Right Kiss Wrong Guy

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Right Kiss Wrong Guy Page 21

by Natalie Decker

  “I know. I’ll be home in a little bit.”

  “Your ass better be walking through this door in the next five minutes or you can consider yourself grounded and riding to and from school with me.”

  Juliet remains quiet even though I know she can hear every bit of this conversation.

  “Okay.” I hang up and smile at her.

  “You’re in trouble again.” She frowns.

  I shake my head. “It’s fine I know how to get out of it. Let’s get you home.”

  “I can’t believe it’s ten-thirty. My mom is going to freak out,” she whispers.

  “Do you want me to talk to her?”

  She reaches up and kisses my mouth. “I can do it. Thanks for offering.”

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  When we reach my truck, she seems to shy away from me. “What is it?” I ask.

  “You really haven’t been sending me any gifts?”

  Why does she want to know if it’s me? Is that why she let me kiss her?

  “What do you think?” I ask avoiding the answer.

  She hops into the truck. I wait for her answer, but she says, “I want to know.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  I want him to say yes but the more he deflects I am thinking the answer is no. What do I do if the answer is no? I like him. A lot. I shouldn’t, but every time his lips touch mine it’s beyond perfect. Everything I feel is like fifty billion feathers brushing along my skin. It’s amazing and makes me want to giggle, and swoon, and I don’t know explode with happiness.

  “Would you be disappointed if it were me?” he asks.



  “So, is it you?” I ask.

  He shuts his truck door and gets into the driver’s seat.

  “Jared, please answer me.”

  We’re returning to my house, and he is either concentrating on the road or avoiding my question. “Are you going to talk to me tomorrow?” he asks.

  What the heck? I want to scream at him answer my question with an answer, not with a question! Instead, I decide two can play at his little game. “Will I?”

  “Juliet,” he says. “Are you going to avoid me? I’d like to be prepared.”

  “I’d like to know if I should be armed with pepper spray when my supposed Prince Charming is supposed to show up at my house tomorrow or not.” Yeah, his note didn’t say that, but this should catch him off guard.

  “What? Who’s showing up at your house tomorrow?” He looks sick to his stomach.

  Oh, God! It’s not him. Crap! Do I say kidding? No. I can’t take it back now. “Um, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I chew on my lower lip. “I won’t avoid you tomorrow.”

  He doesn’t look relieved. “That’s good to know.”

  “Did you ever date Kimber?” I ask.

  “I don’t count seeing that movie with her a date. I didn’t ask her out. I didn’t agree to go out with her either.” He pulls into my neighborhood.

  “Okay.” I guess I won’t be breaking my rules then.

  “Would you go out with me Friday?”

  I smile. “I would, but I can’t.”

  He groans. “I thought I already explained myself about Kimber.”

  He rolls up to my driveway and parks his truck.

  I lean toward him and brush my lips against his. “I know you did. I’ve got to read at the library all weekend.”

  “Oh. Well, maybe we can do something after one of your readings.”

  “Okay.” There is knocking on my side I turn and it’s my sister.

  I open the door and she scowls. “Do you know how hard it is to play you and me? Get inside before Mom calls the cops because she can’t find either of us in our rooms.”

  I wince. “Sorry. I uh …”

  “Explain later.” She pulls me from the truck. “Hi, Jared.”

  “Hey, Layla. Sweet dreams Juliet.”

  “Night,” I say as Layla drags me off into the house.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I enter the house and my dad screams, “Twenty minutes after our phone call! I said in the next five minutes, not twenty you can come waltzing in here.”

  “I’ll go with you to visit Virginia Tech, but I want to do it the weekend after the dance.”

  His scowling face morphs into a blank expression. “What?”

  “I said I will go to visit Virginia Tech, but I want to do it the weekend after the dance.”

  “Why wait?”

  “Because I have a date. Before you start yelling at me how much that will ruin my life think of it this way. How can I trust the girls in the future, if they don’t like me as a nobody now? Would you want someone to like me or my fame?”

  My dad looks about as clueless as the day Justin twisted his words and we wound up with that football-shaped cereal. “Okay. Make sure you’re home by eleven on Friday and Saturday. Sunday is considered a school night, so I want you in this house by nine. Understand?”

  I nod.


  I head up to my room. As soon as I shut my door Justin burst out, “I knew you could do it. It’s Juliet, huh?”

  “What did you write to her? She seems to think I’m going to be showing up at her doorstep tomorrow.”

  Justin shakes his head. “Honestly I just wrote what you told me to. I didn’t say you were going to be at her doorstep.”

  “Really?” Worry ebbs my stomach. Is someone else sending her gifts? I bet it’s Lincoln. That jackass.

  At school, I can’t wait to see Juliet. I stand by her locker bouncing on the balls of my feet. When she comes around the corner my heart stops. I smile. She chews on her lip. As soon as she’s closer I wrap her up in my arms and kiss her. I don’t give a crap who sees.

  Juliet pulls back first. “Morning to you too.”

  “I missed you. I’ve been thinking about this all night,” I say as I lean in to kiss her again.

  “Me too.” She smiles.

  “Are you … Did you want to go to the dance with me?”

  “I swore I wouldn’t go to another dance again, but yes. As long as you promise you will not dance with anyone but me.”


  I kiss her a few more times then let her go so she can get into her locker. A note with tickets slips across her Chemistry book. She picks them up then stares at me. “Please tell me these are from you.”

  “You know last night when you were asking if I sent you any gifts and if you should be armed with pepper spray?”


  “Did someone say they were going to be at your house?” I’m not worried that she would ditch me for this person or anything. I’m worried if she really does have a secret stalker.

  She giggles. “I was seeing if it was from you. Don’t worry I won’t accept these.” She waves the tickets in my face.


  She looks startled from my outburst. “I uh … Shit. This wasn’t supposed to come out like this. I’ve been sending you the items. I wanted to prove to you that I knew you better than Mark ever did.”

  I fully expect her to slap me for not confessing earlier. Instead, she wraps her arms around me and plants her lips to mine. “I was hoping it was from you.”

  Chapter Forty-Three


  A week later. We’re inside Layla’s room and she’s armed with a curling iron. “Stop touching it,” Layla scolds.

  “Do you think it’s a little too poufy?” I ask as I keep watching her pile and pin more of my hair into place.

  “No. It’s fine. You just think it’s poufy because you never wear your ponytails high,” Addy says.

  I smile at her. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too,” she answers even though her whole demeanor is projecting something else entirely.

  “Greg seems nice,” Layla says.

  Addy shrugs. “He’s okay.”

  I know she’s thinking of Au
stin. I wish I could help her out. She refuses to talk about it. Maybe going to the dance with Greg will take her mind off of Austin.

  When the doorbell chimes, Adaline perks up. “Um … Juliet I’m going to finish my makeup in your room. Are you cool with that?”

  Layla frowns at me and I nod at Adaline. “Yeah. No worries.”

  Rachel opens the door to my sister’s room. “Looking hot in here, Ladies.”

  “Thank you,” Layla says.

  Adaline remains quiet.

  “Are you almost done? Addy can do my make-up,” I say.

  “Yep, let me curl this last lock. Addy please do not let her unpin my masterpiece.”

  Rachel steps towards us and plops down next to Adaline. “Why so glum? Fletch is one sexy beast.”

  Adaline gets off the bed and heads out the door. “What did I say?” Rachel asks.

  “Nothing,” I offer. “Thanks, sis. You’re the best.”

  “Is she going to be okay?” Layla whispers near my ear.

  I shrug.

  “No secrets,” Rachel says.

  “I’m on my period. I was asking if Juliet can carry some extras for me,” Layla says. “My purse is only so big.”

  Rachel makes a face. “That totally sucks. Well, good thing you’re wearing red if you have a little accident.”

  Layla giggles. “Exactly!”

  I leave the room. I hope my sis was joking and I don’t have to carry some extras for her. Not that I wouldn’t but it’s not exactly something any girl wants to have in their purse anyway let alone at a dance.

  I enter my own room and Adaline is sobbing hard at my unused vanity. “Hey. Oh, gosh. It’s going to be okay,” I say as I rush over to her.

  “Why did he ask her?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe there is another explanation to it,” I say.

  She lifts her head and narrows her eyes to me. “There isn’t. I knew better than to go liking some moron like him anyway. You know the sad part is he’s actually smart. Don’t give me that look. I’m serious. He’s really smart but he acts like an idiot.”

  “Come on let’s get you cleaned up so we can go to the dance. Let him see what he’s missing.”

  Adaline looks defeated. “I’m sure he doesn’t care. He’s probably happy we don’t have to do anything together. Our project was finished last week.” It’s like a light goes off. “That son of a bitch!”

  “What?” I ask.

  “Oh. Oh. He thinks he can just use me like that to do the work. That jerk!” She slams down her make-up. “Help me with this. I’ll show him that I’m the last person he should have ever messed with.”

  Jared looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and he says, “Wow.”

  “Yeah, it’s the hair, isn’t it?” I reach up to flatten it and he takes my hand and pulls it away from my head.

  “No. It’s you. All of you. You look stunning. I’m so lucky that you’re mine.” He gives me a bedazzled smile.

  I blush. “Thank you.”

  Adaline twirls in front of Greg. Austin seems to take more notice and glares at her date.

  “Um … I have a question,” I say. “Is Austin the fighting type?”

  Jared turns his attention to his friend then shrugs. “I haven’t seen him in one, but he definitely looks like he’s about to throw down. Something going on that I don’t know about?”

  “I think he and Addy had a thing. I can’t be sure because she refuses to tell me anything. I just know a few weeks ago she said she liked him and hoped he asked her to the dance. But then Rachel asked him, and he agreed and well now, they’re giving each other the evil eyes.”

  “Awesome! And just when I thought all the drama was behind us.” He brushes his lips against mine. “I’m glad you said yes.”

  “I’m glad you asked.”



  God, she’s so freaking beautiful it hurts to look at her. I shouldn’t be here. I didn’t want to be here. I need to be at work earning a paycheck not here staring at the one girl who saw me for more than a jock.

  I’m fuming at the table. Greg has his hands all over her on the dance floor and I want to snap his neck like a pencil.

  That’s it I can’t take any more of this.

  I walk over to her and pull Greg away from her. “We need to talk Adaline.”

  “Bro, we’re in the middle of dancing,” Greg pops off.

  “I’m not your bro, in fact, I don’t even like you. Adaline, I need to talk to you right now.”

  She rolls her caramel colored eyes. “Five minutes. That’s all I’m giving you.” She looks up at Greg. “I’m sorry.”

  He nods, and she follows me out into the hallway. She whips around and screams at me, “What?”

  “Why the hell are you with him?”

  “I’m not … You know what it doesn’t matter. If that’s what this is about I’m going back inside.”

  I grab her hand. “Don’t please.”

  “You’re with the person you want to be with Austin. It shouldn’t matter who I’m here with or what I do.”

  This girl makes me so mad. “You know what your problem is? You have to be right all the freaking time! When someone tells you the sad truth that you might actually be wrong you blow up.”

  “I’m not wrong. You’re the one with the problem, not me buddy! I know all about your kind. All slick, smooth talking, and use your charm to get whatever you want. Well, I’m immune to people like you! I can’t believe you used me to get a good grade!”

  “Really? That’s what you think. I didn’t use you, Adaline. Don’t act like you don’t think about that kiss every night. I bet you’re thinking about it right now. You know you want this you’re just too embarrassed to admit it.”

  Adaline smacks my arm. “I do not! That was the worst kiss of my life.”


  She makes that face. The one I can’t stand. The one that says she’s too good for someone like me. “You’re scared to fall for someone like me because I’m not what your esteem parents want in their daughter’s life.”

  “This is what I’m talking about. You’re making this all about you. Maybe I don’t want to be sloppy seconds. It has nothing to do with what my parents think.”

  “You’re not second to anyone!” This damn girl was making me lose my cool. I never in my life had to explain why I liked a person so much in all my life.

  As soon as the words fly out my mouth Rachel taps me on the shoulder. “Hey date, I’ve been looking for you. Wanna dance?”

  “Right. Goodbye Austin,” Adaline says and returns to the dance.

  I throw my hands up and storm toward the exit.

  “Austin? Where are you going?”

  I turn around. “Home. I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” Then I pivot and head out the doors.

  I can’t do this right now. The only person I want to be talking to has gone back to her date. Weeks ago, I wouldn’t have given a shit about Adaline. In fact, weeks ago, I would have said Adaline Frost was nothing but an Ice Queen. I would have probably been chasing Rachel around looking to score on some more fun. Everything changed. When I look at Rachel and I don’t see her as some hot chick anymore. In comparison to Adaline, she’s ugly. Adaline is gorgeous inside as well as out.

  I need her back. I’m going to win her back if it’s the last damn thing I do.


  Each day I am grateful and blessed to have such support from all of you wonderful readers. Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey with me. Every one of you holds a special place in my heart, for I know without you, none of this would ever be possible. Thank you!

  To my awesome family and my two incredibly-awesome children, you inspire me to be the very best version of myself. You push me to do better, make me laugh, and are always there encouraging me each and every day. I love you so much.

  To my kick-ass agent Brittany Booker, you are fantastic! Your advice makes my writing better. Tha
nk you so much for your insight!

  To my most-awesome publisher, Georgia McBride, thank you so much for believing in my book! Without you, this wouldn’t be possible. Thank you so much for all you do. I’m truly thankful to be a part of this wonderful imprint!

  My friends, fellow writers, and CP’s, without you, I don’t think I could have gotten through some days. You’re always in my corner listening to my frustrations or helping me make my work shine even more. Thank you for being my eyes and ears. You all are truly the best!

  Of course, I can’t forget the wonderful and super amazing staff at Swoon Romance. You all rock! Keep doing what you are doing. Total love for all of you!

  Special thanks to: Jason, Ethan, and Leeah. Brittany Booker, Josie Glauser, Tracey Chapman, Tiffanie Marks, Clarissa Grimes, Angie Ball, Georgia McBride, Staci Cranor, Julie Sykes, Sheri Larsen, and Michelle Aker.

  Natalie Decker

  Natalie Decker is the author of the bestselling YA series Rival Love, bestselling YA series Offsides, and bestselling NA series Scandalous Boys. She loves her family, her awesome dog, friends, carefree days, football, fuzzy blankets, traveling, reading, cooking, writing, and is a huge Denver Broncos fan. Her imagination is always going. She believes in seeing the world in a different light at all times and is an avid reader of everything. If she’s not at a Target or Starbucks, she might be typing away on her laptop, reading a book, hanging out with her amazing family, or off having an adventure. Because Natalie believes in saying: Your life is a journey, so make it amazing!

  Natalie loves interacting with readers. Feel free to follow her on any of her social media accounts. If you would like a chance to get exclusive material & ARCs visit her website: www.authornataliedecker.com and sign up for her mailing list. No spam or unsolicited materials will be sent.



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