for the hot water. She went to the ugly stationary washstand and bent over it, while the maid kept her hair from her face. Alphonsine spoke again when she was sure that her mistress could not possibly answer her.

  ‘Mr. Van Torp’s valet asked me whether I thought Madame would be willing to sing in church, at the wedding, the day after to-morrow,’ she said, holding the Primadonna’s back hair firmly.

  The head moved energetically under her hands. Margaret would certainly not sing at Mr. Van Torp’s wedding, and she even tried to say so, but her voice only bubbled and sputtered ineffectually through the soap and water.

  ‘I was sure Madame would not,’ continued the maid, ‘though Mr. Van Torp’s valet said that money was no object. He had heard Mr. Van Torp say that he would give five thousand dollars to have Madame sing at his wedding.’

  Margaret did not shake her head this time, nor try to speak, but Alphonsine heard the little impatient tap of her slipper on the wooden floor. It was not often that the Primadonna showed so much annoyance at anything; and of late, when she did, the cause had been connected with this same Mr. Van Torp. The mere mention of his name irritated her, and Alphonsine seemed to know it, and to take an inexplicable pleasure in talking about him — about Mr. Rufus Van Torp, formerly of Chicago, but now of New York. He was looked upon as the controlling intellect of the great Nickel Trust; in fact, he was the Nickel Trust himself, and the other men in it were mere dummies compared with him. He had sailed the uncertain waters of finance for twenty years or more, and had been nearly shipwrecked more than once, but at the time of this story he was on the top of the wave; and as his past was even more entirely a matter of conjecture than his future, it would be useless to inquire into the former or to speculate about the latter. Moreover, in these break-neck days no time counts but the present, so far as reputation goes; good fame itself now resembles righteousness chiefly because it clothes men as with a garment; and as we have the highest authority for assuming that charity covers a multitude of sins, we can hardly be surprised that it should be so generally used for that purpose. Rufus Van Torp’s charities were notorious, aggressive, and profitable. The same sums of money could not have bought as much mingled advertisement and immunity in any other way.


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