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COME WHEN CALLED #7, The Sunrise (Billionaire & Biker MMF Menage Romance Serial)

Page 3

by Piper Trace

  “I hope you’re listening to her,” he repeated more firmly, his soft brown eyes pinning Ford’s as he drew up next to the counter. Ford dropped Evie’s wrist and reached for Charley, pulling the man over to lean against the counter next to Evie. He rested his hand on Charley’s hip.

  “Charley Baker,” Ford drawled affectionately, his lips curling. “Welcome to our honesty session.” He smiled wryly at Charley. “I’m stumbling through it, blind and stupid.”

  Charley crossed his arms, his eyes boring into Ford’s. “Honesty session, huh? I was wondering what all the shouting was about. You don’t often raise your voice.”

  Charley looked at Evie, seeming to check that she was okay, and Evie leaned to kiss him chastely, warming at his concern for her. He turned back to Ford. “It doesn’t matter how honest she is with you if you don’t believe her.” He shook his head. “Don’t ask her to tell you the truth and then disrespect her by dismissing it.”

  “I know,” Ford’s voice was thin. Charley moved to the side of them, forming their group into a triangle. He covered Ford’s hand on his hip with his own, his uncomplicated demeanor a stark contrast to Ford’s devastatingly handsome, sharp features. Ford’s analyzing, jewel-colored eyes were locked to Charley’s. Ford’s muscles were still tightly wound, and his hands were molded proprietarily to each of Charley’s and Evie’s bodies.

  “I’m going to simplify what she said, Ford. She said you are worth loving and wanting.” Charley draped his arm around Evie, hugging her to his side, and met Ford’s eyes with a laser-steady stare. “You aren’t perfect. None of us are, but that doesn’t make you not worth loving. It’s why you’re worth loving, with all of your imperfections, infuriating quirks and your kinky needs.”

  He tilted his head, his eyes imploring Ford. “Now you can believe that or not, but your worth is the reason this gorgeous, strong woman…” Charley seemed to pause in his thought, turning his attention to Evie and pulling her head against his to kiss her hair before continuing, eyes still locked to hers. “This brilliant woman, who fucks with the energy of a tidal wave, and makes us both feel a little bit like gods when she makes us come, allows you—” he turned those painfully honest eyes back to Ford before finishing, his words slow and sexy, “—to do those filthy things to her.”

  Silence hung in the air after his last words before he added, “And Evie loves it. And you and I love it. And it’s perfect. Don’t diminish this incredible thing we’ve found by pretending it’s not real for any of us, including you.”

  “You’re right.” Ford’s voice sounded broken, his eyes bright with emotion. “You’re right.” Ford’s eyes went back to Evie’s. “I’m sorry, love.” Evie realized she was holding her breath. She shifted what she was sure were startled eyes to Charley and something passed between them. It was a breakthrough. There was a crack in the wall and Evie and Charley were going to bust it the rest of the way through.

  Charley seemed to understand that he needed to keep Ford off balance—take control to prevent Ford from slipping back behind his protective shield of power, comfortable in his role of always being in charge. Evie and Charley silently agreed, communicating in this matter as clearly as if they’d spoken the words out loud. Turning back, Evie saw Ford’s eyes were still trained to her, a depth in his look she’d never seen before.

  “Show her,” Charley growled, an impressive simulation of one of Ford’s own sexual orders. “Show her you believe you are worth everything we want to give you.” Ford pulled himself to his full height at the command, not taking his eyes from Evie’s, and banded his strong arms around her, enveloping her in his manly, clean scent, fresh from the shower. The emotion she felt in his embrace saturated her senses and brought tears to her eyes.

  His own eyes sparkling, Ford brought his lips to hers, kissing her so softly at first, whispering, “Evie, god Evie,” between kisses. And then, “You’re mine? Really mine?” against her ear, his voice growing husky.

  She nodded, closing her eyes, her lips parting. “You’re ours?” he amended, his words spoken through his teeth as he bit down gently on her earlobe, eliciting a gasp.

  “No,” Charley said firmly as he moved around behind Ford, pressing his body to the other man’s, causing Ford to mold more firmly against Evie. Charley lowered his head, sucking on the skin at Ford’s neck as he reached around his friend to find the tie on Evie’s robe. He yanked it loose, allowing the silky garment to fall open. Ford groaned and moved his hips, and while the movement caused him to rub against her in a yummy way, Evie was pretty sure from the way Ford had let his head fall back onto Charley’s shoulder, that it was Charley’s cock he was actually grinding against.

  Her eyes flitted up to the mirror behind Charley on the opposite wall, and she saw Charley wrap his paws of hands around each side of Ford’s hips and gyrate against his best friend, Charley’s ass moving in sensuous circles as he rubbed his jeans-clad erection against Ford’s tight ass.

  “No,” Charley repeated. “Evie’s not ours.”

  Ford’s eyes opened as he raised his head and looked at Charley through his reflection in the mirror, the look on his face suddenly predatory. “Why not ours? Why isn’t she ours?” His voice was a rumble, thick with emotion.

  Charley reached up and sliced his fingers through the side of Ford’s thick, nearly dry hair, almost palming the other man’s skull. “Because we are yours, Ford.” His tone was that of an avowal, an oath of devotion. Then he repeated softly, “We are yours. Evie and I. It’s never not been true. In your heart, you know that.” Charley shifted back to Ford’s side, and keeping the man’s head tilted, he nipped at Ford’s jaw before moving to his ear, sucking his earlobe between his lips.

  Ford made a long, groaning noise that told Evie he liked the sound of that. Releasing Ford, Charley reached to catch Evie’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her head to his. He kissed her deeply, his tongue plundering her mouth, as if he was making a point. Without breaking the kiss, he brushed the silk robe off her shoulder like it was in his way.

  Charley tugged her robe down and Evie pulled her arms out of the garment, leaving her completely naked. With the same hand he found one of her breasts, plucking her nipple until it was even harder, making her pussy muscles contract in pleasure in response to each small pinch.

  Pain was usually Ford’s territory, and Evie found herself newly breathless at Charley’s takeover. She whimpered and he pulled back with a chuckle. “Ford’s not the only one who can make you squirm, little Evie.”

  Ford nuzzled Charley’s cheek, his tongue reaching to touch against the corner of Charley’s generous mouth, drawing a small moan from both men. Their gazes locked together and they shared a current of mutual adoration and heat before Charley closed the gap and claimed the other man’s mouth with his own.

  Evie saw the muscles in Ford’s body tense hard in an instant when Charley moved his hand from her breast to trail his long fingers down the taut muscles of Ford’s bare abdomen until he reached the towel, tented with Ford’s erection. In an instant the towel was on the floor and Charley’s fist was around his best friend’s thick cock.

  Ford was making a predatory noise as Charley tongued his mouth, a noise a lion might make as it satisfied itself on raw meat from the hunt. Evie watched their powerful jaws clench and unclench as they seemingly devoured each other while Charley stroked Ford’s hard cock. Finally, Charley broke the kiss, his chest heaving.

  Ford looked back and forth from Evie to Charley. “You are both mine,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper of excitement.

  “Yes,” Charley affirmed. “But not tonight.” His face had a wicked light in it Evie had never seen. He physically turned Ford back to Evie, sandwiching the billionaire between him and her. He spoke to Ford’s reflection in the mirror. “Tonight you are both mine. And I’m going to do whatever I want with you.” The center of Ford’s eyebrows dipped as if he wasn’t sure he liked the idea, but within a few pounding heartbeats, Charley was naked and
hard behind Ford, his clothes in a discarded pile at their feet.

  Evie sucked in her breath as she took in Charley’s fine ass in the mirror behind him. With a thrill, she realized she could see the trio from every angle, the three of them, naked and wound together, were reflected in perpetuity from every surface of the room except the marble. She had an unlimited-angle view of whatever escapades Charley had in mind. They all did.

  Reaching around Ford, Charley closed his fist back around Ford’s erection, dipping his head to nibble down Ford’s neck to where it met his shoulder. He wrapped his free arm around Ford’s other side, pinning the man against him and caressing one of Ford’s defined pectorals, flicking his finger over Ford’s hard nipple.

  “Mmm,” Charley groaned, not lifting his head from Ford’s skin. “So clean. You smell like soap. Did you clean yourself thoroughly? Everywhere?” Ford grunted, frowning with his eyes closed, but his lips dropped open, belying his increasing panting. “Did you think of me when you did? Did you think of what you did to my ass with your stiff cock when you soaped yourself there?” Ford shuddered, his body melting against Charley’s, as if in affirmation.

  Evie held her breath, feeling like she was one with Ford in enthralled anticipation of what Charley wanted to do.

  Keeping his pumping hand working on Ford’s shaft, Charley moved his other hand to flatten his palm against the base of his friend’s neck. Holding Ford’s pelvis in place with his tight grip on his cock, Charley forced Ford’s shoulders toward Evie, bending him slightly at the waist until Ford braced his hands on the counter on either side of Evie and pressed his cheek to hers.

  “I’ve been an accommodating friend to you, Ford.” Charley’s voice, low and powerful normally, carried an even more resonant timbre than usual, causing sparks to spread through Evie, raising gooseflesh on her arms. “I’ve given you everything I can give another man, and I think it’s time for you to let me have some fun.”

  Evie’s scalp tingled. Was Charley talking about what she thought he was talking about?

  Charley began kissing down Ford’s spine. Evie watched as Charley’s head dipped lower and lower, slowly revealing more and more of Ford’s finely shaped back until Evie could see the trimmest part of Ford’s waist, right where his muscles bulged again to form his athletically-shaped butt.

  Charley released Ford’s cock and knelt, pulling his best friend’s ass cheeks apart with both hands. Evie tore her eyes away from the spectacle when she felt Ford’s body stiffen, and her eyes met his startled ones.

  She could almost see the raw, roiling emotion he kept tightly reigned in, and at that moment she felt more a part of their union than she ever had. She felt responsible to protect both men, yet at the same time she felt protected by them. This connection they had—this act they were about to share—couldn’t happen without her.

  It was love she felt, and not just love toward both men, directionally—no. What she felt was the feeling of being in love with them, and them with her. It swirled all around them and through them in a never-ending loop, reflected in each of them back out to the other two, just like the multiple mirrors reflected their naked, entwined bodies infinitely in every direction she looked.

  Evie had never been in love before, and that fact was never clearer than it was at that moment, now that she was being bathed in a torrent of the unbelievable feeling.

  Ford’s body twitched, and Evie glanced to the side, seeing in the reflection that Charley had pressed his face into the crease in Ford’s ass. When he pulled back to get a better grip, she saw Charley’s tongue snake out, reaching to pleasure Ford by flicking against his asshole. Ford sucked in a breath.

  “God, Ford. I love your ass,” Charley whispered, before pressing his face to it again. Evie took Ford’s face in her hands to settle him—he was completely out of his comfort zone. Not only was he letting someone else take charge—something that, alone, she wasn’t sure Ford could handle—but he was also being tongued in a sensitive place by another man. Evie was certain from his expression that Ford didn’t know what to think. He was too wrapped up in his own head to enjoy it.

  She cupped Ford’s jawline in both her hands, his skin smooth under her fingers from a fresh shave. Tilting his head, she kissed him, licking his bottom lip and sucking it into her mouth before pushing her tongue into him, just as she knew Charley was doing. He responded hesitantly at first and she pulled back just enough to whisper, “He won’t hurt you. You know he won’t. He just wants to love you. All of you. Let him love you, Ford.”

  Ford closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Evie knew he was trying. She kissed him again, reaching down to squeeze his cock between them. “Let him love you,” she repeated. She scooted forward, wrapping her legs around Ford to rest her feet on Charley’s shoulders. She rubbed Ford’s cock to her wet pussy, then positioned him at her entrance before using her legs to pull her hips against him, sinking his erection inside her.

  Ford groaned, dropping his head to her shoulder, and Evie saw in the reflection how his hands splayed out on the counter on either side of her, practically clawing at the marble. She gyrated her hips, using her leg muscles to work her body in a hot caress on his cock, almost forgetting she was doing this for him, with the pleasure it gave her. She felt him bend a fraction further, opening himself a bit more to Charley, who grunted, bobbing his head more enthusiastically as he laved the sensitive rim of Ford’s ass.

  She pulled Ford’s face to hers again, and this time there was no hesitation. He kissed her as if she had the secret to happiness inside her, and he was determined to find it with his tongue.

  Ford moved his hips, an action that both helped Evie to fuck him and Charley to stimulate his ass. It was incredibly erotic, and Evie’s skin felt like it was on fire from the pleasure coursing through every cell in her. Ford groaned again, resting his forehead to hers, and this time the noise he made held more urgency.

  Charley pulled back for air, reaching for his discarded jeans and pulling out the small tube of lubricant that he carried with him that had always made Evie and Ford laugh. Now Evie was so happy he had it.

  He stood, squeezing some of the substance onto a finger before smoothing that finger into the crease of his friend’s backside.

  Ford flinched. “Charley, this is—I don’t think—” Ford stammered, and Charley wrapped his free arm around him, pressing his body to Ford’s while the fingers of his other hand oiled Ford’s ass between them.

  “Shh, you can,” Charley whispered. “Open yourself up to me. To us. I want you to do something you never thought you could do, maybe then you’ll believe new outcomes are possible.” Charley’s arm around Ford’s chest tightened. “But you have to want it.”

  With those last words, Evie watched in the mirror to the side as one of Charley’s thick fingers bent and pushed into Ford, causing Ford to shudder and thrust into Evie, his cock feeling somehow harder and more swollen.

  “I want you to fuck her,” Charley said, his voice demanding, with tremors of excitement obvious in his words as he fulfilled what Evie knew was a long-held fantasy. “Fuck her and think of me fucking you, because that’s what I want to do tonight.”

  “God,” Ford moaned, closing his eyes again. “You’re inside me. Try another.” He licked his lips as if they were dry.

  Charley’s mouth curled into a wicked grin as he locked eyes with Evie but spoke to Ford. “Oh you’ll take another Ford. You’re going to take three of my fingers, maybe four, until I can stretch you enough to at least fit the head of my big cock in your ass. You’re mine tonight.” He bit Ford’s ear, causing him to grunt in pain, but Evie noticed Ford’s cock jump inside her.

  He was learning the pleasure of pain as well.

  Charley pulled his finger out and added more lubricant. Slowly, he sank two fingers into Ford, who groaned at the intrusion, panting as if he was climbing a mountain. But his groan of discomfort turned to whispered, “oh god”s as Charley used his fingers buried in Ford’s backside to pull Ford�
�s lower body backward and forward, causing him to fuck Evie with the motion.

  Ford reached back, wrapping his hand around Charley’s large erection and stroking it as best he could in his position, seeming to want to feel what could be inside him—what Charley wanted to fuck him with.

  “You’re so hard, Charley,” Ford croaked, his voice tight with a mixture of trepidation and out-of-control lust.

  “Hands on Evie’s breasts,” Charley commanded. “You feel so good, I’m afraid I might come all over your back if you touch me, and that’s not going to happen. Tonight I’m going to come in your ass, Ford, even if I can just get the tip of my cock in your tight, virgin asshole. You’re going to take at least that much of me tonight.”

  Evie moaned along with Ford now, impressed and turned on out of her mind with the way Charley was turning the tables, “forcing” Ford as Ford usually did to her, and insisting Ford take him into his ass. It was incredibly hot.

  Ford did as he was told, moving his hands to Evie’s breasts, caressing her and tweaking her nipples as she writhed against him.

  “I want you to pull out, bend over and make love to Evie’s pretty pussy with your tongue while I get you ready for me,” Charley detailed to Ford, who again, without hesitation responded to the order. Spreading Evie’s thighs wide, Ford bent at the waist, immediately plunging fingers into her and wriggling his tongue against her hard clit.

  “Spread your legs,” Charley demanded, and Ford spread them. Evie made a mewling sound as Ford’s enthusiastic lapping brought her to the edge that quickly, as the amazing visual took place right in front of her and was reflected all around her. She dropped her head back, realizing with a zing of excitement that she had a bird’s eye view of Charley’s assault on Ford’s ass from the mirrors on the ceiling. She decided this was the greatest room on the planet.

  In a heartbeat, Charley had two fingers sunk back into Ford and was working up to a third. Ford moved his hips against Charley’s fingers, his heavy cock bobbing in the air, unstimulated. As distracting as Evie thought Charley was being to Ford, the man never paused for a moment trying to make her come with his tongue.


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