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Twilight's Spell (Vampire Magic Book 1)

Page 18

by Sela Croft

Images of Sienna and Gretl flashed through my mind. Memories of my conversations with Bernadette about her family. Dawn, the silent, fearful cleaner in training—she could have a life, a future that meant more than submitting to the vampires.

  I didn’t think the vampires were bad at heart. At least, I wanted to believe they weren’t. Terrifying? Definitely. But bad? How could a race created out of necessity be bad? They were just doing what they had to. They hadn’t considered the alternative.

  But Logan might be willing to.

  I didn’t care what everyone else said my role in this was meant to be. I was going to decide that for myself. I was going to do what it was I’d been brought here to do, on my own terms.

  “I can’t go back,” I said, then shook my head. “Not without my sister. I came here because of her, and I’ll leave with her. You have to help me find her.”

  Together, we could figure this all out. I knew we could. Rosamon and I were stronger together. We were the key to all of this, and we had to be reunited.

  Noah frowned. “That’s not a good idea. It’s a huge risk.”

  “I know,” I said. “But something or someone wanted us here, for a reason. Even if, no one will tell me what that reason was.”

  I stared at Noah, accusingly, and he lifted his hands. “I don’t know the reason. I swear.”

  “You know that we’re supposed to play a role in all of this. What role is that?”

  “I didn’t even know what role I’d been playing exactly,” he said. “When it comes to you and Rosamon, I’ve told you everything I know.”

  “It seems like everyone around me has told me a different story. I’ve been here for four days, and I’m still not certain what this place is, what vampires are, what the Fae are, or what exactly I have to do with all of it.”


  “Well, I’ve talked to some humans I’ve met along the way…a woman in the woods, another in the holding cell they threw me in, and Bernadette, Logan’s cook and maid.”

  “The humans have very strong opinions about what’s going on.”

  “Maybe. Some of them do, I guess. More than anything, it seems like they just want to survive. Like the vampires.”

  “And you’ve gotten the vampire’s opinion aboutu all this, as well, I gather…from Logan?”

  I nodded. “He’s the only one who has told me anything. Even if it was only half of the information. Like you, he doesn’t want to talk about whatever is going on out there. It’s like it scares him.”

  “We’re all afraid these days. Both sides of the fight have reached a breaking point. You can label one side good, and the other evil. But be careful how you use those terms. Sometimes, good breeds evil and evil breeds good.”

  “So, you’re saying that Logan is wrong?”

  “I’m just warning you to be careful.”

  I wanted to defend Logan. For some reason, I felt the need to stick up for my captor. I didn’t even consider him my captor, anymore. He was trying to protect me, along with the others. It was a huge responsibility and weighed heavily on him. I had seen that he was intense and passionate about what mattered to him. And he carried that fierceness with him; it consumed him and everything around him.

  It had consumed me.

  And now, I wanted to defend him. But I didn’t. I could tell that my friend’s words were spoken with sincerity, and it was best to heed his caution.

  How I felt about Logan fluctuated. Her could be terrifying and furious, then kind and even funny. My longing to be near him conflicted with my desire to run away.

  “And what about Rosamon?” I said, pushing Logan from my mind. “She may not know of all the dangers. Will she know what to do?”

  Noah shook his head. “I don’t know. I hope so. She’s smart and resourceful and strong.”

  “And alone,” I said. “She’s out there alone.”

  “Yes, that’s true.”

  “You have to help me find her,” I said. “And figure out what we’re doing here. Then you can take both of us home.”

  “Fine then, I will. But I don’t like it. I’ll help you anyway.”

  “Good.” I pushed myself up and began to think, trying to decide what our first step should be. “Clearly, we need to figure out how to get out of here. Well, you got in here, right? So, you can get us out. What’s your special ability?”

  “My what?”

  “Your ability. Logan told me that the vampires each have magical abilities, something you gained from the spell that created you. You know, Natasha can see the future; Logan can fly. What can you do?”

  Before he could answer, it came to me.

  “You were able to get in here,” I said. “You came in that mist stuff. Can you turn into mist or something?”

  “Turn into mist or something,” he said with a grin. “You were always so eloquent, Callie.”

  “Well, what would you call it?”

  “I’ve always called it transmogrification,” he said. I looked at him blankly. “Shapeshifting.”

  “Like a werewolf?”

  “No. Well, yes. But not as furry and without teeth.”

  “Interesting. I would normally say that you got the short end of the stick with that ability, but it appears it will be useful. Although, being a werewolf would be pretty awesome.”

  “Well, wolf-shifter was already taken.”

  “Really? There’s a wolf vampire? Wait, no, that’s not important. Scratch that question. What’s important is mist. When you change and all that, can you take someone with you?”

  Noah didn’t answer.

  “You can, can’t you?”

  With a sigh, he admitted that he could. “I don’t like this though. What will happen if Logan comes back and sees that you’re not here? What if something goes wrong?”

  “I’m not worried about Logan, right now,” I said.

  Although, I was a little bit. I wasn’t worried about him getting angry with me. I’d had enough experience with that to know I could handle myself. I was worried about leaving things between us, the way we had. I wanted to talk to him and share my story. I wanted to make it right.

  That would have to wait.

  “Right now, I’m only worried about finding my sister. And this is how you’re going to help me.”

  “I owe you that much.”

  “Yes, you do,” I said. So, we’ll just turn into mist and float on out of here. What’s it like, exactly? Does it hurt? No, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. It won’t matter. It’s our only choice. Not knowing how things work in this realm has gotten me this far, I suppose.”

  Chapter 48


  We walked toward the window. I looked over my shoulder, taking one last glance at my royal prison. It didn’t feel like a prison, anymore. The reality that I would be leaving, suddenly made me want to stay.

  I remembered my first night there, in that very room. The fight I’d had with Logan, the time we’d spent together on the rooftop—it all flashed through my mind.

  The conversations that showed a different side of him, the discoveries I had made, the connection we had formed.

  The last time I’d seen him.

  I couldn’t forget the way he’d made me feel. I longed to feel that intensity again, the passion that he’d instilled in me that had left me dizzy.

  I looked back at the door. Part of me hoped to see him come bursting through it in a dramatic way. Part of me longed to have him storm in and sweep me up with fervor, filling me with a million different feelings at once. The thought of leaving Logan created a visceral ache, deep within me, pulling me to stay and wait for his return.

  Then I shut my eyes and thought of my sister. I pictured her face. No matter how Logan made me feel, I was incomplete without my twin, and she without me. I had to go after her. I let my concern for her push aside anything else.

  “Are you ready?” Noah asked, holding out his hand.

  “I’m ready. Take me to my sister.” I slipped my hand in
to his and took a step forward.

  We floated off the balcony, and my feet were no longer under me. There was no foundation. I felt the air rushing over me, until it became me. Weightlessness and freedom engulfed my form. I could see and feel. But my body was gone. Only my mind remained—my essence.

  The wind pushed me along, with Noah’s hand holding onto mine. I couldn’t see his hand or my own. Yet I could feel the connection. The lights of the city shimmered far below, reflecting in the water droplets that hovered weightlessly around us. The mountains in the distance were visible through the fog, and they were growing nearer.

  My voice floated through the mist. “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Noah said.

  “Where is my sister?”

  While floating through the air, I buzzed with energy. The sensation overwhelmed me, fraying my nerves. Panic followed. I tried to gasp for breath, but relief didn’t come. Perceptions seemed magnified. My emotions floated through the mist with us, clinging to us—suffocating me. “Where is my sister?”

  Noah didn’t answer. He tightened his hold on my hand, and a foreboding cold swept through. It chilled me to my core. “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere.” Noah’s hold on me tightened.

  I sensed Noah’s fear. He, too, was panicking. I wanted to pull my hand back, but I couldn’t. I wanted to scream and beg him to stop, but the words didn’t come.

  “Noah,” I whispered, “Where are you taking me?”

  “I don’t know.” Noah glanced at me, without releasing my hand. “I’m not in control anymore. I have no idea where we’re going.”

  If you enjoyed Twilight’s Spell, you don’t want to miss Night’s Deceit– Book 2 of Vampire Magic.

  Can Callie Rescue Her Sister?

  An evil Fae princess is in pursuit, because it seems that Callie’s blood is special. And her ability is vital to cast the spell to wipe out the vampire civilization. Then the darkness of the Fae will rule, blotting out all goodness.

  Vampire Magic – 5 book series:

  Twilight’s Spell

  Night’s Deceit

  Gloom’s Whisper

  Enchantment’s Trap

  Immortal Embrace

  BONUS: Click HERE to receive the FREE Prequel:

  Dawn’s Shadow (Vampire Magic Prequel) (exclusive content)

  A tale of Callie and Rosamon – find out how all the trouble starts.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Twilight’s Spell by Sela Croft ©2018 All Rights Reserved

  Published By Camden Lee Press




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