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Just One Kiss

Page 16

by Amelia Whitmore

  We fall asleep like that, with his head on my chest and my arms hugging him to me. I feel like I’m being his protector for a change, and I like it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Making Amends

  “Brayden,” I whisper loudly, nudging him awake. “Wake up, it’s morning,” I say a little louder.

  “Mhhm” he murmurs before turning his head away from me. I laugh and begin running my finger nails up and down his spine, watching as he shudders a little bit. Taking the teasing a little further, I bend to place soft kisses along the base of his neck, feeling the tiny goosebumps as they rise. “Anna,” he warns, his voice a little deeper than before.

  I move my lips a little bit until I’m right at his ear. “What?” I whisper playfully before gently taking his lobe between my teeth. With a growl that startles me and speed that’s surprising for somebody who’s just woken up, Brayden flips me onto my back and ends with his body on top of mine, pinning my hands above my head.

  With a look that speaks volumes without him saying a word, he lowers his mouth to mine, crashing our lips together. In a sudden urge to control the kiss, I slip my tongue past his lips and answer his previous growl with my own, taking the lead for the first time in our relationship. He seems to like, and understand, what I’m doing by the way he responds eagerly. He’s got some of the control, though, since my hands are still being held against the pillow.

  After only a few minutes of this, I remember why I woke him up in the first place. Reluctantly, I pull away from the kiss. “Class,” I say breathlessly, hoping he’ll know what I mean.

  Instead of stopping like I thought he would, Brayden moves his lips down until he’s placing small, delicate, kisses along my neck and collarbone. “Skip,” he replies, making it seem simple.

  “Can’t,” I breathe, trying to focus. “I skipped yesterday.”

  “Two days won’t hurt you. Plus, I’ll help you catch up . . . I’m a very good tutor, for the right price.” I glance down and see that he’s wearing a devilish smirk.

  My reaction is stronger than I’d like to admit and I find myself saying, “You’re a very bad influence, Mr. Carter.”

  He chuckles and glances up at me, pausing his progress on the hickey he’s attempting to give me. “You know you like it, Miss Holden.”

  He’s right.


  Is it weird that it was easier to make up with Brayden than it is with Ro? I mean, I always assumed that couples take forever to forgive each other. Turns out, Ro and I have a relationship far more complicated than Brayden and I will ever have. She’s like the jelly to my peanut butter, and I miss her almost more than I missed Brayden when we weren’t talking.

  That’s why I’m doing something I never anticipated doing for anybody, let alone my friend. It took most of my paycheck, and was more difficult than I ever expected, but I managed to get it finished this morning.

  Yesterday, Brayden and I spent all morning at my house. Most of that time we played Wii, believe it or not. But I missed Ro the entire time. Normally, I’d be texting her all day if I stayed home. That’s why I knew I had to do something big for her to forgive me.

  I watch carefully, hiding behind a tree, as Ro walks to her car, dancing to her iPod the entire time. I’m so nervous watching her spin the dial and open her door. The Airheads candies that I filled her car with come spilling out, making her jump about a mile. There’s a big note taped to the top that says, I’m sorry I was such an airhead. I miss you.

  I slowly walk up to her, with tears in my eyes. I need her friendship so much. She turns, with tears of her own and meets me in a hug. “I’m sorry I’m such a bitch,” I say, laughing a little as tears fall down my face.

  “I’m sorry I even said that to you! It was way too soon to forgive him!” she cries back.

  We both end up laughing when we realize just how stupid we look; the two freaks crying and hugging each other over a pile of Airheads. I take out the large paper bag I brought with me and we get the Airheads out of her car. There was a second reason I got this particular candy for her: they’re her all-time favorite. So as we empty them out, she’s already chomping down on a few of them.

  “So how are you and Brayden?” she asks, the cherry Airhead she’s biting muffling her words.

  “We’re pretty great, actually. We love each other,” I tell her, grinning.

  “You guys said it?” she exclaims, wide eyed.

  I nod. “Yeah. He said it on Saturday, but I thought it was mostly just his way of making me forgive him. But he actually meant it. Then I let it slip out Monday when we were talking during my break at work.”

  “That’s awesome! I’m glad. Christmas is only a few days away; I was worried you guys wouldn’t make up in time.”

  I shake my head. “No way am I not being with my boyfriend for Christmas, whether I hate him or not. Good thing I don’t.”

  “It’s so cute when you call him that,” she gushes.

  I roll my eyes. “What about you? How are you and Carlos?”

  She smiles the hugest smile I’ve ever seen. “’Los is amazing. We’re spending Christmas at his mom’s house, with his six siblings.”

  I laugh. “He would have a huge family.”

  “It’s crazy! But I feel bad for his mom since she had to raise seven children who are likely all similar to Carlos. Luckily, only three still live at home.”

  “I think it’s cute. You’ve always wanted a huge family,” I say, nudging her side.

  She rolls her eyes. “I highly doubt that we’re ready for marriage, Annie.”

  “Well you never know!” I exclaim, mentally planning their wedding.

  She sighs and plays with the tips of her hair. “I think I’m going to dye my hair back to the color it’s supposed to be.”

  “What?” I ask, flabbergasted. I love her purple hair, and I thought she did too. “Why?”

  “Well, his mom is, like, traditional and stuff, and I really want her to like me. I mean, what if she sees my purple hair and tells Carlos to break up with me and stuff?” she says nervously.

  I roll my eyes. “Okay, first of all, your hair is seriously incredible just the way it is. Second, Carlos loves you for who you are, not who his mom thinks you should be. Don’t change yourself for a guy, unless it’s, you know, better.”

  “But what if she doesn’t like me?” she asks worriedly.

  “Then she’s just gonna have to get used to you, isn’t she? Come on, Ro, Carlos is nineteen. He’s old enough to decide if he likes you without his mother’s permission,” I say, giving her a smile. “Besides, what if Carlos has been raving about your amazing purple hair and she’s excited to see it, then you show up with your hair all boring and brown and she’s disappointed?”

  She grins. “That would be a tragedy,” she admits, obviously feeling better.

  We both laugh before saying our good-byes as we head off to different classes. The rest of the day passes quickly until I’m in my car driving to work and I get a call from Ro.

  “Hey, Chica!” I answer.

  “Yeah, hi. Okay, so you’re not doing anything after work,” comes Ro’s voice.

  “Was that a question or a demand?”

  “Just a fact. Well, actually, you are doing something after work, you just don’t know about it yet.”

  I raise an eyebrow she can’t see. “And why couldn’t this wait until we see each other?”

  “Because I’m buying the stuff right now.”

  “What stuff?”

  “Guess!” Ro says happily.

  “Stop being vague, Aurora.”

  “We’re dying my hair tonight!”

  “What?” I exclaim. “I thought we decided you weren’t going to change yourself for his mom.”

  “We’re not, really . . . You’ll see!”


  “Are you sure this is what you want?” I ask Ro, yawning once more. It’s been a long day and now I’m preparing to dye my best friend’s hair for the next hour or

  “I’m positive. In fact, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my whole life. I think it gives me this mysterious look, like ‘Is she really hardcore? Or is she just a sweetheart?’” Ro says in a deep voice.

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, I’m sure people are totally going to be wondering if you’re sweet and innocent.”

  “Just shut up and do it!” she exclaims, throwing the box of hair dye at me.

  “Yes-a mas-a!” I say sarcastically before getting to work. Basically, what she wants is for most of her hair to be black with a few peek-a-boos of purple popping up randomly. It’s a little difficult to wash the dye out without getting it on the purple, but I finally manage it. I quickly blow-dry it so we’ll know how the finished product looks, and, I must say, it’s pretty amazing.

  “Check you out!” I exclaim, turning her toward the mirror.

  “Aww yeah!” she yells, spinning back toward me for a high five. We’re dorks, but we love it.

  “So can I go now?” I ask, yawning again.

  She frowns. “I guess . . .”

  “What now?” I ask, sighing.

  “Well, I thought we could do your hair too!” she says happily.

  “Ro, I have to be up by five tomorrow,” I complain.

  She gives me a weird look. “Anna, tomorrow’s Thursday.”

  “Yeah, I know. And your point is?”

  “Thursday as in the start of our holiday vacation,” she says slowly, waiting for me to understand. Like a light bulb going off in my head, I suddenly make an “ahh” sound.

  “And suddenly I’m awake!” I say, laughing.

  Instead of laughing, Ro pushes me toward a chair and wraps a towel around my shoulders. “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Shut up,” she demands.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m washing the dye out of my hair. Ro only did the bottom fifth of my hair, making it so that my layers will cover the dye when my hair’s down. Since we only left it in for about ten minutes, it’s dark brown instead of black.

  “Nice job, Ro,” I tell her happily.

  “Yes, I know,” she says proudly, looking at her handiwork.

  “I’m really happy we’re friends again,” I say, feeling suddenly very glad that I have somebody like her in my life to do these things with.

  “Me too, Annie,” she says softly, smiling at me through the mirror.

  “All right, now let’s order some pizza,” I say, skipping over to the phone.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The New Year

  Christmas passes quickly, with me and Brayden spending Christmas Eve with my family and then Christmas day with his. My relatives came over to celebrate on the day of and I just didn’t feel like being there. Besides, it’s always fun for me to learn the way the Carters do their holidays.

  Unlike my family, who always had to wait until around eight in the morning to come downstairs for presents, the Carters have an entirely different tradition. The night before, Brayden forced me to spend the night after Eve celebrations at my house, saying he wanted me to get the full “Carter Christmas.” I thought it was weird, but didn’t argue. I mean, why would I? I got to spend one more night in the same bed as my boyfriend. It’s an opportunity any sane girl would jump at. The next morning, I wasn’t so sure I was sane anymore.

  Apparently, part of a Carter Christmas is waking up before the sun even considers rising and running to Adrienne and Paul’s room to wake them up. From there, we all had to cover our eyes on the way to the kitchen so we could make the adults some coffee. After about ten minutes, with both Carter boys begging to open presents and see what Santa brought, Ade and Paul finally relented and let us go into the living room.

  I swear on my life that I have never seen two grown men so excited about Santa Claus. Landon took Zander onto his lap while I held Nora. Evie was still exhausted, so she was in Landon’s old bedroom sleeping. Adrienne was holding a video camera for Evie to watch later. All three boys immediately tore into their stockings while I went slower and helped Nora pull each trinket out, oohing and ahing at each thing. Once the stocking was empty, she seemed delighted to put it over her head, erupting in giggles every time I pulled it off to play peek-a-boo.

  “Anna, why don’t you look in your stocking?” Brayden asked me, smirking.

  I frowned, completely confused, “Santa stopped coming to me when I turned eighteen,” I laughed.

  He just smiled and shook his head, pointing over to Adrienne, who was holding a stocking out for me. My eyes widened and I reached for it, completely shocked that they would be so sweet to me. “I think Santa made an exception this year,” Brayden says as I stare at the stocking, wondering what to do. I’ve always been awful about opening up gifts. It’s not that I don’t appreciate what I’m given, because I really do, it’s just awkward to have people watching me.

  I slowly pull out a bag of my favorite chocolate candies. A huge smile appears on my face when I remember the time Brayden and I were in Target and I ranted about them for easily five minutes. I made him buy me some so he could try one. And yes, one is all he got because I’m a mean, selfish girlfriend whom he loves anyway.

  Santa also got me an iTunes gift card, some majorly fluffy socks, two bottles of nail polish, and a skein of yarn with a crochet hook. I love crocheting, so he really couldn’t have done a better job.

  Next, we open up family gifts. I was so relieved when each of them liked the presents I got for them. Even though I’ve spent a bunch of time with them, we’ve really only known each other for a couple of months, so it was difficult finding gifts. I got Adrienne a scarf of pink, orange, cream, and red yarn. I got Evie a scarf too, but it was an infinity one of dark greens and blues and grays. I got Landon a gift card to Bakers Square so he can have pumpkin pie any time he wants. For the kids, I got Zander a bucket full of toy cars and airplanes that he could play with, and for Nora I got markers and paints specifically made for toddlers. Paul was really difficult to buy for, but Brayden told me he loved old western movies, so I found a collection that I hoped he’d like.

  Buying gifts for Brayden was an entirely different story. I got him a few new beanies, since he only owns one and wears it all the time. I also got him a new stereo for his truck. It took me about two hours in Best Buy to find the right one for him, since I had to tell the sales associate what kind of truck he had based on how it looks, which made him really frustrated with me. I’m hoping it fits well. If not, I have the receipt.

  When I saw what Brayden got me, and heard the story behind it, I was in awe. It was a necklace with a long chain and large pendant at the bottom. The antiqued gold was one of many things I love about it. There are two flying birds on the pendant with a sun rising and beams crossing behind their bodies. It’s textured, like somebody carved the design into it.

  “My Gramma Ann left it here when she came for Thanksgiving. She said that it symbolized love and that by Christmas time, you’d be ready to wear it,” he explained, making me blush and nod as I slipped it over my head. It fell to just under my breasts and felt perfect, like it was meant to be there forever.

  “Thank you so much,” I said, leaning in to kiss him. He met me for an unfortunately gentle kiss, since there was an audience.


  That was six days ago and today, New Year’s Eve, has been just me and Brayden. No families, no friends, just us. I’m in Brayden’s bathroom, getting ready for a party we’re about to go to. He keeps peeking in, trying to see what I look like. The lock is broken, and I keep having to kick the door closed to make him leave, which results in a lot of laughter on both our parts.

  I’m wearing high-waisted black skinny jeans with a dark grayish-blue tank top tucked into it. The top has multicolored jewels lining the low-cut neckline. I matched it with a pair of black ankle booties and a cropped leather jacket that I’m leaving unzipped. My eye makeup is darker and heavier than usual, with a black smoky eye. My hair is in wide curls down my back, looking pretty awesome with the blon
des and browns weaving through it thanks to Ro.

  “Are you ready yet?” Brayden whines through the door. I roll my eyes as I put the finishing touches on my makeup and open the door. He looks incredible in a gray button-up shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark blue jeans, and some biker boots. He’s already got one of his new beanies on and it makes me smile. I’m really glad he likes that one; it was my favorite when I bought it.

  “You look great,” I tell him, walking closer to wrap my arms around his neck. Even with the added height of my heels, he’s still taller.

  “Thank you, you are so beautiful.” He leans closer and whispers in my ear, “I think we should just skip the party . . .” Then he trails soft kisses around my ear, making my whole body shiver.

  I shake my head. “Nice try, but I promised Ro. Besides, don’t you want to see Carlos?” I ask, looking up at him.

  He sighs and rests his forehead against mine. “I guess,” he pouts, making me laugh.

  “All right then, we should go,” I say, pulling us toward his door.

  “Fine, but don’t think you’re getting away later tonight,” he says indignantly, grabbing the keys on his way past.

  I turn so he can see my face as I wink. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” His groan makes me laugh as the door closes behind us.


  “So, tell me about your Christmas,” I say, leaning in toward Ro. We’re sitting at the bar, both drinking sodas, while the guys scout for a table.

  “I was totally nervous for nothing! Lorena is the sweetest woman in the world. It kind of makes me wonder how Carlos turned out to be so . . . wicked.” She pauses to waggle her eyebrows. “I don’t think he got it from her,” she says. I laugh, knowing what she means. I always wonder how on earth Brayden ended up being such a sexy little rascal with parents like Ade and Paul.

  “See! I told you! Are you still glad you dyed your hair after meeting her, though?” I ask, pointing at her head. She also curled her hair, but it looks way cooler than mine since bits and pieces of purple are coming out at random places. She nods with a huge smile on her face. “I love my hair.”


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