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Angel of Darkness Books 6-10

Page 20

by Mackenzie Morris

  "You know what?" Kato slid the drawer to her desk open and pulled out an officially-written document with signatures at the bottom. "We're ending this mess right now. If I had known the problems this damned piece of paper would cause, I never would have agreed to this. I've always been adamantly against slavery of all kinds, but you looked so desperate that I made a very reluctant exception. I was a slave, Jaylen. For two years, I was a slave on a slave ship, forced to work, and be whipped. I know what that does to a person."

  Jaylen looked up at her. "You were a slave?"

  "Yes. So despite my moral sacrifice, it has become all too apparent that this isn't working. As of this moment, I am relinquishing you as my property."


  Kato crumpled up the paper then tossed it into the hearth where the flames rapidly engulfed it. "There."

  "No!" Jaylen crawled to the hearth then cried out as he stuck his hand into the blazing fire to scoop up a glowing handful of embers.

  Kato yanked him away from the flames. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  Jaylen collapsed against her chest and sobbed. "Why? Why don't you want me anymore?"

  His hand, wrist, and forearm were covered in pink, red, and black burns. Blood oozed out of the awful injuries. "You're an idiot. Zeriel! Zeriel, get in here. Jaylen is injured."

  The door to the cabin instantly opened and the black-winged angel sped inside. He picked up the crying boy and carried him to the bed. As he examined the burns, he shook his head. "What happened?"

  "The genius here decided to reach into the fire to grab a burning piece of paper." Kato handed the angel her medical kit.

  Zeriel began cleaning the burns delicately. "Jaylen, why? I'm getting tired of having to patch you up all the time."

  Jaylen hadn't stopped crying and the doctoring of his wounds didn't help the situation. "She burned the slave contract!"

  "Because she loves you, Jay. You should be grateful. How could you do this to yourself? You only have one hand left. Are you trying to lose it too?"

  Kato frowned. "Is it that bad? Could he lose it?"

  "Nah, I don't think so. It will hurt for a while, but he will recover just fine. Stop bawling like a baby, Jay. You're being ridiculous. I know you are overreacting."

  "Nuh uh!"

  "Who knows you better than anyone else on this planet?" Zeriel asked, glaring at the boy sternly.

  Jaylen hid his face in the pillow and mumbled. "You do."

  "So I know when you are wanting attention. Quit. Just cut it out before you make me hurt you more than you already are."


  "I swear, it's like dealing with a child. A spoiled, bratty, selfish child. You're better than this, Jaylen. What happened to the Jaylen who survived losing his hand, the soul purge exorcism, and who saved that child from the burning house in Ilyan? Where did that Jaylen go? You have so much potential, but you hide yourself away behind doubt and mock immaturity. I know for a fact that you aren't this childish."

  Jaylen pulled his bandaged hand away and sat up. "You're right."

  "Then why act like this?" Zeriel asked.

  "Because . . . because I'm scared. I'm not ready for things to change. I don't know the first thing about being a husband."

  "That's what this is about?" Kato asked, wiping the tears from Jaylen's bright blue eyes. "If you're that scared about our wedding, then why didn't you come to discuss it with me? If this marriage has any chance of working, you have to communicate with me even about things that scare you. You know I love you, right?"

  He nodded his head.

  "Then what's the problem? You have so many people who love you and care about you. Take this chance to stand up and be brave while you still have this solid backing of support to catch you if you fall. We're not going to let you down."

  Jaylen took a deep breath as the realization fell over him, causing him to relax. "All right. Then there's something I need to do as soon as possible."

  "What's that?"

  "Let's get married, Kato. Then we can work together to make me a better man."

  Kato patted his bandages gently and offered a reassuring smile. "I think I can make this happen."

  * * *

  As the mage-glow above the ocean began to fade for the night as it had been casted long ago to do, Karix still hovered above the ship and followed it as it made its way through the smooth waters. He looked down as Kato and Jaylen joined him. "Someone is missing here. That elder angel. Where is Oviel? Liam is trying to find answers that no one has been willing to divulge. Jaylen, you are in charge of this operation, are you not? It will do you well to answer the questions of your subjects."

  Jaylen clasped Kato's hand in his. "Oviel isn't with us anymore."

  "He's dead?" Karix asked.

  "He will be, or he will be wishing he was dead."

  "Where is he? Did Carvael take him?"

  "Oviel is currently facing the Angelic Court on charges of-"

  "Quiet. There are easier ways to deliver this news." Jeremiah landed on the deck then held out his hand to the dragon. "Karixlesminatim, your mate's purity has been compromised by Oviel."

  "You're saying that Oviel abused Liam?"

  "Unfortunately. We were all extremely shocked when we found out."

  The dragon snorted. "This is a joke, right? Is this how you humans create humor? Bring Oviel out here. Your joke is over."

  Jaylen crossed his arms on his chest. "It's not a joke, Karix."

  "What? Oviel didn't even touch Liam in any way that I would object to. I have been able to hear all of Liam's thoughts from the time I left, I just wasn't able to respond because of a barrier that Carvael put up. Liam never exhibited fear, shame, or anything of the sort. From what I know, I owe Oviel my thanks for protecting and tending to Liam while I was gone. Oviel did nothing other than care for Liam in every way possible. How could someone twist that into an abhorrent thing like he's being charged with? Did anyone even ask Liam about it?"

  "No . . . we didn't want to make Liam feel bad."

  "Did anyone examine him?" Karix asked. "If Oviel had done something to Liam, he would show it. He's so little and frail as it is. Look him over. You'll find no bruises, no injuries, nothing."

  Kato nodded to Jeremiah. "Check the kid over, will you?"

  "Right away."

  A few minutes later, a concerned-looking Jeremiah walked back upstairs.

  "Well? What are your findings, Jeremiah?" Kato asked.

  "Um . . . maybe it would be best for us to speak in private with Karix and Jaylen about this."

  "That bad?" Jaylen asked. "Did you find something?"

  "Oh, I definitely found something." He led them downstairs, along the dark hallway, and into the room then tapped Liam on the shoulder. "Liam, please remove the blanket and lie down on the bed on your stomach."


  Once the boy was on the bed, Jeremiah pointed to him. "Look at his lower back near his tailbone."

  Tiny slick black and grey scales covered the base of Liam's spine and appeared to be spreading up his back. Jaylen reached out to touch them. They were hard. "What in Sola's name is that? Are those . . . scales?"

  Kato contemplatively played with the ends of her curly black hair. "But Xair is half dragon and doesn't have scales."

  "Xair isn't mated to an Elder Dragon."

  Jaylen had heard and seen enough. He ran back upstairs to face the dragon. "Karix, what is happening to Liam? He has scales!"

  "You say that like you're not pleased."

  "We're not pleased! Liam is a child."

  "A child who is my rider, my knight, and my mate. I was under the impression that everyone here already knew that."

  "Yes, but why is he growing scales?" Jaylen asked.

  "Because I wanted him to. He's my mate and I can do with him what I want. Liam needs protection, and if you nosey angels continue to take away his specially made armor, then you leave me no choice other than to begin my mating process early so he can at least
grow some scales on that delicate human skin of his."

  Jeremiah joined them on deck and looked up at the dragon. "But in order for dragons to reproduce to form baby dragons, don't both the dragon and the rider die?"

  "You don't learn much about dragons in Heaven, do you? Once Liam's transformation is completed, I will die. He will die and be reborn as a combined soul, mine and his. He will hatch from an egg below The Veil as the baby dragon he took the form of before death. Because I am an Elder Dragon, I have the power to start and stop the mating process at will. You have nothing to worry about. I will not let this go too far. Liam's human soul is secure for now. And if I have it my way, Liam will be human for many decades to come."

  "How can we know you are telling the truth?" Jeremiah asked.

  "Because I made a pact with my mate." Karix stated plainly. "I am incapable of lying to my mate. We communicate telepathically, remember? If I was ever attempting to lie, Liam would know immediately."

  Jeremiah sneezed a few times into his handkerchief then leaned back against the main mast. "But this doesn't solve the bigger issue here. I watched what was recorded in Liam's eyes myself. There was enough evidence there to convict Oviel without much doubt."

  "What exactly did you see?" Karix asked. "I deserve to know what my rider has been subjected to. Liam and I are one, you know."

  "Yes, I know."

  "Well? Spit it out. What happened to him?"

  "Oviel . . . Oviel kissed him."

  Jaylen tilted his head curiously. "Uh . . ."

  "On the lips. It was very concerning and quick. They were both sitting on the bed and Liam was smiling."

  Zeriel came outside, followed by Trevor and Brinx who was cradling baby Cael in her arms. "What's going on?"

  Jaylen took his angel's arm for support. "Oviel kissed Liam. That was what was recorded in Liam's eyes."



  "So?" Karix asked.

  Jeremiah sneezed again. "So what?"

  "Is that all? That's what you turned your friend over to be executed for? I will never understand you humans."

  As much as it troubled him, Zeriel still couldn't fully understand. "Jeremiah, are you saying that the only thing you saw from all the events recorded in Liam's eyes was one kiss?"

  "Yes. Sola would not have been pleased."

  Kato sighed and shook her head. "Jeremiah, there had to be something else for you to feel this way. Were they clothed?"

  "Yes. But Trevor said that he caught Liam wearing Oviel's shirt."

  Karix growled. "Where is Liam's dragonwing armor that I made him? It is extremely valuable."

  "In the room he shared with Oviel."

  "Why wasn't he wearing it? I told him to wear it at all times."

  "We can settle that later." Jaylen cut the argument off before it got going. There were bigger things to tend to. "Right now, we have to go get Oviel back."

  "Why?" Jeremiah asked. "Oviel is on trial for harming Liam."

  Zeriel was the next one to step forward to defend Oviel. "Jeremiah, you're an idiot. I'm sorry, but you've made a huge mistake. Oviel has always treated Liam like a son. There was nothing wrong going on there."

  "Have I misread human signals?" Jeremiah asked, replacing the soiled handkerchief in the pocket of his long grey canvas jacket.


  "I see. Well . . . I am sorry."

  "Sorry?" Jaylen asked, his fist tightening. "You're sorry? Sorry doesn't save Oviel's life. Sorry doesn't even begin to clear his name. He's innocent and you blamed him for something so heinous and deplorable."

  "What would you have me say?"

  The quick to anger Trevor stormed up to the seraph and pointed in his face as he shouted. "You failed, Jeremiah. You failed Oviel just like you failed Tristan and Abby. Just go. Go away and leave us alone. You've caused enough trouble as it is."

  "But I-"

  "Go!" Trevor ordered, motioning up to the sky. "Go do whatever it is you do normally while we are left here to clean up your mistake. You've been nothing but trouble since you showed up here. Now leave before you force me to do something I don't want to do. No one likes you, Jeremiah. Your head is empty, you're completely oblivious to things around you, and we would all be happier if you died. Yes, I mean that. Just do the world a favor and die. That way we can save the lives of the few people who have met you and lived to tell about it. You may be a seraph, but you are more worthless than that seagull crap all over the deck. That's right. I would rather have that than you!"

  Jeremiah silently walked up to Brinx and yanked baby Cael from her arms before escaping into the sky.

  Trevor ran to the side of the ship and screamed at the clouds. "Hey! Get back here! He stole Cael from us! Do something."

  "Do what?" Zeriel asked as he pulled Trevor back from the railing. "He's a lunatic. Besides, according to the law, he is Cael's adopted father. There's nothing we can do about it. What you said wasn't the best catalyst for friendship. That was a bit harsh, don't you think?"

  "He deserved it." Trevor's anger flashed across his face. "It was no excuse to steal my son from me."

  "This was partially your fault too, Trevor. You were the one who first thought something was going on between them. You planted those seeds of doubt in our group. Now what do you plan on doing about it?"

  "I'm getting my son back even if it means killing a seraph." Trevor secured his war hammer on his back then quickly looked through the pouch on his belt. "Jaylen, I need virgin blood. Yours still fits that, right?"

  Why was he going to help him fight a seraph? Because at that point, Jaylen had seen enough of Jeremiah's ill-informed antics and he feared for the wellbeing of the little ishim. He sighed, trapped in someone else's predicament. "For now."

  Trevor slipped a long needle and a large glass vial from his pouch. "I'm going to need a lot for what I have planned. Have you eaten today?"

  "A bit. I should be okay, though. Don't worry about me. I'll stay here if I need to." Jaylen held out his arm to the warlock. "Take as much as you need. Zeriel, come hold me steady in case I get lightheaded."

  Chapter 10

  Minutes after Brinx carried Trevor off into the sky on their quest for revenge and finding their son, Nimiel landed on the deck and went straight to Jaylen. He bowed slightly to his friend. "We have a problem."

  Jaylen groaned. What now? "What's that?"

  "Oviel confessed."

  "What? He confessed to what?"

  "Everything. Turns out we were all wrong."

  "I don't understand. What exactly did he confess to?" Zeriel asked.

  "Maybe we should discuss this in a more private place. The details are . . . disturbing."

  "You tell me now and in front of everyone. I have to know. Oviel was my friend."

  Nimiel whispered into Zeriel's ear for a few long moments before stepping away. "That's about it."

  Zeriel's normally pale skin became even paler and his black wings drooped.

  Jaylen caught his arm. "Zeriel?"

  "Give me a few moments alone. I have a lot to think about."

  "Come on now. You have to tell us something."

  "Jaylen is right, Zeriel." Kato insisted, pushing them both into her cabin. "This is my ship and as long as you are on my ship, you will answer any questions I have. Now, tell us what Oviel confessed to. I want details. I need to know everything."

  Zeriel went to the window where he stayed for nearly half an hour before he finally spoke. "Oviel isn't the man I thought he was. For my entire life, he has been my friend, my mentor, my confidant. I remember spending countless afternoons up in Heaven playing in his mansion with him. We would eat mana and he would draw targets on the walls where we would throw those tiny fluffy balls and make a game of it. He would let me win because he said he loved to see me smile. Oviel and Axaniel would put on puppet shows and we would sing songs until nighttime when Carvael would come get me. Sometimes Oviel would let me spend the night . . ."

  "Did he hurt y
ou too?" Jaylen asked.

  "No . . . not that I remember. That was before my awakening, so not everything is clear. But no. Oviel was nice."

  Jaylen took Kato's hand and squeezed it. "Zeriel, you don't look very confident with that statement."

  "I just don't know anything anymore."

  "Hey, it's okay. I've been there, Zeriel. I was so young when my father-"

  The angel cut him off. "No. Oviel isn't that kind of man. There has to be an explanation for all of this. Where is Liam? I need to go talk to Liam."

  "Why?" Kato asked. "So you can interrogate a boy about being molested by an angel he trusted?"

  "That's not what happened. I bet my life on it."

  "You're in denial."

  "I'm not." Zeriel said.

  "Then what did Oviel confess to?" Jaylen asked. "We need to know so we can help him in any way possible."

  "He told the Angelic Court that he has been keeping Liam by his side to be used whenever he wanted him."

  Jaylen felt sick. "No."

  "Yes. He told the court that he had been manipulating Liam's mind to control him like a puppet to get whatever he wanted out of him."

  Kato rubbed Jaylen's back. "Oviel is certainly powerful enough to do something like that."

  "But he's not evil enough. Oviel didn't do these things. And I'm going to prove it." Zeriel stepped into his tall leather boots then pulled on his long black wool coat with the ruby buttons. He stretched his ebony wings out then went to the door of the cabin. "Don't wait up for me, Jay."

  "Where are you going?" Jaylen asked.

  "I'm getting answers. I don't know if it was a forced confession, if those angelic bastards broke Oviel with torture, or if they used some kind of mind-altering potions to get him to lie. Or if I've been blinded by my faith in people."

  "Stop. You can't go there. They will kill you. I need you here with me, Zeriel. We will find a way to get Oviel back."

  "I can't just-"

  "Stay. That's an order, Zeriel!" Jaylen shouted at him.

  Zeriel growled as he pushed past Jaylen and left, slamming the cabin door behind him.

  "How dare he? Kato, how dare he just defy me like that?"

  "He needed to go find out about his friend. You know that. Besides Zeriel, what do you think about all of this? Oviel was your friend and you haven't really said much."


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