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Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1)

Page 34

by Gray-Fee, Krista

  Where once a ghost of a man with a face empty of expression once stood, now a man of great beauty stands looking down on his temple for the first time. His eyes, silken chocolate brown, taking in every detail of the stunning women before him, the vivid scenery and the glowing goddess standing beside him. He slowly steps down the long staircase of the temple feeling the slickness of his own lifeblood before him, proof that he should not be here. Silently they watch as he enters a world he has never seen before. He stands among them at her feet, seeing the world in a whole new light, seeing his purpose in a whole new way and seeing their destiny for what it should have been. The miracle has earned their trust, their attention and for many their worship. She has unwittingly taken the place of the Father God they so desperately longed for.

  The waiting and watching over, the time to act upon them. The rebellion begins in that isolated and thriving rain forest, The chosen dethroning the Father and seeing the urgency of their calling.

  Word spreads quickly among the Ajana tribes, Amber personally taking it to many and other leaders emerging as the climate shifts within them. Derivan the ghost man has taken his place to lead a quest on her behalf, bringing the Ajana together with the knowledge Amber has shown them. They are realizing how little they have done, how they have all but ceased to exist in their hopes for his approval and acceptance, and now they want to taste the freedom she offers. They feel the power within them and know it has been underestimated for too long. They feel the immensity of their own presence when they gather together with one goal and one mind.

  Within only a few days, the world had seen a vast change, the children of the would-be God have begun challenging their bonds. They have unburdened themselves of their quiet fate, they have taken on the immense task of rebuilding a world that is falling into decay and ruin. Some will stand with her, and her cause for change. Others will resist and hold on to the security and safety of a life without responsibility. Some prefer to continue waiting for their God leader to tell them what to do next. The possibility of war seems imminent, though a uniting front has developed and the scattered tribes are working toward gathering, the air is still ripe with conflict. Amber feels hope and wonder at the world that has opened itself up so eagerly to her. She has become a part of something, finally fits somewhere and can make a difference.

  James waits for her with baited breath. He worries and frets and he can't contain his fears that something will happen to her. One of the bellhops brings him news on the second day, that she is faring well, that a new wave of understanding is washing over the world, that she brings a new hope and will be home soon. He senses the shift in the air. There is a happiness that radiates from the people that was not there before. There is a brightness in their eyes and a spring in their step revealing their lightness of heart. The burden of servitude released, so many find a new purpose to live. The light has been turned on and the darkness banished from their dreams. Amber has initiated a wave of change.

  On the seventh day, she returns to James, exhausted but exhilarated. The others have seen through her eyes, her vision of a future that rests in their own hands. She has shown them there is an answer beyond the end of days. They don't need to accept that destiny, as the final play has not yet been made. The move is in someone else's court for now, though she feels strongly she has won a major battle in the war to come.

  The first step has been taken toward restoring order and passion to a world that has forgotten how to live. She has given them inspiration, hope and a new vision of freedom. She has taken down the walls that held them for so long and though there is still a long journey and a heavy battle to obtain any lasting results. She is prepared for a long road and a difficult climb, she feels the path firm beneath her feet, her objective unwavering.

  She has her reason to fight, her reason to live, and her reason to succeed. For her it is not about faith, or about freedom, for her it has always been about love. He keeps an arm around her as they take off, beginning the long journey home. In the security of his arms she closes her eyes falling into a restful and dreamless sleep. A smile spreads across his lips. She pulls him closer and they rest feeling secure and content.

  In another place, there is another watching over her with approval.

  "Well played, my dear, well played." He whispers ...."The prophecy is unfolding perfectly, you have followed your fated path without deviation. Your destiny is clear as day in front of you".....

  The chosen one has risen on wings of fire, her visions of good intention spreading the infection of chaos and anarchy among the Ajana.

  The rebellion has begun, The Anti-Christ lives and the end of days will soon follow.




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