Right Kiss Wrong Guy

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Right Kiss Wrong Guy Page 20

by Natalie Decker

  “That is very good. Can you be a little more specific? You say how parents and peers expect things, but can you give me examples?”

  “Sure. Parents usually want their children to behave, have manners, and get good grades. Some parents though, they want you to be more than you are. They push you in a direction they feel fit for you even if you hate it. Maybe there is a sibling and the one sibling is super smart but antisocial. The other is social but struggles with school. The parents push and push though. They want them both to be the same.”

  She drops her gaze. “Friends are just as bad. They want you to like this person or that person. If fashion is involved they give you a bunch of crap if you wear something they don’t approve of. Instead of telling them this is you, you change in order to fit in.”

  “Excellent Juliet! Your homework tonight is to find five similarities between Pride and Prejudice and with your own lives. I want it to be at least two pages long. I want to know what they are and why you feel they are similar. You may start on it now or talk quietly among yourselves.”

  I get up and move over to the empty seat beside Juliet. “What are you doing?”

  “My homework,” she says in a “duh” like tone.

  “Do you mind if I sit here and talk to you while we do our homework then?”

  She drops her pencil and rubs her temples. “Jared, this is a bad idea.”

  “What is? Talking and working like we have done very well in the past, or are you talking about something else?”

  She makes a noise of frustration. “You’re impossible. You know that? Like right now I would love to jam this pencil in your eye socket. At the same time, I miss your voice, so I want you to stay. But I shouldn’t want that at all because you’re just going to destroy me way worse than Mark ever did.”

  I lean close are noses are inches from touching. “I’m not though. If anything, you’ll hurt me.”

  “You say that now,” she whispers. Her minty breath coats my lips. “But you will.”

  “I’m not giving up.”

  “Shut up both of you. I’m about the pitch myself right out the window if I have to hear another sappy word come out of either of your mouths,” Chase scowls. “I’m trying to work.”

  “Then work and stop listening to us,” I snap back.

  Juliet shakes her head and writes something in the corner of her notebook. He found out Addy isn’t into him like he is into her. Give him a break. I nod then write underneath her note got it.

  She smiles and then sighs. I hate fighting with you. She writes.

  “Me too.” I could ask her to go to the dance with me, but I want to win her completely over.

  We stop talking and work on our homework in silence. Well, I’m not working on homework, I’m thinking of the next three items to deliver to Juliet. The last one must be perfect. It’s gotta show her I’m serious about liking her this long. It has to show her I know her better than Mark ever did.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  All everyone talks about is that stupid Valentine’s day dance. Even Adaline is going on and on about it. I’ve rolled my eyes, groaned, and even said, “Got it. Can we talk about something else?”

  Adaline slaps her book shut. “Why do you always have to pee on everyone’s parades? Seriously, Juliet, some people want to go to the dance. I get that you hate what it represents but don’t gag every time I mention it.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say. She’s right. I need to stop acting like a butthole to her. At the same time, I wish she would worry about Chase or ask me about anything else. Instead, all I’ve listen to is her saying how she wants to go with Austin, but she is currently mad at him. Then blah blah blah. If she does what does that mean? If she does what, I missed something. I can’t ask her to back up and repeat. Why is she staring at me like that?

  Crap. I must have blanked out and started daydreaming about Jared’s mouth again. Quit looking at me like that, Addy, I don’t freaking know. I barely know about this constant feverish sensation that’s jammed its way inside of me and always leads me to reminisce on that kiss between Jared and I. Ugh! Those damn perfect lips of his! I can’t even stay ticked off at him. That’s how messed up I am. And if I have to hear one more girl breathe his name with the same words Valentine’s Dance I will scream.

  “It’s him, isn’t it?” Adaline asks breaking me from my spell.

  “Him? What?”

  “Your bitchy mood. It’s about Jared, isn’t it? What did he do now?”

  I shake my head. “He didn’t … He hasn’t done anything.”

  She smirks. “Really? Nothing.”

  I remain silent and she asks, “Why are you in such a foul mood then?”

  “I don’t … Ugh. He hasn’t done anything. He’s still nice to me. I’m such a bitch to him and he’s still sweet. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He should hate me.”

  “Can I ask you something without you being judgmental?”

  I mumble, “I guess.”

  “If Valentine’s Day wasn’t around the corner a holiday which you loathe entirely, would you act this way toward Jared?”

  There was the question of all questions. Would I act this way? Possibly not but then again, he is the one thing I swear I would never ever date again. But he’s not like the rest, he’s like Chase and a smidge of Tyler. He tunes football out and doesn’t even like talking about it. It’s like me with soccer, I like it. I like playing it and I’m decent some would say better than decent. Point being I don’t want to talk about it all the time. I don’t want to be asked which schools I’m looking at based on soccer programs.

  “Probably not,” I answer.

  She smiles as if she won the lottery or something. “I’m saying this as your friend. Your very best friend I might add. You need to ask him to the dance.”

  “I’m not going to be a part of that ridiculous monstrosity again. Dances are not for me Adaline.”

  “One experience shouldn’t kill every other one.”

  It shouldn’t she’s right but it’s too soon. I don’t want another repeat of what happened. Not that I think if Jared and I did go together that he would do that. Still, I don’t want to take the chance. Call me scared I really don’t care. I am scared.

  “It’ll be more fun if you’re there.”

  “Yeah, and share a limo with Austin, Tyler, Jared and did you forget who their other friend is?” I ask.

  She glares at me. “I told you I wanted Austin to ask me. Instead, Greg Fletcher asked me.”

  “Wait. You’re going with Greg Fletcher?”

  “Oh my God, Juliet! I’ve been pouring my freaking heart about Austin the swindling douche for the past twenty minutes. I told you I agreed to go with Greg to tick Austin off. Serves him right for telling Rachel after History, sure he’ll see her at the dance. Did you even hear a word I said this entire time? Or were you sulking over there waiting for the tables to turn so this whole damn thing could be about you and your crap!”

  Guilt settles in the worse way possible. Have I really turned into that shitty friend? I have. She has every right to be pissed off at me. She also has every right to stop speaking to me for a few days which is what she does when she’s mad at me. Sometimes in those cases, it’s over silly things like me agreeing to date Mark after she warned me he was an idiot. But this isn’t one of those times. This is really my fault and I better start making amends for it now.

  “I’m sorry. I really am.”

  She moves her chair back and stands up. Addy clears away all her material from our table in the library and shoots me a look. “I’m disappointed in you, Juliet.”

  I would call out to her instead I watch her storm off. When she’s like this she won’t stop or listen. She needs time to cool off.

  Mrs. Needleman the head librarian comes over to me as I gather up my own things. “Juliet, are you busy?”

  “No, what did you need?”

  “I was wonde
ring if you could do story time on Friday evening too? The children who come in off the bus after school won’t have a reader during that time if not. I don’t want them to miss out, also they just adore when you dress up as the characters.”

  “Sure. I can do Friday.”

  “Wonderful. We will see you then,” she says as she crinkles her blue eyes as she smiles.

  I update the calendar on my phone and step out of the library. One uneventful weekend coming right up.

  “Juliet, another package arrived,” my mom says in a sing-song type voice.

  Agh. I love the gifts I do. But I need them to quit coming to my house, so my mom can stop giving me dreamy eyed looks, and getting all super nosey. Like she’s doing right this minute. I feel her trying to peer over my shoulder. I wonder how she’d react if I didn’t open it and then tossed it in the trash can in my room? Knowing her she’d dig it out of the trash and open it herself. Would that be considered a federal offense still if I tossed it in the trash?

  “Honey, aren’t you going to open it?” she asks overly giddy.

  “Nope.” I walk up to my room.

  “That’s hurtful. I am downright curious, and you won’t even let me have a little hint?”

  I glance over my shoulder. “It’s not for you.” Her phone rings and for once I’m thankful for whoever that next victim is on the other line. They just saved me from a butt load of questions that I don’t care to nor more than likely have no answers to anyway.

  I sit upon my bed. Discarding the package beside me I contemplate on opening it. It’s wrapped in golden hearts. If I didn’t despise the hearts because of Valentine’s day I have to admit the paper is pretty.

  Sliding my finger through the ends, I slowly unwrap the paper and reveal a gray box. I lift the lid and inside is a map. What the hell?

  I stare at what looks to be a hand-drawn map. It looks like a trail of some sort. Underneath the directions leading to a mystery, place is a note.

  I heard you liked trails and from what I gather you’ve never been here. Enjoy.

  What the … this person knows what trails I’ve been on? I grab my phone and immediately call Chase.

  “Who the heck have you been talking to?”

  “Hello to you to Juliet. I haven’t talked to anyone but my dad and that was about Mr. Prince’s pictures. Not that you even care. If you did you would have started this conversation with, hi Chase, how are you feeling? Hi Chase, do you want to hang out? Chase, I’m sorry for telling you to put yourself out there and getting your heart kicked in like you said would happen. Goodbye Juliet!”

  “Hello?” the phone on the other end is mute. I pull it away from my ear and notice the screen is my own wallpaper.

  “Crap!” How did I mess up so badly I screwed myself out of not one, but two friends not speaking to me?

  My eyes well up with unshed tears. When did I become such a sucky friend? When did I become so selfish?

  I push myself from my bed, grab my iPod off the charger along with my earbuds and go out the door. I usually ask Layla to join on my runs, but I don’t want anyone with me today. Dealing with my current thoughts will keep me plenty occupied enough I won’t be missing the company.

  My feet slap the pavement in a fluid motion I keep going. Up the road, through the addition and onto the next. My chest burns as if someone set my insides on fire, but I keep pushing on as the songs keep changing. Before I can feel as if I can go on forever, my side cramps and I slow down and bend over. I rip the earbuds from ears and suck in air as if it was water.

  I can’t get enough though. Sweat is dripping off me in what feels like buckets it’s beading and sliding into my eyes, stinging my retinas.

  “Juliet!” A voice yells.

  I turn with a hand lifted over my brow to shield the glaring light pouring in my direction. I’m still panting like a dog so there is no way I can answer him.

  Jared and his deep citrus minty scent hits me hard. “Are you out of your mind? It’s dark out. You’re not even wearing anything bright.”

  “D-don’t … y-yell … a … t … me,” I puff out.

  His blue eyes glue me to place. “You expect me not to yell? I care about you, Juliet. I told you I love you and here you are doing something reckless. So yeah, too bad I’m going to yell. Come on.”

  “What?” I finally gain a little composure.

  “I’m not leaving you out here. Get in the truck.” Before I can tell him forget it he lifts me off the ground as if I weigh the same as a feather. “Stubborn girl.”

  “Put me down,” I bellow at him.

  “No! Don’t even think about hopping out of my truck when I get you strapped in either. I mean it. You’re barely catching your breath and I will tackle you.”

  Shock courses through me, over the image of him doing that and me actually liking him chasing me. What is wrong with me? Never going on a long run again.

  Chapter Forty


  I’m so attuned to her that I can spot her without even trying. I saw her hunched over gasping for air I thought immediately fifty different terrible thoughts in less than a second. Without a moment more of hesitation, I pulled over and parked then ran to her.

  She didn’t turn around until I shouted her name and her skin looked paler than usual. It might be because my truck’s lights were directly on her. Still, I was worried. When she wouldn’t budge I went all caveman and picked her up.

  As I place her in the passenger seat I hear a faint grumble. “Don’t,” I say.

  “I am sorry were you being chivalrous just then hauling me over your shoulder like a sack of dog food? My bad. Thank you graciously for reminding me that walking is overrated.”

  “Sarcasm really?” I can’t believe her snippy lip service still has my heart pounding a billion times a second. Any sensible person would have walked away licking their wounds. “You’re the most infuriating person I’ve ever met. You’re so unbelievably stubborn. Can’t you just say thank you?”

  “Thank you.”

  I roll my eyes. I know she’s being a smartass right now. “You’re welcome,” I mock.

  “Where are we going?”


  “I don’t like surprises.”

  I chuckle. “Yes, you do.”

  She elevates a brow. “Do I?”

  Her expression and her voice are making me question myself. “Y-yes?”

  She huffs. “Oh, I can’t do this anymore. Yes, you’re right I like surprises. Most of the time.”

  “See. I told you. Why were you running without bright clothes on?” Juliet doesn’t strike me as the irresponsible type.

  She groans. “It’s nothing that concerns you.”

  “Why do you do this? I’m trying to be your friend and all you do is snap at me. You don’t treat Chase and Addy like this.”

  I glance over at her and notice her wince. I return my attention to the road and pretend that I didn’t see it.

  “They’re not talking to me right now. So apparently, I am a horrible friend. You should count your blessings that we’re just acquaintances.”

  “I hate to break it to you Juliet, but we’re a little more than that. I don’t kiss random people I barely know.”

  She snorts. “Fantastic. You know what you can drop me off here. I can make it to my house safely.”

  “You could, but I told you I was taking you somewhere first.”

  “Why are you doing this Jared? I told you I won’t be a side piece. I won’t date someone my teammate dated. I have rules.”

  I pull over and say, “We’re here.”

  I get out and walk over and help her out of my truck. I take her hand and don’t let go. She doesn’t jerk away. That makes me smile. I grab a flashlight that is in my glove box and shut my door. I click on the flashlight and guide her into the wooded area. We continue toward a path that leads to clearing with a creek running through and a few giant boulders resting along it.

  “Where are we?” she asks.

  “When I can’t envision the future my dad’s mapped out for me, I come here. No one tells me what colleges I need to be looking at. No one tells me what meals I need to eat. No one tells me what training I need to focus on. Out here it’s just this creek running steady, leading to wherever, these trees growing as high as they can, and these rocks.”

  She closes her eyes then looks up at me. “It’s nice.”

  “It’s freeing.”

  She nods. “Do you know why I tend to have panic attacks?”

  “Because you put pressure on yourself.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m the smart one. I know my mom doesn’t mean to label Layla and me, but she does. Layla is so good with people and cheerleading. Everyone is drawn to her light. Me though, oh, wow. At family functions like reunions or dinners, they would sneer at me and say, ‘There she goes again. Stuffing her nose in a book.’ My dad didn’t mind. He said I was feeding my brain.” She kicks a pebble. “He never judged us. That’s why I miss him so much. He didn’t think I was weird because I’d rather read then be thrown into others drama fest. He didn’t force me to be things I wasn’t. My mom. God. My mom is constantly harping on me to join clubs, and be more like Layla. Going off to parties instead of hanging in my room.”

  Tears slip down her cheeks and I can’t help it anymore. I pull her to me and kiss her. She doesn’t jerk away from me. Her mouth fuses with mine and it’s freaking amazing! I part from her fantastic lips and breathe, “You’re wonderful the way you are.” Then I draw her face back to mine.

  We remain like this for I don’t know how long but my cell rings. I break from kissing her and pull it from my back pocket. “Shit!” I grumble. “It’s my dad.”

  She nods then she says, “Oh my God is that the time?”

  I grin and nod. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Where the hell are you? Do you know what time it is? You broke curfew boy!”


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