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Enchantment (The Fae Sister Chronicles Book 1)

Page 13

by Tanya Dawson

  “Down here.” It said. I looked down to see a man about three feet tall wearing a long white gown.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.” I said.

  “I get it all the time.” He waved his hand at me. “I’m glad to see that you made it here. I heard the trouble the fae were having.” He said as he walked past me. I was curious as to what he was.

  “Yes, my family should be here shortly. Do you know them?”

  He stopped abruptly and turned around quickly raising his eyebrow. “I know everyone in The Stacks, kid.”

  “Are you fae?” I asked.

  “Do I look fae?” He asked while laughing at me.

  “Sorry, I still don’t know very much about your world.” I said embarrassed.

  “Our world, and I’m an Elf. And no, not Santa’s elf. I’m tired of hearing that one.” He called over his shoulder at me.

  “What’s an elf if you don’t mind me asking?” I prodded curiously.

  “We mainly help people. They won’t see us, but we help guide humans. Ever lose something and suddenly you find it, at the moment when you really needed it?”

  “Yes, I have.” I thought back.

  “That was us.” He said as we continued to walk across the main floor.

  “Oh. I see.”

  “Since you’re here, I better get you ready. I’m sure everyone will be arriving soon. We should be selling popcorn at this pledge party.” He joked. “Sorry, too sensitive a subject?” He asked when he realized he was the only one laughing.

  “It’s ok. I’m just worried about Henry.”

  “He’s fine. His brother is a hot head but wouldn’t kill him. May mangle him a little bit, but nothing he can’t grow back.” He chuckled again.

  “Will they both be here tonight?” I asked hoping he would say yes.

  “Those vampires wouldn’t miss it. It will be a full house my dear. Standing room only.” He said with his hands up in the air. He was a real showman.

  We finally reached a room off the side of the main room. It was average looking with chairs and a table and a row of cloaks.

  “Once you pledge, you will go to your den each time we meet. Since you have no loyalties you can get changed in here.”

  “Changed?” No one mentioned a wardrobe to me.

  “You will wear a white cloak for the ceremony. When it’s over you will go to your den and they will provide you with the right cloak.” He walked down the row and picked out a beautiful white cloak with fur around the edges. It sparkled when it hit the light.

  “It’s beautiful.” I said taking it from his hands.

  “You can change in the back room. There is a white dress in there that will fit you already. I’ll wait for you here.”

  I walked to the small room and closed the door. It looked like a dressing room. There was a floor to ceiling mirror and a chair to sit on. Hanging on a hook was an insanely gorgeous white gown. It glittered every direction you looked at it. There were beads on the top part and the bottom flowed with tulle and a layer of silk. I had never seen something so beautiful before.

  I wasted no time putting it on. Next to the chair were a pair of golden high heel shoes. They fit perfectly. Last, I put on the beautiful cloak. I felt like a queen. I stared at myself in the mirror. I hadn’t thought I would be ready for this day for a long time, but I was. I knew who I was and what I wanted to pledge.

  “Hair and Make-up is here! Don’t dilly dally.” Called the elf.

  I smiled and opened the door to join them. Everyone oohed and awed when I stepped out. There were several people in the room now.

  “My darling, how beautiful you look.” A beautiful lady said as she approached me with a stick.

  “Are you a Fairy Godmother?” I asked, hoping to get this one right.

  She burst out laughing with the elf. “We have a comedian here I see.” She said. “No darling, I just watch YouTube videos on hair and make-up.” They both giggled. I wasn’t sure if I should take her seriously or not.

  “Now stand still.” She raised her stick and closed her eyes and started to mumble something to herself.

  Suddenly, I found myself in a whirlwind of air but within seconds it was gone. I gasped for a breath as the elf held the mirror up to my face. My make-up was perfect and my hair was styled in a beautiful up do.

  “Is this really me?” I asked amazed. I had never looked this good.

  “That’s all you honey.” The elf said putting the mirror down.

  “Now, everyone is here and waiting for you.” He said as the lady packed up her bag and left the room.

  “Already?” I asked confused at how much time had gone by.

  “No one takes the bus here girl.” He said adjusting his gown. “Now, I’m going to leave you for a few minutes to yourself. Come out when you’re ready. This is your last chance to think about your pledge.” He gave me a warm smile and lightly kissed my hand. “But you already know who you are.” He whispered with a smile.

  I returned his smile and he quickly left. I let out all the stale air inside my lungs and hung my head back. How tired I was. I was happy and sad this moment was finally here.

  I worried about the people I would let down and a missed opportunity for love. As I closed my eyes, I could see all of their faces and was quickly brought to tears. My only regret was not having my mother to guide me, but I was certain she would be proud of my choice.

  I held my head up high, took a deep breath in and opened the door. The room was now filled with people yelling and waving flags. I felt like I was walking into a warrior’s pen to fight. I looked to the left and the elf was waiting for me with his hand out for me to take.

  “I’ll guide you in.” He said.

  As we began to walk, it became quiet. I walked with my head up and my hand held out in front of me. I felt like royalty. My head remained straight but my eyes roamed for my family, Skylar and Henry.

  I first saw my family and Skylar a few rows up from them. I figured it must be the fae section. After we walked for a few moments, I could see Henry sitting with his family on the opposite side.

  We walked to the middle of the large room, where there was a stage now set up. A tall man dressed with a royal blue crown and tall golden staff was sitting on a throne. He looked intimidating and I must have flinched because the elf winked at me and whispered, “You got this.”

  When we arrived at the steps to the stage, the elf stopped and turned to me before we went up.

  “This is where I must leave. Pledge with your heart, Olivia.” He kissed my hand again and I started to relax and feel confident. I turned from him and walked up onto the stage. Once I reached the top platform, everyone began to yell. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, as they spoke in many different languages.

  The tall man gestured for me to turn around as they all cheered for me. He smiled so I relaxed even more, and figured they must be cheering for the side they wanted me to pledge. He held up his staff and everyone went silent.

  “We are gathered here today, for the sake of Olivia Whitby’s pledge. There is some excitement over this pledge as Ms. Whitby comes from two lines of fine creatures. The Fae and the Vampires.”

  Everyone began to clap and you could feel the pride in the room. It made me feel strong and happy to be a part of it for the first time. He raised his staff again and the yelling slowly stopped.

  “It is a day of pride. A day we should all remember from our youth. It is a life changing pledge and we will all stand behind Olivia as she takes this pledge.” He gestured for me to kneel on a foot stool. It was covered in blue velvet and was plush.

  As I knelt down, you could hear a pin drop in the room. He handed me a piece of paper. On it were a few sentences and a blank spot for what I chose to pledge. I nodded to him that I understood.

  “Ms. Whitby, you now have the honor of choosing from three pledges. As we have all kneeled where you kneel now, and chose our pledges. We stand behind you. You will now pledge to remain
human, pledge to the Vampire Den or pledge to the Fae Den.” He nodded to me and then walked back to his throne and took a seat.

  The elf appeared with a microphone and placed it in front of me. I smiled at him, thankful he was nearby. I looked down at the paper as my hands trembled. I closed my eyes and made myself appear sturdier.

  I took a deep breath, opened my eyes and began to read the script.

  “I, Olivia Whitby, of vampire and fae blood. Take this oath on this day to pledge to the den of my choice. I make this pledge of my own will and testament. I am fully aware of what each den may provide.” I paused for a few seconds and then read my pledge. “I pledge to remain human.” I finished and could hear the thousands of gasps echo in the room.

  I stayed perched on my stool in safety. I wasn’t sure what this meant but I knew this was what I wanted. To be normal again.

  “Olivia Whitby, you pledge to be human. Are you certain of this pledge?” The tall man asked.

  “Yes.” It came out of my mouth strong, unlike how I was feeling.

  “You realize you will receive no powers.” He asked firmly.

  “I do.” I nodded to him.

  He leaned in and whispered, “Are you certain? Do you understand what this means for you?”

  “Yes. I just want to be normal like I have been.” I replied.

  He shook his head and raised his staff again to gain order in the room.

  “I declare that Olivia Whitby is to remain a human and has forfeited any powers that may have been passed down to her by her ancestors.”

  The elf came and took away my stool and he smiled as if he knew what I would pledge. He gestured for me to walk towards the tall man.

  As I stood in front of him, he placed his staff on my left shoulder.

  “I bless this child, give her strength to go forth in this world. To know right from wrong, and to do wisely.” He said as he removed the staff. “This pledge ceremony is now complete.”

  The crowd began to yell again, but I wasn’t certain the mood of the room. As I stepped off the stage, I looked for my family first. I couldn’t find them. By the time I had reached the fae section, it was empty.

  My heart began to beat fast at the thought of them being disappointed in me.

  “It’s ok.” I heard a voice behind me. I turned and it was the elf. “I brought them to the dressing room since you can’t go to their den.”

  I reached down and hugged him hard, as his face turned red and a goofy grin appeared on his face. I happily ran to the room as fast as I could in these heels.

  I flung the door open and it was filled with fae. Everyone clapped for me as I entered and I immediately ran to my grandmother’s open arms.

  “I’m so proud of you dear.” She chimed. Ruby was next in line to hug me.

  “I’m so happy for you.” Ruby said as she kissed my cheek. “Now we can all relax.” Everyone laughed.

  I could see Lily looking at me through the crowd. I decided it was time for me to approach her and to stop waiting for her to accept me.

  “Lily.” I said waiting for her words of disapproval.

  “You did well today.” She said as she slapped my arm. “Better than I would have done.”

  “Truce?” I offered my hand and she was quick to take it.

  “Truce.” She repeated.

  “What’s this I see?” Ruby laughed at our closeness.

  “Just some sisterly bonding.” Lily replied.

  I laughed and we all joked back and forth. But my mind was not settled, because I knew there was something else I needed to do. I searched the room for Skylar and headed in his direction. He needed to know how I felt.

  Just as I turned my head our eyes met from across the room. We both walked towards each other and met in the middle.

  “That was some pledge night. Didn’t see that one coming.” He laughed.

  “Neither did I.” I joked. I grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the side of the room.

  “We need to talk. I want to be truthful with you about something, Skylar.” I said.

  “Yes.” His back went straight and his smile disappeared.

  “I feel like over the past couple of months, there were moments between us that went further than they should have.” I said softly, aware I was hurting him.

  He shuffled back and forth in his shoes and hung his head low and nodded.

  “You’re my best friend and I don’t want to ruin that.” I reached for him but he pulled away.

  “It’s ok.” He said as he backed away. “I just need time.”

  I managed a smile as he backed away in the crowd. My heart felt weak at causing him any pain.

  There was one more person I needed to see tonight, but he wasn’t in this room.


  I TRIED ALL DAY TO reach Henry on the phone and just got his voicemail. I worried about what could have happened to him for disobeying his father like he did. I left six messages for him and a text message and he finally responded to me.

  He arrived at our house and we were both sitting in the Parlour room awkwardly. I didn’t even know where to begin.

  “Olivia, I’m here for the stone.” He broke the silence while I was gathering my thoughts.

  “Grandmother will help, she never goes back on her word.” I assured him. He sat across from me on the chair rubbing the palms of his hands on his jeans.

  “How are you doing?” He asked uncomfortably.

  “Taking it day by day.” I said wanting to say more but I wasn’t sure how he felt or how to start.

  “You gave up a lot.” He said looking around the room. “Are you going to stay here?”

  “Yes. For now at least. I’ll finish school and maybe go to college.”

  “College.” He looked up at me and I felt sorry for him. That he couldn’t have a normal life.

  “Maybe. How is Hannah?” I asked.

  “Good. Father is away for a while. Mother thought it was best.” He hung his head down.

  “I wanted to talk to you. Not about the pledge, but about us.” I said feeling nervous.

  “I don’t know...” He started but I cut him off.

  “I love you.” I blurted out awkwardly. I stared at him trying to gage his expression.

  “I’m still a vampire, Olivia.” He mumbled.

  “I’m not part of any den. And I know you don’t care about any of that stuff.” I said convincingly.

  “No, I don’t, but my family would never allow it.” He leaned over to be closer to me but remained at a safe distance.

  “Mine won’t either, but I don’t care.” I said as my voice cracked. I wanted to fly out of my chair and on to him.

  “You wouldn’t be safe with me, Olivia.” He said standing his ground. He leaned back in his seat and avoided me.

  “I know you love me. Nothing has changed. Or tell me I’m wrong.” I sat there waiting for him to speak but he didn’t move at all.

  “I do love you.” He said looking out of the window. I wondered about the struggle going on in his head right now.

  “Then trust me.” I held out my hands to him. “We can take it day by day, as well.”

  I watched as he turned his attention to me. I knew he wanted to take my hands. He finally leaned over and took them.

  “You could get hurt. I may not be able to protect you.” He said saddened.

  “We’ll face it together.” I said. “I don’t know what will happen in the future.”

  I watched as he got on his knees in front of me and hugged my mid-section. I was able to give in and let myself feel for Henry and see where this new romance would lead. I wasn’t scared anymore because I had my family behind me and Henry.

  He leaned back from our embrace and stroked the side of my face with his hand. I could stare into those beautiful green eyes forever.

  “Wait one moment!” I broke up our loving moment and ran to the parlour door. I stepped out into the hall and yelled for my Grandmother then ran back to Henry.

>   He stood up with hope in his eyes, not really sure if he could believe that my grandmother would help him after all. A few moments later, my Grandmother entered the room with Ruby and Lily.

  “Well Henry, I never thought I would see the day that a vampire would be walking these halls.” She said with a rough voice. “But you are welcome anytime.” She smiled at him.

  “Thank you. I appreciate any help you can give to my mother. It’s bad and I know we can’t fix it.” His eyes filled with tears and my heart nearly broke for him. I could see the love that he had for his mother.

  “This won’t take everything away, but it will stop the symptoms of the spell and gradually heal.” Grandmother passed him a red velvet bag.

  “Thank you.” Henry said as he took the bag and looked it over.

  “I would make her tea every evening and not tell her where you got it.” Grandmother said nodding. “She wouldn’t take help from the Fae. She is too proud of a woman.”

  “Yes she is.” Henry said.

  “She raised a fine boy in you Henry.” Grandmother said. “Now, I’ll leave you young ones to get on.”

  I watched as she left and Ruby and Lily came into the room and took a seat at the far end on the couch.

  “Well, I should get going. I want to get this to mother as soon as I can.” Henry said taking my hand.

  “I’m going to walk Henry out and I’ll be right back.” I shouted to my sisters. Even though I did not pledge, they were keen on teaching me more about the Fae and the underworld.

  Henry and I walked into the foyer and towards the door. I got goose bumps as his strong muscular arm brushed mine as we held hands.

  “I was preparing myself to lose you.” He said as he turned to me in front of the door. “Did you know all along what you would pledge?”

  “No. There were times when I wanted to be a vampire and other times when I wanted to be Fae. But my heart didn’t want anything to change.” I smiled up at him and he leaned in and kissed the top of my nose.

  “I don’t think I could have lived without you.” He whispered in my ear as he was on his way to kissing my neck.

  “I tried hard not to fall for you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and we both laughed as he picked me up off my feet.


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