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Strip For Me: Part Two (Reverse Harem Serial Book 2)

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by G. Bailey

  “Except it was never perfect, my mother just kept me hidden from it all. I didn’t know how bad my father would beat her up or that he had been doing far worse to her, for years.” He tells me and pauses when I take his hand in mine.

  “One day I found out, I was thirteen and big for my age. I beat the crap out of my father, put him in a coma because I walked in on him,” he stops and I squeeze his hand. I just don’t know what to say. He clears his throat before talking again but he doesn’t look at me.

  “Anyway, when the police asked my mother what happened, she said I had gone crazy and wouldn’t admit that he was hurting her. I was sent to a youth detention centre when my father died from the injuries I gave him. My mother never visited me in the three years I stayed there, and when I was released,” he stops.

  “Well, I was sixteen and had no one to turn to. I was homeless for around two months until Eric found me. I met Andre, Todd and Dom when Eric moved me into his apartment.” He tells me and finally looks down at me. I cannot imagine Kaiden hurting anyone enough to kill them but I don’t judge him for it. Anyone in his position would have done the same thing and I wish his mother had defended him like she should have done. I guess she was scared and years of abuse can cloud anyone’s mind.

  “I’m sorry, but thankful that someone gave you a home,” I tell him.

  “Eric was a father to me, everything a real one should have been,” he tells me.

  “So, this Eric was?” I ask.

  “A crazy old man who owned a few nightclubs and strip clubs. Eric had told us his family was rich but dabbled in illegal things. When a lot of them died, he still had a lot of money and just started taking in people who needed help. There were other guys who he had gotten other jobs for and they moved on but we worked in his club and looked after him as he got older.” Kaiden says with a smile, I can see how much he must have cared for Eric.

  “So, is he?” I ask gently, the way Kaiden described him suggests that he passed on.

  “Yes, he passed away around two years ago and we all inherited this club. Andre inherited the house around the same time and he offered to let us move in. By that point we all had a lot of money from the work and could have bought our own houses but we just didn’t.” He tells me.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through all that,” I tell him softly.

  “Tell me something about you, Ellie,” he asks me as he goes back to playing with my hair, his finger skimming down my back and making me shiver.

  “There isn’t much to tell,” I say and he smiles like he doesn’t believe me. There is stuff to tell but it’s not interesting. Honestly, my life was boring when I was stuck in a dead-end marriage and rarely left the house other than to go to work.

  “Well, what about your childhood?” he asks.

  “My parents are, well, they are good parents most the time. I had a decent childhood but they’re clouded in their beliefs,” I tell him. My parents love the church more than most things, including me. If they aren’t speaking to me because I got a divorce, I think they will disown me when I tell them I’m pregnant and living with a house full of strippers.

  The thought of their horrified faces drifts into my mind and makes me chuckle a little.

  “So why is someone as beautiful as you, single and living with us?” he asks me.

  “I was married until three months ago. I walked in on my husband of eight years fucking his secretary, so it was over.” I tell him and his eyes widen.

  “What a fucking douchebag,” he says, he looks fuming mad and it makes me smile. Those were close to the words I called him.

  “It was a good thing; our marriage was over years ago and I had become a pretty thing he kept on his arm at parties. I don’t know why I didn’t leave him sooner.” I tell him and we both go quiet for a little bit. I wonder what he’s thinking.

  “Why do you think you stayed?” he asks me.

  “Because I had and still have no idea what love is,” I tell him and he looks down at me. His expression is clouded in disbelief and something else.

  “Ellie, you may not know what love is but you’re so easy to love,” he says and kisses me as my eyes widen.

  His lips move gently across my own as his hand finds the back of my head, his other hand pulling my waist closer against his hard body as the kiss deepens and I part my mouth to let him take control.

  “Andre is going on stage soon,” the words are spoken behind us in a clipped angry tone and Kaiden breaks his lips away from mine.

  “Dom,” he says looking behind me and I hear a door slam shut.

  “I…” I say but can’t finish the story.

  “Don’t over think this, I’ll talk to Dom.” Kaiden says and brushes his lips against mine before he leans back.

  “Andre wants you to watch him, you should go.” He says with a small smirk. I don’t get him, why would he kiss me one minute and then send me off to watch another man strip.

  “Ok,” I say to him and get off his lap. I walk a little shakily to the door, my mind still reeling from that kiss.

  “I hope you enjoy the dance,” Kaiden says behind me just as I walk through the door and I choose not to reply.

  I hope I do, too.


  I settle into a seat at the bar of the strip club, the stage is empty and sensual music is blasting through the room. I look out of place here, next to the tables full of gorgeous women. The club is completely full of staff members running around handing out drinks. The barman comes over to me after serving a few women who are sat at the bar.

  “What can I get you?” he asks me. The man is young, maybe just eighteen with ginger hair and a cute face.

  “Just a lemonade please,” I say and offer him my bank card when I pull it out of my phone case. I literally don’t have a purse so all my cards are in my phone case. I really need to get one when I get paid from this job.

  “No need, the owners say anything you want is on the house, Ellie,” the man tells me.

  “Oh, that’s not needed,” I say and he shakes his head with a small smile before he walks to one of the fridges behind the bar. After he gets me a lemonade and pours it in a glass, he walks off before I can even offer him my card again. I soon forget all about it when the music stops and a higher beat song comes on. I recognise the song as, Partition by Beyoncé but it’s a slow remix of it and its made for a dance like this. I watch as the lights dim on the curtain at the back of the stage. Women stand up screaming and cheering as the curtain opens, and I see Andre stood in the shadows. Andre does nothing for a second as the music builds up and then he walks slowly out on to the stage, each step slow and in beat with the music. Only dressed in tracksuit bottoms, that hang loosely around his hips, a tight white shirt and a backwards cap but he looks so hot as he moves. I feel the blush rising in my face as he moves around the stage, moving his hips and body perfectly. The dance is simple but effective and my eyes widen as he does a backflip off the end of the stage. He stands and chucks his hat off into the screaming women. I mentally curse when he walks over to me and turns my stool to face him with a small smirk on his face as he moves his hips as he slowly takes his shirt off his head. The light is bright on me as he dances out of his shirt and holds it with both his hands as he slides it behind my back. All the time he keeps in beat with the music and the women are cheering loudly.

  “Here you go, Ellie,” he says into my ear as he slowly grinds his hips against my seat and moves away as he drops his shirt into my lap.

  I chuckle a little as he runs back and jumps on the stage. He does two flips before landing perfectly, and then grinding his hips against the ground. Making every woman jealous of the ground and my cheeks blush because I know what it’s like to be the said ground.

  He somehow flips back and sits on the edge of his seat, slowly moving his hips to the music. I’m in such a trance as I watch him dance that I don’t notice the woman move to sit next to me but I look at her as she says my name.

  “So, you’re th
e famous Ellie. The only girl, other than my niece, that is allowed in the boy’s house.”

  I glance over, pulling my eyes away from Andre to look at the woman. She is gorgeous with long dark blonde hair that I’m sure is dyed from the looks of her dark roots, and big familiar- looking hazel eyes. She’s wearing simple black jeans with a sparkly black top. It’s not as revealing as most of the women wear in here and she looks around my age.

  “Yes, who are you?” I ask her.

  “Annie, I’m one of Todd’s sisters and I work behind the bar here sometimes.” She offers me her perfectly manicured hand and I shake it.

  “Nice to meet you, I remember Todd said he had a sister,” I say, wondering if she was the pregnant one. If she was, its completely unfair how she has a perfect body still.

  “Oh, he has three, I’m the middle one and the most annoying apparently,” she winks and makes me laugh.

  “Isn’t it weird to see your brother dancing like that?” I ask, again choosing to use the word dancing instead of stripping.

  “Oh, I don’t work the nights that he is working,” she says with a laugh and I guess that makes sense.

  “So, Todd told you about me?” I ask, sounding like a school girl looking for gossip before taking a sip of my drink to shut myself up.

  “Yes, I believe his exact words were, ‘Andre moved his pregnant one-night stand into the house, but she’s cool.’” She says and laughs when I choke on my drink.

  “Wow, that sentence makes me sound bad,” I say with a small laugh.

  “Not at all. We’ve all had one-night stands but you were lucky yours was with someone as good as Andre. All the boys are good underneath all the idiocy,” she tells me with a wink. I’m glad she understands and isn’t judging me.

  “Anyway, I’m going get ready to start my shift. Nice to meet you, Ellie, I’ll tell Todd to bring you over to our house sometime,” she says and surprises me by gently hugging me. I watch her walk back into staff rooms before I look back at the stage.

  Andre has his leg either side of the pole as he moves his body slowly sliding down it, in beat to the music which is talking about sex.

  I don’t want to admit how turned on this is making me, because it damn well is and when Andre’s eyes catch mine across the room, he gives me a devilish smirk.

  The man knows how sexy he is and I bet he knows just how much it’s affecting me.

  Holy ducks, I’m falling for a stripper.


  “Have you lost your fucking mind?” I shout at Kaiden when he walks into the changing room. The two other guys in here quickly leave the room as I stare at Kaiden in front of me.

  “No, it just happened and I’m not saying sorry for it,” he tells me as he crosses his arms.

  “Andre is gonna flip,” I tell him, and the bastard just shrugs.

  “It’s not like I’m demanding she be with me or anything. I just like her and I kissed her.” He says and I give a look.

  “I saw that kiss, it was passionate and not a kiss that had no feelings attached to it,” I say, ignoring the fact that it was a turn on seeing Ellie being kissed like that. I’ve shared girls with the guys before when we were younger. It’s not a taboo thing for us but it was only one night here and there, not someone we live with.

  “You’re telling me you have no desire to kiss her?” he says with a slow chuckle following his words when I glare at him.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says, being a smartass.

  “We can’t all date her,” I tell him and he shrugs.

  “Why not? Just for now, and then we’ll see who she chooses. It doesn’t bother me if she is dating you guys, too,” he shrugs. I really don’t think that would work, Andre and Todd are possessive as shit. Andre even more so considering Ellie is pregnant with his child.

  “You’re thinking about it,” Kaiden says with a grin.

  “She might not even like any of us.” I say, ignoring the fact I’m sure she feels something for Andre and Kaiden.

  “How about we just see how things go?” Kaiden suggests and we don’t talk about it anymore as Todd’s sister comes into the room. I think it’s better if I just stay away from Ellie, if I don’t talk to her or look at her, then the stupid attraction will go away.

  “Hey boys, I met Ellie,” she says and I nod as I watch her give Kaiden a hug. She comes over and hugs me, too.

  “How’s the girlfriend?” I ask her when she lets go. I can’t remember her name but I know they’ve been fighting recently. The only reason I know is because I saw Annie and her girlfriend shouting at each other in the supermarket and I had to stop Annie from throwing a bunch of bananas at her girlfriend. Then Annie said her girlfriend was fucking bananas and that’s why she was throwing them. I really don’t get women well enough to understand that.

  “We’re over,” she says as she looks down, her long hair hiding her face and she clears her throat.

  “Sorry, Annie,” Kaiden says coming over and giving her another hug.

  “It’s for the best but that Ellie is pretty. Any chance she bats for my team?” Annie says and I narrow my eyes.

  “No chance, and I think she has her hands full,” Kaiden says and winks at me.

  Fucking hell, what does he think I just agreed to?


  “Morning, El,” Todd says, making me jump, with a spoon full of Nutella in my mouth. I guiltily look up at him from my seat on the sofa as he laughs.

  “You have Nutella on your cheek,” he says, still laughing as I pull the spoon out of my mouth and put it back into the jar.

  “So, you found my Nutella?” he asks as he comes over and wipes his thumb across my cheek. I watch as he puts his thumb in his mouth and sucks the Nutella away. I’m so blaming my hormones when I find him doing that, sexy.

  “Andre said no one eats it and I could have as much as I wanted. Sorry, I didn’t know it was yours,” I say and he sits next me.

  “I can share,” he shrugs and takes my spoon out of the jar. I watch as he gets a big spoon full of Nutella and eats it. Our eyes meet as he takes way too long enjoying the Nutella before he takes the spoon out of his mouth.

  “I met your sister last night,” I say, my voice coming out high- pitched. Holy ducks, I’m way too attracted to this guy. It’s bad enough that I kissed Kaiden, almost kissed Andre again and now I am giving flirty eyes to Todd. I need to get my shit together and remember that the baby comes first. Not my insane hormones.

  “Which one?” he asks as he puts the spoon back.

  “Annie,” I say and he smiles.

  “Did she try to hit on you? I don’t blame her if she did,” he says, chuckling when my eyes widen. Did he just suggest that he finds me attractive?

  “No, I don’t think so. She told me that you spoke of me.” I say and he grunts as a reply.

  “Oh, and thanks for the ginger biscuit idea. I carry them around in my purse now as they do make me feel better,” I tell him and he nods as our eyes catch. I also found the three bottles of ginger ale that were in the fridge this morning. He must have gotten them for me and it’s sweet.

  “I’ve got to go and help my sister,” he says, standing up quickly and walking away. He stops and runs his hand through his hair before he looks back at me.

  “Do you want to come?” he asks me and I sit back, a little shocked that he is inviting me to meet his sister.

  “Yes,” I say and he nods. I follow him out after slipping my shoes and coat on. I’m wearing ripped jeans and a black jumper. It’s one of those super soft ones that are so nice to have on.

  Todd holds the door to his blue BMW open for me when we get outside. I run quickly to him as it starts to rain. The car looks old and like someone has put a lot of effort into doing it up. The seats are dark blue inside and the car is well looked after. Todd gets in the car as I do my seatbelt up.

  “Did you restore this car?” I ask him and he nods.

  “It’s a hobby. I find broken, classical cars and restore the
m. Remind me to show you the garage sometime.” He says.

  “It’s beautiful,” I tell him as I run my hand over the polished headboard and he looks at me for a second before looking back at the road.

  “Sometimes the most beautiful things in the world come to us broken and in pieces. It’s up to us to decide if we want to put them back together to see the real beauty or let them fall apart.” He tells me, his words seem like he isn’t just talking about a car.

  I want to reply but my phone starts ringing in my jeans and I pull it out. I smile widely when I see Liz’s name.

  “Hello,” I say to Liz.

  “Hey Hun, how are you?” she asks me straight away.

  “All good, did you get my text?” I ask her as she never replied to me.

  “Yes, sorry I didn’t reply. I forgot to ask, what’s your new address?” she asks me and I hear a male voice in the background. I can’t hear what he says but it sounds familiar. I just can’t hear enough to know why it does.

  “I can text you it in a sec, but do you want to meet up?” I reply as I hear her moving around.

  “Okay, send me the address and yes it would be nice to see you.” She tells me but her tone is off. In fact, she sounds distant to me.

  “Everything alright, Liz?” I ask her and she quickly replies.

  “Yes, I’m just busy with work and that. Don’t forget to send me the address. Love you,” she says and puts the phone down.

  “Everything okay?” Todd asks.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I say and he nods before he looks back at the road. I quickly text Liz my new address but she doesn’t reply. I don’t think on it anymore as Todd pulls into a quiet street. The houses are small and look old. They are all attached with grey stone bricks that match the grey stone roads. Todd parks in front of the one with a white door and gets out. I get out myself and shut the door. Todd waits for me and then opens the front door, without knocking.


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