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Together Box Set

Page 33

by Drew Hunt

  Mason was strangely comforted at Parker taking charge. Though he grew concerned when his friend also ordered dessert as well as two large cokes.

  “I don’t live far, so we’ll wait till we get there before we eat,” Parker said, not asking Mason if it was okay. Anything Parker wanted was okay as far as Mason was concerned.

  Parker struggled to get out of his seat when they pulled up outside a run-down apartment block in one of the poorer neighborhoods of town. Averting his gaze from the graffiti adorned walls, Mason waited while Parker fished in his pocket for a key, trying to balance the food in his other hand.


  “Please, Parker, give me the food.”

  Parker did so and soon found his key. Once inside the dimly-lit and musty-smelling vestibule, Mason became distracted from the drab interior by the far more interesting sight of Parker’s delicious buns as their owner ascended a flight of stairs.

  “Here we are,” Parker said, stopping outside a heavy, solid-looking door. “This is home.”

  The inside of the apartment was clean, but cheaply furnished with mismatched second hand items. Mason made a determined effort not to stare too obviously at his surroundings.

  “Mom has to work two jobs, and she won’t get back till later,” Parker said, hobbling to the kitchen. Climbing the stairs seemed to have made his pain worse.

  “I’ll dish up, you go and sit down,” Mason said, seeing how uncomfortable it was for Parker to remain standing.

  “Thanks, dude.”

  “You sure you shouldn’t have seen the coach or the trainer about your leg?”

  “It’s my ass. Nah, I’ll go to bumps and bruises on Sunday morning. Once I’ve soaked in the tub, I’ll be okay.”

  Mason sighed, knowing this wouldn’t have been the first time Parker had sustained such injuries.

  “Come on, bud, get that food over here.”

  “Sorry.” Mason looked in a couple of cupboards for plates.

  “What ya after?”

  “Something to put the food on.”

  “Just bring it over, man, we can eat out of the bag. Save on the cleaning up, too.”

  Mason realized the Collins’ didn’t have a dishwasher. He thought everyone had one.


  “Would you quit apologizing?”

  “Sorr…” Mason giggled as he brought the food containers to the table where Parker was sitting.

  “Thanks, dude. I’m starved.”

  The pair ate quickly. Mason was hungrier than he thought.

  “This is good,” Parker said, wiping a drop of chili from his chin.

  “Yeah.” Mason leaned back in his chair and eyed Parker.

  “Oh, man, that was some game.”

  “Yeah, you were awesome,” Mason felt himself redden at how gushing his words sounded.

  But Parker didn’t seem to notice. “Yeah, did you see that pass in the first quarter, the post route? I put a move on that middle linebacker. He was on his ass before he knew it,” Parker chuckled.

  “Yeah,” Mason said, adding a laugh of his own.

  “Then,” Parker continued, “that short shuffle pass, shit, that was a broken play. But I turned it into a twenty-five yard gain. I had great blocking from the other guys so I guess they deserve some of the credit. What do you think, bud?”

  “They sure did the job for you.”

  “Man, that pass from the shotgun that set up the field goal. I thought ole Henry would never see that I was open. Fuck, I did everything but stand on my head before the jerk figured it out. But, when he did, it was a perfect spiral. I snagged that baby. If I had gotten one more block I would’ve taken it to the house.”

  “Yeah, you sure make it look easy.” He immediately regretted what he’d just said, remembering Parker’s injuries. Of course it wasn’t easy. But once again Parker took the praise in stride. Mason couldn’t remember enjoying a meal so much, listening to Parker talking about himself, but somehow not appearing boastful. Mason just hoped he didn’t come across as too big a suck-up.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed the game, man. It meant a lot to me for you to be there.”

  Mason opened his eyes wide in amazement. He was about to ask what Parker meant, maybe even get some idea of what the hell had been going on with the two of them for the past few days, but as usual he chickened out.

  Their meal finished, Parker got to his feet, gathered up the trash and limped towards the trashcan.

  “Better think about gettin’ you home, dude, then I can have myself a good long soak.”

  “Yeah.” Mason was disappointed that their time together was drawing to a close. He scrabbled around for an idea of how he could spend more time with Parker. Then he thought of something. “Um, we’ve got a hot tub out back at my place, you’re welcome to use it. My folks are out at some charity dinner, so…” Why had he said his parents wouldn’t be at home? “Um, and the jets might help with your bruises.”

  “Hey, you sure, man?”

  “‘Course. Wouldn’t have offered otherwise.”

  Parker gave Mason a one armed hug. “You really do care.”

  Mason opened his mouth to say something, anything, but the words stuck in his throat.

  “A session in a hot tub would be great. Thanks, dude.”

  Mason helped Parker limp back down the stairs and into his truck.

  “So, where to, dude?” Parker asked, once he’d coaxed his truck’s engine into life.

  Mason directed him across town to a leaf-lined street, the houses set back from the road, partially hidden by stone walls and neatly cut hedges.

  “This is my house, just pull in by that light pole.”

  “Wow, guy, you sure live in a classy neighborhood,” Parker said, admiring his surroundings as he stood on the sidewalk.

  “Uh, it’s just home. I know I’m lucky to be able to live in a nice place, but, it’s just home.” Mason dipped his head, he hoped Parker didn’t feel too intimidated by the obvious differences in their living arrangements.

  “Don’t know if I ought to leave my truck here, it might lower the tone, or the property values…”

  “No, Parker, please don’t say that. You’re just as good, if not better than any of the people who live here.”

  “Why thank you, kind sir.” Parker bowed low, which caused him to grimace in pain.

  “Oh, shit, you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just got to remember not to take any more bows for a while,” Parker said through clenched teeth.

  “Come on, lean on me, we’ll walk round the side to the deck. Save you having to go through the house.”

  Parker accepted Mason’s offer of help. The close contact with Parker’s clean, but slightly sweaty, body caused Mason to have a reaction in his pants. Mason willed his errant member to behave; he wasn’t sure now that inviting the gorgeous football player into his hot tub had been such a good idea. Hopefully he’d be able to keep things under control until he was in the water.

  “Just sit on this chair while I get the cover off the tub and start the jets. Shit, you haven’t brought a suit. I meant to remind you. I’m not sure if any of mine will fit you.”

  “Uh, well…You sure your parents are out?”

  “Yeah, positive. These dinners go on for hours.”

  “Okay. Then um, well, what say we skinny dip?”

  “Huh?” Mason couldn’t believe what Parker had said.

  “It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

  Mason turned away and busied himself preparing the hot tub, his mind racing. Why had Parker brought up the subject of what happened in the locker-room now? He didn’t seem mad. If anything he looked embarrassed. Mason didn’t think Parker would taunt him, after all he’d agreed to come here, he’d not brought a suit, and…

  “Okay, it’s ready. You want to strip off and get in while I go get some towels? Mason said, not able to look Parker in the face.

  “Sure, bud, whatever you say.”

  Mason escaped thr
ough the French doors and ran for the linen closet. “Please, God, please don’t let me make a fool out of myself,” he whispered, grabbing a couple of towels. He wondered if he’d have time to sneak in a quick jerk off before going back out, but knew he didn’t.

  Stepping onto the deck, Mason said, “Okay, I’ve…” The rest of his words died on his lips.

  Parker was sitting on the ledge, facing the house, his legs wide open. Mason got an uninterrupted view of Parker’s penis, it was erect and standing about forty-five degrees from the vertical.

  Swishing his right leg around in the water, Parker said, “Great hot tub, man.”

  “Uh.” Mason was frozen in place.

  “You gonna strip off and get in?”

  “Uh,” Mason repeated, but still didn’t move.

  Parker levered himself out of the tub and hobbled toward Mason, his dick bouncing with every step. “It’s okay, bud.” Parker put a hand on Mason’s trembling shoulder. “Trust me, man, it’s cool. Come on, get out of those pants, they’re looking kinda uncomfortable.”

  Mason was shocked into movement when Parker reached for the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up, Mason instinctively lifting his arms to allow the garment to be removed.

  Silently Mason toed off his shoes, removed his pants and briefs and stood shaking in front of Parker.

  “Much better,” Parker said, putting an arm around Mason’s shoulders and giving him a squeeze. “Help me back to the tub, dude. Sure looks inviting.”

  However, once Parker had settled himself into the bubbling water, Mason seemed to have reverted back to immobility. He stared at Parker’s broad, muscular, but somewhat bruised torso.

  “You can look at me just as easily from in here, bud.”

  Mason felt himself blushing. He’d been caught, but Parker didn’t seem to mind. In fact he appeared to relish the adoration.

  Once Mason had lowered himself into the water opposite Parker, his fellow bather moved to sit next to him.

  Taking hold of Mason’s right hand under the water, Parker said, “I bet you’ve been wondering what the hell’s been going on this past week, huh?”

  “Um, yeah,” Mason said, his mouth strangely dry.

  With his free hand, Parker tilted Mason’s chin so they made eye contact. “Bet you thought I’d pound the shit out of you at any minute, didn’t you?”

  Mason swallowed. Was that what Parker was gonna do now? He watched as Parker’s face, which wore an expression he was unable to read, closed in. Then Mason was shocked to the core when Parker touched his lips to Mason’s slightly parted ones. It was only a brief kiss, but it still resulted in Mason letting out a deep low moan.

  “When you checked me out in the locker-room, it was kinda like the answer to my prayers.”

  Mason didn’t respond, he just continued to stare stupidly into Parker’s face.

  “But I still had to make sure. So I gave you a series of little tests. I’m sorry about deceiving you, but a guy in my position has to be real careful, you know?”

  Mason wasn’t sure that he did. Then a light bulb went on in his head. “You’re gay?” Mason asked, loudly.

  Parker looked round to see if anyone could possibly have heard. “Yeah, but it’s not easy, you know, with me being a jock and all.”

  “Oh, uh, no.” Mason’s mind spun. Parker Collins, the Parker Collins, was gay, and was sitting in his hot tub holding his hand. “You, uh.” Mason cleared his throat. “These tests you gave me.”

  “Yeah, bud, I had to be certain that you were actually gay, though that was kinda easy to figure out. I mean all the looks you kept shooting me when you thought I wasn’t looking.”

  Mason blushed.

  “Then I had to make sure you wouldn’t go telling anyone about me. That’s real important.”

  “Uh, yeah. I can see that it would be.”

  Parker leaned in for a longer kiss. Pulling back he said, “But you won’t tell anyone, will you?”

  Mason knew he had to be in a dream, the sort of dream where you knew you were dreaming. He thought he ought to pinch himself, but if it was that kind of dream then doing that probably wouldn’t work. He didn’t want to take the chance of waking up, just in case.

  “Mason?” Parker waved a hand in front of his face.


  “You spaced out on me, dude.”

  “Yeah, sorry. It’s just a lot to take in, ya know?”

  Parker smiled one of his perfect, heart stopping, swelling orchestral music smiles. “I know. Took me a long time to come to terms with it myself.”

  “Yeah.” Mason shook his head.” “Um, but why are you telling me all of this? I mean, you’re gorgeous, you could have anyone, hell I bet there’d be a long line of straight guys who’d be willing to turn over and open their legs for you.”

  Parker laughed. To Mason, it was a beautiful sound, full, rich, heavenly. “You don’t get it, do you?”

  Mason shook his head. “Get what?”

  “I want you, dude. You’re fucking awesome.”

  “Huh?” Mason had never thought he was anything special. He was kinda skinny, his face wasn’t bad enough to stop traffic, but he certainly wasn’t male model material, and his brown hair was always a mess, no matter what he tried to do with it.

  Parker leaned forward, wrapped his arms around Mason and began a serious session of face sucking.

  Mason, after a few moments of shock, began to reciprocate, his tongue jousting with Parker’s for dominance. Soon Mason gave up the unequal struggle and allowed Parker’s tongue entry into his mouth, giving him silent permission to explore.

  “Hi, honey, we’re home,” Mason’s mother called from the open French doors.

  Parker leaped from Mason, a look of total panic on his face.

  Chapter 2

  Pill Hill—Portland OR, July 2005

  “Which floor, bud?”

  Mason couldn’t move or speak.

  “Buddy? You okay?” Parker moved toward Mason’s wheelchair.

  “NO!” Mason put up a hand to fend Parker away.

  “Uh, sorry, guy. Um, look, I’ll uh, just press the button for the eighth floor, which is mine. Then you press your own, okay?” The expression on Parker’s face was a mixture of surprise and slight amusement.

  Mason could feel his heart pumping rapidly in his chest. He’d also broken out in a cold sweat. In a disconnected, far away sense, Mason knew his actions must seem very strange. Obviously Parker didn’t recognize him.

  The elevator began to move upward. Just hold it together, not long now, Mason told himself, though he remembered Parker was getting out at his floor, too. Mason decided he’d stay in the car and go up and down a couple of times to allow Parker to get out of his way. Yeah, that’d be best, Mason thought, calming his strung-out nerves.

  “‘Bout time we got some sunshine, huh?” Parker observed. “Never knew winters could be so wet.”

  Mason didn’t reply; he was finding it hard to breathe. A quick look at the indicator lights showed they had just passed the fourth floor. Halfway there, not long now.

  * * * *

  Crawford, WA, October 1991

  Mason sat on his bed after dressing for school. It was early Monday morning and still dark outside. However, his usual enthusiasm for the upcoming week was absent.

  Mason recalled the image of a trembling Parker, panic writ large in his usually beautiful grey eyes. Parker had attempted to bolt from the hot tub and run, but Mason had somehow managed to physically restrain him.

  Maintaining an outwardly calm exterior that was at odds with what was happening inside, Mason did his best to talk Parker down. He explained he was out to his folks.

  “It’s cool, Parker. Mom isn’t mad, she’s not gonna tell anyone what she saw. Your secret…our secret,” Mason added as an afterthought, “is safe.”

  Parker eventually relaxed and let go the death grip he’d had on Mason’s arms. His eyes still looked troubled, but maybe not as panicked.

“You sure?” Parker asked, beginning to shiver despite the warm water.

  “Trust me. If you like we can go get dressed. Then we can talk to Mom and you’ll see for yourself.”

  Parker shook his head. “No, I…”

  Mason didn’t pursue it. Coming out could be a scary business, especially for someone in Parker’s position.

  * * * *

  When Parker said goodbye to Mason, he promised he’d be in touch once he’d had time to work it all through. Mason couldn’t help thinking he would never get another chance to be close to the handsome athlete.

  Although Mason waited by the phone for much of the weekend, Parker didn’t call.

  “Honey, you’ll be late if you don’t get a move on,” Mason’s mother called from down the hallway.

  Mason ate his usual bowl of cold cereal and sliced banana.

  A car horn honked, prompting his mother to get up and look out of the window. Cars sounding their horns weren’t the norm in their part of town, especially at seven A.M.

  “Derek, do we know anyone who drives a Ford pick-up?” Mason’s mom asked his father, who had just stumbled, bleary-eyed, into the kitchen.

  Mason suddenly snapped to attention. He got out of his seat so quickly it toppled over. Rushing to the look outside, he saw Parker casually leaning his left elbow on the wound down window.

  “Is this the boy you brought back on Friday?” his dad asked.

  “Uh, yeah,” Mason said, rooted to the spot.

  “Well, it looks like he’s come to drive you to school. How sweet.”

  “Derek, don’t tease him,” Mason’s mom warned.

  “Sorry, kiddo,” he said, ruffling his son’s hair.

  Mason remained frozen in place, marveling that Parker came. Actually drove out of his way to come see him. All wasn’t lost. Or was it? Was this Parker come to tell him he’d made a mistake the previous Friday, he wasn’t actually gay, he didn’t want to…

  “Son?” His dad laid a hand on Mason’s shoulder. “You can’t just stand there looking at him through the window. Either go get your school things and meet him out there or invite him in.”

  “Oh, uh, yeah.” Mason ran to his room, grabbed his bag and headed outside.

  The cautious smile which broke out on Parker’s face was all the reassurance Mason needed to know everything would be okay.


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